Fulfilling my Lustful Fantasies

Chapter 57: Saint Claire's Cathedral

-Laurel POV-

I've finished the purpose of my visit to the church when the archbishop received our generous offering. We weren't that poor that we couldn't spare a few hundred gold coins every now and then. In fact, I find this whole affair with the clergy a lot less troublesome than dealing with the other members of the nobility. A good relationship that could be maintained as long as we have money, whereas relations with other nobles are as fickle as the weather.

Compared to that… I looked at the black haired boy that naively followed me, Evelyn told me that he was the sibling of the girl that Aerin had enrolled. I was gonna ask him if he had a sister and maybe start to work from there, but I was surprised that Aerin actually taught him as well. I thought it was only his Sister that she interacted with.

Just as we were exiting, I came up to Evelyn and whispered "You'll be with the chauffeur, don't seat in the carriage with me for now"

From the way he talks to me it doesn't seem like he recognizes me, but Eve told me earlier that he once rode with her before. So chances are he'll recognize her and realize that I talked to him knowing who he was all along.

Eve followed my words, and walked ahead before seating besides the driver in front of the carriage. With that out of the way, I turned my attention towards the country bumpkin behind me. I didn't even need to have Eve tell me that he just moved into the city, because I don't think anyone who's lived in this place long enough will just accept a complete stranger's invitation.

But it's fine, in a way that I don't have to overthink what I need to say to get what I want. You don't find that many trusting people in the city, and from all the scheming people I have to deal with, an easy and trouble-free conversation is pretty welcome.

"How do people call you? Maelriel? Or do you shorten it to just like 'Mael'?" I asked to which he answered, he's usually called 'Riel'. While he was speaking, we finally got inside the carriage and he doesn't seem like he recognizes me still.

"I see, Riel huh… Well, Riel you were looking at the shops earlier" I recalled him looking at them earlier so I asked "Did you perhaps wanted to get something to eat?"

"Well… I was planning to get some waffles in that place" He replied before pointing to the shop where he initially was planning to eat

"Waffles, eh?" I wouldn't mind having some for now, but looking at the shop he pointed at, I saw that it had a lot of people going in and out of it. Not to mention, I just didn't want to eat from any of the stores here, so I called out to the people in the front "Take us to the western part of the inner city, I'm in the mood for some waffles, take me to my 'favorite' place"

"-Eh?" With haste, the carriage started moving and only then did he finally looked concerned. He quickly looked through the window and saw that we were already a considerable distance from the city square. "Um, where are we going?" He asked me with an anxious look in his face

I felt like giggling at his nervousness. Boy, it's too late for you to start worrying now. If I was a kidnapper, your case would already be a sealed deal. But I still answered his question nonetheless, "You wanted waffles, right? I know a better place."

"Don't worry, you'll be back home before night." I assured him, before resting my chin on my hand as I leaned forward "Instead, why don't you tell me more about yourself? You don't seem like you're from around here, country boy."

Hearing my words, I saw him widen his eyes in shock for a second, probably wondering how I knew. He's like an open book, I can just read his expressions and gestures, and I would know what he was thinking. Even if Eve didn't tell me about it, with how he was acting I could've deduced that much on my own.

"uhm, we just moved in a few months ago." Yup, I knew that much already but I still acted like it was my first time knowing about it. "My elder sister is gonna be attending the Imperial academy, so we had to move." Finally, he moved on to the topic that I wanted to know more about

"You have an older sister? And she's gonna be at the Imperial Academy? She must be really talented then~" I said in shock

"Un, Big Sis is really talented but the reason why we were able is because of Teacher." I smiled when I heard his words. This was almost too easy, he was telling me everything I wanted to know. He then told me how it was this teacher, that gave his Sister a chance to enroll at the school in the first place.

"Good on your sister, being able to chase her dreams." I smiled and congratulated him, before telling my story "But actually, your story kind of rings a bell..." I said before striking a thinking pose, like I was trying to recall something

"Just like you, I also have an older sister, but she's away most of the time" I sighed as if I found it regretful "But not long ago, I've heard news that she took interest in a talented girl from the countryside." I spoke while looking at him just from the corner of my eyes

"The time matches, and seeing how you mistook me for this 'teacher' earlier..." I squinted my eyes while looking at him, I was suggesting the idea and he seems to have gotten it as well, seeing how his eyes widened like he just realized something. "Your sister's name, could it perhaps be 'Celine'?" Finally I asked him

"…!" He nodded with a surprised face, before asking "Uhm, could you be... Miss Aerin's younger sister?"

