F*tanari System


The days started to blend. My days would consist of Representatives looking for me for various reasons if I wasn't in the lab brewing new potions like an assembly line. One thing I quickly learned that my Alchemy set did not allow me to create potions in bulk. I soon realized that it specialized more towards complicated potions that needed precise instruments.

This became a bottleneck in my production. I spent some time in the rare shops catered towards Alchemists in the Demon lands, but none met my standards. They all were beginner sets made towards teenagers that knew little about the subject. Some had some higher standards on their alchemy sets, but they were on the low-quality end with mistakes in the set's craftsmanship.

I continued for days looking only to come up empty. This did not go unnoticed, though. New things started to show up in meetings, with Alchemy sets becoming a bargaining chip. They would show me a couple of their sets, but all of them were geared towards precise results over bulk. This continued as I also negotiated the free trade agreement for our nations.

The devil was in the details, and I had to give ground making the trade agreement more favorable to the Demon lands. That didn't mean I gave ground for nothing in the negotiations, though. The Succubi were becoming a closer ally; again, it helped in this regard. With the Succubi joining me, the Incubi followed suit. The Devils were favorable, with Francis becoming an ally at the negotiation table.

On this day, though, I got confirmation on what the council wanted to do regarding the succubi wanting our potion. The Council said to test the potion to the best of my abilities with the Succubi matriarchs. With those results, we could come to an agreement after the results are in. I wholeheartedly agreed with the council in this regard and got Alexia to reach Se Mon and Julia for another meeting.

They Responded instantly, asking for a meeting the same day. The council had shown interest in these results and moved it up my priority as well. Alexia told me it was possible if I moved my next appointment to tomorrow and canceled an hour of my pioneering. I told her to get it done, and everything moved forward.

I finished a meeting an hour later with more discussions with the Medesua House for the free trade agreement. Something to do with the fact that they wanted greater access to our harbors than was initially being discussed. I proposed as a counter both countries invest in their own ports to increase trade by water in advance of the decrease in piracy on the seas.

The Medesuaians played hardball at this point, though, and I realized this might take longer than I thought. They were using this point to get me to concede something else later, acting like they cared more about it than they did. I was expecting things like this to crop up. The unfortunate part was that our nation was the weaker party. We needed this more than they did, and we still were looking to increase our relationship with the Demon Lands.

I needed something to give me a hand over them; otherwise, there would be no way for me to go back to the council of Silvermoon Tower, let alone the Gathering of tribes. The Council, though, was supporting me, and the next conference where the tribes of our nation congregate was coming soon. If I didn't come up with something before, then it would have to wait for the next Tribal gatherings. They would be able to make a free trade deal with the bunny-kin exclusively, not the Beast-kin nation.

I truly hated the politics of my own nation. I sat back with a sigh as the Medusaians left the meeting room. Our separated tribes divided our resources and our clout. Every nation on friendly terms with us understood that you were dealing with a particular tribe. Regardless of the fact, they represented our entire nation. This didn't mean Ambassadors didn't have power, though. We had more than most would think. But a free trade agreement between countries would have to be signed into law with the gathering of the Tribes.

This would also be when our nation would vote to see if we would declare war on the Empire. The vote was very democratic, except only the tribal heads got a vote. Those tribal heads were not elected in either. It was a dumb system that people were put in power based on their strength and race. This was then compounded that Tribes followed other tribes. Bunny-kin controlled the Goat-kin Goat-kin and Mouse-kin. These races tribal leaders would always vote with us. We may be the second most powerful, but when it came to the gathering of tribes, things became way more complicated.

I leaned back on the couch, giving off a heavy sigh. I felt stressed at the moment. Every day I was busy, and at night I would please my women. This was how I blew off stress at this point, and I was becoming reliant on my nights to blow off steam. Still, I felt the tension building up inside.

