Full Comprehension Level: Sixty Years Of Sword Pavilion

Chapter 458

458. I Finally See The Sword Of The Emperor

There really is this sword.

Jianzun Yuan, who was following behind him, was more and more surprised. He couldn’t imagine how long it took. Han Muye’s Cultivation Base was a bit more profound, and his understanding of kendo was also much deeper.

Such deviations in the void were the difference of thousands of miles before the slightest.

The crystal broken bones scattered.

Could it be that the formation of the power of the dam is related to the fear of beasts?

Countless thoughts changed in Han Muye’s mind, he raised his hand, and a pale golden light shone through his palm.

“Xian, sometimes it’s not so unattainable.”

The Immortal Qi chain worn on him vibrated and fastened slowly.

After three days of walking, Han Muye finally stopped.

Han Muye also knew from an ancient book that there are such foreign objects in the world.

Is the sword of the god emperor so cruel?


“Hmph, you can’t run.” Daoist hummed angrily, disappearing in place.

The consumption of spiritual power in the Dead Land will be extremely terrifying, and even the spirituality of a Magic Treasures cannot survive in the Dead Land for ten thousand years.

“The treasure we are looking for should appear.”

After a hundred paces, he was already standing in front of Broken Sword.

“This power is really similar to a dam.”

Immortal Qi, the continuation of the power of Immortal World, is an existence beyond Spiritual Qi, representing a higher power.

Han Muye, who was wearing it with him, nodded and looked straight ahead.

The only thing that can be used in it is the power of the body, which can be eroded by the power of the dam for too long, and the power will also change the form of the body and turn into a different species.

The power of the beast.

Han Muye looked up and saw that all around were dead bones.

A dead bone was split in half.

“A place like this?” Yuan Tianjianzun looked around, frowning.

The monster had two horns on its head, and Sen Han’s killing intent flashed in its eyes, and it roared loudly.

The power of thunder and lightning of the mythical beast Kui Niu!

At this time, the Immortal Qi chains on his body were stacked on top of each other, entwined with green like vines.

This is the human heart.

“How many powerhouses have fallen in this area?”

Yuan Tianjianzun, who was behind him, didn’t move either.

Spiritual Qi power is almost impossible to exert on the Star.

Shaking his head, he said in a low voice, “The chance in this world is really not determined by people. I’m afraid your kid is not the son of Heavenly Dao.”

Immortal Qi, is the source of that terrifying beast!


Han Muye, who was wrapped in Immortal Qi’s chains, slowly closed his eyes.

“If this Immortal Qi is seen by those Immortal cultivators, I’m afraid they will directly snatch it.” Yuan Tianjianzun shook his head and sighed softly.


So many dead bones, all big cultivators.

The sword of the ancient god emperor.

Yuan Tianjianzun raised his hand to hold the breath, frowned and said, “Immortal Qi is related to the fear of beasts, it’s not impossible.”

The power of thunder and lightning is really useful for fearful beasts!

In the fog, there seems to be a tragic howl.

Han Muye turned his head and glanced at Yuan Tianjianzun.

Since yesterday, he has not searched according to the marked location given by Dang Wuyou.

Han Muye crouched down and raised his hand to rest on a Spiritual herbs.

When he was in the dam, he used the power of thunder and lightning to restore the beast Qiongqi’s mind.

Han Muye was ten feet away from the broken sword, but it was like a moat.

With a low voice, Yuan Tianjianzun slammed the sword in his hand, smashed the Immortal Qi chain on his body, and flew up, waving his long sword with a dazzling stream of light.

“Between life and death, there is great terror.” Yuan Tianjianzun stared at the cloud, and said solemnly: “That is the fear of beasts.”

Yuan Tianjian knows a lot of things, no less than the endless Tianzun left from ancient times.

This time, it has turned into a radius of nearly twenty feet.

The lethality of this sword is no weaker than that of the spiritual sword.

It can not only suppress spirituality, but also tear the soul.

“The horror of the fearful beast lies in its suppression of the power of the soul.” Yuan Tianjianzun narrowed his eyes.

Han Muye’s research on swords is also very profound. The swords seen in the sword pavilion can cover the types of refining from ancient times to the present.

On the contrary, in many cases, such swords can suppress the sword of spirituality as long as the commander is in charge.

“Look at it and then.” Glancing at the surrounding void, Han Muye’s figure moved, turning into a phantom and drifting away.

Even if there is no God Emperor sword, just this piece of Immortal Qi is already a great harvest.

Yuan Tianjianzun was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, “Not all swords in the world are based on spirituality, and some of them win by pure strength.”

The bird appeared behind Han Muye.

Taking a breath, Han Muye had a smile on his face.

“Those big Sects from the last three days are not stupid. Over the past tens of thousands of years, many Cultivation Techniques have been developed that combine the power of this world without losing the heritage of the Immortal World.”

