F*tanari System

Taken Lips

The world was about to erupt into conflict; This was certain. I didn't know how much time I had left before the war started between the Beask-kin Nation and the Empire.

I had to set priorities, and I sent a mental message to all my lovely ladies inside the Embassy, and I found Rose was just about to leave as I sent the mana message. "Emily, Rose, Tina, Asahi, Trisha, Kate, Betsy, Yuri, Alexia, and Mally, I have something you all need to hear inside the apartment. Would you please cancel whatever plans you had today as it is important? Thank you, and I love you all." I finished the message and sighed as I made my way to the apartment.

I was going to be announcing our departure from our short stay here in the Demon Lands. I thought I would have more time here, and I would be leaving behind a lot of business that I found noteworthy. At this point, it didn't matter, though, as I had been ordered to prepare to leave by the Elder council.

I thought about my sister Christina still laboring to create a network to have information to use, and I didn't know if they would recall her to for the war effort abandoning her effort here. I thought about how I should approach her as I tried to get closer to her slowly.

Those plans would be put on hold for the moment as I realized that I would need an updated report from Anthoney at the latest tomorrow if I were going to get time to read it properly. Then I had some potions to make and not much time to make it unless I planned to break contracts.

Months of things were about to fall on my head at once, and I sighed. I would talk to them and let them know that I would be headed to the front; I would become one of the men and women among the ranks fighting on the line of this war. Although I was privileged, I wouldn't be on the front lines leading the charge. With the position Queen Mira more or less thrust me into, I might be in an even more dangerous role with Elite strike units moving around in the enemy lines fighting.

A thrill went through me along with dread. I felt a need to go back and practice my martial arts again. I was considered a genius in martial arts in my old life before I put it aside. My current self versus my old self would only lose at this moment if we had the same body. The only reason now was because I had a more extensive toolkit to fight with now. But I had not spent a long time training in my current power. I had a short period of time before then to enhance my strength too.

After I got everything ready here in the Demon lands until I was called back, depending on transportation back, I would have that time to train as well. Then there was the setup with a brief interlude while the forces of our nation and tribes gathered together, then I would no longer have time to train anymore.

I was standing in the apartment without even realizing when I got here in a trance with my mind whirling over everything. My head was a mess as I piled things up and discarded things that I thought were unnecessary. I had to cut down something with the small amount of time I had left.

As I thought, Tina came in with Grease on her face, and Betsy sat down with sweat dripping from her brow. Emily seemed to almost appear beside me as her pregnant stomach entered my vision. I heard even more movement as I refined things in silence. The ladies around me were not talking and waiting for others to enter the apartment's living room that we had been living in.

I needed to talk to Queen Mira first and foremost. This was critical, and she needed to know the information first hand. Then the Succubi Representatives and Francis. I think having another duel with Francis would show me where I should focus my efforts, and I thought back to our last match where I lost.

I threw that thought out as I focused more on what needed to be done before reflecting on how I needed to train. I needed to talk to Francis, but he wasn't a Priority. No, but Jax was. I needed to cement our relations with him before leaving as that was a valuable relationship to solidify before leaving after Ralph's mess. I needed to show them importance in that respect and put them on the priority list. The Succubi were going to be allies in the future with the tying of one of their most powerful wizard towers with me, so I needed to show them as the most important.

My mind spun faster and faster as I categorized importance as Mally, Asashi and Trisha entered the room. I thought more and more about how I should be dealing with things, and as Rose, with her husband on all fours, entered the room, Alexia and Yuri entered soon after.

Kate then entered her facial expression hard as she held her pregnant stomach. I could see that she knew that some form of news was coming down and didn't know her feelings on the matter.

The whole gang was here now, and I brought my thoughts back to the moment as I looked at them, my expression softening. I looked at each of them as Mally, Tina, Emily, and Kate sat down as the other ladies stood. It was my Harem, My backyard, my home, and my family. It was only a portion of them, and I even had more back at the Silvermoon tower that I looked forward to seeing again. So many cute faces and excited cries as I met them, and I looked forward to seeing them again.

I brought my mind yet again back to focus as they all looked at me with expectation. "Ladies, Lovers, My women, and loves," I began, looking at them all, feeling the weight of my words as I started feeling like it was too formal. "My Family," I said after a slight pause, "As of today, I have been told to prepare to head back to the Beast-kin nation and that orders will be dispatched to me in light of that fact." My words came out calm, but in the room, it went off like a thunderbolt.

I took a deep breath, and I leveled my gaze, "First, I want to say that I know and it will be required of me to go to war," I said slowly; I looked around, and I saw worry but not surprise. I wasn't expecting any surprise, though. I was a B-ranked asset, and I knew what was expected of me for the life course I had chosen. I could have chosen to say fuck my nation and took my children and left. I could have, but I knew that the consequences did not match the rewards.

