F*tanari System

Queen Mira

I arrived at the door, pausing and knowing that the next couple of hours should be filled with pleasure and difficulty. The succubi were really good at distraction while negotiating. I had gotten much better at keeping myself less distracted during their distractions. That didn't mean that I wasn't wary that I was about to be meeting a Succubus Queen. I didn't know what that meant, and the title wasn't technically in their social status, but that didn't mean that it wasn't given for a very good reason.

The queen was also going to be an A rank illusionist, and that meant very dangerous. With the tricks I have already learned they could do with a C rank illusionist, I was even warier of this interaction. There was also no way for me to get an A ranker here to defend me. I paused for even longer than I intended, and I knew that I was going to be heard. I sent a message to all my women that I could sense now. "I am going to be encountering an A rank Illusionist. If you find something wrong with me, later please contact the counsel under my orders now. Regardless of counter-mending orders in the future." My voice was stern, and I receive mana messages back acknowledging my orders from those who could.

With that, I opened the door, and my foot went back a step as I felt tackled around my waist. Tammy jumped at me, her young loli face diving into my crotch, "I missed you, Mr. Doorknocker!" She exclaimed. I laughed, and the meeting room seemed normal. I pulled Tammy off my crotch by her tight leather straps crossing on her back. The rest of her back was completely open except those two straps. I sat down and dropped her in front of Doorknocker as I sat down.

"Well, that was an interesting start," I chuckled, and I turned to look at the two succubus women across from me. Se Mon was smiling as Tammy already moved my loincloth to the side and began to pleasure Doorknocker.

"I missed you, Mr. Doorknocker." She repeated and began licking his flaccid head. "I can see already you missed your comfy home inside me." She continued to talk dirty to my cock, completely ignoring me.

I decided to ignore the loli greeting and dirty talking my member downstairs and turned my attention to the second woman beside Se Mon. Her face looked just as old as Se Mon and was a mature beauty that looked no older than forty. Instead, she had scales even starting to invade her face and all over her body. Her bare legs were almost entirely encased in scales, only breaking apart around her inner thighs around her crotch.

She smiled as I checked out her body and commented finally, "Ambassador Chelsea, Your intelligence and influence has been making waves among my towers, people. Your, Doorknocker has exceeded that fame, though, and it seems none of our people who have encountered him haven't fallen for his charm." The smile grew as Tammy dug her head into my balls while Doorknocker raised to half-mast.

"That is beside the point, though; I am Queen Mavoroph, I am an illusionist of the supreme variety." Her face brightened as she said that, "For the sake of conversation though, I shall dispense with this formality, and you may call me Mira," Mira finished her introduction. Se Mon's eyes turned to the queen with surprise for a fraction of a second before returning to me.

I noticed that surprise, though, and knew that this was unusual. "Well, As you are aware, I am Ambassador Chelsea Loveknot, Heir to the Silvermoon tower. You may call me Chelsea, in the spirit of making conversation simpler for us both." I smiled. Mira smirked at my rebuttal in the introduction. Still, she took it with ease before I continued, "I am a High Void Arcane Mage powerful in the specialization of general wizardry our people take pride in."

"Yes, At the young age of Twenty three becoming a B rank Wizard is a high achievement. I do hope to see you reach the level of a master one day. It will be very interesting for you to join us. Although, it seems that you are not making much progress as of late." Mira remarked. "Still, I understand that duties constrain us all; even I had times in my life where I was held up from the ultimate struggle for more power and mana." Mira shook her head, "That is beside the point for this visit," and she paused as Tammy earned a moan from me as she took Doorknocker deep into her throat. "All of this is for the potion that I hope you will allow the continued experimentation to continue soon." Mira finished.

I felt Doorknocker escape Tammy's mouth as she buried herself back into my ball sack. I then nodded, suppressing a moan, "Yes, I have had my Eldest brother come to..." I paused for a moment to bite back another moan and to emphasize my strained relationship with him, "'Help' me with the creation and experimentation of the potion. His sole purpose will be for that and that alone." I told Mira with confidence as I felt a tongue glide up Doorknockers shaft. "Still, He is settling in, and production will need a bit of time before we can restart the experimentation of the potion with haste." I finished.

Mira seemed to lean back, and I focused more on her body again. Instead of a voluptuous chest like Se Mon and Julia, Mira had a more modest chest size covered in leather as it seemed most higher succubi preferred. It hugged a chest, I would guess, at the border of a C or D cup. More likely, the C cup, in my opinion, and the skin that she did show had more scales than the skin left over. It was surprising, and it was a show of her age.

I brought my face back up to her face that now smiled as Tammy took Doorknocker back into her mouth, sucking hard on his head. "Chelsea, will your brother be a problem to negotiations?" Mira asked.

"He shouldn't be as long as you ignore his attempts to. He seems to think age has become a position in our hierarchy. This has never been true, but as long as that is ignored, it will not become a problem." I replied to her.

Mira nodded, "It seems you have an understanding and will keep on top of it." Mira said, "Good, then we can discuss more in-depth on starting positions," Mira continued. Tammy, in the meantime, had almost made me blast my load down her throat, and I held up a finger to make Mira pause.