Han Muye reached out and held it, his face changed.

Even the supreme treasure of suppressing the world, such as the sword of the god emperor, can have news.

Looking at Han Muye, a strange color flashed on Yuan Tianjianzun’s face.

After a sword blow, Immortal Qi turned into chains and penetrated both of them, then pulled their bodies and flew straight forward.

In his palm, a faint Immortal Qi flickered.

Han Muye’s expression did not change, Yuan Tianjianzun behind him had already raised his hand and slashed with a sword.

Lightning turned into chains, locking the beast in front of him.

At this moment, Han Muye felt that his own soul was about to be torn apart.


Immortal Qi chains pulled them, flew thousands of miles, and threw them on a high bluestone platform.

Not impossible!

Among them, there is the kind of sword that is purely rolled with the material of the sword itself and has no spirituality.

A dead bone turned and slammed into him.

The long sharp claws grabbed down.

Because the broken jade bones were gathered by some force, they stood up again and surrounded Yuan Tianjianzun.

When the immortal light dissipated, the two of them were no longer here.

Of course he didn’t know that when the divine beast avatar was in the Xianyuan world calculating the power of all parties, Han Muye’s main body was in the land of Taoism competition.

This hint of blue breath turned out to be Immortal Qi!

In front of him is a dead star.

When they appeared, they were already above the barren and vast Dead Star.

There are people and there are beasts.

“That’s the way the terrifying beast is, either you escape or you die.” Yuan Tianjianzun shook his head, raised his hand with a sword, and shattered the terrifying beast.

In front of him, a cloud of gray-black mist was scattered.

Although there is no resentment like the endless sea, this dead star also has a sense of suffocation that makes people unable to breathe.

The treasure house of the God Court is readily available, and the treasures of great value are thrown out without even blinking an eye.

Dao Dao Razer exploded and intertwined towards the surroundings.

Often times, the most elusive thing is the human heart.

Yuan Tianjianzun raised his hand and slashed with a sword.

If he hadn’t controlled Immortal Qi, Han Muye himself would be hard to believe.

“Is this Immortal World?” Yuan Tianjianzun frowned.

Han Muye’s eyes flashed aura, and he looked forward.

“The Universe Sword Formation is actually the Immortal World Heritage Sword Formation, but it has been combined with the power of this world.”

But if this marked place coincided with the location where Han Muye had fallen from the Divine General’s memory, Han Muye could deduce the exact location.

The broken sword vibrated, and there was a little Sword Ray shining on it.

But where did the beasts come from?

Han Muye understands the power of time and space. When the void is flying away, he has no scruples at all. One flicker is thousands of miles away.

This is a black-faced Daoist wearing a blue robe and white beard.

At this time, the two of them landed on a verdant Immortal Qi densely covered land.


Because the fearful beast is not a beast, nor is it a living being, but a kind of dead silence without spirituality, it just follows the nature of killing and devouring.

Han Muye stood there, watching all the dead bones being attracted by Yuan Tianjianzun, turned his eyes and looked at the broken sword.

Among the dead bones in front, there is a two-foot-long Qingfeng.

But Han Muye didn’t shoot at all.

Han Muye didn’t hesitate any longer, and the thunder and lightning intertwined in his hands to disperse the clouds and mists in front of him.

With that message mark, Han Muye will not be able to find the sword of God Emperor even in 10,000 years.

“call out–”

The terrifying beasts in front were all killed, and then turned into a trace of Immortal Qi and gathered forward.

“Let’s go, this may be the power of the Divine Sword.” Released Immortal Qi in his hand, Yuan Tianjianzun looked forward.

His eyes fell on the broken sword in front of him.

This is the real God Emperor Sabre.

Even if the Spiritual Qi and the power of the soul were imprisoned and suppressed here, Yuan Tianjianzun still showed the absolute strength of a kendo master.

“What a domineering sword.” Pulled by Immortal Qi’s chains, Yuan Tianjianzun gritted his teeth and said in a low voice.

Unexpectedly, this Immortal Qi is the source of the deadly power and the key to the formation of the fearful beast.

Sword array, jade bones, and Immortal Qi chains.


He concluded that the location range given by Dangyouyou cannot be said to be wrong, but it is definitely biased.

People follow the sword, and the Sword Ray keeps flashing, and a flash will definitely cut off a piece of jade bone.

With Yuan Tianjianzun’s sword, it seemed that the broken sword in front was furious, and a piece of withered bones slammed into Han Muye and Yuan Tianjianzun.

Immortal Qi started to grow stronger.



The blue-colored flying bird spread its wings and flew directly into the void.

Uncovering the seal of Shengxiantai was led by such big sects as Yuling Daozong. It can be seen that there are many people in Xianyuan World who have a heart for Immortal World.

The speed is too fast for them to deal with it at all.

The body of the terrifying beast was locked by lightning, trembling continuously, and then dispersed.

