F*tanari System

The Battle

Two days with Alexia and my ladies in baths and all over the Embassy was terrific. I sat with the Ambassador to talk about the upcoming match twice each day, hearing about building up their forces. The most worrying was the fact that they convinced a C-rank to be a part of it. I had scaled up my ability, so I was looking forward to seeing if they were able to stop my trump card; otherwise, this would end in minutes, not hours. I had a smile as I found out Alexia was now pregnant with my child. I held back from telling her as my system told me.

It was several hour-long carriages rides out of the city. We entered a vast prairie with many dwarfs set up for battle and other species mixed in. I spent it in meditation to make sure my game plan was in perfect harmony. I was in the top class, and I was ready for a fight. My blood seemed to be pumping, and I was excited when I exited the meditation trance. I got ready and ignored the many enemies in front of me with a smile. The Ambassador looked at me with a weird look. I turned to him and tilted my head.

"You have many powerful subordinates but forced them all to stay back in the Embassy that succubus seemed to be a force to reckon with. But here you are by yourself in front of a brigade of enemies smiling a predatory smile Chelsea. I know you told me you have a trump card, but you are against another C-rank adventurer backed up with many soldiers. They say he is also a Strong wizard; although I am not sure if he specializes in anything, he can still protect these numbers from most known mass destruction spells. What are you planning?" I smile at him and start to laugh.

"You made a point in there, Ambassador Josh. All Known Spells he can protect against what about those he doesn't understand? What about those that he has no knowledge of or never have been seen in this world? What about that, Mr. Ambassador?" I laugh as I stretch my muscles loosening them up as a show for my enemies. My mana body would be more useful in areas where these types of spells cannot be used, and I felt mana course through my muscles. Each nerve was sensitive as I gathered my core of mana and got it ready to cast my spell. I estimated that it would take about half of my mana, if not more, to cast, and I looked at the mass of soldiers.

They were all dead men to me. I looked at them with the pity they deserve; bringing them into a political shit show with me has spelled their doom. I was confident in my abilities and was ready to face my enemies. I was nervous that the spell I had planned wouldn't work since It was theorized years ago, but all my tests in the past with the laws of mana showed that it would work. I was about to become one of the things they would fear most, and my nerves were tingling in excitement to do the first test proving my theories.

A memorial speech about settling differences went on for an hour, and the sun was starting to set in the sky when he completed to my right was the sun, not that it mattered much. In the end, as requested, everyone not involved removed themselves from the fighting area by at least half a mile. I told them more, but I made sure the minimum of half a mile. I looked at the people in front of me and smiled when the huge gong they used for these things sounded.

Instantly many people ran towards me, and spells started to fly at me. I softly sighed as my defensive spells I made second nature to myself over the past year erected, and I brought up the proper images into my head. The casting continued, and more and more mana gathered towards me as I created a spell of massive proportions going into the mysteries of both science and mana. I never noticed as spells hit my shields as Warrior's rouges and other professions grew closer and closer to me. The distance shortened and shortened, and I was almost complete. The mana coming from my body started to scare many as I built up my final part of it, and I finished with a ready-made Mana bomb no one in this world has witnessed.

I became the center of what I wanted to call an Arcane Emp that used me as the center of the device and blew outwards; the closer to me, the less likely the person to survive. This used EMP and mana to make it more lethal, making the center the safest spot for at least half a mile. This spell was in very early stages. The more mana put in, the farther the explosion and warriors in front of me disappeared from existence with no trace as the mana bubble went out from me, spreading out as many wanted to run, but the speed of the explosion was faster than their reaction. Only two people survived the explosion as the standards watch, realizing why I told them to be so far away as I cut off the mana just under a half-mile from me.

Just a hundred feet from me stood one dwarf with an old staff huffing with a solid mana shield in front of himself. He looked pissed off as the others disappeared without a trace. I smiled at him but checked my mana expenditure with about a third of my mana left, and I was not ready for a drawn-out fight with a wizard of equal footing. I was suitable for ten minutes of spell flinging without powerful spells, and with a resentful look at me, the dwarf started to cast fireballs in rapid succession. I moved quickly; instead of letting my mana shield take it, I ran fast, with mana infusing my muscles. He cast in a spot as I dodged his spells. The same fireballs never dissipated and followed me as I used agility to cut down the distance between us. I made it closer and closer as he flung cast a fire burst right in front of me as I reached him making my mana reserves run dryer and dryer as the fire stayed attached to my shield. I finished the distance, though, shot out a thermite bolt, and closed my eyes as it exploded in a flash of light on his mana shield. I heard a scream from him, and I kicked out with my eyes opened as I noticed his mana shield shatter and kick him in the head as he clawed at his eyes. I never stopped moving to chase him as my kick sent him flying. He regained his whit and cast using my kick, sending him flying to his advantage.

I chased, and I got a familiar mana glow and jumped out of the spot as a steam geyser blew up where I just was. His mana seemed to all be fire-based as he hurled more fireballs at me in rapid succession, and I dodged skillfully with the last year of training being my center; my body moved of its own accord with the training that grumpy old dwarf instilled into me and my ladies. I moved and moved as he cast, hitting me here and there as he ran backward away from me as he was casting. I got closer as he set up geysers to stop me and tried baiting me. For nine minutes, this went on as we danced each other's spells. I was reaching the end of my pool of mana, and he realized I was starting to get desperate. I moved forward, bursting my mana in a final do or die as I let a geyser of steam hit me, lowering my leftovers of mana by half. I reached him, kicking him square in the chin from underneath, knocking him out, and busting his jaw. I didn't stop even though I had a little mana left. I used the muscles that I had developed to punch and kick him combing him in the air, and finally, I kicked him so hard in the neck I broke it.

I fell to the ground in exhaustion with no power left in my body as my ripped muscles and pain screamed across my body. I couldn't move as the spectators now crowded a battlefield that used to have thousands with only two bodies. The Ambassador stood by me protectively, announcing I was still alive and have in the traditions of the Dwarven Kingdom proved my innocence with power over the other party. None could do anything legally. I was lying on the ground gasping for breath as I overtaxed my body and couldn't pay attention to the reactions as I couldn't even enter meditation with how exhausted my body was, refusing to answer any calls to move. The medic took a look at me after confirming that the Dwarf mage was dead. I was the only one alive and what used to be a crowded field filled with life was empty of them.

The Ambassador took me to a carriage with the medical team working on me quickly. I couldn't talk or anything without energy, and I had the Ambassador give me nutrient bombs that I had prepared beforehand and told him to give me if I ended up in this condition. They entered into my mouth, and I struggled to swallow them. It wasn't long after I swallowed them I passed out, letting my body heal naturally.



The Vote came in, and the Winner for the commission on the Vote was Chelsea going at it with Emily. The Work is now up on my P*atreon. Thanks for all that participated. Please continue to enjoy my works. Also, please Comment as I do read them, Vote, and review.

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