Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 119 - A transaction

Chapter 119 -: A transaction

When Diana sent over the location map, Yan Tian sneered. The locations of these mercenary hunters were pretty good, if anything were to happen to them, it would be easy to escape. Furthermore, that inn was also a small inn, the kind of place that one could stay without needing to register.

“I got the location. How about it?” Yan Tian looked at them with blinking eyes.

“Awesome, having an awesome woman is easy.” Xing Yu looked at the map on his phone in admiration, while the others also looked at Yan Tian in envy.

After a moment of discussion, everyone began to change into their clothes and prepare to leave. They were just a small group of mercenaries, and they felt that their prices had dropped a little.

When they arrived at their destination, it was already 10 PM. The building was old and dilapidated, it looked as though it would collapse anytime, and there were only two dimly lit street lamps nearby. The hotel was completely dark, which made it much more convenient for Yan Tian and the rest to find.

“Can you guess where they are?” Xing Yu squinted ahead.

“How would I know? It’s not like I can see anything.” Yan Tian shrugged and said.

I think they should be somewhere between the second and third floor. They are all trained mercenaries, so it is impossible to choose between the first floor and the second floor, and it is also impossible to choosigher floor. If something happens on the first floor, it will be hard to escape, and if the floor is too high, you can’t run away. Xing Yu stroked his chin as he analyzed the situation.

“Hm, that makes sense.”

As long as he received professional training, he would consider a lot of things. Right now, even if Yan Tian chose a floor, he would not choose the first floor or the top floor. As long as he received professional training, he could jump down from the second floor and third floor.

Furthermore, according to your woman’s information, they are not the best of the best. In the Bird Mercenaries, they can only be considered a novice, so their strength isn’t that great. If you jump off the third floor, you’ll only be on the second floor. Xing Yu analyzed again.

“If that’s the case, then why are you wasting your breath?” Shouldn’t we just rush to the second floor and finish them off? ” The black Ash Wolf could not wait any longer. It had not fought for several days and its hands were starting to itch.

rolled his eyes speechlessly at Old Charcoal the moment he heard the Ash Wolf wanting to rush up to him. “It’s necessary to get rid of them, but we have to formulatlan. Johannesburg is the biggest city in southern Africa, and also the most prosperous city.

“Therefore, we must act cleanly and not leave any chance for them to shoot us. If we attract the attention of the local government, we will be in big trouble.” Yan Tian warned.

“What are you afraid of? Do you think they, these police soldiers or something, can catch us?” The Ash Wolf gave a disdainful smile.

“Yeah, it’s going to be hard for them to catch us, but don’t forget what we’re doing in South Africa this time. Don’t cause too much trouble.” Yan Tian looked at the Ash Wolf and reminded.

If their next move really caught the attention of the local government, then the government would certainly send out some armed forces. Although South Africa waelatively backward country, Johannesburg was, after all, not a small city.

Furthermore, these policemen might not be able to catch Yan Tian and the others, but it would become a small problem for Yan Tian and the others.

However, they had important things to do this time, so it was better not to cause too much trouble. Besides, with their strength, killing these mercenaries was not a difficult task.

In the end, under Yan Tian’s reminder, everyone started to discuss their battle plans. In the end, they decided to let Blaze find out where the rooms the mercenaries were first, and then let Yan Tian, Xing Yu, Harris, the Ash Wolf and Blaze to finish the assassination on the second floor. The remaining three people of Heavenly Palace, Mike and Randall stayed outside to keep watch and prevent any fish from escaping the net.

“Alright, it’s only ten o’clock now. They probably haven’t slept yet. We’ll wait here until the early hours of the morning before we start our operation.” Yan Tian looked at the time and said.

No one had any problems with that. Right now, only Yan Tian and Xing Yu had the leadership ability, so they had chosen to listen to Yan Tian, and they were also here to help Yan Tian. Thus, they had to follow his instructions.

Yan Tian and the rest waited here for a full two hours, after which Blaze sneakily sneaked into the hotel from the front door. After around a few minutes, they received Blaze’s order, but it didn’t mean that they were done with it, but rather that the mercenaries were preparing to leave, and were currently packing their equipment.

“Then come back and finish them off outside.” Yan Tian thought for a while and said.

After Yan Tian finished speaking, he looked towards Harris, who paid no attention to them, and ran to the side of two SUV near the entrance of the inn. The two then hid themselves under the SUV, and according to the information provided by Diana, these two SUV were driven by this group of ferocious beasts mercenaries.

Soon enough, they saw Blaze run out, followed by a group of burly European and American men. Each of them was carrying something wrapped in a cloth bag, and it should be a gun.

After that, the mercenaries jumped onto the vehicles and started the engine. They then headed towards the north. It seemed like they had some work to do or a deal to complete.

“Quick, keep up.” Xing Yu’s figure was like a shadow as he chased after the two jeeps. The rest of them did the same, they not only had to follow the two jeeps closely, they had to not be noticed by the mercenaries inside.

As these two off-road vehicles were old and run-down, they were also cars from many years ago, so their speed was not very fast, which gave Xing Yu and the rest enough time to follow them.

After the car drove for more than 20 minutes, they arrived at an abandoned factory. Inside the abandoned factory, other than the two SUV that Yan Tian and Harris were hiding in, there were also two other cars. Beside the car stood a few men, and they all had AK-47 in their hands.

Then, Yan Tian heard Xing Yu’s voice from the earphones. They had already reached the abandoned factory and could move anytime.

“Hahaha, old friends, you’re finally here.” Two men ran over to the mercenaries after they got off the carriage.

“Cut the crap, have you brought the items?” The mercenary, who was the leader of the group, said impatiently.

“We naturally brought the item here. As usual, it’s a deal to pay with money on one hand.” As he spoke, the man took out a box from the car. This box looked the same size as the box containing Mike’s money, but he didn’t know what was in the box.

“Don’t worry, we have money here too.” The mercenary who was leading the group gave a signal to a mercenary beside him. The mercenary took note of the information and quickly took out two boxes from the car. It seemed like the two boxes contained the money for the transaction.

Sure enough, after the mercenary opened the two boxes, there were two neatly placed boxes of US dollars. The total amount was two boxes of US dollars, which was around 10 million yuan.

“Mm, that’s pretty good. This is good!” The man’s eyes lit up when he saw the two boxes of US dollars. Then, he opened the box in his hand.

Yan Tian had thought that the box was filled with some kind of drug, but after seeing the contents of the box, Yan Tian had rejected his idea. He saw that the box contained over ten bottles of reagents, which seemed to be chemical potions, and he wondered what they were used for.

After confirming the transaction, the mercenary kicked the case of dollars towards the man. The man also asked one of his assistants to send the box of reagents to the mercenaries, and after receiving the goods, the mercenary threw the rest of the case to the man.

After the deal was concluded, both parties pointed their guns at each other vigilantly as if they were afraid the other would fire first. Only then did they gradually leave the abandoned factory.

On the other hand, Yan Tian and Harris had been hiding at the bottom of the SUVs the entire time. Yan Tian did not care what they had traded with them, and what that reagent was used for didn’t have anything to do with him.

After the car had gone for a few minutes, two people suddenly appeared in front of them, they were Xing Yu and Tian Gong. They were running even faster than cars, and actually ran in front to block the road.

However, they did not stop and instead continued to increase the throttle as they drove forward. They believed that the two people in front of them who were blocking the road werart of the group of people who had just made a deal with them, so they planned to crush them on top of Xing Yu and the Heavenly Palace.

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