F*tanari System


When we arrived at the Inn, I went to pay for another night while all the ladies sat together. I joined them, and Tina was a little angry but understood why we took so long. I told her about the place that her cousin was helpful, and I kissed her and thanked her for that. We were still going to need furniture, so that will be something to do early tomorrow. It would not take too much time.

We all enjoyed our meal and sat together afterward. I had my arms wrapped around Emily and Mally when a wolf-kin man came in, and I was reminded of that boy I had fun with Mally with. He pointed me out to the other Wolf-kin that was with him looking angry. I sighed, and I knew I shouldn't have done thing to the overly confident guy, but he asked for it. Just the thought, though, had me hardening a bit at the sadistic fucking I gave him. I think I still see him walking funny. Mally looked at him and started to chuckle. As expected of a sexy sex demon to find it funny. The two wolf-kin were on us rapidly.

"Excuse me, May I have a moment of time in a private, young lady?" The older wolf-kin asked.

I was at a crossroads. I could be polite with him, or I could be a princess bitch, Diplomatic, and ease the situation. Confrontational and made this a bigger problem until national interests were involved. It was annoying, to say the least. This young adult wolf-kin that I fucked just had to get himself involved in my matters, bringing it to daddy, I guess.

I sighed audibly, "Is this about your kid there?" I pointed at the guy I fucked, making sure that it was so that I could act appropriately

"Yes, it is, young lady, but most of the topics are meant for closed doors where I would like them discussed." He replied. I tapped the table, thinking I did not want him to be in private with him where he could do more. I wasn't used to high stake negotiations in this world and would rather stay public. I pointed at a seat that was Kate's.

"Kate, be a honey and attend me while we talk," I say, and her seat frees up, and I point at it again, "Sit, Sir, and we can talk in privacy," I say as Kate starts to work on my hardening cock. Tina looks down jealously at Kate. I then put up an image of a sound barrier nothing can come in or out of, and the sounds of an Inn cut off, and I lay back enjoying Kate's work. "Now you can talk with privacy."

"This was not what I was expecting," He said as he sat down in Kate's previous spot while his son stood opposite of me, keeping his distance, "But it will have to do." He sighed, making sure he was comfortable before he started to talk. "Now young-"

"Chelsea." I interrupted him. "My name is Chelsea, so let us set aside the young ladies and sirs. Introduce yourself."

The angry look that I interrupted him was nice, and I knew I couldn't go too far, but I like poking this beast. "I am Charles Beastral, a Baron of the Dwarven Kingdom; You are Chelsea?"

I look at Emily since, to be honest, I never kept up with my titles. Emily took my hint quickly, "This is Chelsea Laveau Loveknot, Heir to the Silvermoon Tower." I look a little surprised. I forgot that I had a middle name, and I never remembered my last name; I am just Chelsea to myself.

The Wolf-kin furrowed his brow. "What is a mage of your caliber doing in the Dwarven Lands without a larger- Never mind, you are undergoing the Trials, aren't you?" He looks at me without condensation since the Beastkin country rarely has titles, and there is no nobility per se.

"Yes, now that introductions are out of the way," I felt Kate working her magic on Doorknocker and was holding back a grunt as she worked her throat slowly working her way down. I was at full mast, trying not to blow a load. After a slight pause to regain myself, I continued, "What would you like to talk about this late evening? This guy?" I point towards the overly confident guy I fucked, "His ass was nice, but unless he's pregnant, I'm not willing to marry him." I smirked. I couldn't hold back, and my smirk turned to a full smile as the guy turned to beat red on his face. His father played it cool, though, although I could see it pissed him off.

He took a second before he regained himself. "Look, Lady Chelsea, just because you have support backing you in your old kingdom doesn't mean we in the Dwarf kingdom don't have pride!" He yelled; his voice was angry as Mally chuckled in my arms. Tina was frowning, though.

"Look, Baron Beastral, I will tell you a couple of things. First, I wasn't saying you do not have pride. I never insulted the Nobility or anyone in the Dwarven Kingdom. Second, your son was a willing participant in the activities that happened. Third I am not willing to start an incident between nations for your son enjoying a session on my dick. He was willing; although he didn't know what he was signing up for, he asked for it. I am not insulting your pride but do not mess with me, Baron. I might be in your lands, But I have not broken any laws and am here peacefully; if you want to further this, I can Contact my mother and Father. I do not wish to, but I can and will if you push this too far, Baron." I state my ground and finish my little rant telling him how it was. I then release a load down Kate's willing throat, moaning slightly, leaning back again, not noticing I had leaned forward.

All you could hear for a couple of seconds in the silence was Kate's Swallowing since no one was talking. I was enjoying it, though, so I couldn't care. Mally looked to be holding back a laugh while Emily face palmed herself. Tina, though was slack-jawed looking at me. The Baron looked angry still.

"Fine, Lady Loveknot, we will not pursue this till it is an incident of the international level, but what about my son? You injured him!" He was mad, and I looked at him like an idiot.

"Injured Mr. Baron, that's stupid; he might be walking a little funny, but something my size penetrating you, of course, you will walk funny for a day or two. If I injured him, I would have healed him. It would not be a problem for me. Tore his asshole? I would heal him; all he is, Is sore with a bruised ego. If he wants more, I can give him another round if he wishes. But If he is injured and I somehow missed healing him, please tell me, and I will heal him."

He looked angry, and I then realized that he was mad over something else I had no idea what. "Look, Baron Beastal, you are angry over something. I need to know what. Not this bullshit with your son; you are genuinely angry with me over something. If I can fix it, I will; if I can't, I will tell you I can't or seek someone who can." I finish if this didn't start something, I would just let the grudge stay. I will deal with it later as it comes up. I would be spending some months here anyways, and I am sure it will come up.