With a meaningful smile, I replied "Yes, I'm indeed her younger sister. But still, what a coincidence..."

"Our older sisters know each other, and now us, younger siblings, meet each other like this." I said in wonder, "It's almost like fate." he nodded to my words regarding this amazing coincidence.

"My sister is always out of the house, so I don't know how she's been doing lately." I told him before curiously asking "So how did your sister and mine meet?". With expectant eyes, I waited for him to tell what that sister of mine was doing while she was out where my eyes couldn't reach her

While talking, we passed by the inner city walls. One look at the carriage insignia was all that they needed to identify who the carriage belonged to. All the while I listened attentively to the stories that he was telling me. Supposedly he doesn't know exactly the details of their meeting, but he was made aware of it when Aerin came over to help cook dinner for her when their mother was out.

Hearing that, I couldn't help but smile wryly. I haven't tasted her cooking in what seems to be decades by now, and I don't think I can in the following ones neither. I also understood that they got along well enough, that Aerin didn't mind teaching her brother a few things in music as well. Even though, I thought she stopped playing a long time ago.

He told me some more things, and I was able to listen to it without any interruption. The roads in the inner city is paved very well after all, thus the ride was very smooth and with feverish haste we covered a lot of ground quickly. Ironically, it was also because of the smooth ride that our conversation had to be cut for now, because we quickly arrived in our destination.

Once we stopped, I saw him look at the well-maintained garden surrounding the establishment. It was built near the large Dreghei river that run from the north of the country, giving the customers a wonderful view of nature's beauty. Unlike the other establishments in the city square as well, there weren't much people walking about. However what probably is most striking is rather than looking like a restaurant, it looked more like a small cathedral.

"Uhm… I thought we were eating?" he asked me as he laid his eyes on the surroundings for the first time

"Yes we are, Riel. Don't mind its outer appearance, they have waffles here. We're at the northern section of the inner city so things might look a bit different around here." I informed him. The northern section was the area closest to the royal palace and though it was also a residential area just like the southern section, it was lot stricter with its residents. The land is more expensive and there is some form of tacit agreement among the residents.

For people living outside the inner walls, it would be easy to just lump all the people in the inner city as 'rich people'. However if the southern section was a residential area for rich men and women, then the north was the area for rich and powerful families. The people here didn't look kindly upon rich merchants, who made it big only during their generation. Being wealthy was a given, what they valued was bloodline and prestige.

In fact even though it was called a 'residential' area, very few people actually live here. It would be more apt to call the homes and mansions here as only 'villas', because the people who could afford to get in here in the first place probably has a separate estate where they actually live.

We finally descended the carriage, and from the looks of it we're the only 'visitors' this time. I came down first and Riel was following behind me. The moment I got inside a nun with a stunning face immediately greeted us and the door behind us were then shut tight. Unlike an actual nun's clothing, her garbs were oddly tight-fitting, and there was a cut at the side that started from the hips, showing her beautiful fair legs.

"Good afternoon Sister-in-faith, may I understand the purpose of your visit to Saint-Claire's church?" she asked me with a polite smile, although the exterior looked like a small cathedral, the interior didn't match it. It still sort of resembled a church, but there were no places of worship or seats for believer.

Instead there were oddly large tables with seats surrounding them and at the very front was the place where the priest would normally preach from along with a podium. At the side, you could see shelves that had deck of cards, bottles of wine, and etc. Things that you wouldn't associate with a holy place like a church.

"Its nothing, I just want a quick lunch with my companion." I said before pointing to the country boy who was following behind me. "Please seat us inside I would like to enjoy a pleasant and private talk with him."

"Maám, this is a church, I'm afraid you're at the wrong pla-" I interrupted her by showing her a necklace of a crescent moon hanging on my neck, and then pointing to a necklace that had our family insignia. I told them "No, I think I'm at the right place"

"I see, then our Sisters would attend to you." her tone immediately turned respectful as she answered me quietly. After that she started guiding us and spoke again on a normal volume "Sister-in-faith, It's still daytime, so I'm afraid to tell you that some of our services are still unavailable." she informed me.

I shrugged it off and said that I don't mind. I already knew that. Do they think I don't know the services my own establishment provides?

"Brothers, you must be tired from your journey" once we were led to our table near the garden, the nun immediately started talking, she still had a holy air emitting out of her as she spoke "The goddess has plenty to provide for her faithful believers, so please tell us of what you want."

"I'd like a chocolate waffle and any bottle from Chateau Hennileth" In reflex, I ordered a bottle of wine. Looking at the young man in front of me, I'm not sure if that was the right choice.

