Full Comprehension Level: Sixty Years Of Sword Pavilion

Chapter 366

366. The Superposition Of The Magic Dao Domain Enables Dao Yuan Ding (12 Chapter)

Ling Xiao on the nine floors above the heavy clouds, looking back at the endless mountains and rivers is all Acacia.

The power of thunder is integrated into the Dao domain, simulating the power of Heavenly Dao, which can quickly improve their own Dao domain, and also allow them to perceive the source of Heavenly Dao’s power.

Seeing Li Siming carefully holding Dao Yuanding and leaving, Lu Yuzhou turned to look at Han Muye.


“You take Dan Ding back and study it carefully. You will be in charge of the refining of sword pills starting tomorrow.”

But he is only at the level of Master Alchemy. There are very few Alchemy practitioners who come here to be weaker than his Cultivation Base.

This is naked showing off.

His words surprised Qin Suyang and Lu Yuzhou.


Besides, Han Muye even took out the precious Star Spirit Orb.

There is also a green grass floating around.

Han Muye is not the kind of younger disciple with insufficient ability. If he can’t let go, he will not be willing to take over pill refining.

There are three people in charge of the Medicine Pill Division, which is the organization in charge of the entire Profound Sky World Alchemy.

“Old Qin, your Dao domain is suppressed, this Minor World is more alive.” Lu Yuzhou looked around, and then said with a little regret: “It’s a pity that the power of the Dao can’t be condensed, otherwise—”

Han Muye turned his head to look into the distance and said solemnly, “Li Siming, come see me.”

On all the flying boats, all the Red Armored soldiers looked back at the dazzling Profound Sky World, as if to keep this beauty in their hearts forever.

Preside over the refining of sword pills?

“Brother Lu, do you want to cover this Star with the Dao domain? I’m afraid this won’t work, it’s too expensive.”

To be in charge of the Medicine Pill Division, at the very least, he must be the pinnacle of the Grand Great Master.

Before he could finish his words, his eyes widened and he looked at Han Muye.

A quaint Confucian and Taoist atmosphere spreads out, and the green bamboos are continuous, turning into a sea of bamboos.

The Cultivation Base revealed by Han Muye at this time is just the Gold Core period.

a little

Han Muye took a step forward, cupped his hands, and said, “Fellow fellows, take a break for a while. We’ll talk about pill refining tomorrow.”

“My brother’s mind is definitely not what you think.”

Whether it’s the green bamboos, the elixir all over the ground, or the little grass pine trees, they all swayed their branches, as if they were cheering with joy.

Han Muye nodded.

A cyan stream gushed out from the soil, following the low-lying place, and meandering toward the front.

It is also the case that after the Indistinguishable Dao, he did not hesitate to turn the Star he joined into a county in the world of Tai Xuan.

The fall of one side of the world, the creatures on it are really like dust and sand, and there is no resistance.

“This Star originally had living things, but unfortunately after a war, all living things were wiped out.” Qin Suyang said in a deep voice when the flying boat fell.

It’s just a matter of personal choice, and there is no right or wrong.

But for most of the hour, dozens of sword cultivators with dignified aura flew down.

With this kind of power, it is a bit reluctant to refine sword pills. If he were to preside over pill refining, he might not be able to suppress those Alchemy cultivators.

“These days, we killed many demons and obtained some spiritual materials. We refined them into swords and handed them over to the senior, in exchange for some sword pills.”

Confucianism and Taoism are half holy, and Alchemy is half holy!

But at this time, after listening to Qin Suyang’s introduction, they hurriedly asked each other in a low voice.

The ten flying boats around Han Muye and the others slowly left the fleet and went in another direction.

This is the superposition of Qin Suyang’s Dao domain power.

Han Muye hides the power of kendo that makes his heart palpitate!

Maintaining the power of the simulated avenues will greatly deplete the power and strength of the Cultivation Base.

Not all of these alchemists came to attend the Alchemy conference, but more were invited by the Department of Medicine Pill.

How does this allow him to host pill refining?

These people have a strong flow of elixir.

In front, Mu Wan stood beside the porthole and waved her arm lightly.

As long as you follow the steps, you can surpass everyone.

The ten flying boats turned and landed on a dead star three million miles away from the Profound Sky World.

“Mr. Muye, I’ll leave the refining of the sword pill to you.” On the deck, Qin Suyang moved and flew down.

The creator of Danyuange Huadan, and the person who developed the sword Dan, Han Muye is qualified to become the deputy director based on these two items alone.

