Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 1 - The teenager who tells the story

Chapter 1 – The teenager who tells the story

In this world, as the population continued to grow, it became more and more difficult to find a job. People could be said to have all sorts of jobs in order to earn a living.

There was an ancient saying in China, “360 lines, you are proficient in the art of being a top scholar.” This saying had been passed down for who knows how many years. In any case, it was well-known by every household, and every woman and child knew of it.

And at this moment, in a street filled with people from the Feng’an of China, a beggar that looked to be around twenty years old was telling a story to a stranger. It wasn’t like a beggar, even though his clothes were tattered, but he was still relatively clean.

People all thought that the child might not have enough money to eat, so he came here to make a living by telling stories. Every time the man told stories, there would always be people who were kind enough to give him money.

“Another one, another one! Haha, I didn’t expect your story to be not bad.” Amongst the crowd, a tall and sturdy man shouted after Yan Tian finished his story.

“Alright, that’s enough for today.” Yan Tian said as he kept the book. Looking at the money others gave him, he laughed bitterly.

When the crowd heard this, they shook their heads in disappointment before dispersing. They all knew that this young man was not going to tell the story anymore, and now that it was lunch time, they didn’t force him and could only come back tomorrow.

Yan Tian had only been in the city for a few days, so he had nothing to do. He began to narrate a story on the streets, his entire body filled with street stalls that sold for tens of dollars. His hair was messy, and some people who knew it might think he was a lunatic.

Yan Tian put the few tens of dollars into a crumpled wallet and walked intestaurant with big strides.

“Boss, give me a big bowl of instant noodles.” As soon as Yan Tian entered, he shouted to the lady boss at the cashier counter.

“Alright, it’s almost done.” The Lady Boss also loudly answered.

Yan Tian slowly sat on the chair and looked at the passersby outside. He sighed in admiration at the number of beauties in the city, especially in the summer, these kinds of beauties caused Yan Tian to almost drool.

“Hello, give me a small bowl of shredded meat noodles.” who had gone through strict training suddenly regained his senses. His hearing was extremely good, looking at the girl at the door, wow, those long legs, those chest, it was the best of the best!

“Sir, is there anyone at this table?” The lady came to Yan Tian’s side. As it was lunch time, the restaurant was full of people, there was only one empty seat.

“Ah?” “Oh, no, no.” Yan Tian raised his head and looked at the girl in front of him, thinking, could it be that the heavens are blessing me by sending me a great beauty?

Yan Tian sized up the beauty in front of him pervertedly, his eyes staring straight at his breasts.

When Sun Yue saw Yan Tian’s malicious gaze, she immediately covered her chest with her bag. She thought to herself, why is it that the other men are secretly looking at beauties, why is she so open and square?

But just like that, Yan Tian was unhappy, and angrily said to Sun Yue: What are you doing? What right do you have to interfere with my future wife? Do you know it’s immoral of you to do this? You actually have to block my future wife for me. ”

Sun Yue looked at the dirty man in front of him in a daze, the surrounding people also looked at Yan Tian strangely, many of them had already ranked Yan Tian as a lunatic.

“Are you crazy?” Sun Yue finally reacted and cursed. She was obviously spied on by others, but she still said that she did the wrong thing. Sun Yue glared at Yan Tian fiercely.

“What are you looking at? Do you know that you are very much like my future wife?” Yan Tian said confidently. Actually, every time Yan Tian saw a beauty, she would feel like his future wife.

“I, I … …. You. “You scoundrel.” Sun Yue angrily got up to leave!

Just then, the waiter brought the noodles, Sun Yue thought, forget it, I’ll eat first, I’m starving. Yan Tian also wolfed down her food. She smacked her lips, not showing any restraint because of the beauty sitting opposite him. Instead, she was humming a little tune as she ate.

Sun Yue endured her anger and continued eating. After she finished eating, she quickly got up and left. She did not want to stay here any longer.