I could give my children a better life inside a thriving nation than out alone in the world protecting them. My thoughts were running rampant in my mind as I felt the fear coming from the choice I had made—the question of if I was going to come out alive on the other side.

I let that fear show to them, "I do not know what will be coming, I fear that I may not return from the war," I firmed my face again, no longer allowing myself to show that fear. "I will face it head-on, though. Like those years inside the Elven forest while we were lost. I will fight; I will protect the nation that I grew up in. That gave me the privileged position that I enjoy. I hope and wish to see you on the other side after I fight. If you wish to join me, I will welcome you. You have been by my side for years now." Tears started to swell in my eyes, "I know some of you cant, and of course, I would never hold that against any of you. War is different from fighting. You can do everything right and end up dead for it." My last words came out solum. "There are no heroes in wars, only dead bodies, and the victors and what remains of the losers. I will fight. None of you have to fight with me, and if I am honest," I paused, looking around seeing tears and firm faces on my women's faces as I talked. "I don't want any of you to join me," I confessed my feelings.

Silence reigned in the room once again at my confession, and I squared my shoulders even as tears rolled down my face. "I want you all to stay safe!" I cried out, keeping my face straight as anxiety shot through me. My face stone even as tears streamed down as the emotion of what was to come hit me like a sack of bricks. "I want you, Mally, to be there with a happy smile and a calm, soothing smile with the two little kids in your arms after I fight my way back. I want you to be there with your happy smile as you see me again with our children, glad to see their father for the first time. Kate, I wouldn't have any less for you raising my kids to be as strong as you are safely inside the tower, raising them to be the best they can be. Tina, I want to come back to you showing me all the inventions and new mechanical masterpieces you made while I was away with our child rooting you on happily as you do so. I want to see you all happy!" My feelings continued to burst forth as I told them how I felt. I knew Emily, Mally, Kate, and Tina couldn't come.

I also knew that others trained to follow me. Asahi and Trisha were training and reached C rank just so that they could join me together for that express purpose. "I want you all to stay safe and be there when I come back. I want to come back and see the wonderful faces of all of you, all of my children. I want to come back to my family!" I finished tears dripping down my stone face, no longer showing emotion with nothing by my tears. "I will not-!"

I was cut off suddenly as Emily pulled me to her. Emily forcefully took my lips and kissed me, cutting me off. My lips trembled as she used her tongue to force my lips open, and I felt like I was starting to melt into her touch. Emily took my tongue into hers, and I lost myself for a moment before she broke the kiss.

"I will wait for you. Any one of us that wants to join you after having your kids, I will help you raise them for you. Please, for now, do what you need to do to survive in the end." Emily said, "Don't worry about me for now," Emily was crying as she said that. My heart broke seeing them on her face as she stepped back. I wanted to wipe those tears, and I was about to step forward toward her when my head was turned.

My lips were retaken, and I saw Mally's face as she kissed me. I was surprised this time, and I saw tears in her eyes. Mally broke the kiss and had a sad smile on her face, "I will join you on the war front. I will leave my child with your amazing Emily, who I trust. I want to be there with you on the waterfront. I want to be there fighting with you; I hope you will allow me to do that." Tears streamed down my eyes more as I didn't know how to respond as Mally stepped back.

I felt strong arms pull me, and Kate's arms moved my head as, for the first time, she was forward as she mashed her lips to mine. Kate broke it and smiled, "You haven't been the perfect lover. You haven't been the perfect father or mother or whatever you want to call yourself. You have changed my life and dominated me in a way that makes me cry out in pleasure and fuels my masturbation if you're busy. You brought me to someone to teach me to elevate myself from a weak adventurer, and I am on the border of D rank to elevate myself. I care for you, but I will wait for you as I want to watch our child grow up. Please, Don't hate me for that," Kate stepped back with tears in her eyes as she told me that.

I didn't know what to say as my head was moved again as I leaned down with Tina taking my lips. I was overwhelmed with emotions, my eyes red as tears dripped down to mashing my lips. Tina broke the kiss shortly afterward, "You are a muse for me. I would never have thought of some of the ideas I now work more with without our conversations. Chelsea, You might be selfish in so many ways, especially Doorknocker, but I wouldn't change you or your massive cock. I will make things and send them to the front for you. Our child will help you out no matter how long the war takes. I will wait." Tina had tears, but she lightly chuckled as she stepped back as I couldn't help but smile slightly at what she said, even as tears dripped down my face.

Trisha and Asahi pressed their lips to my cheeks and pecked my lips, "We have already discussed this," Asahi said.

Trisha followed up, "You showed us what perverts we are, and we followed you since our society would probably frown upon us." Trisha's smile was bleak. "You accepted both of us, and we began to become wizards because of you. I now have a pursuit in life, and I wish to follow you to war by your side."

