Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 105 - Being treated as a beggar

Chapter 105 – Being treated as a beggar

“What happened to Brother Tian’s injury?”

Hearing Yan Tian’s words, Wang Feng was puzzled. The injury was obviously caused by the punch, why did Yan Tian say that the punch was not directed at him?

“F * * k, I guess it’s pretty unlucky. Just now, I fell on the road and ended up like this.” Yan Tian said very seriously.

“Err …”

Hearing Yan Tian’s words, Wang Feng and his group of lackeys were stunned. Did Brother Tian treat them like primary school students? Not even primary school students could be fooled like this.

“Alright, you brat, just stay here. Laozi is going to work.” Seeing Wang Feng and the rest looking at him strangely, Yan Tian immediately ran out.

Yan Tian saw his Porsche convertible when he arrived at the car park. However, there waxpensive black Bentley parked beside the Porsche.

Yan Tian didn’t need to guess to know that this car was definitely related to Liu Yi. Last time, Liu Ruoxin’s uncle Liu Qiang drove a Bentley car.

… ….

At the same time, Liu Ruoxin was sitting at the dining table in a daze. From Liu Ruoxin’s complexion, it was clear that she had not slept well last night.

“Miss, why don’t you have some? Why aren’t you eating anything today?” Seeing that Liu Ruoxin was not eating, the Aunty Sun was very anxious.

“Aunty Sun, I’m not eating anymore. I have no appetite.” Liu Ruoxin shook his head and said.

“Miss, did something happen? You’ve been like this since you came back last night. ”

When came back last night, it was already almost midnight, and when he returned home, he did not say a word as he ran into his bedroom.

Aunty Sun had always viewed Liu Ruoxin as her daughter, so when she saw Liu Ruoxin in such a state, she became very anxious. However, when she asked Liu Ruoxin what had happened, she didn’t say anything.

“I’m fine.”

Shaking his head, Liu Ruoxin then continued to call Yan Tian, but like before, his phone was turned off. Liu Ruoxin woke up 30 times in the morning and called Yan Tian, but every time it was turned off.

Liu Ruoxin was very worried about Yan Tian, she really did not know how Yan Tian was doing.

Ding dong! Ding dong!

Suddenly, the doorbell sounded. Liu Ruoxin knew that something was wrong as soon as she heard the voice, it was most likely her uncle who came looking for him.

Miss, quickly eat some. Look, Mr. Yan is here, I’ll go open the door. Aunty Sun shook her head helplessly and ran to open the door.

As soon as he opened the door, the Aunty Sun was stunned in place, because the person who knocked the door was clearly not Yan Tian, but actually a little fatty. There were also a lot of bruises on his body, which meant that it was probably a little beggar who came to beg.

“Who is the Aunty Sun?” Seeing the Aunty Sun standing at the door without saying a word, Liu Ruoxin frowned, who was this person?

“It’s fine, Miss. It might be a beggar passing by. I’ll go get two steamed buns.” The Aunty Sun was about to go in and get two steamed buns, thinking that the beggar was quite pitiful, to be beaten up like this.

Yan Tian was also stunned at the door: Beggar? How could there be a beggar here? After looking around, Yan Tian realized that there was no one else in the surroundings, and he was the only one.

“Hey, Aunty Sun, how did I become a beggar?” After thinking about it, Yan Tian finally reacted, Aunty Sun actually called him a beggar?

Liu Ruoxin who was using her phone to call Yan Tian immediately stood up when she heard this voice. Wasn’t this Yan Tian’s voice? Yan Tian is alright?

After the Aunty Sun heard Yan Tian’s voice, he turned his head around in shock.

“You are the Mr. Yan?” Aunty Sun looked at Yan Tian with disbelief.

“Yan Tian, are you alright? “Ah …”

Liu Ruoxin also ran out excitedly, but upon seeing Yan Tian, she immediately covered her mouth in fear. How did Yan Tian turn into such a state?

“Hehe, it’s fine now. Boss Liu, it’s time to work.” Yan Tian laughed and said.

“Yan … …” Yan Tian, what’s wrong? ” After confirming that it was Yan Tian, Liu Ruoxin’s eyes started to moisten. Could it be that Yan Tian was abused in the police station?

“What’s wrong with me?” Yan Tian spread his hands.