The Weight of a nation was on me, and I knew every single thing I was doing here had long-lasting consequences. I knew not everything was up to me, and more people worked in the background, furthering our goals. That didn't mean I wasn't fucking stressed out. I leaned back, sinking as deep as I could go into the couch as I contemplated the next steps.

A short time passed, and the door opened up behind me. I heard Alexia's voice come through. "Se Mon and Julia are here." She told me curtly. She paused, notifying me as she froze in step. I realized she noticed my current stress, but I didn't do anything to cover it up.

"Thanks, Alexia," I said sincerely, knowing she reduced the number of worries I had. "You are doing a great job. Please send them in." I told her.

"A-Are you okay?" Alexia asked me her concern showing. I turned to her, and I smiled at her.

"Yeah. Regardless I will keep moving." I reassured her. Her concerned expression didn't change, though. Still, she left the room to grab the Se Mon and Julia.

I laid back, resting for a brief period before I heard the door open. "How rude!" I heard Julia say in a Teasing tone. With the copious amount of sex we had the other day, we felt more friendly towards each other. "You should be greeting Mistress's on your knees!" She said, her tone joking.

I laughed and stood up. I stepped around the couches kissing both on the lips. "Great seeing you two!" I said. "Sorry, I am dealing with many matters. Please join me!" I said cheerfully, my earlier stress not showing in the slightest. Both Succubi happily took my outstretched hands. They gathered themselves on my arms, thrusting their chest onto me. Doorknocker twitched, feeling their large breasts press against me.

I smiled charmingly and started to talk while they came with me to the couches to sit down. "I will not beat around the bush," I began, "I have received confirmation from the council allowing me to experiment with the potion with you ladies." Both of their smiles grew from that. "The experiments need to start after I make a suitable amount of potions to start. Then we will need your wizard tower to provide the..." I trailed off, looking at them on each side, "Test subjects. I recommend that you ship back some captured pirates that you find on the sea." I started with as we sat down together.

Both women were now frowning, but their charming smiles returned quickly while they trusted their body on my arms. Doorknocker twitched, and I knew they noticed as the outline on my loincloth started not only to show but raise. This pleased them, and they only continued their actions more while we talked.

"That is acceptable." Se Mon said. Her soft scales that lined the inside of her breasts glided on my arm. "We will put out a request for Bandits and Pirates to be captured. With that, we will need assurances that we will see the results as well." I laughed at that confusing her. "Why are you laughing?" She asked quickly.

"Why would you and Julia just not take part in the Experiments? We need Illusionists, and I sincerely question if our nation has any at all other than my Woman Mally. Who I will say is pregnant with my children. Why would I subject a pregnant woman to the potential effects of a potion?" I replied.

Se Mon gave me a rare blush as she realized her lapse in logic. "You are correct." She replied with that blush, "Illusion Magic is something rarely seen outside the Demon lands. Although I am surprised, others do not put more stock into it." She said.

"I can completely understand," I said, contradicting her. "Illusion magic, from what I have seen, is a powerful Magic branch, But so is Silvermoon's Wizardry. We have Potioneering Alchemy, and we also have many powerful Pure Elemental WIzards and Allrounder Wizards such as myself. We only have so much time to study and research. No offense but it would be a waste of my time at this moment to learn the Illusion magic Succubi learn or research deeply into it. I would get minimal results and would be repeating the works Succubi had accomplish centuries ago." I rationalized, "The same goes with other Wizard towers; They understand that we only have so much time Se Mon. But you know that. You are just seeing my stance on thing's you minx." I finished as her hand stroked Doorknocker over the cloth lightly.

"Ah, You are not nearly as young as you look." She replied as she continued to tease me, slowly joined in by Julia.

"Nope, She isn't." Julia joined in, and I felt her kiss my neck trying to get something of mine to raise in response.

"I am who I am, As you are who you are. Age is merely a number and Biology. For someone like me, I will remain looking young due to mana for centuries." I responded. "At this point, It doesn't matter how I look since I could modify myself with time using mana."