Riel still looked slightly confused at the surroundings, but he followed suit and ordered waffles as well. I told him that he could order any other food as long as its in the list, so he told them "Then, if you don't mind, please add grilled chicken sandwich and mushroom soup as well"

I felt like laughing at the polite and respectful tone he was talking with to the 'nuns', even the 'nun' was pretty shocked at how respectful he was being. It seems like he's still treating this like the other stores. But how could this place be ordinary? This was at the northern quadrant, where not even the church has any power here, or else this place would have been burned down a long time ago. Being rude to the customers isn't an option here, in fact it's the other way around in this place.

Initially, I wanted to go here because I wanted some chocolate waffles, and also because I sort of owned the place. After all, how can they sell chocolate desserts if they weren't connected to us somehow? But seeing how honest this guy is, I realized that I might have an opportunity in my hands.

Looking at the country boy in front of me, I was thinking if I should get him on my side. At first glance, he could be a pretty good mole. Aerin's already slightly wary of Evelyn from the looks of it, and I might need someone different to inform me of what she's doing. But at the same time, we just met and I don't have a clear grasp of their relationship dynamics yet.

From what I can understand, Aerin and his sister are pretty close. Because of that he's sort of close to her as well. Although I would have preferred to have his sister instead, if they really were close then it'll just explode in my face. Having him is a much safer bet and so much more easier to do, although the returns are lower.

In the end, having a mole get caught is only harmful if the mole knows a lot of inside information. My relationship with my sister is already pretty strained anyway, otherwise I wouldn't be going to such lengths just to monitor what she is doing.

Looking at the guy who was blushing in his seat and I couldn't help but smile. If I play my cards right I can probably use him without him even knowing it. For now, I'll show him what I can give him, give him a little taste and once he's hooked, then he'll have to work for it if he want more.

"Oh my, you're so cute~" I told him while giggling "-look even she is shocked by how polite you are." before pointing to the nun who had been taking our orders just now. She had a wry smile as she looked at Riel.

People have told me of the carrot and sticks approach before, offer them a reward and threaten them with punishment. Me and Aerin both thought that it's a pretty bad approach, because while Aerin is pretty skilled with her threats, which is why she's the prime intelligencer of the family, I don't like blackmailing people, or having them serve you reluctantly just because they have no choice but to do so. Because once you lose their leash, the thing that's making them obedient, they become wild beasts who will bite back at you with zero hesitation.

Instead by enticing them with so much carrots, they'll willingly put on their own leashes just to make sure they can continue having it. Luckily, I have the means and riches needed to give the people the 'carrot' that they'll work and tie a leash on their own necks for. Even Evelyn, who Aerin saved from a life of slavery, was now telling and informing me of everything her 'saviour' does and tells her.

And for a young man like him, I'll show him the real power of money. The true meaning of living a luxurious and lavish life- just how enticing can it be for someone who probably hasn't even touched a woman's hand. I wonder if he would even want to go back to the hand-to-mouth lifestyle that he was living with before.

-Maelriel POV-

I looked at the 'nun' that took our orders, and couldn't help but gulp. In fact, I've been wondering about it ever since I entered this place. It was designed like a church, there were statues of the goddesses, the people inside were dressed like they were at a church. The colored and artistic window panes, the wall murals, the ceiling art, even the church organ was there, all of it would remind someone of a church.

But at the same time something felt off. I could clearly see at the corner in the shelves, there were bottles of wine, there were decks of cards. Instead of the rows of seat you would usually see, it was large round tables surround by chairs. There wasn't a single male acolyte around and the 'nun's' outfits were all suspiciously risque. They looked like nuns, but at the same time some had their cleavages showing, their garbs had a slit starting from the hips, making it so that their smooth long legs were visible. And for supposedly holy women, they all had bodies that were just tempting you to sin.

Our order finally arrived and Laurel was acting like nothing was wrong and out of place. I received exactly what I said, waffles with chicken sandwich, as well as mushroom soup, not to mention it looked really well done. So I couldn't help but thank the waitress/nun for her work.

"How are you enjoying your meal, Riel?" Laurel asked as while she was cutting her waffle with a knife

"I think the food is really great." I answered honestly, despite the confusing aesthetics the food they served was very top notch. Hell, the food that the store at the city square served couldn't even compare.