Back in the quiet room of the flying boat, Han Muye Lotus Position sat down, and then a flash of light flashed on his body, and a formation plate was placed in front of him.

His Dao Territory is actually transformed into a Star of Dongshan County.

“Is this guy okay?”

Ahead, the flying boat that rushed into the void began to accelerate.

There is such a means when he has not yet become a Dao domain, this person must be Heavenly Dao’s darling.

There, the aura struck, causing the void to tremble.

Since he sat in the Suwei world, after several expeditions against the void, there have been fewer and fewer foreign enemies in the void.

Although he used the power of Star to step into the semi-sacred realm, he lacked the background.

Wind attribute full-level affinity power, transforming into endless wind.


Behind Han Muye, a black Kui horn emerged.

Light curtains appeared on the array disk, covering the surrounding space.


“Han senior.”

“Fellow fellows, the method of refining sword pills has been well studied before, and the future pill refining will be arranged by Mr. Makino.”

Han Muye raised his hand again, and a green light flashed from his palm.

Li Siming looked at the three people standing in front of him, with an excited expression on his face, bowed and saluted.

Lu Yuzhou, who was wearing a cyan robe, looked into the distance and spoke softly.

That kind of sharpness pierced through the sky.

A smile appeared on Han Muye’s face.

Lu Yuzhou said with a smile.

And the refining of sword pills is the reason why these alchemists are standing here today.

“The multi-dan method you researched, and it should be able to be realized by using the dan furnace.”

If the opportunity in the world of practice is not accepted, I am afraid that there will be no possibility to improve the level of Cultivation Base and Alchemy in the future.

He reached out and picked up a broken blade.

The shattered army, the demons that overwhelmed the sky, and the alien beast attack of Shrouding the Heavens caused the heaven and the earth to collapse.

The fierce Sword intent seemed to pour out of his body.

“Don’t worry, you can just go and study the multi-dan method, and leave the rest to me.” Seeing Li Siming’s hesitation, Han Muye said softly.

The selection of Star pill refining here was discussed with Lu Yuzhou by Han Muye.

On him, endless aura shone, and a phantom under the divine beast protected his body.

“Old Qin, you have been in the Profound Sky World for too long.” Lu Yuzhou grinned and turned to look at Han Muye beside him.

Spiritual medicines appeared on the ground.

From the perspective of cultivation, he didn’t care too much about having to gather the power of affinity.

This overwhelmed him.

“Also, if the Dao domain is arranged here, I can also pursue the practice of kendo.”

With that, he cupped his hands again, then turned and walked away.

The continuous city turned into smoke and dust.

Lu Zhenyu stepped forward and bowed, and the others followed suit.

Even if Lu Yuzhou knew that Qin Suyang was already a double saint, he was shocked when he saw the elixir and green bamboo everywhere.

There was divine light in his eyes, as if he wanted to remember all the spiritual patterns on the cauldron.

Han Muye’s emotion left Qin Suyang and Lu Yuzhou speechless.

Water attribute affinity, full level.

This kind of nurturing the world, although it can make him a lot more stable, it also greatly limits his path forward.

The Five Elements attribute is affinity, and now Han Muye is inferior to metal.

As the most popular Alchemy method at the moment, if you haven’t studied it, you’d be embarrassed to go out.

It can be seen from the aura that there are many strong people who resist foreign enemies, and Han Muye does not need to worry at all.

Different from when they first met, each of these kendo cultivators had a calm expression and no fear.

Lu Yuzhou nodded and said in a low voice, “Fortunately, the power of Heavenly Dao controls the thunder—”

“When your power spreads, will it be affected when you refine Medicine Pill?” Looking at Han Muye, Qin Suyang asked in a low voice.

All kinds of affinity powers are displayed, filling the hundred miles of space, and the kendo power originally covered by Han Muye also begins to reveal.

Eight thousand Alchemy practitioners looked at each other and left with a smile.

Li Siming raised his head to look at Han Muye, and there was a hint of confusion on his face.

It is not the Indistinguishable Dao semi-holy that can have that kind of power, but the existence that transcends the semi-holy.

A light curtain rose, covering the space of a hundred miles.

Since Han Muye promised to lead the refining of sword pills, Qin Suyang handed over all the rights to him.

Qin Suyang laughed, raised his hand and pointed it out again.

Dao Yuanding has been refined by him, and he has also deduced the multi-dan method.

For the Alchemy powerhouses who were called, it was natural to have no reluctance to refine the sword and other protective treasures and contribute to the prosperity of Alchemy.

Around, even the Stars are not alive at all.

