Full level ruthless person

Chapter 7 Shooter

"Two lives!!"

Xigou stared at the panel under his eyes, sticking his tongue in and out, excitedly, "Yeah, let me study it."

The next moment, the shadow under the thin dog's feet suddenly swelled, and with a pop, it blew up and burst like bubbles.

In an instant, from the burst bubble, a little milk dog flashed out, looking exactly like a thin dog.

Fang Zhixing looked at the two thin dogs and saw that there was almost no difference between them. He was shocked and said: "I'll strangle them, shadow clones?"

"Yeah, almost."

Xigou instantly became proud and responded: "How many lives I have, I can create several mes. In the same way, if you kill one me, there will be another me."

Fang Zhixing took a deep breath and said, "You can be resurrected. Isn't that awesome?"

"Hey hey hey, each other."

The thin dog grinned and grinned. Now he had two lives and could die one more time.

And this will mean that his dog life will have one more chance of trial and error than others.

Fang Zhixing was amazed and was about to praise a few more words when he saw two thin dogs circling around each other and licking each other's fur, enjoying themselves endlessly.


Fang Zhixing couldn't help but said contemptuously: "You will never be lonely again."


Xigou suddenly came back to his senses and coughed awkwardly. As his mind flashed, the other person suddenly turned into black energy and sank into the ground.

Xigou immediately said solemnly: "Hurry up and try your plug-in to see if it works."

Fang Zhixing looked at the panel again.

"Do 20 push-ups in a row..."

Taking a deep breath, he immediately lay on the ground, pressed his hands on the ground, and propped up his body.

Press down, lift up!

Press down, lift up!

"Hoo ho!" Fang Zhixing only did two push-ups, and his breathing began to become heavy.

The thin dog was watching the show and shouted, "Can you do it?"

Fang Zhixing didn't say anything, gritted his teeth and did three more.

At this time, his arms began to tremble slightly and felt sore.

The thin dog swayed back and forth, looking anxious.

Fang Zhixing was panting like an ox. He wheezed a few times and did three more exercises. He could barely hold himself up, his arms trembling wildly.

The thin dog tutted: "It's over, it's over, you are such a waste."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhixing clattered to the ground. He had only done eight of them in total.

He turned over and lay on the ground, his chest heaving violently and his whole body feeling uncomfortable.

There is no way, this body has been malnourished for a long time, and the physical fitness is extremely poor. Being able to do eight push-ups in one breath is already a very good result.

Xigou said contemptuously: "You are not good at this. I thought you were in the genius stream, but I didn't expect that you were in the loser stream."

Fang Zhixing was also very depressed and said speechlessly: "I haven't eaten breakfast, so I have no energy."

As soon as "rice" was mentioned, the thin dog became hungry immediately.

One person and one dog quickly reached an agreement and went out to fish.

Fang Zhixing went down to the river to touch clams and snails with ease, and caught four or five crayfish floating on the water plants.

BBQ, eat.

After resting for half an hour, Fang Zhixing tried again. This time he made some progress and did ten push-ups in a row.

"With your physique, it makes people cry." Xiao Gou gloated and laughed.

"That's a lot of bullshit."

Fang Zhixing ignored him and muttered: "It seems that there is no need to rush, the body must be taken care of slowly."

Xigou suggested: "How about you try the second condition?"

[Shoot at least 5 times on the bullseye 10 meters away]

Fang Zhixing brought his bow and arrows over. He first found a big tree with rotten bark and used the burned ashes to simply draw a few concentric circles to make a target.

Then he measured ten meters with his steps, and in order to ensure that the distance was enough, he retreated a little further.

Fang Zhixing raised the bow with his right hand, took out an arrow from the quiver with his left hand, and placed it on the bowstring.

A sudden feeling of familiarity came to my mind.

That's Daniel's muscle memory. He once practiced archery seriously under the guidance of his father.


The arrow shot out and hit the big tree, but unfortunately it missed the bullseye.

Then Zhixing shot another arrow, but it still hit the big tree and missed the target by a few centimeters.

However, he gradually found the feeling, adjusted his breathing slightly, and fired the third arrow.


The arrow shot into the tree trunk, and the tail of the arrow trembled in a circle.

Hit the bullseye!

[2. Hit the bullseye 10 meters away at least 5 times (1/5)]

"Hey, one out of three arrows, not bad!"

The thin dog clicked his tongue, "Maybe you are very talented in archery!"

Fang Zhixing took a breath, raised the corner of his mouth and said, "It's only ten meters away. Even with your eyes closed, you should be able to hit it."

"Tch, I just said it casually, and you pretended to be huh."

Xigou Lian said: "Ten meters is almost equivalent to the length of a volleyball court. It may not be difficult to hit the big tree, but it will be difficult to hit the bull's eye."

Fang Zhixing naturally knew that the difficulty was not small. Based on past experience, at the beginning the shooter had sufficient physical strength, could draw the bow relatively smoothly, and had a very good sight. However, after shooting several arrows in a row, he gradually became exhausted and the sight became worse and worse.

Fang Zhixing tried to be steady, controlled the rhythm, shot three arrows and rested for a while.

Before I knew it, an hour and a half had passed.

[2. Hit the bullseye 10 meters away at least 5 times (completed)]

Fang Zhixing wiped away the hot sweat, breathed a long sigh of relief, raised his eyebrows at Xigou, and said, "See, this is the style of a marksman."

"Humph, just pretend!"

Xigou said disdainfully: "Oh, by the way, who can't even do twenty push-ups?"

Fang Zhixing gritted his teeth.

It can be felt that since Xigou determined that he had two lives, his attitude has become significantly more arrogant.

Regardless of his petty thoughts, Fang Zhixing quickly formulated a training plan.

"Nine years of compulsory education are not for nothing."

Running, long jump, sit-ups, pull-ups, planks...

In addition to catching enough food, Fang Zhixing trained in the morning and in the afternoon, and kept working hard.

In a blink of an eye, half a month has passed.

Fang Zhixing looked at his body and felt that he had gained some weight and was stronger.

After all, he has meat to eat every day, and coupled with scientific training methods, the effect is quite remarkable.

Not only did Fang Zhixing become stronger, but the thin dog also swelled up visibly, and the dog's hair became thicker and shiny.

"bring it on."

Fang Zhixing took a few deep breaths, lay down, and began to do push-ups.

One, two, three, four...

"Fifteen, sixteen, come on! It's almost there!"

The thin dog barked nearby.

Fang Zhixing's face turned red from holding it in, and he gritted his teeth and persisted, pressing down and lifting up again and again.

"Nineteen, twenty!"

Xigou immediately looked at the panel above Fang Zhixing's head, only to see the text on the panel blur for a while and then reappear.

[1. Do 20 push-ups in a row (completed)]


Thin Dog jumped up and announced.

Fang Zhixing stood up, his face flushed, and he said excitedly: "Hey, take it easy."

Xigou asked: "How are you? Do you feel any changes?"

Fang Zhixing felt his body carefully.

Almost at the same time, a line of glowing text appeared on the system panel.

[The conditions required for full level have been met. Congratulations on your promotion to apprentice level shooter! 】

In an instant, a large number of memories and experiences of practicing archery flooded into Fang Zhixing's mind.

At the same time, waves of electric shock-like chills continued to stimulate Fang Zhixing's body.

It seems that he has been practicing archery for three years, constantly accumulating and improving his skills.

Eventually, he transformed into an apprentice-level marksman.

[Full-level apprentice shooter: within a range of 30 meters, the hit rate is 80%; within a range of 30 meters, the hit rate is 80%; when the range exceeds 50 meters, the hit rate is less than 20%. 】

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