Both backed off for a second. "You could, but why would you?" They asked in unison, both reaching and obtaining Doorknocker in their hands. "Modifying this would be a crime against all Succubi kind!" They declared. I roared with laughter only cut short when I felt Doorknocker enter the depths of Julia's throat.

"Fuck!" I moaned out at the unexpected pleasure. Doorknocker was still somewhat flaccid as blood rushed to the rescue. I put my hand in her hair, pulling her up as Doorknocker grew visibly in their hands. "Not now, We need to discuss things," I said sternly. Both these older Succubi pouted cutely, showing an alarming amount of charm.

Julia puffed up her cheeks, looking extremely cute with a pout. "Fine..." She said, leaning back, looking miffed.

Se Mon Chuckled still her hand remained on my cock, slowly stroking it lubed with Julia's saliva. "So, What is it you want to discuss more in length, Ambassador?" She asked with a charming smile.

"Well, If this potion works, I am thinking of hiring your wizard tower," I said, dropping a bomb that got the two succubi to freeze.

"Sorry, what?!" Se Mon stopped letting go of Doorknocker, who twitched in protest, with both women now ignoring him.

"I want to hire you guys for the upcoming war. Regardless of if the Demon Lands join us, I want your Illusions on the battlefront while we blast our way into the Empire." I told her now having Julia's and Se Mon's full attention.

I watched as their brains turned quickly, thinking about it. "That's crazy; We are another nation's military might!" Julia said prematurely.

"No, it isn't." I countered, quickly gaining their attention from their own thoughts. "First, there is nothing in any laws international or in the Demon lands calling Wizard Towers that nations military might. Some Neutral factions around the continent would disagree very strongly if there were. Next, nothing is saying you can't act as mercenaries. Most Wizards travel as adventurers to earn gold when they are feeling the pinch in their pocket. The closest thing I found when I was doing research or more like my partner Mally found for me was that Nations could only call on Wizard towers with a formal declaration of war." I said with a large grin, "That comes to you now. If this potion becomes a warfighting technology, would you be interested in entering the war for the recipe?"

Both women looked much more serious, and I could see gears turning. I just dropped information that would change a lot of their Towers future plans. Many things were going on, and becoming mercenaries to another nation was completely different. This would open a bag of worms as well in the world. IF you could hire another country without that country formally joining the war would become a new loophole to increase the size of wars.

Still, I did this. It would open an entire new warfare type unless I could use their consent as a bargaining chip. I had many negotiations going on, and if I was already bringing wizards of the Demon lands with the Beast-kin Nation to war. It would give many of the races less leverage over me. I would have to give less ground to others. My foundation to negotiate on would essentially become twice as solid. This was worth more than a single warfighting technology.

The Two Succubi were in deep thought, and I leaned back without breasts resting on my arms anymore as the Two Matraichs had backed off and now were in thought. I looked down, and Doorknocker was disappointed as I will not publically admit I was as well. I was tempted to stroke him to keep him company but decided this wouldn't be a good time to do it.

While they continued to think, my thoughts came to Doorknocker and the pain I was starting to feel as time passed on. I was increasingly thinking about stroking Doorknocker myself when something hit me. I couldn't help but come to a realization. 'Have I ever masturbated?' came to mind. I could never remember a time I had done so. I think I never have, and I wasn't sure about how it would feel. In my previous life, I would play with myself regularly. In this Life, I was too into research to ever explore my own body sexually. My mind started to tumble down a rabbit hole that seemed to go on forever.

I was rescued from the rabbit hole of thought with Se Mon speaking up. "I cannot answer this at the Moment, Chelsea. This would also depend on the results of the experiments. It does give me a lot to think upon." She said, her face showing different emotions that flowed before coming back to her charming self. "But, For now, I see something that wants attention. It deserves so much more than being ignored!" She spoke up. This woke Julia up as Se Mon's hand returned before her mouth enveloped Doorknocker.

I moaned, "Yeah, Talk later now." I said as I held her head down, forcing her deeper.



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