Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 117 - Stolen Weapons

Chapter 117 – Stolen Weapons

“Hahaha, sorry, please!” After that, the man smiled and made a gesture of ‘please’.

After following the man inside, Yan Tian found that there was actually a basement at the side. If he was not mistaken, this basement was probably an armory.

Sure enough, all kinds of cold and hot weapons were displayed in the basement, along with the more common AK-47s, 95s, and several sniper rifles.

Beside these weapons stood several people. All of them were fully armed, as if they were ready to fight at any moment.

“Haha, what would you like to order?” The man said with a smile.

“Can you tell us to take a look first?” Harris shrugged.

“Sure, please.”

The man craned his neck to show that he was fine, he wasn’t afraid that Yan Tian and the other two would use the guns to do anything, because the guns placed outside were not loaded, they were made for customers to choose from, they would first let the customers choose a style, then they would sell the guns and ammunition to the customers.

Yan Tian and the other two were all spear wielding ancestors, they could not be more familiar with guns, so after looking around, they picked a main weapon and quickly picked a secondary weapon.

After choosing their firearms, Yan Tian and the other two picked out a few military daggers. It was impossible for you to only use guns in battles, sometimes firearms would not even have these cold weapons to use.

“That’s it. Give me eight of each.” Yan Tian pointed to the weapon they had chosen.

This time, there werotal of eight people, and all eight of their weapons were the same. In fact, logically speaking, the weapons should not all be the same, because in a war, you couldn’t possibly all be soldiers, right? For example, a sniper, was an indispensable weapon in a war.

How many important military and political personnel were killed by snipers during World War II? When a sniper kills a man, he kills you. You don’t even know where he’s hiding.

However, Yan Tian did not specifically pick out a sniper rifle, and it was not because they did not have any snipers among the eight, they were all gun-playing ancestors, and all of them grew up with guns. What kind of joke was this? There were several reasons why Yan Tian did not choose his sniper rifle.

First, the price of the sniper rifles was much more expensive than the automatic assault rifles, which was why Yan Tian was unwilling to spend so much money.

Secondly, Yan Tian and the others were not familiar with the terrain and environment of the Sea Wolf Mercenaries, it was unknown if the snipers would use their weapons there, if not, wouldn’t it be a waste of their money?

Even if it was useful, they could still snatch a sniper rifle. Yan Tian refused to believe that without a few sniper rifles in Sea Wolf Mercenaries, it would not be difficult for Yan Tian and the rest to snatch a weapon.

“Alright, straightforward. At 10 o’clock tonight, we will officially begin the transaction.” The man said happily.

Customers like Yan Tian were all considered big customers, so they directly bought over 10 guns at once. They could earn a lot of profit from this, so it could be said that Yan Tian bought so many weapons at once to get himself a membership card, so the man was very happy.

“Mm, alright. This is my contact number, contact me when the time comes.” Harris took out a business card from an unknown location with two fingers, and handed it to the man in a very forceful manner.

“Mm, alright.” The man received the business card politely. After looking at it, he put it into his pocket. “You’ve already chosen your weapon. According to the rules, you have to pay a deposit.”

“Of course not. How much should I pay?” Yan Tian rubbed his nose and asked.

“One hundred thousand dollars.”

The man had just finished speaking when the Heavenly Palace opened the chest and took out 100,000 US dollars, handing it to the man without any dissatisfaction. He had also frequently traveled around the country and knew of these rules.

“Oh yeah, prepare some grenades and smoke bombs for us too, we’ll trade them tonight.” Yan Tian suddenly pointed to the grenades in the corner.

“Sure, no problem.” The man smiled and nodded.

After that, Yan Tian and the other two discussed with the man the relevant matters and the time and place for the night’s transaction, and gave the man a few more instructions on how many bullets to shoot before Yan Tian and the other two left the underground room.

… ….

Harris’s cell phone rang around eight in the evening, and when he saw that it was a local number in Johannesburg, Harris switched it to a voice-over.

“Excuse me, is this Mr. Yan?” As expected, it was the armor-selling man who called, and judging from his voice, the man seemed to be very worried.

“Yes.” I am, what’s wrong? ” Yan Tian said as he chewed on his melon seeds.

The time and place for the trade at night had already been decided by the afternoon, and now that this man was calling again, Yan Tian was very curious about what he was going to say.

