Full-level Medical Repair Returns To True and False Thousand Gold Texts

Chapter 260

Chapter 260: Scar (Two More)

Chapter 260 Scar (two more)

Du Juan didn’t hear the words behind Mrs. Wei Guogong.

She rushed out of the house in a hurry, and ran in the direction of Neiyimen with a clear goal. This way, she ran out of breath.

But she was still a step late, and the inner and outer ceremonial gates were empty.

A concierge probably guessed that Du Juan was here to chase Mrs. Ji’an Hou, and said indifferently, “Miss Du Juan, the horse carriage of Hou’s residence has just left…”

Wei Wan has already left with a pair of children.

The Marquis of Ji’an’s Mansion is not too far from the Mansion of the Duke of Wei, and it’s only about a Kung Fu drive.

When    returned to the Hou residence, Wei Wan’s anger had not subsided, and her plump lips were still tightly pursed.

When she got off the carriage, she saw a man wearing a sky blue straight jacket standing outside the carriage.

Twenty-eight and nine men are tall and straight, with handsome facial features. Under the sun, his eyebrows and eyes are more gentle than usual, and he is dignified.

“Ayan, why are you here?” Wei Wan looked at her husband Ji’an Hou Xuyan in surprise.

Before Xu Yan could speak, the twins had already descended from the carriage one by one. The boy Xu Luo threw himself into his father’s arms and shouted affectionately, “Daddy.”

The little girl Xu Yao stood three steps away, pursed her lips and smiled. She smiled lightly, and she blessed her father with restraint and obedience: “Father.”

Xu Yan touched the top of his son’s hair, and then touched the top of his daughter’s hair without discrimination, and said with a smile: “Wan’er, I will start a rest tomorrow, and the two of us and our two children will go to Zhuangzi to live together for two days. ”

“Don’t you want to rest in three days?” Wei Wan’s eyes widened in surprise, her pupils shone brightly, “I haven’t packed my bags yet, so I can’t just walk away with empty hands.”

She had agreed with her husband-in-law a few days ago, and when he was free, they would take their children to live in Zhuangzi in the suburbs of Beijing, and stopped by the Wuliang Temple near Zhuangzi to ask for a peace amulet for their son.

The Boundless View is well-known in Beijing. Although it was slightly affected by the Shangqing affair a few days ago, the people in Beijing quickly settled the account on the Yu family after knowing the Shangqing surname. The incense was restored to its original state.

“Didn’t I want to give you and the children a surprise?” Xu Yan said with a smile, “Don’t worry. I’ll let … Mammy Wang pack up everything that should be prepared.”

Xu Luo listened to the music, took Xu Yan’s big hand with a smile, and urged eagerly: “Dad, let’s go quickly.”

During these days, Xu Luo was tortured by the scars that I don’t know whether it was an evil or a “weird disease”. Either she lost her temper or she was depressed. Today, she rarely smiled. Seeing Wei Wan’s heart was overjoyed, she felt that she should have taken the children out. Relax.

So Wei Wan and the twins returned to the carriage, and Xu Yan finally got on the carriage.

The horse carriage in Hou’s Mansion was quite spacious, more than enough for their family of four. Xu Yan sat on the left side of the carriage with Xu Luo in his arms, Wei Wan and her daughter Xu Yao sat on the other side.

The    carriage quickly drove out of the Hou residence again, this time in a direction away from Duke Wei’s residence.

Xu Luo took out his Nine Links again and started playing.

Wei Wan looked at her son with a touch of kindness on her face, and then she remembered the matter of the Duke’s mansion and frowned.

She always said something, and complained to Xu Yan unhappily: “Ayan, when I went to Duke Wei’s mansion today, I met a magic stick.”

“I originally wanted her to see Brother Luo…” As she spoke, her pitiful gaze swept across Xu Luo’s face, “I didn’t expect that she would curse me without saying a few words…”

“Curse you?” Xu Yan interrupted her, frowning slightly.

“She cursed me and our children to die! Bad luck, really bad luck!” The more Wei Wan said, the more indignant she became. She took her daughter Xu Yao who was sitting beside her in her arms, and gently stroked her slender shoulders.

Xu Yao snuggled up to her mother obediently, showing admiration on her face.

Wei Wan stroked her daughter’s hair again, and snorted coldly: “Hmph, I heard that she saved the eldest princess before. I see, it’s just a fake name, maybe it’s just luck.”

“If I didn’t leave just now, in the next step, she is afraid that she will make a lot of money to change my life.”

“The one who rescued the eldest princess…” Xu Yan frowned and looked at Wei Wan thoughtfully, his eyes darkened, revealing obvious displeasure, “Could it be the second girl you’re talking about?”

Since the incident at Chaocheng Tianmen, the prestige of the former Dingyuan Hou’s mansion, Gu Er, is known to everyone in the courtroom, not to mention, because she alone pulled out the radish and brought it out of the mud. The Yu family and the Feng family were also involved.

Wei Wan nodded.

She was still angry and didn’t want to mention the other person’s name.


Jiu Lianhuan released from Xu Luo’s hand, he had already closed his eyes and fell asleep on his father’s lap.

Xu Yan hurriedly adjusted his son’s sleeping position. Through the neckline, he could see the blood-red scars on the boy’s skin looming, like a fire burning his body.