After Sun Yue left, she raised her head and looked at the beauty’s back leisurely. She muttered to herself, “You really are my future wife, I won’t misjudge you.”

Yan Tian walked home after he finished his meal. On the way, Yan Tian thought about many questions, he did not know why his master let him come out, saying that it was to give him a mission. However, he had not received any notifications for the past half a month.

Yan Tian did not know who his parents were, nor did he know whether they were still alive or not. He only knew that his master had brought him up and given him all kinds of training, that other children could play, that he had trained every single day, that he had learned all sorts of martial arts, that he was now an expert in many different languages, that he was twenty years old this year, and for some reason, his master had allowed him to come out and did not say what he was supposed to do. He only said that he was not allowed to go back without his permission.

Yan Tian didn’t know why, but he thought that would he be driven out by his master just because he peeked at the Black Widow bathing?

Because she was wearing black leather all day, everyone called her Black Widow. Her husband had died in a mission, and Yan Tian’s master often went to find the Black Widow, so Yan Tian suspected that there was something going on between his master and the Black Widow. He also frequently peeked at the Black Widow bathing, and had seen it many times.

Yan Tian thought about it and his heart skipped a beat. He thought, it’s over, peeping at the Black Widow bathing and being chased out of his sect, his master was too stingy, Yan Tian shook his head and returned to his living quarters.

Yan Tian rented a house for a small district. The landlord was often not at home, so he rented the house, which was big enough, with three bedrooms and two living rooms, covering more than a hundred and sixty square meters. Yan Tian rented a small bedroom, which was also not very big.

When Yan Tian returned home, he laid on the sofa. After lying for a while, he wanted to go to the toilet, but when he lazily opened the door, he didn’t look in, and when he jumped in fright, he suddenly woke up, and when he looked inside, he saw a girl who was as beautiful as a fairy. Yan Tian stared blankly at the girl, who was also dumbstruck.

“Ah, get out, get out.” The woman finally reacted and quickly used her hands to protect herself. However, because she had developed so well, she couldn’t stop it no matter what. The girl was about to cry.

When Yan Tian saw the girl’s anxious look, he shamelessly said, “If it was you, I would choose to squat down.”

When the woman heard this, she immediately squatted down and covered her private parts with her hands, “Why aren’t you going out yet? Go out.” The woman said in a sobbing tone.

“Beauty, I haven’t asked you yet. My future wife, why are you here? This is my home! ” Yan Tian asked puzzledly, why did a beauty suddenly appear at home?

The woman also blushed and said, “I just moved in today. I rented a house. Also, who’s your wife? Get out of here!”

“Oh, so it’s like that. I’m alsenant here. Also, you’re my future wife. I’ve already seen your body. Hehe, not bad, not bad.” Yan Tian looked at the woman in front of him with admiration, without any sense of gentleness at all. That’s right, this woman was Sun Yue, he never thought that she was also a tenant of this place.

“You, you, you hooligan! Get the hell out of here, out of here!” Sun Yue never thought that Yan Tian would be sucascal, she picked up the shampoo and threw it at Yan Tian.

Yan Tian had trained before after all, how could he be smashed like that? He easily caught the shampoo, put it on the ground and said: “Enough, I won’t tease you anymore, hurry up, I’m going to pee after I’ve washed. Don’t you know it’s hard to hold in?” With that, Yan Tian closed the door and walked out.

After Yan Tian left, Sun Yue was no longer in the mood to wash. She quickly dried her body, put on her clothes, and walked out with a blushing face.

When he came out and saw Yan Tian sitting on the sofa, Sun Yue didn’t even dare to raise his head to look at him.

“Aiyo, you finally came out. You don’t know, it was fortunate that my perseverance was stronger. If it was anyone else, you would have lost your integrity just now.” Yan Tian said in all seriousness.

“” “PS: The main character’s name is” Yan Tian “, not” leap into the sky “. “Yáti!”

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