The surrounding withered bones stood up one by one and approached Han Muye and Yuan Tianjianzun.

Yuan Tianjianzun looked at Immortal Qi, who slowly gathered in front of him and turned into a blue bird, and said in a low voice, “Many people still have dreams of ascending to the Immortal World.”

The long sword is slender, with a flickering halo on it, revealing an overwhelming coercion, exactly the same as the sword of the God Emperor in Divine General’s memory!

In the rear, Yuan Tianjianzun’s Sword Ray seems to have been slowly suppressed.

The terrifying beast that was smashed by Han Muye’s punch quickly gathered and turned into another gray air mass with a radius of ten meters.

But in the next instant, the surrounding smoke and dust gathered and dispersed, turning into a smoke mass of nearly a hundred meters.

God Emperor wears a sword, but has no spirituality?

I know about the collapse of the ancient divine court and the inheritance of the ancient practice methods.

The long sword smashed the birds, and Immortal Qi instantly filled the air, wrapping Han Muye and Yuan Tianjianzun.

Is there really such an amazing talent in the world?

The Baizhang smoke group slowly solidified, revealing the appearance of a monster with five heads and nine legs and twelve bodies.

It’s just that he didn’t use it for the time being.


The broken sword vibrated, and all the long swords in the blue sword array pointed to the front.

The voice fell, and a cyan long sword turned into a streamer and stabbed directly into his chest.

“Is there a possibility that this Divine Sword fragment has no spirituality?” Han Muye said in a low voice, staring at the star in front of him.

Sword Ray disappeared in a flash, directly penetrating the bodies of Han Muye and Yuan Tianjianzun.

Yuan Tianjianzun also has a hole card.

The void seemed to be torn apart directly, and the cyan Immortal Qi turned into a bird, and its figure disappeared.

Before the broken sword, a phantom of a cyan long sword appeared.

Han Muye moved and punched again.

Ascension to Immortal World.

Is this to submerge them with a great cultivator?

A pair of illusory hands tore open the void and landed directly on the place where they disappeared.

Once a star is dead, there can be no spiritual things left on it.

Immortal Qi!


Han Muye’s expression did not change, he strode forward, but when he encountered dead bones blocking the road, he broke with one foot.

How could such a character be explained only by chance?

Han Muye raised his foot and kicked the dry bone to pieces.

“The medicinal power of Immortal Qi is a thousand times that of the cultivation of Spiritual Qi. In this way, Immortal Qi is actually a thousand times purer than Spiritual Qi.”

Raising his hands, Han Muye looked around.

Among the dykes with messy power, isn’t it suppressing the power of Spiritual Qi and harming the soul?

Yuan Tianjianzun fled with all his strength, and could only follow behind Han Muye.

He moved his footsteps and walked forward.

Han Muye looked at the void with a smile, and his figure disappeared directly.

Sword array.

This Star gives Han Muye a feeling closer to the endless sea.

“The elixir here has a long age, but it doesn’t have that kind of mellow power. Probably, it’s not the Immortal World.”


All I can see is the verdant Immortal Qi, as well as various Spiritual herbs watered by Immortal Qi.


“The big cultivator jade bone is still the kind of powerhouse that is free from Karma.” Taking a breath, Yuan Tianjianzun’s eyes flashed.

Without any guidance, that trace of Immortal Qi was already drifting forward. Han Muye and Yuan Tianjianzun walked forward quickly, while Han Muye waved his hands, the thunder light shone and kept opening the way.

The power to tear the soul!

If it weren’t for the fact that he was still the original Yuan Tianjian, Han Muye doubted that it was Yuan Tianjian who said this.

Without the Cultivation Technique of Immortal World, it is impossible to control Immortal Qi, but he has the grass whip.

Daoist’s face showed anger, and a force that tore apart Karma Samsara surged from his body, shaking the surrounding terrifying beasts away.

Yuan Tianjianzun then turned into Sword Ray.

Speaking of which, he was slightly stunned.

When all the clouds and mists dissipated, a faint cyan breath came towards him.

Thousands of miles later, Han Muye was surrounded by green, like a fairy river.

There was a killing intent in this air mass, and it shrouded Han Muye and Yuan Tianjianzun.


Han Muye saw the dense figure in front of him, his scalp felt numb.

Han Muye and Yuan Tianjianzun may not know that someone has been chasing them.

“Could that be the case, that the God Emperor’s sword fragment escaped the detection of Power from all parties?”

The air mass disintegrated and then coalesced again.

At the expense of a huge amount of the best Spirit Stones, Han Muye has been comprehending kendo almost all the time.

Yuan Tianjianzun also moved and disappeared directly.

Only when his feet landed on the dusty ground, Han Muye punched out.

Dread beast, very strange name.

At this speed, in the void, even the divine sense cannot pursue it.

Han Muye stared at the terrifying beast with a gleam of light in his eyes.

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