F*tanari System

Social Graces of Accepting Family

I took Mina's mother and her out after finishing behind the Inn with Mina's mother. I "Convinced" her to move with Mina to the Silvermoon tower with me. It didn't take a lot to convince her either. She was attached to my arm. I entered back into the Inn and saw my mother talking to Mina. As I walked in, my eyes widened, and so did my mothers as Mina's mana started to move. She summoned a ball of Water over her hand that revolved at increasing speed. I felt my daughter's mana and found she was an F-rank Wizard already.

I was compounded with the surprise as she changed the spinning ball's shape into various cute animals and people. Her mother looked at her with a fondness. "Ah, Her favorite spell. She learned about mana one time at home, and it quickly became her favorite thing to do while I was working. I didn't have the money for any babysitters, so she entertained herself with this. She has gotten progressively better with it and can go longer and longer."

My mother clapped when little Mina was done. I came up and picked up Mina showing her affection. She giggled happily to my attention. She was happy, but the people inside the Inn were getting progressively more annoyed. I nodded to my mother, who understood my meaning. I pulled carried Mina out of the Inn.

"Mommy?!" Mina cried out as her mom was wrapped behind me.

"Yes, Sweetie?" She replied calmly.

"Are you not supposed to be on shift today, mommy?" She asked.

"Mommy doesn't need to anymore since Daddy is here, Sweety. We can talk about it on the way home with Grandma and Daddy." She started to explain what I "Convinced' her of.

Mina seemed very open to it when we arrived at a small house. Mina's situation was much better than Susie's. Mina's mother went inside, and we followed. Inside was two other couples living here. I realized to afford this house. She was renting. That made a lot of sense, and I realized I underprovided by a large margin. This was something I needed to fix in the future.

Her roommates congratulated her on moving in with her Baby Daddy. I blushed as that term was a perfect representation. I thought back to my past life and how I was all about image. I changed completely like that in this life. I thought about it more, and I think I wasn't actually changed all that much. This made my brows furrow in thought. In this world and my current culture, what I was doing was the outstanding thing to do.

MIna left my arms, gathered her favorite things, and said goodbye to her roommates, who helped her mother. I was stuck in my current train of thought, though. Every time I think I am different and that I grew, I realize I never changed. I could literally point it out as I went.

I am arrogant. I never questioned that Mina's mother or Susie's mother wouldn't want to follow me. I was right, as well. Both of these little girls were talented Wizards. Although the path becomes progressively harder, they were both talents at a very young age like I was. They would grow to be powerful. I was still a growing wizard when it comes to my power. I needed to talk to my mother about what made the definitive difference between B-rank and A-rank. They were milestones that I needed to make. Getting to C-rank is all about developing a larger and larger mana pool. As long as you can imagine better, more powerful spells, they will naturally reach this point. You need at least one trump card as well. The thing was though B-rank wizard, like my mother, could kill hundreds of C-rankers like me easily. This means there was something I was missing that I didn't understand. How did my mother suppress the mana? Was there a way to counter it?

My thoughts were interrupted when Mina jumped into my arms again with a large smile. "Daddy, I got my favorite toys; let me show you!" She exclaimed and started to show me her various dolls. My face melted, and I smiled as she showed me her toys. She started to name off her various dolls. I started to play with her more. I was on the floor, playing tea with her while her mother packed up with my mother. They seemed to get along as I played with Mina. I felt bad for not helping, but I knew keeping Mina out of the way for some parents was a big help in itself.

I played with Mina, for god knows how long, enjoying myself when they finished. My mother came down, and I felt the mana moving in her body. That bag looked heavy, but my mother made it look light. I wasn't fooled, though. Mina's mother told me she would meet up with us to say goodbye to the important people in Mina's life. She picked up Mina, who happily went with her mother for now. I looked at my mother and nodded. I went with Mina and her mother. I hugged her, showing affection kissing her neck while she carried Mina.

"I will come with you, so those people know I am not some con artist," I told her and saw her smiling brightly. She wanted to introduce me to her mother and father. That made me question why we didn't do the same with Susie's grandparents in her town. Was it her love of Fire?

Fire Wizards were a dangerous bunch in a city with no explanation needed. Susie was a natural arsonist. She shows pure love for fire in her expressions. She is fascinated with it. Mina showed the same but with Water. I was wondering if Mina was going to go down the route of a pure Water wizard.

I threw those thoughts aside as I looked into the sky, realizing it was starting to get late. The train wouldn't move until I was back, so I wasn't worried. The Trip to a larger house was quick. Inside there were two adults Dog-kin. The man looked normal if a bit haggard, the mother looked good. I eyed her up and down, checking out her gracious curves. She had a cute aged face. Her breasts were about C-cups, I guessed. They were late thirties max. I smiled as Mina called them Grandma and Grampa. I realized I met one of my in-laws for the first time. I wasn't sure how to react to this scenario.

