F*tanari System

Step One

I stretched up with my arms out wide, and I moved forward to kiss Asahi quickly. Trisha quickly followed it up, and my arms wrapped around their naked shoulders as I turned to kiss her. I deepened the kiss before turning to do the same to Asahi again. They both were now smiling as I took turns kissing them both as I relaxed, waiting for my next meeting.

Asahi and Trisha were both taking a break from meditating as they focused on becoming stronger wizards. They both spent their time with me and knew that I wouldn't be able to do anything to them while the meeting was going on. At least not with the Devils.

Today, my meeting was with Francis to start a coalition with him to force through the Free Trade Agreement. If I was successful with this, I might even be able to hammer through a war proclamation with the Empire. That latter part might just be a pipe dream, though, although I will still try regardless.

Both the elven woman looked amazing as they wrapped their arms around me, getting ready to go again when I heard a knock on the door. Asahi and Trisha pouted but backed off as I sighed myself. Doorknocker was hard, and I needed to get control of myself as Alexia stepped in.

"Representative Francis is here to see you. I told him to give you a minute to be presentable," Alexia said with a smirk.

"Thank you," I replied, and I turned to both the elven ladies, "Please dress, but I see no reason for you to leave," I told the both of them. "I will quite enjoy some more free time with you after talking with Francis."

Both ladies nodded and put on some clothing. Asahi picked up a green robe and Trisha a blue one. They signify anything, and they sat next to me as I concentrated on going flaccid. When I did, finally, I moved my loincloth to cover myself as I stood up.

The door opened a couple of seconds later as Francis came in with a large toothy Grin. Behind him, Alexia smiled as she had timed things correctly yet again. "Ambassador Chelsea, I was both surprised and happy that you called me back for a meeting," Francis said with that large grin.

"Representative Francis, Always great to see you too. I am guessing I will need to schedule another rematch with you for you to show up on such short notice." I replied, bringing my hand forward clasping our arms this time.

"Damn straight, That last fight needed time for me to recover, and we are tied now one to one. We need at least to tiebreaker!" Francis enthusiastically replied. "I was going to extort it out of you if you tried to back out." He finished.

"I knew when I called this meeting, there was no way I would escape another fight with you," I replied with a grin, actually looking forward to the fight myself. "I did bring you here for another reason, though, other than scheduling another rematch for us," I told him.

"Yes, you did, May I ask before we begin who is joining us today?" Francis said, pointing towards Asahi and Trisha.

"Ah, This is Asahi and Trisha," I said, pointing at each twin of the two elves. "They are a Pure Fire and Ice wizards practicing their craft. They are also two of my women who I enjoy my company with and love in my own way." I replied, introducing them.

Both elves looked at me, surprised at my easy admission before they blushed. I sat back on the couch, pointing Francis opposite of me, "Well, They are both enjoying some time with me after some secluded meditation to bring themselves closer to the next level." I continued, "I want to spend some time with them as well, so they will be joining me for this meeting as long as you don't mind." I finished looking at Francis.

I wasn't worried about the courtesy of 'cornering' Francis. He just smirked, "I have no problem with it as long as they can leave if I deem if the topic needs to be between us only." Francis replied.

I nodded, "Of Course, and they both understand that." I said as I spread my arms wide on the couch. They both moved, and I wrapped my arms around their shoulders. "With that out of the way and formality bullshit gone," I began, "Francis, I have recently noticed a stagnation of our trade agreement with the Demon lands."

Francis's face was no longer a grin and became serious. "I have noticed this as well. I can speak for my race and say that we are behind the trade agreement both that you have come out with and the ones the Medusa have come out with." Francis said carefully.

"Well, The ones the Medusa have brought out are unacceptable in its current form," I replied bluntly. "You can try to bring that agreement to the table all you want; my race and my nation would spit on it." My tone dripped with contempt. "Francis, I will walk away from that agreement without a second thought if it is put in front of me. The Fishing agreement in it will destroy any agreement I try to make."

Francis leaned back on the couch as he observed me, "What do you want me to do about it?" Francis said, "I am not the Medusa or the Venomancers. I already told you, you have our races vote." Francis finished.

