Full Comprehension Level: Sixty Years Of Sword Pavilion

Chapter 468

468. 1 Sword To Kill 2 Saints (23)

When the eight unwilling sword cultivators turned around, there was no sign of the sword pavilion or Han Muye.

I don’t know who took away the seven-story pavilion. Han Muye, who was here just now, was alive or dead.

“Hey, it’s something outside the body.” Daoist, who put away his long sword, shook his head and sighed in a low voice.

“Indeed, the Shadow Heavenly Venerate who wants to take away the treasure will never let that guy go.” Another person whispered a little gloating.

Although a few of them were lost, they were lucky compared to the guys who lost their lives.

The eight people were originally gathered because of the Jiange. At this time, the Jiange was not seen, and of course they dispersed.

Han Muye, who had left earlier, had already flown thousands of miles away, looking at the two sides fighting in front of him.

On one side is a young man with a shining Sword Ray in his hand, and on the other is a middle-aged man with a magic talisman flying in his hand and ice crystals flickering around him.

The youth’s sword is not only fast, but every trace is invisible.

Behind him, an illusory pavilion emerged.

The pavilion is thin, and outsiders can’t even see the outline, but the Sword Rays in the pavilion flashed away, and from time to time, a Sword Ray appeared in the hands of young people.

The middle-aged man opposite him is not fast, but the rune in his hand can appear wherever he is needed.

Those ice crystals that move with them also appear strangely around the two of them.

The ice crystal burst, and a void crack appeared.


The youth pierced the rune in front of him with a sword, recovered a sword, and chopped the ice crystals behind him.

In this sword, the dry heat of fire and scorching sun is revealed.

“Yes, this deity’s Tianxuan ice crystal can resist.” The middle-aged Daoist stepped back, his palms were staggered, and he raised his head and opened his mouth.

“Senior’s means have not been fully utilized, otherwise how can Junior block.” The young Jianxiu said lightly, backed up, and then turned his eyes to Han Muye, who was flying down.

“Tianxuan Han Xiang?” The young man’s eyes flashed brightly, and he asked in a deep voice.

Hearing his question, the middle-aged Daoist was also a little curious and turned to look at Han Muye.

“Jiange Bai Yuming, Dao Palace Sun Jiusheng.”

“The battle just now was really exciting.”

Han Muye’s face was indifferent, not surprised when he watched a wonderful fight.

“It is said that Tianxuan Han Xiang’s kendo Cultivation Base is profound and decisive. Looking at it today, I am afraid that the rumors in the world are not credible.” The middle-aged Daoist looked at Han Muye with a glimmer of light in his eyes.

Hearing his words, Han Muye chuckled and said, “What kind of person is I, Han, from what Sun Daojun saw?”

“Outsiders don’t know what treasures are in this treasure house of God Emperor. Pindao has already checked it when he opened the treasure house, and there is no Conferred Gods spiritual fluid in it.” Daoist turned to look at the young man opposite, and took out a jade-colored crystal in his hand.

“There is no Yanglong chalcedony either.”

On the opposite side, the young Jianxiu held a palm-sized jade bowl in which a green spiritual fluid rippled.

“What does Sun Senior mean, these treasures are related to this Prime Minister Han?” The young Jianxiu’s breath was restrained, but Sword intent became stronger.

“If it’s related to Prime Minister Han, then only Prime Minister Han knows.” The middle-aged Daoist said with a smile, and then his smile faded.

“Bai Yuming, take a gamble, whoever wins the ninth place on this list will take the treasure, how about that?”

Bai Yuming didn’t answer, but his sword was the answer.

A Sword Ray stabbed directly into Han Muye’s neck.

Behind him, the five-story sword pavilion floated, and the sword rays turned into long rivers.

The move is a powerful and endless ultimate move. Although he looks down on the ninth in the sky who has never made a move, Bai Yuming didn’t let it go.

On the other side, Sun Jiusheng also raised his hand, and the ice crystal and the jade talisman collided together, turning into a 1-meter-long ice blade, and slashing towards Han Muye.

One sword and one sword, turned into wind and thunder.

Baizhang Void, in an instant, Sword Ray is faster, and the sword light is more fierce.

Bai Yuming, the descendant of the Heavenly Dao Gate, Yuling, and Sun Jiusheng, the descendant of Dao Palace, the two elites who have always been rivals, shot at the same time and killed Han Muye.

The ninth place on the list.

The more elite, the more proud.

Han Muye cannot gain the respect of the strong without showing his strength with his Cultivation Base.

Seeing Sword Ray coming with the sword light, Han Muye showed a smile on his face.

The list of the heavens listed by someone else makes sense since he is ranked ninth.

Just like these two elites of the younger generation in the last three days, they can be the younger generation and rank in the top 30 on the list.

Tianbang seventeen, Sun Jiusheng.

Tianbang twenty-three, Bai Yuming.

Their ranking is still above the Shadow Heavenly Venerate Zhao Zhenghe.

When the light of the sword arrived, Han Muye raised his hand, holding both long and short swords.

The blue light of the long sword is shining, and the purple streamer of the broken sword is intertwined.