Just looking at it like this, Wei Wan felt distressed, and could not wait to bear this for her son.

Xu Yan carefully loosened his son’s neckline again, and comforted his wife softly, “It’s okay, our brother Luo Jiren has a natural appearance.”

“I have inquired about it, and the real person Xuancheng, the master of the Infinite View, has returned to watch it. This time, we will ask the real person to take a good look at Brother Luo.”

Seeing her husband being so devoted to their only son, Wei Wan felt tenderness in her heart.

She was thin, but her husband never took a concubine, and he was even more caring for their eldest son. He personally enlightened Xu Luo, taught him martial arts, and took care of his daily life, no less trouble than her mother.

The son is like this, the husband is afraid that he is more distressed than her.

Wei Wan sighed deeply, and rhythmically caressed her daughter’s shoulder with her right hand, and said helplessly, “I don’t know what kind of evil brother Luo is, I just hope that the real person Xuancheng is a little sincere. Don’t be a vain name again!”

“If Brother Luo gets better, I’m willing to eat for three years… no, ten years of fasting.”


In the voices of the couple chattering, the carriage drove out of the capital from the west gate.

The road was smooth, and the carriage swayed regularly. Gradually, Wei Wan in the carriage became a little sleepy.

Under the persuasion of her husband, she closed her eyes and took a nap.

The twins slept soundly, Wei Wan was half asleep and half awake, opening her eyes from time to time to look at the children.

When she didn’t know how many times she opened her eyes, she noticed that it was a little dark in the carriage, so she opened the curtains and looked outside the carriage.

It was already dusk outside, the sun was halfway down, and the sky was half bright and half dark.

Wei Wan rubbed her brows, and said in a hoarse voice to Xu Yan, who was sitting opposite: “Isn’t Wushanzhuang here yet?”

Hou’s house in the western suburbs of Zhuangzi is very close to the Boundless View, and because of this, they plan to live in this farmhouse that they don’t often visit on weekdays.

“It hasn’t arrived yet.” Xu Yan also opened the curtains to look out, and explained helplessly, “There was a road that was blocked by the Tianshan rockslide the day before, so the driver changed the road and had to make a circle.”

“You close your eyes and sleep for a while, and you’ll be there in a while.”

Xu Yan said so, but, until the sunset completely fell and it was dark, Wushanzhuang had not arrived.

A dim glass candle was lit in the carriage, and the candle flickered slightly as the carriage moved.

Wei Wan didn’t feel sleepy either. From time to time, she raised the curtains and looked out of the carriage, only to feel that the carriage was going more and more deviated. There was darkness on both sides of the road, and only a shadowy shadow could be seen in the distance.

Wei Wan was a little anxious, thinking that the driver might have gone the wrong way, and was about to ask, when the carriage suddenly shook violently, and there was a sound from the driver outside, which was accompanied by the anxious neighing of the horses. .

The coachman shouted nervously outside: “Master Hou, Madam, someone robbed the road.”

The candle was still swaying wildly in the glass lampshade, and the dim yellow light cast a dim light and shadow on Wei Wan’s face.

Xu Yao, who was sleeping in Wei Wan’s arms, was also awakened and rubbed her eyes sleepily.

Wei Wan hugged her daughter subconsciously, and Gu Yanfei’s cold voice sounded in her mind: “Within today, the madam and your child will surely die!”

The idea of    just surfaced, and she was rejected by herself.

no, I can not.

She couldn’t help but shook her head and said to herself that she didn’t believe it.

But there was a hint of panic in her expression, and a bone-chilling coldness spread rapidly in her heart, like a cobweb entangled her tightly.

“Everyone be careful, it’s a thief!”

“Come on, brothers!”

There were bursts of high-pitched shouts from outside the carriage, tearing apart the silence of the dark night and the peace in the carriage.

Immediately afterwards, clanging swords collided one after another, with shrill screams, groans of despair, and chaotic running… These thrilling sounds mixed together, disturbing Wei Wan’s mind.

A thick smell of blood floated in from the window, getting stronger and stronger.

Xu Luo, who was sleeping in Xu Yan’s arms, also woke up and yawned lazily. He didn’t seem to wake up yet, and he was in a fog.

“Brother Luo, come to my mother soon.” Wei Wan waved eagerly to her son who had just woken up, her whole body tense.

Ke Xu Luo hugged Xu Yan, buried his face in his father’s chest, and said stubbornly, “I’m with my father.”

Xu Yan crossed his arms around his son, his eyes were deep, and there was a hint of indifference in his voice: “…I will take care of Brother Luo.”

“do not worry.”

While speaking, the shouting and killing outside became louder, and a few swords slashed heavily on the carriage, making several heavy muffled sounds.

Xu Yao was frightened, she shrank and hid in her mother’s arms, shouting in a trembling voice, “Mother, I’m afraid.”

Wei Wan was equally afraid, hugging her daughter tightly, her face pale.

She comforted the little girl in a low voice, completely unaware that the boy buried in Xu Yan’s arms on the opposite side showed half of his face, and squinted at her with a bit of disdain and impatience in his sinister eyes.

The blood-colored scar on his neckline was even redder and brighter, as if blood was leaking faintly, and it seemed like a blood-red long worm was squirming.

(end of this chapter)

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