I grabbed Tammy's head and forced Doorknocker down her throat, and blasted my seed straight into her stomach, not caring as she tried to pull back. I rocked her head further down until I felt my ejaculation end and let go of her head. Tammy pulled out and yelled into the silent room, "II wanted Doorknockers seed into my mouth!" Her exclamation went ignored, and she buried her head back into my balls, teasing them to bring out more seed for her.

"Sorry about that; I needed to finish a load before we continued," I said with an apologetic tone.

Mira shook her head, "Don't be apologetic; Tammy is doing what I am sure Se Mon and I would much prefer to be doing." Her reply made my eyebrow raise, but she moved forward, "Your position is that you want our Wizard tower to be mercenaries in the upcoming war. This is an interesting proposition. One that I am carefully interested in exploring." Mira finished.

Another moan escaped my lips as Tammy started to Skull fuck herself bringing me increased pleasure I found steadily harder to ignore. After half a second while, she continued to skull fuck herself further; I spoke, voice slightly strained, "That is excellent news. Although this will not endear you to everyone, I have the full authority of the council of elders to start coming to a deal with you and your Wizard tower. Although," I paused as Doorkocker escaped Tammy's skull fuck as she took a breath and began licking up and down my shaft. "I cannot give the keys to the kingdom as it were." That earned a smirk from Mira as I finished, "I am interested in what you want out of this."

Mira leaned back and smiled, "I am interested most in the recipe of the potion, but I knew that merely playing mercenaries will not be enough for something as amazing as the effects of this potion appear to be." Mira began, "No, I think I am interested in many things, maybe a clause in the Free trade agreement? Maybe something to do with you personally? I have to keep these things close to me, do I not?" She finished with a matching smile.

I leaned back as Tammy, with renewed excitement, took Doorknocker back into her throat to fuck herself intensely, bringing me closer to the edge again. I stopped to think about what she truly wanted, and I decided to change the subject to something that might help negotiations later. "So, Queen Mira," I emphasized her title, earning her closer attention to the next part. "Let us change to a much more personal matter," I began, "I am wondering what you are thinking about doing with all the children that are now growing in the wombs of many of your subjects that I helped father."

This earned her rapt attention, and Se Mon's hand twitched towards her stomach for a fraction of a second before she schooled her expression. "What makes you think we have hidden so?" Mira said, clearly caught off guard, and I took it as a deliberate slip-up, basically admitting to it.

"I never said you had hidden it. I also know that you are not very forthcoming with the knowledge that I have sired many potential children among your people. This is a slight disagreement with who those children belong with might grow as I have no wish to have children that I have no say in how they are raised." I said my expression was severe, only slightly betrayed as Doorknocker reached its edge and slipped over, pouring seed down Tammy's throat with reckless abandon. As I released her tongue, then played along the urethra, making it very hard to hold back a loud moan that would announce the pleasure I was feeling at this moment.

The room turned tense as Mira and I began a staring contest that I knew I would probably lose in the long run. Still, our gazes held firm towards each other. Much to my surprise, though, Mira backed off, first, leaning back with a sigh, "I thought your intelligence gathering capability was much worse than this in the recent months. Although I suppose that wonderful thing between your legs probably opened more mouths than I am truly willing to consider." Mira said with a sound of defeat only for a second, "You are correct though; we have estimated at least twenty pregnancies at this point among our people. It was quite surprising, to be honest. It takes someone with serious sexual fortitude and sexual energy to provide enough energy for a Succubus to start growing successfully. Many of us store sexual energy inside us to fuel it ourselves and force the incubation." Mira smiled at me, "This continues to be a happy thing among our people that such a large amount of children will appear among our ranks soon. But you are correct; even if we wished to keep it hidden, you know about it. As the father, we traditionally give some say in matters concerning our children."

"Well, Some say is not enough, Queen Mira," I said, much to my suprise without thinking. I wanted more than some say with my children, even if I barely ever had the chance to exercise it. I paused, and I felt a new sensation on Doorknocker, earning my attention as Tammy guided him into her twitching asshole. It looked excited to greet Doorknocker, and she quickly plunged Doorknocker into her depths. I moaned as I tried to control my emotions. "Sorry, But I will want more say over my children than that," I replied much more politely to the Queen in front of me that could kill me quickly if she wished to do so.

"I understand that it was an emotional outburst." Mira replied to my impolite speaking, "Still, The mothers would have to say in the raising of their children too. And although I wish to be polite, You, with your duties to discharge, will leave most of the day-to-day activities to them regardless of how much you wish to have a say." Mira finished.

I felt stung right in the heart as she spoke the truth. It was something I continually tried not to think about as I had dozens nearing my first hundred of kids that I have been separated from. Her reminder made me think of Susie as she stared into the flame, mesmerized by it. It made me think of Mina as she clung to the doll representing me. It hurt never to have been part of their lives in any significant way. I technically didn't even provide gold coins to assist, although my family did that for me. It hurt to think how much of what my last incarnation would consider me a deadbeat father.