"I also wish to join you with my sister," Asahi followed up with a sad smile, "I will follow into the killing fields. I wish like my sister to become an even stronger wizard with you." Asahi then kissed me intensely on the lips. Tears were still in my eyes, but I felt what each said in my soul. As Asahi broke the kiss and stepped back as Trisha took my lips after her sister, I didn't know how to feel. My emotions were a wreck as I didn't understand why we were having this emotional moment now instead of when I was about to depart.

Asahi broke the kiss stepping back moments later, and Betsy stepped up. Betsy, I didn't know what to expect. Her large breasts and muscled body were in my vision and, unlike my other women, didn't come in for a kiss. "You are a selfish woman Chelsea, As everyone around us knows you are. I followed you because you fucking purchased me from other bandits treating me like a commodity. You practically raped me not long later, and I will not lie, I enjoyed it. You taught my body pleasures without my consent forcefully before I quickly started to love it. I ran away from my nation due to reasons, and I had no choice but to become a bandit." Betsy took a deep breath, "Following you have changed my life and fate. I can not become stronger, and I am no longer a bandit. Able to hold my head with pride even if I was forcefully added to your harem. You allowed me to leave when I wished, and I decided to follow you. I will continue to do so and follow you to war." Betsy closed the distance now with tears in her eyes but not sad ones. Her lips closed on mine, and she kissed me hard. "Thank you," Betsy finished stepping away.

My mind was racing, trying to catch up with the information Betsy had just told me. I didn't have time to process as Rose wrapped her arms around my neck, and she pulled me into a deep kiss. Het tongue entered my lips, and as suddenly as the kiss began, it ended with Rose pulling beck, keeping her face inches from mine, placing her forehead against mine. "You made me into a cheating woman and are now running away. You are a dangerous woman Chelsea, and You are my lover and my strongest supporter. You showed me that I could have a life partner that I actually enjoy being around. A partner that makes me feel pleasure and doesn't hold me back or mistreat me. You even treated my shit husband, turning him into a sissy that can listen to others. I would be no help on the war front. So I want to help you build up with my investments. I want to help you create political power that you can use. Let me help you in my own way." Rose told me her face showed that she had been crying, but her expression was firm. Rose closed her lips on mine again and kissed me hard like she thought it might be the last time before stepping away.

None of my ladies allowed me to respond as I tried to open my mouth for my lips to be taken by another pair of lips. Yuri had taken them and gave me a loving smile, "I barely just have met you. You are a woman that I think might be going places in this world. My dad wished to pair me with you, and honestly, I like you, but I am not attached to you as everyone else is here. I think you make my life more difficult, but you know how to challenge me. You don't Micromanage me, and frankly, Your cock Doorknocker is fucking amazing and makes my pussy wet just thinking about it. I am not going to lie to you that later reason is huge because of how huge it is. I am sure Tina agrees with me." I knew Tina would be nodding in understanding. "You will be going to war, though, and I had already planned to be going myself as an administrator, and I wish to join you helping you keep track of things so that you can keep your head on the war instead of administration. That is my wish, and I hope you will allow me to realize it." Yuri backed off with a soft smile as tears welled in her eyes.

My lips were sealed from talking as Alexia took them, her fire-red hair filling my vision. "You are mean; you left me with a man back in the dwarven lands without remorse as I was left sexually unsatisfied for years after meeting you. Do you know how hard that was for me? I wanted you every night after you shamelessly seduced me without remorse. Our child even waits back to meet you again, and you are shamelessly moving on without shame again!" Alexia cried out tears in her eyes, "I also understand why your doing it. I will be following you into war, but I want to see our little girl Fia while we are back in our homeland. You will meet your daughter you shamelessly left me with when you left." Alexia retook my lips, "How did I fall for someone as shameless as you?" Alexia backed off and looked around everyone nodding at her last statement, I realized.

"Yeah, How did we fall for someone as shameless as you?" More female voices started to chuckle, looking around.

I was left stunned, and I saw all of them looking at me with various expressions. Alexia seemed to speak up for them all, "You cant pleasure us as you do, then shamelessly leave as you want. You are responsible for pleasing us all tonight and in the future!" Alexia said, already taking off her shirt.

Waves of emotions hit me that I couldn't tell what to say as all of them started to strip in front of me. "You are not going to make us this emotional and not satisfy us!" Tina yelled out as she now stood in front of me, naked grease still on her face. "I am so horny now and want you to satisfy me as only you can. I am sure that the rest of us think the same. You can go back to the political bullshit I would never touch with a ten thousand foot wrench. But tonight! Tonight I want to see each of us not able to move a muscle after you ravage us!" Tina roared out as if it was a battle cry.

"YEAH!" The rest yelled out, and all of them striped a pile of clothes in the corner.

I stood dumbfounded, and then my face broke. I smiled with tears in my eyes, feeling something I didn't know how to describe through me as I stripped myself.

Fuck the rest of the world for today. I will deal with it tomorrow and stop thinking about it tonight.

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