“Did the police at the police station beat you up?” Liu Ruoxin took a step forward with red eyes.

“What?” The police hit me? Do you think they will be my match? ”

Yan Tian shrugged his shoulders at Liu Ruoxin’s words. A group of policemen trying to hit him? What a joke, the special police were all being played around by him.

“Then what happened to the wounds on your body?” Liu Ruoxin asked worriedly, thinking maybe it was her uncle’s bodyguard who did it.

Hearing Liu Ruoxin talk about her injuries, Yan Tian scratched her head in embarrassment. Should she tell Liu Ruoxin or not?

After thinking about it, Yan Tian decided not to speak anymore. If word got out, he would probably die of laughter: “Oh, what do you think about my injury, sigh, it’s fine even if I don’t mention it, I was really unlucky this morning. After leaving the police station, I tripped and fell, and I ended up like this.”

After hearing Yan Tian’s explanation, Liu Ruoxin was stunned, wasn’t the injuries on her body caused by someone else? Was it Yan Tian himself?

“You … Do you think I’m a three year old child? ” Liu Ruoxin naturally could not believe that Yan Tian’s injury was caused by a fall.

“Haha, just treat it as you being a three year old child. Actually, a three year old child is pretty good as well.”

“What exactly is going on? It can’t be that you escaped from prison, right? ”

Seeing that Yan Tian did not say anything, Liu Ruoxin guessed it was possible that Yan Tian had wanted to escape in the middle of the night. However, the first time he did not succeed, and was caught by the police and beaten up, only then did he manage to escape.

“What?” Jailbreak? “How could that be? I’m a good citizen who follows the law. I won’t do anything illegal!” Yan Tian said very seriously.

“Then how did you get out?”

Liu Ruoxin was very curious how Yan Tian came out of seclusion. If Yan Tian had his trump card, then there shouldn’t be any problems. This was clearly the result of being beaten.

“Ugh …” Um, Boss Liu, can you let me in first? ” Yan Tian scratched his head and said.

This was not because Yan Tian wanted to go in and take a seat. Normally, Yan Tian basically would not go in, but today was different, because there were already a few people who were staring at Yan Tian like he was a monkey.

“Come in.”

After entering, Yan Tian heaved a sigh of relief. There was a sense of belonging here, one that was much stronger than that room in the police station, not only did he not feel at home, there were also several surveillance cameras installed nearby, and it was impossible for him to even hilane, but also not that it was impossible.

“Oh, how do you know I haven’t eaten? “I’m starving.” Seeing that there was breakfast on the table, Yan Tian immediately ran over, and casually picked up a bowl and chopsticks, and started to eat.

“Hey, that’s my chopsticks.”

The tableware that Yan Tian had taken out was Liu Ruoxin’s, Liu Ruoxin had just eaten it without washing up, yet she did not know if this was considered an indirect kiss?

“Oh, it’s yours. No wonder it smells so good. It’s fine, I don’t mind.” Yan Tian said in an indifferent manner.

“But I hate it.” Liu Ruoxin pouted as he looked at Yan Tian.

“Then what do you think we should do? It’s already been used. You can’t possibly let me change it back for you. ” Yan Tian helplessly spread his hands.

“Forget it, forget it.”

After turning pale, Liu Ruoxin ran into the kitchen and poured Yan Tian a bowl of Aunty Sun’s porridge. It seemed that she had treated Yan Tian pretty well.

“Here, drink some more.”

“Yes, the food made by Aunty Sun is quite delicious.” Yan Tian nodded and praised.

If Mr. Yan likes it, then eat more. Aunty Sun smiled happily.

After Yan Tian finished eating, he would drive Liu Ruoxin back to the company to work. Although Yan Tian had beaten him up yesterday, this did not affect Liu Ruoxin’s work.

“What’s wrong with your phone? I’ve called dozens of times in the morning and they’re all off. ” Liu Ruoxin complained.

“What?” Turn off your phone? ”

Upon hearing Liu Ruoxin’s words, Yan Tian immediately took out his phone, and upon seeing it, she realised that the phone was actually turned off. It seems like the smartphone was really expensive, it ran out of battery after not charging it for an entire night.

“Hehe, there’s no more electricity.” Yan Tian laughed in embarrassment.

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