F*tanari System

Settling Down

I laid on the bed, and Emily used the key to come in. She saw that Mally and I were naked on the bed, not having sex. It is odd in her eyes, and now thinking about it, I laugh. Mally joins in the whole situation that just happened is funny. I laugh. I felt great my nervousness over it, and everything disappeared.

"Chelsea, that was amazing; that guy had so much confidence and you just straight up fucked his ass so hard he came in me three times. Then to top it off that comment," She pauses to laugh and giggle a bit, "You say 'Fuck that was nice, you're right you don't leave a girl unsatisfied' just perfect. His expression was of just so much confusion horror, and he was so into it while you were fucking him. I don't know what to do Chelsea," She just started laughing, and I was in stitches too.

"Wait, that guy that just ran out of here just had his virginity taken by you, Chelsea?" I just nodded as I laughed, "Oh, my, God, That explains the running. He just ran with his legs bowed like he couldn't run properly. Oh my God, that's fucking priceless; his whole face was a mix of emotions," She just started to laugh with us. I felt bad how much we were laughing, but the way this guy just talked and acted, I just couldn't care; it was fucking hilarious. Emily was in stitches now too. Kate opened the door to see the three of us laughing at me just with my loincloth and Mally naked with Emily fully clothed.

Her confusion was clear and now stated with a "What the Fuck happened here?" As we just couldn't stop laughing, her reaction just put us in stitches as we wheezed out the story slowly. Her reaction was simple, though. "Fuck, that's hot wished I was there to see that!" I guess she would have gotten off watching it. It took us a bit, but we all calmed down with occasional giggles. I felt bad about laughing, but the whole situation, though thinking how the prey turned into the preditor, just tickled my funny bone.

"So I am going to wait until Tina is here, then we will have a conversation, ladies, about our next step," I announced, and everyone looked at me. "Well, we can't stay at this Inn forever; the service is fucking perfect, but we're all sleeping on a queen-size bed, literally laying on each other with no room to spread. The Baths are amazing, but I can't help but feel sorry for the cleaning crew after we have been there. To top it off, I have to make some money and need space. I think the gold will last us a couple of months, but we can't keep living this lifestyle. I need to rehabilitate my body as well. So I think we need to come up with a couple of month plans or something. I think we need to purchase a place for a bit. I want to have Tina join in with us since she knows the area and the prices probably. There is also that I like Tina's company she tells it straight as it is. Plus, being a mechanic would be a good profession to have around. I also think she can make some toys for Kate." I smile at Kate, "I think I have some good ideas for you and wonder If she could make them."

Everyone looked on board, but I still needed to talk to Tina since it seemed she had a life here. I had some time to convince her, though. I smiled and looked at my new watch; it seemed to be after five, so the girls and I went downstairs. The waitress came up to me at this point. "You have a guest that wants to see you." I see Tina wave, and I wave back, "Also, I would like to speak to you privately for a bit if you have time. I think you would find it important." A cute shiny spined girl asking me to a private area to 'Talk' I wasn't about to say no. I quickly walk over and say hi to Tina and tell her I have something I need to take care of quickly. The ladies all took seats and started chatting with Tina as I went to find out what was important.

"Hey, I am glad you trusted me," She started, and my eyebrow shot up with a questioning look, "Sorry, just realized you have nothing to trust me on yet." She took a deep breath, "So that guy you took upstairs earlier is a kid to a Wolf-kin Noble here in the kingdom. I know to most outsiders that wouldn't make sense," I nod to that, thinking it was odd, "But the nobility system here works on merits, and their family has generations in the kingdom here. Now the Nobility here keeps out of most visitor's problems here, but that guy looked pissed. He is here often hunting women. I will admit I was surprised with you since you have... Extra parts but the way he ran out, I don't think that it will remain as is."

I smile at her "Thanks!" I state and continue, "I appreciate the heads up, but if he wants to do stuff to me, he might feel he kicked a wall. Thank you again, though; you're a great server. If you want a ride, you will never forget to find me." I smile at her blush.

"I know you beast-kin, and I know it would be one ride I wouldn't forget," She looked down between my legs. "What your wearing doesn't exactly hide it."

I chuckle, "As I said, open invitation, take or leave it; now I would like to talk to my friend. I think we will be staying one or two more nights, and I am not sure. I will let you know."

"Okay, Thanks!" She said as I left to go back to my table. Tina and the girls all watched me as I came back to the table.

"Another Girl?" Asked Tina frankly. I laughed. "Nope, but I put it out there; if she wanted a ride, she could have one," I stated honestly, and I saw some heads shake. "What I am honest, I have never been with a human. But enough about that, What have you, ladies, been talking about?"

"You!" They all say frankly, and I am kind of blown away, but after some thinking, I realize I shouldn't be I am their sex life. Tina then piped up, "What's this endeavor I heard about today with some guy?"

Mally and I start talking about it and laugh a bit about it. Tina also thought it was hilarious as Emily then told about his running down the hall and facial expression. We then had the waitress showed up, and we ordered some dinner as we all talked. We got some good food in us as we chatted and finished it before I brought up the main topic I wanted to talk about tonight with everyone.

"Now, Ladies, I know I mentioned this in the room, but we need a clear form of action soon," I look at Tina, "We or I at this point am thinking of purchasing a house or something temporarily as I rehabilitate my body. I also need a workplace so I can craft potions and sell them. I was wondering about information related to this and what everyone's thoughts are on it."

"It sounds though your decision is made." Mally stated simply, "You are the holder of the gold, and we kinda are all just following you. I don't care what you do. To be honest, I like you for who you are, a sexually promiscuous girl who likes trying new things and trying to become stronger. You also have unending sexual energy, like I have told you before. But you need to remember your reasons stated speak for themselves."