"I'm sure it is~" Laurel smiled as she heard my words, as if hearing something obvious "-otherwise it wouldn't be worth a thousand Curonnes" she said as she casually stated exorbitant price of the meal

"Fufu, no it's not the meal Riel, The meal is free. After all this is a church, the nuns won't charge anything for helping out their fellow believers now, would they?" she explained with a meaningful smile, before continuing "It's just the usual offerings that these 'devoted' nuns receive from their faithful believers~"

It was then that a beautiful nun arrived with a bottle of wine. Her headdress covered most of her head but I could see that she had stunning straight long black hair. She popped open the bottle of wine before bending forward as she served Laurel filling her wine glass with red wine. "What's your name sister?" Laurel asked with a smmile

"It's Mary." And as she was serving her, Laurel 'accidentally' spilled her wine on the nun Mary, soaking her garbs wet.

"Oh my~ Sister Mary, That looks quite uncomfortable now." Mary was also shocked herself, and it looked it really was just Laurel's sudden whims. "I was just about to order a salad, but I wouldn't want you feeling uncomfortable working with such wet clothes." before pouring the rest of the contents of her wine glass directly at the wet woman

If the 'accident' earlier could still be passed off as a mistake, her actions now were very clearly on purpose as she then let go of her wine glass. The nun's tight fitting garbs then clung tighter to her skin, and it almost started being see-through as I could roughly see the bra that the nun was wearing under her clothes.

"I really want my salad though…" Laurel pouted as she spoke, ignoring that there were other workers that she could have placed her orders with. But I didn't point it out, because I was too entranced by the show she was putting on. As if she had a bright idea, she clapped her hands together before audaciously suggesting "How about taking it off instead? That way you can continue working without a hitch~"

Mary put on a look of token resistance, before giving in helplessly. It was like I was watching a beautiful nun do her own strip show. It was like watching a gift being unwrapped, layer by layer her clothes were being removed. Her wet garbs soon hit the floor, then her undershirt until finally she was standing in only a pair of seductive lingerie, all that was hiding her busty chest were the wet white bra she was wearing, but even then I could roughly see the pink bud under it. She still had her stocking and garter belt covering her bare legs, but it only added more to the eroticism of the view.

Like a true professional, she then got back to her work and asked Laurel, what salad did she want, to which she replied "Actually… I think grilled chicken would be nice~ but isn't your top wet? Why don't you take it off as well" and from there from the corner of my eye, I could see Laurel looking at me with a smile like she was gauging my reactions.

Finally Mary also took off her bra, her chest stood proudly in full view. She had a shameful look in her face but what I didn't expect to see was that her nipples were unexpectedly hard and was standing erect. This woman was enjoying this. Meanwhile I could still see some of the wine dripping down her fair skin and her breasts. I couldn't help but gulp at the sight.

"What a sinful nun, showing off your chest to such a young man? Come here I'll help you out." As if that wasn't enough Laurel pulled the woman towards her, before she dipped her finger at the chocolate dip meant for her waffles. With wanton hands, she coated Mary's nipples in heart shaped chocolate stains. "Now you look presentable, anyways I want my salad so you can go." and with that Mary just walked away without any complaints, her butt swaying seductively behind her with every step

"Meanwhile..." Laurel then changed seats and sat directly besides me "How was it Riel?" she asked me with a grin, her fingers still had a chocolate coat in it before she then licked it clean with her tongue

"That's how you treat people who don't do their jobs properly around here~" she said with a smile as she took the wine bottle and filled her own glass. "Don't feel bad, they're used to working with much less clothes in this place~" she said while taking a sip

I don't know what to say, I was so dumbfounded. This was our FIRST time meeting, and I was taken to a place like this. From out conversation earlier, I already had a rough idea of what she wanted from me. I didn't think she would be this brazen, to bring a teenage country bumpkin to the very peak of city entertainment. Even in my previous life, I've never experience any of the 'adult' night-life entertainment.

I thought I was a degenerate, but looking at this entire place. Someone, somewhere was audacious enough to make a church-themed strip club, no, from what I can see the 'services' doesn't just end in stripping. This was much more than just a resto-bar, brothel, or a strip club. Everyone one here knew how to act and played their parts like this really was a church.

While some people were working hard at the fields or working hard at their businesses, a few people get to enjoy these kinds of services and entertainment.

This place was just a sinkhole of depravity.

"I'm telling you, look at all the women in this room~" she whispered to me, her eyes wandered around gazing past every single person who was working here. Finally I understood why they were all stunningly beautiful. "The nuns, the bishops, the preachers, they all like being treated like that~"

"and as long as you have this~" she held out her crescent moon necklace to me, she then wrapped it around my neck while whispering right next to my ears with hot breaths "-They'll let you do A.N.Y.T.H.I.N.G.♥~"

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