He looked at me for a moment before getting up, "The utter disrespect for me and the kingdom you have shown is worrying for someone of your station."

I started to laugh, and so did Mally everyone was looking confused. His fury grew, and I continued to laugh. When I calmed down a little with Kate giving me a slight bite that she would pay for later, I gained my cool. I looked at him with contempt. "Think about this Baron Beastal you are talking to a foreign Mage of the level of respect my own people have to treat with the utmost respect if they know. You are treating me like a common hoodlum. If I announced my presence in your kingdom, even your king would have to invite me at the level I stand with Bunny-kin society. I am above your station. I am a foreign nobility without the strict Nobility part. I don't need to treat you with respect. I choose to, and I like the Kingdom here. I really hate to see us come to blows, Baron, but I will announce myself and tell your King if I have to how much disrespect I have received." I let my sound barrier drop as he stood, wanting to rage, and the noise of the people around came up, hearing people enjoy their meals. This was a high-up establishment with people in ties with nobility. "Now leave Baron Beastal, or I will announce to the nation that I fucked your son and knocked him up like some tramp!" My anger was palpable about his disrespect. He had a mission he wanted to be done. I had no idea what that was, so I flipped the table, making this thing public about me having sex with his son. I also turned it to those knowing I had the male member with women around who was on the receiving end.

His anger blossomed to full-born hatred; if he decided to take this to the next step, I had a Plan. With him storming off with his son following, I sighed, still angered that I would now have to deal with politics until I could leave. Kate was bringing me to another orgasm as I laid back. Mally turned to me with a questioning look so did Tina. "Why did you piss him off so much, Chelsea?" Asked Mally.

"I didn't want to, but he had a mission and was resolved to hate me, so I made backup plans on that plain and simple. He wasn't going to let it go, so I flipped the table and made it a public fallout between us," I started, "Then, if he wishes to pressure me, I can flip the table and show my Nobility card from my country. I can think of nothing he can do off the top of my head that can hurt me. Although now it is annoying if he pursues this."

Tina started next, though asking, "Your Nobility?" Tina still looked questioning at that, and I let the subject change.

"No, and Yes, Tina," I started, "Tina in Beast-kin society or our nation, we have no Nobility. What we have, though, are stations that can be passed down with favorable circumstances. I am the Heir to Silvertower but not guaranteed. First, I need to complete a journey that I am on now. Then I will still be challenged by siblings that believe they are more powerful than me. When my father passes, then there will be an open seat, and all of the current Mages at the top vote to put me at the top. This is ritualistic, and no one has turned down the candidate in years since the person who is heir is considered the person with the most potential or the most powerful. That means my title means a lot in other nations but in Bunny-kin society specifically only grants me respect and status, not power. Those who perceive power can be numerous, but nothing in law makes it so. Most beast-kin Tribes have positions like this, for Bunny-kin Mages have been the most powerful for a majority of our current tribe's memory, placing them above most. If you go to Draconic, though, they rule their tribe with a strict might makes the rules. They crown the most worthy, and that's that. It makes for a complicated system. But our system must be respected by other governmental entities. Our Tribe culture makes it so that there are multiple rulers that they need to pay attention to.

"Basically, to sum it all up, Tina, I am powerful in my lands with no power and no real right to it, for now, making my claims both bullshit and scary as fuck. As bunny-kin is currently ranked second among the tribes, that makes it scarier. Also, with the way my mother, in particular, treats me, the threats are not bullshit. It is basically a political shit storm for everyone that no one wants to put up with and gets more complicated the more I think about it." I ranted for too long about the complicated thing in my life known as my heir title. I sighed and was brought to the peak without realizing it in Kate's mouth. She happily gulped down my semen. "Now, no more questions; my brain feels fried. Let's go enjoy ourselves in the bath." To that, I received happy smiles while Tina looked to be in thought.



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I would Like to thank Fate Hydrax, fightnguru, Achleys Apep, Royce321, G. Dunlop, Stormrall, W. Krebs, Haarderade, MadRat, Florian, SoundsMad, Mael, Alfurence, Survivor397, Grangel, Kuuh, Smile, Nightrise, TheDuckLord, Joris Zono, Curtious1122, Azurite Paladin, M. Kennedy, Zach, Ritsu 229, JustMo, Knallenstein, Ryu, Mario L., Celeng Liar, Arl, julekule, Z. T. Wyen, Jache, Russ, Deputy Caveman, GIDOEN Fry, Shadows of Snow, J. Quincy, Minos Akuma, ShadowReader, K. Kordrich, Thanatos, BIGSHOTSWAG, L. Cole, Prodical211, Hydra587, maniac_Ian, W. Bolsvert, Sheperd, Nitrogue97, DeivinetGamer9, Belkoth, Gingowill, JTOKING, xedex, Austin P., Johndoe, M. Butlar, Tiffy Tang, Sweg, Julie C., Neptune, JustMo, Yuuki, H., Omni, R. Boyle, KillerWulfe, J. Paul, J, Durmey, Yanuut, EZ Gipten, Yancy F., Ethan Guy, Devin, Hycil, Tnarb, D. Jones, BlindTatic, K. Fang, T. Baker, C. Kramer, Samuel, Qwan, Sentinel, Jonny, S. Tadaewsky, Jack for supporting me on P*atreon. Please join the community. Don't forget to enjoy my works. Rate, Vote, Review Comment.


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