The long sword was raised and twisted gently, breaking the ice-blade long sword that was down on the head, and the short sword cut across, blocking Bai Yuming’s Sword Ray.


Bai Yuming’s sword was caught by the dagger, and flew towards the sky, hitting Sun Jiusheng who was flying down.

Double sword, breaking the front knife and sword.

With one sword, Han Muye showed his strength and ranked in the sky, which is indeed true.

“It’s amazing!” Sun Jiusheng laughed, the rune in his hands exploded and turned into a golden ice dragon whip.

The whip dropped in the air and rolled towards Han Muye.

Bai Yuming, whose sword was drawn away, also moved and appeared behind Han Muye.

Two of the top 30 on the Heavenly Ranking, and the elites from the last three days of the sect surrounded the ninth on the Heavenly Ranking. If outsiders saw this battle, they would definitely not blink.

Such a battle is rarely seen in a hundred years.

A long whip is on the head, and a sword is behind it.

Han Muye’s expression didn’t change, the sword in his hands was reversed.

The long sword stabbed towards the back, and the short sword flew out and turned into an arc.

Imperial Sword.


Bai Yuming blocked the sword from Han Muye’s back with the sword in his hand, and his whole body was shocked, unable to stop the strength of the sword, and his figure retreated sharply.

Sun Jiusheng also stepped back wearing a flicker, dodging the dagger drawn in an arc.

The two retreated, but not as fast as Han Muye’s sword.

But in one blow, the three of them switched positions on offense and defense.

Han Muye fought with two swords, fighting far and near, overwhelming the two elites of the last three days.

He walked with the long sword, one sword after another, like a giant hammer smashing, Bai Yuming’s face turned pale every time he took a sword.

On the other side, no matter how Sun Jiusheng escaped, the dagger drawn with an arc always brought out the streamer in the next instant and descended quietly.

The faster he flew away, the faster the sword came.

Sword Ray continued to gather, already revealing the halo of smashing the void.

Whether it was Sun Jiusheng or Bai Yuming, they all felt that it was difficult to ride a tiger.

The two elite disciples of the last three days had no resistance under Han Muye’s double swords.

The faces of the two were solemn, and there was a trace of horror in their eyes.

The ninth place on the list is actually so strong!


Sword Ray had already brought out the sound of wind and thunder behind him, Sun Jiusheng had to snort, the rune in his hand turned into a solid golden bell, and countless ice crystals turned into ice armor, covering him.

Only by blocking this sword can there be a chance to turn it over.

“Bro—” Bai Yuming exclaimed at the same time, stabbed the sword in his hand with all his might, to pick the Sword Ray that Han Muye stabbed.

The two are in agreement.

Han Muye chuckled, his two swords shaking.


The golden bell above Sun Jiusheng’s head shattered, and the ice armor outside his body turned into powder.


The sword in Bai Yuming’s hand flew out.

At this moment, the faces of the two were pale and their bodies were fixed in place.

The ninth on the list, the combat power is so crazy!

This kind of swordsmanship is the top figure in the kendo Saint, and it can also fight! The ninth place on the list?

With this combat power, I am afraid that it is possible to enter two more! .

Han Muye made a move with both hands, and the two swords were withdrawn.

At this moment, two auras turned into chains, locking the two swords.

The two figures flew down, and the golden light collided with Han Muye.

This aura turned into a golden bear and tiger, roaring, and the Killing intent was solid and fierce.

Masters, two masters no less than Bai Yuming and Sun Jiusheng.

Taking the sword, attacking and killing, these two masters clearly came to take Han Muye’s life.

“Baiyunguan, Xuanling Dao.”

Han Muye whispered in his mouth, his eyes shining brightly, and the strength that had been gathered in his body suddenly burst out.

Sword Ray is like a big sun!

Behind him, the sword pavilion on the seventh floor emerged, and countless Sword Rays turned into scorching sun and directly pierced the two figures, turning them into nothingness.

With one blow, the two famous powerhouses on the Heavenly Ranking list fell, without even showing the front!

Seven-story sword pavilion!

One sword to cut two saints!

This is the ninth place on the list, the true strength of the swordsman exiled!

The spiritual light turns into a beam of light, the Saint falls, and the heaven and the earth feed back. Even in such a 3,000-mile-long sealed-off place, one can feel the Spiritual Qi rippling in it.

Two good Magic Treasures flew away, and several auras flew around.

At this moment, in the entire three thousand miles, everyone sensed the battle here.

“One sword kills two saints, who is it?” Someone whispered in horror, unconsciously restraining their breath.

“Brother Han? Who offended him?” Huang Laoliu frowned, then shook his head again.

This Sword Ray is so strong that he doesn’t need his help.

“I know this guy is amazing.” Zhao Zhenghe muttered in the distance, turned his head and flew away to the other side.

Sun Jiusheng and Bai Yuming both had extremely solemn expressions.

But the two looked different at this time.

Sun Jiusheng is a place of life and death, and if he is not careful, he is in danger of falling, while Bai Yuming is respectful when facing Sect senior.

Seventh-story sword pavilion, in its own Sect, are the Powers in power.