Around them, some wrapped around Dao Dao Jian Dan, drawing mysterious arcs, and some had long swords under their feet, with shining Sword Ray.

Stepping into the Saint of Karma may be possible.

Around him, the strong medicinal fragrance seemed to burst.

“Li Siming has met Mr. Muye, Qin is in charge, and Lu is in charge of the hospital.”

But for a dead star, eight thousand dan cultivators and nearly ten thousand guards, a star spirit bead plus the shroud of Dao domain power is enough.

The surrounding demons and alien beasts were almost strangled.

As he said that, a faint light flashed on his body.

“This star is hidden, but it doesn’t have the power of heaven and earth. I’m afraid it will lose some spirituality when refining Medicine Pill.” Qin Suyang looked around and said in a low voice.

As Marquis Wu said, standing outside the Profound Sky World and looking back, the Profound Sky World he saw was so lovely, so reluctant, so willing to guard it wholeheartedly.

Following him were dozens of Alchemy Grand Great Masters and Great Masters.

Han Muye stepped off the flying boat and could see various broken city walls around, as well as the rusted armor that had long since disappeared in the dust.

It’s not really a Star Heart, it’s just a Star Orb that hasn’t been filled with Spiritual Qi.

Lu Yuzhou and Han Muye were walking on the desolate gravel beach, Qin Suyang looked solemn on the side.

Although he usually has research on the refining tools, he does not spend too much time on the power of affinity.

Li Siming shivered all over, his eyes fell on the Dao Yuan Ding, and he couldn’t bear to leave.

“Only outside Tianxuan can you understand how difficult it is for Wen Xiang to protect this world with all his heart.” A voice sounded behind Han Muye.

Qin Suyang looked around, nodded and said, “Brother Lu’s Dao domain guardian, this place is indeed much safer.”

On the other hand, Han Muye didn’t seem to feel much.

According to the deductions of Qin Suyang and several other powerhouses, this sword pill can become a treasure for Alchemy practitioners to protect themselves.

“Is it really that Dao Yuan cauldron made from a Star?” Lu Yuzhou stepped forward and looked at the cauldron, his expression turned solemn.

In the world of Suwei, above the East China Sea, the divine beast hegemony slowly opened his eyes.

Qin Suyang frowned: “Daoyu?”

The Star Spirit Orb fell on the ground and penetrated directly into the ground.

Qin Suyang’s eyes brightened and he glanced at Han Muye.

Qin Suyang also looked at Dan Ding carefully.

How many people can return to Tianxuan alive after an army of one million went on an expedition?

The next chapter is a little later

Han Muye turned his head and said, “Senior knows this tripod?”

“So I said you have to come out and have a look.”

The library of Medicine Pill’s books, that is the Alchemy Sacred Land in the Profound Sky World.

Saying that, he pushed Dan Ding forward and landed in front of Li Siming.

“If it wasn’t for the guardianship of Prime Minister Wen and Marquis Wu, Tianxuan would have been dead just like these Stars.” Lu Yuzhou’s eyes showed a trace of nostalgia.

In the Profound Sky World, will there be such a day?

With the deployment of two semi-sacred Taoist realms, Qin Suyang’s original aura seemed to weaken a little. However, the kendo power that he had been suppressing all along became more prominent.

Even if Lu Yuzhou is a semi-holy, it is impossible to cover a Star with his own Dao domain.

As soon as the Dan Ding came out, Qin Suyang’s expression changed, and he whispered, “Dao Yuan Ding!”

Qin Suyang’s eyes fell on the eight thousand Alchemy practitioners, and then said lightly: “Mr. Muye is in charge of Medicine Pill.”

Are young people now so terrifying?

As soon as the horn appeared, it directly caused endless thunder light to tear the void and hit the light curtain, causing the light curtain to vibrate.

These are not ordinary alchemists, and the lowest Cultivation Base is the pinnacle of Master Alchemy.

Speaking of this, he shook his head and said, “There are countless treasures in the world, but they can only be obtained by fate.”

Saying that, a faint light flashed on Lu Yuzhou’s body, and green pine trees appeared one after another.

A double saint!

Those who knew about Han Muye’s identity and background as early as in the imperial city Danfang quickly explained it.

Earth attribute affinity is full.

After Qin Suyang finished speaking, he turned to look at Han Muye.

It didn’t stop. Under his feet, the yellow aura spread, causing the earth and rocks to tumble, and the thick earth breath drifted away.

A series of bleak pictures appeared in Han Muye’s mind.

After merging into the body of a divine beast, Han Muye really doesn’t care much about other people’s power.