They looked at me with surprise on their faces, not knowing who I was. Mina looked a bit like me except that she was Dog-kin with cute little silver dog ears. I wanted to gush on that in itself. I smiled brightly and introduced myself, "Hi, I am Chelsea Loveknot. I have come back from my journey and here to reunite with Mina and her mother." I very readily skipped over the fact that I hadn't remembered her name. I smiled brightly. Both of the Dog-kin couple were surprised by my introduction.  Mina was red-faced with an embarrassed face. "I am from the Silvermoon Wizard's tower, and I was on a journey to see the lands outside our country to learn. I met your cute daughter along the way, and we created this cute, talented girl Mina. I wish to bring them to stay with me. I am delighted to meet the amazing grandparents that helped Mina and her mother."

They were astonished, and I brought out my trump card for this. If Susie's mother brought me to see her parents, I would have done the same as I was about to do. I took out a bag with clinking noises inside. I dropped a large bag of gold coins on the table—more than enough for any help they provided. I was genuinely happy to meet them and wanted them to know I could care for their daughter. Mina's mother was gobsmacked at the amount I brought out. "Please take this as a minor amount of my gratitude for taking care of them both." I finished, and I saw their surprised faces. This could go two ways. Mina looked at the bag with curiosity.

Mina looked up to me while the Grandparents looked in total shut down. I tried to think about it from their side. A Silver bunny-kin came in and introduced herself. Then told them she was the one who knocked up their daughter and left her to be a single mother. Then came back, dropped a large bag of gold, and said they wanted to take their daughter and granddaughter. I think I might have just fucked up.

They stared at me as I stood in the doorway. "Grampy, Grammy! Daddy is here!" She announced, not knowing why they were surprised. She ran over to them and jumped in her Grammy's arms. This woke them up from their surprise. Grammy took Mina into her arms as she started to talk about the day and how she met my mother. It was an information overload for them, and we took a step inside.

We all went inside and no longer stood at the entrance to their house. I looked around and noticed that the house would equate their living to the lower middle class. I was presently surprised by Mina. She was a bit shy, I thought. Nowhere near the energy Susie showed. That didn't matter, though. I loved her just the same when I met her. Those feelings didn't disappear as I walked in, knowing a hard conversation was about to come.

Mina promptly running forward was also perfect timing. It broke the tough ice that was forming. Mina's mother was looking at me with even more love than ever. I was surprised at this look. When we sat down in their moderately done living room, Mina was the only one with energy. I decided what to come was what was to come.

"So, You are the Bunny-kin... The one, the little doll Mina, carries represents. Our daughter made that for her to remember her Daddy. You are back from your journey and taking them both..." They looked a little sad but then smiled with a huge smile. "Fantastic News!" They exclaimed. I was completely caught off guard.

"Our daughter told us some of the details, and we were worried our daughter's heart was taken forever to someone who never would appear again. All beast-kin know that Bunny-kin and most of our countries higher up still make the journey. Most of us poorer folk, though, do it only if we want to enter government. I see by surprise on your face that you didn't know this. I have to say that I like the policy in our government system. It makes sure everyone involved with it knows how it is to live with next to nothing." The Grampa looked with a smile at my surprised face.

"That doesn't mean we aren't a little worried you may have died or never come back for her. There would be nothing we could do. You never introduced yourself to our little Hina. They glowered with that sentence." I realized I had a problem with introducing myself and blushed. I then realized he fixed a current predicament I was in. I smiled as I realized that I got out without anyone learning that I didn't know Hina's name either.

I stopped a sigh of relief from coming out. The conversation from that point on only touched upon some basics. They were way happy that I was following proper customs and giving them gold as a thank you. It was a show of good faith and culturally significant to show you could take care of their daughter. It eased both her family and her that the parents were taken care of. I sighed in relief as I realized that I at least didn't fuck things up. I was looking at things from a more modern view. This world was much more backward thinking in some respects.

I realized that the amount of gold meant something, and I had only put down a bad of one thousand gold. I realized for someone of my position in this type of society; I would be looked down upon for this meager amount of gold.

I turned to them frankly, "Look; I am happy that you explained this to me. I am still young, and when I left, I cared more about research than culture. I realized for someone in my position; this amount is under a large amount. I will be back in a minute," I left without another word, stunning room. I went to the cart and found my mother. She was with Susie playing with her as they waited for me. My mother's eyebrows rose as she saw me.

"Mother, What is the proper amount of gold to give the parents of Hina and Mina?" Susie's mother heard this and looked a bit sad about something. I would ask her later why she looked so unhappy at that moment. My mother's eyes widened as she realized this. There were a lot of customs I didn't know about. I never cared for that, and it seemed my mother forgot about it.

"To not embarrass our family at least twenty thousand. Do you need any gold, honey?" She then asked. I shook my head. Alchemy was an outrageously prosperous job. I still had plenty. I took a large bag out of the train to put it all in. I realized hauling this much coinage sucks. I needed to do this with more stealth. I didn't need people to have ideas.