“It’s this way, Mr. Yan. The weapons you ordered this afternoon have already been bought by someone else.” The man said in embarrassment.

“What?” Did you buy it? ” Without waiting for Yan Tian to speak, the Ash Wolf, Old Charcoal, roared at the phone, and actually sold their weapon?

“Oh? Buy it? We didn’t pay a deposit? ” Yan Tian said with a wry smile.

Harris and Heavenly Palace, on the other hand, had dark expressions on their faces. They had clearly already ordered this weapon, but this black market seller actually dared to sell it. This was a slap to their faces, a naked slap to their faces.

It’s this kind of Mr. Yan, just now, we were all preparing to rush to the trading location, but who knew that a group of people suddenly rushed into our shop, saying that they wanted weapons, I thought that it was nothing at the time, so I brought them to the basement, because all the better weapons have already been ordered by you this afternoon, there aren’t much left.

“This group of people probably felt that the remaining weapons were too weak and didn’t want to fight, so they decided to fight the batch of weapons you ordered.” The man said, one sentence aime.

“Well, then? Then they offered a high price, and in the end you sold it to them to make money? ” Yan Tian did not seem to care about this matter at all as he continued to speak smilingly.

After hearing what Yan Tian said, the man shook his head vigorously: “That’s not it Mr. Yan, although the business we are doing is not on the right path, but we are also talking about trust and honesty, I did not promise them to sell you guys that batch of weapons.”

“But they can’t do it, they must have that batch of weapons, so they can double the price, but I didn’t promise them that they could sell it, so that group of people took advantage of it and started beating people up. Moreover, they are very powerful, my people all took weapons and were wounded by their wounds, I have also lost an arm.” The man shook his head in distress.

What the man said was also the truth. There was indeed a group of people who went to buy weapons, but the boss wouldn’t sell no matter what, so those people had no choice but to use violence. They weren’t good people, so why not kill them? He had directly turned the purchase into plundering.

“Oh, so it’s like that!” When Yan Tian heard this, he also understood. After thinking about it, he asked: “Who are these people?”

The question that Yan Tian asked was also what Xing Yu and the rest were concerned about, they did not know which blind thing dared to snatch their things, they were tired of living.

“Sigh, I don’t know about that either. However, from the looks of it, they seem like a group of well-trained mercenaries.” The man thought for a while and said.

“Well, what do you mean by calling us now?” Heavenly Palace said into his phone.

“I just want to ask if you want to trade for other weapons. The batch you want has already been snatched away by them. ” The man whispered.

“Humph!” Hearing these words, Harris slapped the table in anger, he actually dared to steal the weapon they chose, he didn’t know how brave those people were, they were all top tier [A] class elite killers!

At the same time, Xing Yu and the others were also moving their muscles and bones. It seemed that they had to do something before could save a life, no matter what, they had to snatch their weapons back, and wouldn’t let them off even if they had to suffer losses.

“Then where are they from? Black or white? Are there any surveillance videos or anything? ” Yan Tian frowned and asked.

“They are not locals, they are all Caucasian, as for the surveillance footage, I don’t have any here.” The man shook his head and said.

“Alright, I understand.”

After nodding his head, Yan Tian hung up the phone, he did not ask for another weapon, but did he not see his group of brothers turn red? Looks like it’s time to make a move, Yan Tian was also very curious about who bought their weapon.

“What is it? What are you going to do? ” Yan Tian looked at the crowd with a smile that was not a smile.

“What should we do? “Fuck you, you dare to steal our things.” Xing Yu said with his eyes wide open.

“Right, let’s kill them. I want to see who they are.” Mike was also very angry, because the money to buy the weapons was all his. Although he hadn’t bought them yet, he had already paid the deposit, and since the money was his, the weapons would naturally be his. Now that he was robbed, he was angrier than anyone else.

In the end, after everyone had voted, they decided to snatch that batch of weapons back, and it was even passed by a full vote. Other than Yan Tian, no one else objected.

“Ugh …” How are you going to steal it? “How do you find them if you don’t even know who they are?” Looking at the crowd’s fighting posture, Yan Tian was speechless. You don’t even know who they are, how are you going to find them? We can’t do a carpet search in Johannesburg, can we?

“That’s noroblem. I’ve already thought of a way.” Xing Yu looked at Yan Tian and shook his head indifferently.

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