Emily nodded and said, "I am your slave and always will be, so I follow whatever you do, Chelsea."

"I just joined your journey; settling down without having to buy a room while waiting for the next job sounds great. Plus I could use some equipment to train. Hopefully, I can find more advanced training methods to catch up to the rest of you." I tilt my head on that.

"Wait for a second, Kate; what do you mean?" I asked quickly.

"Well, Everyone knows mana exists, but not everyone knows how to do it. There is a paywall kind of, so I need to earn money and find a place willing to teach me how to use and control it. I use my natural strength to fight, but I never was able to use mana, so I need a teacher."

"Then I found you one, but I never knew there was a paywall. I just learned how to use Mana, naturally perfecting it myself."

"Wait, you know where I can learn this?!" She got up and hugged me, pressing herself into me. I was startled as she kissed me and jumped on me as we were seated around the table. I almost fell off my chair multiple times. I was shocked at her reaction. "This is one of my dreams. It's so rare, and most noble families keep it to themselves or those with talent at an early stage! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" I patted her back as she jumped for joy, holding me now; I was in her arms, feet off the ground as she squeezed me into her breasts with her excitement.

After a bit, she regained herself. "It is okay to be excited. Now with that out of the way, Tina, what are you thinking with us staying here?"

"I do not know," She looks between my legs again, "You are just so large that I want to stay with you. I will not lie; your intellect also intrigues me. If you pick a suitable spot, I can also buy supplies to make my own stay-at-home workplace maybe become my own boss. But I do not have that much money, and I don't want to take advantage of you." I shrug.

"Look, In my hometown, I am considered a big deal there. Here, I am just a girl with a big dick. I have gold, but I spend as fast as I make. I will be purchasing supplies to make potions while I get my body back into shape. If you want to open a workshop, I don't mind helping you out, but... I will own a portion of it, depending on your investment. Your shop will not take priority on the gold, but I will pay for things I ask you to craft and all that jazz. But I believe in your intellect Tina. You are smart, and we can make great things together."

Tina looks at me, just staring at me. She starts to cry. I'm surprised and just reached out. I put her on my lap and held her for a bit as she cried. "That, That, That, Thank you." She sobbed. Tina took a bit to calm down, and I wondered why that triggered her.

"Ever since school, no one has told me that they believed in me. My parents died just after I started school, and I learned that they were living really bad lives as they put it all towards my education. They let medical problems become larger just so I could finish school. Now you believe in me even though you have only known me for a day? How can you believe in my intellect with one long conversation?" she started to tear up again.

"Simple That conversation was an intellectually challenging one. I not only asked what you knew but how to apply it. I challenged your beliefs, and you were open-minded and changed accordingly and applied things I didn't know. If you were not intellectually gifted, you would be lost like Emily is when I talk deeper mysteries of Mana. I taught her a lot, and she is a D-rank fighter. But she has trained in Mana and was educated more deeply than most Wizards. But she couldn't keep up with me intellectually and come to new conclusions using what she knew and challenging it. You can apply and adapt what you know to new information and come with new solutions to it. Also, Emily, I am not saying you are dumb, so don't sulk, please. But my point stands it takes passion and intellectual prowess to do what you do. That is where my trust comes from. Plus, the way you look at my dick makes me want to get hard each time." That gets me a laugh and stops her crying, and I smile.

"Thanks, Chelsea. I needed something like that. Give me some time to think about it. I have a good job that pays well it will be hard to just drop that for someone I just met." she says, smiling up to me with the leftover tears in her eyes. I give her a peck on the lips.

"No worries, I never pressured anyone to be with me. Or at least I think I haven't." I think back to the women that my mother brought to me when I first started down my sexual pursuits. Maybe she has, I am not sure. "Let's have some fun tonight, and I can go start some training and show Kate the training center, then look for a place to stay?" I ask the ladies and meet a round of nods.

"I can't join you on the house hunting, but I will get my cousin to help you find a place and not get ripped off." Tina told us, "Plus, he makes a commission, so it helps him out, but he is good at his job. I will send him a mechanical message to him to come to the Inn around three in the afternoon for you guys; that should give you guys time to finish other things."

"That works for me. Now we have finished all the shop talk; who is up for a bath?" I ask with a smirk, and everyone smiles.


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I would Like to thank Fate Hydrax, fightnguru, Achleys Apep, Royce321, G. Dunlop, Stormrall, W. Krebs, Haarderade, MadRat, Florian, SoundsMad, Mael, Alfurence, Survivor397, Grangel, Kuuh, Smile, Nightrise, TheDuckLord, Joris Zono, Curtious1122, Azurite Paladin, M. Kennedy, Zach, Ritsu 229, JustMo, Ryu, Mario L., Celeng Liar, Arl, julekule, Z. T. Wyen, Jache, Russ, Deputy Caveman, GIDOEN Fry, Shadows of Snow, J. Quincy, Minos Akuma, ShadowReader, K. Kordrich, Thanatos, BIGSHOTSWAG, L. Cole, Prodical211, Hydra587, maniac_Ian, W. Bolsvert, Sheperd, Nitrogue97, DeivinetGamer9, Belkoth, Gingowill, JTOKING, xedex, Austin P., Johndoe, M. Butlar, Tiffy Tang, Sweg, Julie C., Neptune, JustMo, Yuuki, H., Omni, R. Boyle, KillerWulfe, J. Paul, J, Durmey, Yanuut, EZ Gipten, Yancy F., Ethan Guy, Devin, Hycil, Tnarb, D. Jones, BlindTatic, K. Fang, T. Baker, C. Kramer, Samuel, Qwan, Sentinel for supporting me on P*atreon. Please join the community. Don't forget to enjoy my works. Rate, Vote, Review Comment.


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