I smirked at the confirmation I had on the two solid votes for the fishing agreement part of the Free trade agreement. "Well, I want your support and help to get around their votes," I replied truthfully.

Francis's eyes glinted with happiness, "Ah, you want them in the minority and to convince the rest of us now. My only question is, why are you changing tactics now?" Francis asked slowly, "In my opinion, this should have been your plan from the start."

"Well, There are a couple of reasons for my old plan," I replied, knowing he was right, "Some I am not willing or allowed to talk about," I said, thinking of the lack of information I was working with. Only the closest allies were obvious, and I didn't know if that we had a better incognito relationship with others in the past that I could use due to the lack of historical data.

I suppressed my frustrations on the lack of Information yet again and smiled. "My old plan has become outdated, and I have even cut off my own personal business ties from the insulting terms they are putting forward," I told Francis, my smile turned predatory. "I am sure in the future, with my abilities, they will find dealing with some of the more reputable alchemists in our country very difficult." I leaned back while stroking the green hair of the twins in my arms without thinking about it. "They will find regardless of a deal or not that they have insulted the wrong bunny too many times while I have been here." I finished.

"That will not help you either long term or short term, though." Francis countered.

"You are right," I replied, "We are also no the only nation or even race among our people who have alchemists." I continued with a grin, "We are the best among our nation. That is enough to make them feel a bit of pain and let them know that they might find a new 'fee' where they are concerned even without this trade deal. Although," I paused with a grimace, "The only thing that would stop that mostly is the very thing they are trying to destroy. Still, I can decrease the supply towards their lands." I sighed, "Although, I am not sure how much my influence on that will reach. It will be interesting to learn in the future who ignores me, listens to me, and who tries to remain neutral." I smirked at that last point.

"You are trying a lot at the same time for someone who shouldn't have much say," Francis said.

"I am the Heir to the Silvermoon Tower, Francis," I replied back tartly. "I have influence even if I don't want it among my people. My achievements will either increase that or detract from it. Regardless when I speak, some will listen, and some won't. There is a political game in my nation too. Just one that I haven't played much in. But imagine starting with a punch that paints people into camps for you right when you start?"

Francis chuckled, "I don't think it will be as easy as you make it out to be, but you are right. I can see how even a little information about possible political parties stand is good." Francis leaned forward, "Back onto the correct topic, though, I want this trade deal. I think that moving well between our nations would only help both of us if we don't add tariffs. Therefore I agree with the Medusa that we need some form of a fishing agreement but just not the one they are asking for." Francis said.

"You are correct that we need something, and I can see one of three possibilities on this," I leaned into Asahi's neck a little taking a sniff of her earthy scent. "First, we can go with Free rights to both parties all over, allowing our fishermen to freely move between our waters unabated by the other's naval forces."

Francis scoffed at this with a roll of eyes. "You know we won't agree with that," Francis said.

"Of course you won't," I replied, "I said it was one of the things; the second is to have our waters tied to the land we own and set a range that belongs to our nation. This would be regardless of the current or future naval power between our nations, This would also allow both of us to defend these waters, and anything past a certain range is what I would call no mans land where neither nation has control over it. Both our fishermen can even pull up boats beside each other and fish to their heart's content since neither nation would own those waters." I smirked, "Those out in those waters would also have to defend themselves, though, since they are not in our waters." I finished.

"That is..." Francis tapped his fingers on his chin in obvious thought. Several minutes went by as he thought about it. "That is a more interesting offer that benefits both sides in the long term but completely negates the reality of our current advantage," Francis said finally.

"You are correct, but I think you forget something, Francis," I replied. Francis, in turn, raised an eyebrow, "This right now is the deal-breaker, and we are not fighting over normal things here. We are fighting over territory. If the deal isn't something the Beast-kin Nation can accept in the long term, it will not be accepted at all. If we come to an agreement I can't sell, then we are making enemies and pissing representatives off for no reason." I finished.

"You are correct about that, But you said there was a third one you could think of," Francis said with a curious tone.