It was a sore sticking point to me, and I no longer felt the pleasure of Tammy's amazing ass. Instead, I felt the emotional pain of the lack of memories that I had with my children. I wanted more, and when I was there, I made time when I could to make sure I could see their smiles, Listen to them, Hold them. Anything to make them have fonder memories of me and to have some memories of them, I began to suppress the pain that, with practice, became more manageable than I wished.

I turned my attention back to Mira, "Is that so?" I said, my tone clipped. It was Mira's turn to frown as I continued, "If that is the route you would like to take, then I can do nothing. Although, I am sure that in our current negotiations, you can do what you wish since I cannot stop you from doing so without crippling myself." I told her my tone remained impersonal, "Is this the route you have chosen, Queen Mavoroph?" I asked.

Alarm seemed to show on Se Mon's face as I asked the question. Mira, on the other hand, remained stoic. She watched me as I watched her. The pleasure that Tammy was trying to bring to Doorknocker did nothing to clear the anger raging in my mind as Mira seemed to want to cut me out of my children's life excepting some 'advice' from myself.

Mira could take my children, and there was personally nothing I could do about it; Not at this point in time. I would even have to continue to make a deal with the Wizard tower that she was part of the council on. I would even continue to make deals with the Succubi and the Demon lands representatives. Mira could do whatever she wanted as of this moment and knew that I could do nothing about it.

Mira's gave remained on me, seeing my frosty gaze back at her remain solid. Mira knew that this was a moment that would dictate my attitude towards her and my personal attitude towards their wizard tower forever. She continued to watch me, seeing my attitude for herself as my steady gaze remained. I knew not what was going on in her head, and I also knew her whim was what I was being held on.

The seconds turned to minutes, and slowly, I no longer felt pleasure from the movements Tammy made. Doorknocker slowly turned flaccid and not reacting to Tammy's work anymore, much to her dismay. Her exclamations were ignored in the room as this Queen and I continued to watch each other in silence.

My patience was coming soon to an end. I was watching without confirmation either way, and I spoke one last time, "If you do not confirm or deny soon," I paused. Hoping to make her understand I was serious, "I will take your silence as confirmation, and we will move from there, Queen Mavoroph," I finished my tone just as clipped as before.

Mira watched me for a minute more before she finally spoke, "What do you suggest then?" She asked respectfully, "The mother's opinions will probably want to stay in the Demon lands; maybe some might move but not to a country about to be in war." Mira remarked while leaning back further into the couch. "You seem personally invested in this cause but have not made any known alternatives in place of our current thoughts," She finished.

"There are many things we can do, including the fact that your Wizard tower has a high likely hood of joining us in said war," I began, my tone warming up slightly as negotiations restarted. "Such as creating your own Wizard tower in our lands and having them move there," I said with what I hoped sounded like a reasonable tone.

Mira countered, "That might be against their wishes," She shot back, "You are making these choices without knowing what the women might want."

"Well, you and I are the only ones talking about it at this point, and who says you get to decide what they want? You also seem to be leaving out the part where you are a high-level illusionist who can make others dance to your tune. Even if we meet inside the Demon lands, I have no High leveled enough wizard to learn if you might be messing with their heads. This is just the same as I do not know if you are doing it to me now. You are much more powerful than me, and we have no neutral party to make this agreement under," I told her flatly.

"I am one of their Queens; I have every right to negotiate for my people!" Mira countered.

"I am the kid's Father and have every right to be in their lives even if it is just a little!" I shot back just as loudly as she did.

The room became silent as we continued to stare at each other when Se Mon's voice cut in, "I just so happen to be one of those mothers," Both the Queens and I's attention turned to her. The Queen looked shocked, meaning this must have been news to her. The shock was only present for half a second before it became calm again. "I think both of you are getting too heated over this at this moment."

Se Mon received two raised Eyebrows from the Queen and me at the same time for her last statement. "First, there are still a few more months before the first kid comes along, right?" Se Mon continued. This earned a begrudging nod from the both of us, "Second, The mothers deserve a say in this is something you both agree on as well, Correct?" This statement earned another nod, still just as begrudging as the last one. "Third, there might be another idea's that neither of you thought than the all or nothing. This is also something that might bring us closer instead of farther apart as both of you seem to be doing."

I leaned back and had to acknowledge the points she made. "Fourth, even Tammy right now looks disappointed as Doorknocker is no longer interested due to the moods in the room." This turned our attention to Tammy, who was now in the corner of the room looking very sad and drawing circles on the floor with her finger.

It was amusing and made me chuckle as I asked. "Why are you in the Corner, Tammy?"

"You are all ignoring me," Tammy said, barely audible, "And Doorknocker seems not to be interested in my ass..." This second statement came out much meeker than the first and sounded almost depressed as she said it.

I sighed, knowing that it was the first time I could ever think of that I became Flaccid in the middle of sex. With my thoughts leaving the negotiations, I even felt soreness in my balls from being in the middle of pleasure.

Still, I wasn't in the mood now, and I turned to Se Mon and Queen Mavoroph, "Fine, I understand, and I need a moment to cool down. I will instruct some refreshments to be brought here, and I will return after regaining my wits." I told them before standing up and leaving the room.

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