Fulfilling Desires

Chapter 10: Madame

I wake up to find myself in the moving carriage. 


I guess we are headed towards the capital, the best place to find the information on what is going on with my family.  I just have to endure things just a little while longer.

I really don’t want to turn into a slave. Good thing I am not 6 yet otherwise I would have the same tattoo as the girl. I feel sorry for her but I must think about myself for now. 

I need to escape as soon as possible but where would I go? I need a plan. Being in the courtesan house might give me a chance to come up with a plan.

What will I do there? I will find out soon.

I look around the cell to find the girl still asleep. I look outside the cell to find the morning sun in the sky. There are shops lined up on either side of what seems like a street. Morning vendors setting up their stands outside their shops. It’s all so colourful. If it weren’t for me being in this position I would been overjoyed by the view. 

The carriage moves on what seemed like a rock paved road. It seems like it’s a city. There are many people heading here and there. Some look into the cell out of curiosity, I hide myself in the cloak when they look inside. There are noises of kids playing. They make me envious. I want to be able to play with my sister and other kids.

We go through what seems like a checkpoint and a guard looks through the door of the cell to see me and the girl. The carriage starts moving again. It seems like it was a gateway to another part of the city as I see the gate and a big wall through the door of the cell. 

This place seems to be much more upmarket with posh shops here and there. There are people with lavish clothes walking by the carriage turning their heads away as if the carriage doesn’t exist.

The carriage starts to slow down. The girl is also up. I pass her my water canteen. She drinks it greedily and passes the almost empty canteen. I drink the remainder as the carriage stops.

The burly man opens the door and pulls me under his arm.  I dangle with the cloak covering most of my vision. I try to move it but the cloak is stuck in it’s position. The burly man starts moving.

“Here for a delivery for Madame Isabella” Burly man says to someone.

“Go through the back I don’t want your face disturbing the guests” A woman's voice replies.

The burly man is moving again, turning here and there opening doors. I see we are in a building by the look of the floor. He keeps moving what seems like corridors, now and then I hear sounds of women moaning or screaming. Sounds like a porno production factory to me.

He soon stops and the burly man is asking for permission to open another door. As he is given permission he enters through the door and puts me down.

“They better be better than last time. The last boy you brought wasn’t even blonde. I found out after we washed him. If such a thing happens again, tell your master he can forget about our deal.” A silky voice comes from what seems to be the room which we have entered.

“I humbly apologise Madame as an apology master has sent these two for free” The burly man answers and puts me down.

“I’ll first see them before accepting them. Girl come here” the woman says. 

I look around to get my bearings. We are in an office on what seems like 2nd floor with the view from the window behind a sofa on one side of the room. There seems to be two sections to the office, one with the desk and chairs and the other with luxurious sofas and a coffee table. There are expensive pieces of furniture throughout the room, even the office desk looks antique. There are various works of art situated throughout the room with vases, paintings on the walls to even China on the coffee table looks expensive and fragile.

Where have I been brought?

I look towards the owner of the office. She stands looking at the girl up and down as if calculating her worth. She is a medium height woman probably in her late 20s by her looks. She has long blonde hair styled in braids then pinned at the back. Icy cold blue eyes along with a sharp nose making her highly attractive. 

Her body has all the curves a man would ask for and big breasts to match her body. She wears a silk dress which barely contain her cleavage. I can see the burly man next to me trying really hard not to look. 

As these thoughts are going through my head. The woman has already ripped off the girls clothes and has checked everything. The girl is standing there with a red blush on her face.

“She is good. Jenny!” the woman shouts.

A young woman comes behind us and bows her head “ Yes, My lady”

“Take this girl she is to start training today, make sure to explain everything to her” Woman says then turns towards me.

The girl is quickly taken out by Jenny.

I feel the woman’s eyes on me. She comes to me and takes my cloak off. I try to hold on to it but these small arms just don’t have the strength. 

“Look at me, boy” She snaps. I look at her face which is barely an inch away. She is even more attractive up close. I feel my face burning up.

“He is perfect” she whispers so quietly that nobody would be able to hear. Somehow I hear it. 

She turns to the burly man “You may go and tell your master I’ll accept these also we can continue with the agreement” She tosses a coin to the burly man who catches it, bows his head to her and heads out.

“Allen” She says and a young teenage boy comes through the door. 

He just like her has blonde hair, blue eyes and is good looking. Perhaps her son?

The boy asks “Yes, Bella?” 

“From now on he is Allen and you are to work as his teacher, also his protector until his mana is awakened. After that you can have your freedom as promised. Teach him well and do not disappoint me.” 

“Yes, My lady” the boy replies

“Also he is not allowed to touch any other woman, he is all mine”

“But my lady, how will I teach him?”

“Use your imagination” 

“Yes my lady”

“Good, take him to his room and you can have the room next to his” she smiles.

“Let’s go” the boy takes my hand and we walk out the room.


I am very confused.

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