"Well, The last one is the easiest." I replied with a chuckle, "Putting it off to latter." I said, seeing Francis looking incredulous. "We put an amendment into the deal that Fishing practices and Tariffs can continue until such a date that we agree to a policy called the Free Fishing Trade agreement or something," I smirked as he thought about it. "There is no reason not to continue our current stance on fishing at the moment, Francis." I said, now more serious, "Our fishing industries are neither of our countries strong points. With the clearance of the Pirates, we have extra time before we are forced to come to some form of agreement between our nations."

"You are not incorrect," Francis replied in thought, "It was one of the reasons it was so easy for you to get us to declare war on the Pirate threat on our waters and your waters. Still, This seems like it could come back and bite us in the ass if we don't make an agreement quickly on the Fishing trade." Francis replied.

"You are absolutely correct," I said with a grin, "Think about it this way though," I paused to get the right words lined up in a row, "Right now, The Medusa and the Venomancers are holding the Free Trade Agreement hostage for this one point correct?" I asked.

"Yes, It has put a damper on our negotiations since there has been no movement since the amendment has been added," Francis replied slowly.

"Well, If we say to sign off on what everyone likes, the only peoples feeling hurt are those who wanted the amendment in the first place, correct?" I asked again.

"Yes..." Francis's voice trailed off.

"So, We pass what we can, Francis, and take the Hostage away from them with a majority vote. If they vote against it, you may even be able to use it against them on other bills since everyone, including them, agreed to the current terms. This way, the person who brings this up will be credited with moving the negotiations stalled for a long time." I smirked as Francis thought about it. "I am not sure how it works with your behind-the-scenes, Francis, but I can't see how this would reflect badly upon you." I finished.

"I can see your point, although you are not entirely correct on it," Francis said as he was in thought again.

I watched him from the other couch while Asahi and Trisha started to crawl their fingers up my thigh sneakily. I gave them a stern look but didn't stop them as I enjoyed their touch. They smiled coyly as they started to play with me, trying not to get me hard at the same time as having some fun with me.

My hand crawled down their backs in response even as the fabric blocked direct skin contact. They hid a chuckle as my hand reached their asses. In the meantime, Francis was still in thought. I shoved my hand into the cracks of their asses, making both elves half jump at the sudden change. The robe moved up their cracks as I forced my fingers towards their assholes. My finger poked at their rosebuds without remorse when Francis seemed to focus on me again.

"Okay," Francis said, "This isn't perfect, but I will support you in the meantime as long as none of my leaders tell me differently," Francis told me.

A smile broke out across my face. "Well, I am glad that I could talk you into it. If I couldn't convince you, then I was going to give up on the Trade deal, to be honest." I told him,

"Is my participation that badly needed?" Francis replied with a chuckle.

"Nope, but I was going to bribe you with more fights if I couldn't convince you at first. Or maybe a threat to only battle you with a handicap!" I replied with a sharp grin as my hands left the elves' cracks that I was teasing to stand up. "When can I expect you to join me in the coliseum to lose to me?" I asked him with a grin.

The Vicious grin came to his face as his hand met mine across the table. "I will make your Red-headed bunny-kin girl waiting outside plan your beating very soon. Maybe one or two days from now." Francis replied. The grip on my hand was harsh, and I used mana to protect my hand from his grip. His strength seemed to have increased, and I raised an eyebrow.

"Haven't been slacking, have you?" I asked him.

"My schedule is nowhere near as full as yours, Ambassador Chelsea." Was his reply, Francis then let go of my hand, left the room, and closed the door behind himself.

The grin on my face stayed even as my hand throbbed in slight pain from his grip. The next rematch would be interesting.


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Also I brought out a new Short Story on Amazon. I now have two if your interested and have Kindle unlimited you can check it out as part of your Subscription. I hop you continue to enjoy my Story! :D

The Bullied Masochist Futanari

Link: https://www.amazon.ca/Bullied-Masochist-Futanari-Madjic-ebook/dp/B0CBD2PQZK/ref=sr_1_1?qid=1689021939&refinements=p_27:By:+Madjic&s=digital-text&sr=1-1&text=By:+Madjic

I Sissified My Step Bro

Link: https://www.amazon.ca/I-Sissified-My-Step-Bro-ebook/dp/B0C2LK8CMM/ref=sr_1_1?qid=1689277478&refinements=p_27:By:+Madjic&s=digital-text&sr=1-1&text=By:+Madjic

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