I then asked my mother about some paper currency instead. She shook her head as there were no nationalized banks that were powerful enough. This was a fucking surprise. Nowhere to safely keep your money was extremely stupid. She looked at me with a smile, though. "Honey, this is something every nation tries to do. Do you know what happens? Another nation's A-rank powerhouse attacks. They kill everyone inside and take the gold for themselves. How are we supposed to protect them without our own A-rank? Then they fight it out in the middle of a city?" My mother explained.

I realized I had underestimated some things in this world. The law of the jungle was still supreme here. I nodded to my mother, and I was going to try and think of a solution for this later. For now, I took a couple of large sacks to Hina's grandparent's house. I arrived very shortly. I filled the bags with gold coins I kept in the inventory and came in. I knocked and opened the still unlocked door. I waltz in like I owned the place with five large sacks on my back. I then left them in the middle of the surprising room.

"Here." I smiled and said, "More closer to my standing. I really dodged a bullet on that one. Thank you for letting me know!" I smiled and told them that in good humor. The slack-jawed faces were brilliant. Mina was the only one who didn't really understand and came running over to me, yelling, "Daddy, your back!" With wild abandon and I scooped her up. She was getting more and more excited. I also think she didn't want me to disappear. I wasn't going to be an amazing Dad; I knew it. I could still try my best while I was around.

"What position are you in?" They asked, barely audible.

"At this point, I am in a position to inherit the Silvermoon wizard tower from my father," I said, "Although that doesn't really pertain to you guys. I know this is a lot of gold, and I hope you have a place to hide it. I was stealthily bringing it here, and no one noticed the gold in my bags as I got here. I just don't want anything to happen to you two from this." They nodded and started to move. They knew I was right, and they were not shy about it. They started to move the gold all over the house. The biggest stash happened to be in the living room. They opened a trap door under the carpet and put it in. No one knew about the Gold except the people in this room.

It was a weird end to the visit, but I told Hina and Mina that we needed to go. They nodded, and I told the grandparents we were leaving, and I hoped to see them in the future. Mina was getting really sleepy. Today took it out of her, and she was struggling to keep her eyes open. I held her in my arms as we left, and she fell asleep on the way to the carriages. Hina was deep in thought as we made it there. When we arrived, everyone smiled. Susie was passed out after playing for hours. I placed Mina next to her sister, and she continued to sleep. I smiled and backed off. I turned to my other women, who looked wanting.

Hina was surprised at the number of women around me when she asked if I could satisfy that many women, she received a round of giggles. They struck a deal with her. If she could remain conscious till I was satisfied, then they would give up all rights to me. I felt a bit like a fine horse stud that was put up for sale. This also meant that they accepted that I was someone with a large tank under the hood. Molly did us the favor of putting a sound barrier around my kids.

I took Hina in my arms for the second time today. She was a howler, but I started kissing her. I broke the kiss and moved down to her neck, getting some foreplay in. We were a night's ride away from the Capital of the Bunny-kin tribe, and we were going to be home by late morning. The carriages started to move as I stripped Hina. She moaned as I started to kiss down to her breasts. Her pussy moistened as I played with her clit.

I kissed softly down her stomach and stripped her pants as I made my way down. Finally, I made it to her cute pussy. I smiled quickly before filling my mouth with her wetness. I licked around her clit before penetrating her pussy with my tongue. I knew she was getting jealous looks as I rarely eat pussy. She was sensitive, though, as I brought out a small orgasm quickly. Her fluids flowed faster as I moved faster. I broke my kiss with her clit not long after noticing a long, loud moan come out of her. She wasn't to the point of howling yet, but It wouldn't be long as Doorknocker made its appearance. I didn't give her time to think, and I picked her up. I held up her legs and forced her pussy onto Doorknocker. I didn't pause, and I went balls deep in penetration.

She howled for the second time today, and I picked her back up. I continued to fuck her like I would have if she joined me on the journey. Long and every time she wanted it. I started to pick up speed then put her o the seat to go faster and faster. Her arms wrapped around me as I started to drive myself deeper into her. Her howling like a dog became more frequent and louder as I drove myself to her cervix in her deep pussy. I touched base knocking on her door as she came on me. Her howl filled the room as I continued to work her pussy. She howled out again and again as she orgasmed on my cock. She started to beg for mercy as I continued to hold back the orgasm I was very close to reaching. Her howls reached the point I felt the mana in the room change with Mally's flavor, creating a second bubble. I almost laughed out loud. My concentration broke, though, and my pleasure peaked. I released my load into her pussy. I moaned, but they were lost in her squirting howl.

Her tongue hanging out of her mouth, and I smiled. She was barely conscious as I filled her womb. The satisfied look on her face made me pump into her more before I gave her mercy. I pulled out, and a bit of sperm was released onto her stomach. I turned, ready to face a night of my women.

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