In front of this Tianxuan Han Prime Minister, the swordsman exiled, it turns out that he has such a relationship with his own Sect!

The sword pavilion dissipated, Han Muye’s face was indifferent, he raised his hand and waved, and all the imprisoned power in this space dissipated.

There is also no Sword intent on him.

But the more calm it is, the more people are afraid to face it.

Goodbye to the ninth on the list, Bai Yuming and Sun Jiusheng were a bit cramped.

“Give me the treasure in your hands.” Han Muye said.

Bai Yuming hurriedly held the Conferred Gods spiritual fluid with both hands and tossed it gently.

Sun Jiusheng hesitated and took out the chalcedony.

Han Muye stretched out his hand, the two treasures staggered, and flew out.

Sun Jiusheng and Bai Yuming stretched out their hands to take the treasure they dreamed of, clenched their hands tightly, and looked up at Han Muye.

“If you find something that others can use, but you can’t use yourself, you can send it to me, and I will coordinate the transaction.” Han Muye said with his hands behind his back.

The two nodded, cupped hands a salute, then turned and left.

It wasn’t until they flew a hundred miles away that the two of them breathed a sigh of relief and looked at each other.

“Ninth on the list, really amazing…” Sun Jiusheng said in a low voice with a hint of deepness in his eyes.

He is the reincarnation of Power, and the Cultivation Base in his previous life is also the sky.

But facing Han Muye just now, two generations of cultivation, there was nothing he could do.

Such powerhouses are terrifying.

Bai Yuming also nodded.

The seven-story sword pavilion has already explained everything.

“What is the ninth person on the list of, what does he want to do? Show his favor to all parties?” Bai Yuming said with a frown.

All kinds of treasures are in front, not trying to find a way to search, but willing to help others to trade.

Is there really such a high-spirited person in the world?

After all, practitioners are selfish.

What Han Muye did was against common sense.

When they handed over the treasures in their hands just now, they thought they were looted by Han Muye, but Han Muye exchanged them for them, and each got the treasures they needed.

After all, Sun Jiusheng has practiced in two lifetimes, he has experienced more and knows more about the world.

“He should be trying to arrange more power in the Taoism struggle.”

With his eyes narrowed, Sun Jiusheng said in a low voice, “Isn’t he taking out the sword of the Emperor of God and this treasure house of the divine court to lure me into the game?”

Looking at what Han Muye is doing now, it is obvious that there is a long-term layout.

I just don’t know his ultimate goal, is it for the victory of the Taoist struggle, or for something else?

Although the two are elites in their respective Sects, it is impossible for them to know the thoughts of the top Power.

No one dares to think about sacrificing a thousand miles of the world and uncovering the town of Shengxiantai.

“Let’s go, since he asked us to make a deal, it will be as he wishes.” Sun Jiusheng turned and left, whispering: “I, Sun Jiusheng, will never owe favors.”

More than human affection, this time it was not Han Muye who spared their lives, both of them had already fallen.

Bai Yuming nodded and flew away.

After half a day, the two of them each found a few good treasures and sent them to Han Muye.

The treasures were suspended in the air, and the aura flashed, attracting many practitioners to investigate.

The treasure is touching, but Han Muye put it in front of him with such fanfare, but no one dared to come.

On the second day, Bai Yuming sent a sapphire bead.

This is a treasure that contains the power of earth veins, which can sublimate the power of earth and stone in the body of the person who wears the refining.

This thing can promote the power of the Dao to merge with the Dao of Heavenly Dao faster.

For practitioners who have practiced the earth and stone line and have already been on the Insight Avenue, this is a dream treasure.

The Lingzhu was still hanging, and a practitioner in a black robe flew down and stood a hundred meters away.

“Mr. Han, I don’t know about this Spirit Orb, is it possible to trade it?” This practitioner shows the power of unearthed stones, and the Cultivation Base is also a semi-holy state.

“It’s Yu Tieshi from the one hundred and thirty-seventh list in the sky. This is a semi-sacred overhaul who has entered the semi-sacred way by the way of earth and stone.”

Someone whispered not far away.

For Yu Tieshi, this spirit bead was very tempting.

I don’t know if Tianxuan Han is willing to trade or not?

Or, how much would he ask for?

Putting the treasure in front of him is clearly used as a bait.

Whether you are willing to take the bait or not, that is your own thing.

Seeing Yu Tieshi’s inquiry, many people dropped their spiritual thoughts and waited for Han Muye’s bid.

Han Muye, who was sitting cross-legged, raised his head and pressed his palm lightly.

The Lingzhu flew out directly and landed in front of Yu Tieshi.

“Just take out what you think is enough treasure.”

Han Muye’s voice was calm, but it spread far and wide.

“Or, you ask Bai Yuming what treasure he needs, and you help him find it.”

“I’m here just to be a witness and help each of you find the treasure you need.”

The moment Han Muye’s voice fell, several figures flew down.

“Han Xiang, I want this jasper green silk.”

“Sir Han, I want the Third Stage Jade Spirit.”

“Han Xiang, I give you this golden silk white feather, I want to change the treasure of wind veins.”

For a moment, a bright light flashed in front of Han Muye, and the precious light shot into the sky.

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