Lu Yuzhou and Qin Suyang are Indistinguishable Dao semi-sages, and they have a solid foundation.

“Is there really a Heavenly Dao darling in this world…” Qin Suyang looked at Han Muye’s hand and whispered to himself.

Until this moment, he couldn’t believe that he would have the opportunity to walk with countless Alchemy seniors and meet Alchemy half-sages in person.

But since Lu Yuzhou had released the Dao Domain, Qin Suyang did not hide it.

“Old Qin, your Dao domain is quite condensed…” Lu Yuzhou’s words were a bit sour.

The selected location, also designated by Han Muye.

Star, who was originally dead, seemed a little more angry.

The power of kendo gave him a more subtle perception of Han Muye beside him.

Ten flying boats, carrying a total of eight thousand alchemists.

Han Muye chuckled and turned to walk back.

But this kind of tremor surprised Qin Suyang and Lu Yuzhou.

“It’s just that Brother Lu has just completed his Dao domain, and he still lacks some spirituality.”

Among them, the strong will either escape or become the power of blood under the beast tyrant.

The thunder light continued to descend, causing the water on the ground to vaporize into clouds, and then fall into rain.

Originally, for the great cultivator, the power of the Dao domain should not be released, and the mysteries of it should be discovered by outsiders.

Han Muye turned his head to look and saw that in the void, it was empty and silent.

He is an alchemist who has even bankrupt his own alchemy room. What qualifications does he have to deserve the attention of these powerhouses?

His understanding of the Star world is deeper than others.

If it weren’t for the desolation still a hundred miles away, the world would be no different from the real Star full of life.

Han Muye led him into the flying boat, but didn’t explain much.

This guy’s Kendo Cultivation Base is actually much better than his own!

“Who said I would pill refining myself?”

He still has a lot to do.

Li Siming took a deep breath, held Dao Yuan Ding with both hands, and said solemnly, “This disciple will definitely live up to what Mr.

A gust of wind dissipated and turned into a gentle breeze.

Some people returned to the flying boat and began to adjust their breaths. Some people used their own strength to build a residence on this dead star.

At this moment, this square hundred space has really become a living world.

They came here to refine sword pills.

Hearing Han Muye’s call, a figure in a green robe came running quickly.

To know this Alchemy conference, all the alchemy techniques that all alchemists must learn are the alchemy technique and the refining sword elixirs.

Thousands of boats set off, Shrouding the Heavens cover the sun, turn around and stare, the hometown of mountains and rivers is covered with greenery.

In today’s battle, Han Muye did not shoot.

Han Muye’s expression remained still, he raised his hand, and a golden-red bead appeared in the palm of his hand.

He had been trapped in the dead star for a hundred years, and almost died with the star.

Han Muye stretched out his hand and pointed at the void in front of him.

At this moment, the small Minor World with a radius of 100 miles is full of vitality.

Han Muye raised his hand, and a Dan Ding appeared.

The Dao Territory where Lu Yuzhou spread out, in which the green color is more intense.

------off topic-----

A touch of Spiritual Qi envelopes the blade.

Qin Suyang widened his eyes and whispered, “Star’s Heart!”

Han Muye didn’t care about them and turned to look at Li Siming: “This cauldron can withstand the force of miscellaneous, and it can also turn into a huge cauldron after being urged.”

Han Muye looked around with some regret, shook his head and said, “Unfortunately, the power of the Star Spirit Orb is still weak, and it is impossible to condense Heavenly and Mortal Treasures. My own metal affinity is also weaker.”

He didn’t know if he was talking to Han Muye or if he was talking to himself.

The cloud satin in the distance looked up and then disappeared into the void with the flying boat.

The eight thousand Alchemy cultivators below do not know much about the identity of Han Muye.


Envy flashed in Qin Suyang’s eyes, and he said in a low voice: “I have seen from the library of books, a treasure of Alchemy inheritance in the hands of Tianxuan Daozu…”

Giving the opportunity to host pill refining to Li Siming, firstly, he values Li Siming’s talent, and secondly, he doesn’t want to be trapped here by pill refining.

Qin Suyang and Lu Yuzhou looked at each other with complicated expressions.

The broken blade shattered and fell to the ground. Han Muye turned his head and saw the Alchemy practitioners flying down from the flying boat.

Han Muye, who was standing on the bottom of the beast, looked up at the sky.

Even with such a huge star, it is dead silent.

A foreign enemy is attacking.

An alchemist who is not Alchemy master Realm, can preside over eight thousand Alchemy masters refining Medicine Pill?

This light curtain continues to spread outward.

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