Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 12 - The Story of Liu Ruoxin

Chapter 12 – The Story of Liu Ruoxin

“Good morning, Boss Liu!” As soon as they entered the hotel, someone greeted Liu Ruoxin, who also nodded in return.

“This hotel is also part of our company’s industry.” Liu Ruoxin looked at Yan Tian who was looking around and explained.

“Oh, I see, but Boss Liu brought me here for …?” Yan Tian was not curious about the fact that the Shengyuan Restaurant was a business of the Liu’s Group, he was just curious why Liu Ruoxin brought him here. Could it be to treat him to a meal?

Liu Ruoxin thought for a while before replying, “Mmm … I’ll treat you to a meal, let’s go! ” With that said, Liu Ruoxin walked inside.

“Oh, thank you Boss Liu!” Yan Tian was immediately happy when he heard it. It was only his first day at work, and his beautiful superior had already invited him to dinner.

“Aiya, why is Boss Liu here? Why didn’t he inform us in advance so that we could prepare?” The manager knew that Liu Ruoxin had arrived, so he did not dally and went out to welcome him personally.

“I just came for a meal. What’s the fuss about?” Liu Ruoxin was a little speechless. Today, she had only brought Yan Tian here for a meal.

In fact, Liu Ruoxin was considered a big boss to the manager of the Shengyuan Restaurant, so the manager personally sent Liu Ruoxin and Yan Tian into a luxurious room to be the waiter.

“Give me a French filet steak, eighty percent done.” Liu Ruoxin looked at the menu and ordered a French steak.

Yan Tian thought for a while before ordering a serving of Japanese food.

“Okay Boss Liu, it will be done soon.” After saying that, the hotel manager left.

Liu Ruoxin sat at the table and looked out the window, as if she was thinking about something. Yan Tian did not disturb him and also turned to look at the beautiful scenery outside the window.

“Thank you for today.” After a long while, Liu Ruoxin suddenly looked at Yan Tian and said.

“Ah?” “Thank me for what?” Yan Tian was puzzled, why would the perfectly fine Liu Ruoxin suddenly thank him?

Liu Ruoxin did not immediately answer Yan Tian. After looking out the window and thinking for a while, she said: “Yan Tian, do you know? This company is very important to me. ”

“Ah?” “Oh!” Yan Tian was puzzled, why would the perfectly fine Liu Ruoxin tell him this?

“This is a company my grandpa established when he was young, it’s already been over 50 years. He’s old, he has 3 sons and a daughter, now with his body getting worse every day, all my uncles want to inherit this company.”

Liu Ruoxin continued speaking as she picked up the cup of coffee on the table and took a sip: “My uncles both have sons, so the chances of them inheriting the company is the highest. My father only has one daughter, and my father has always listened to my uncle and never fought with them for anything.”

“My father didn’t even argue over the succession of this company. He said it doesn’t matter who the company gives it to, they’re all one family, all on the same team.”

“But my uncles think my father is the most likely person to inherit the company, because my father is honest and has a business mind. My grandfather thinks most highly of my father, and my uncle and uncle harmed my father at all costs in order to get the company.” Liu Ruoxin said as he wiped the tears off his eyes.

“They killed each other because of a company. Originally, I didn’t know either, and this was something my aunt told me. She doted on me the most since I was young, so she told me the truth.”

Right now, my aunt is taking care of my grandfather, and my aunt is also afraid that my uncle and uncle will harm her, so my aunt took my grandfather into her life. For the sake of my grandfather’s health, my aunt and I did not tell him that my father was killed by my uncle, and we are afraid that my grandfather would not be able to take it.

“I just thought, since my uncles are so cruel and cruel, hurting my father for the sake of a company’s inheritance right, I naturally won’t let them easily get the company, that’s why I came out to run the company myself. I want to do better than them, I want to let grandpa see my results.”

“If grandpa sees me more outstanding than uncle, grandpa will naturally hand the company over to me, so this company is very important to me. Right now, this clothing company is my starting point.”

“That’s why I said thank you today. If it wasn’t for you, I would have lost my company today.” At this time, Liu Ruoxin turned his head and said to Yan Tian.

Yan Tian never thought that Liu Ruoxin would have such a story. Yan Tian never thought that this young girl would have suceavy responsibility on her shoulders.

And she was also in danger. If it was as Liu Ruoxin had said, that her uncle and uncle were people who did not acknowledge each other because of their family property, then Liu Ruoxin would be in danger if her performance was really outstanding.

Just then, two waiters brought the things that they had ordered up. It could be seen that this hotel was very good under Liu Ruoxin’s management.

“Please enjoy.”

“Thank you!” Liu Ruoxin said very politely.

Yan Tian saw that the food on the table was dripping with saliva, and without waiting for Liu Ruoxin to speak, he started to eat.

“I didn’t expect you to have such a story. Actually, you don’t need to thank me. Since you hired me and paid me, that is what I should do.” Yan Tian said as he ate.

“In short, I still have to thank you.” Liu Ruoxin said while gracefully eating the steak.

“Haha, there’s no need to thank me. Boss Liu can just give me a bit more salary.” Yan Tian laughed and said.

“You care so much about money?” Liu Ruoxin asked again.

did not know how to answer this question. If he said that he did not care about money, then it would broblem even if he ate now. However, even now, he did not know how much money he had.

“How should I put it, I don’t know either. Regardless of the lack or lack, isn’t it stupid to not take money?” “Haha!” Yan Tian said while laughing.

“You’re right. It is precisely because of money that this world has the distinction of being poor and rich. It is precisely because of money that this world has war.” Liu Ruoxin said as she looked out of the window.

It was well-known that money could not buy happiness. While this is absolutely true, poverty cannot be exchanged for happiness either. Some people are rich, but they still suffer from a lack of happiness.

Others, on the other hand, spent their lives satisfied with very little money, because they knew how to enjoy what they had to the fullest extent.

“Uh, about that, Boss Liu …” “I haven’t eaten my fill. Can I order two more servings?” Yan Tian scratched his head in embarrassment as he was not full yet.

“Of course you can…” Liu Ruoxin was very speechless when he saw Yan Tian.

The lunch ended just like that, and after eating, Yan Tian drove Liu Ruoxin’s red Porsche back to the company.

After being sent back to the office by Yan Tian, he fell asleep on the table. Yan Tian felt his heart ache as he saw Liu Ruoxin fall asleep on the desk just like that;

After thinking about it, Yan Tian took off his suit jacket and covered his body, standing up, he tiptoed out of the office and closed the door softly.

Yan Tian walked downstairs to the company and lit up a cigarette for himself and took a smoke. He did not know what to do as he looked at the scorching hot street outside, he had come here to be Liu Ruoxin’s bodyguard, and now that Liu Ruoxin had slept with him, she became an idler.

After thinking for a while, Yan Tian decided to buy a phone. It had been half a month since he had returned to his home country, and he still did not havhone, which was also a habit of Yan Tian’s.

It had to be known that Yan Tian was an assassin in the past. If he used a phone, it would be easy to find him.

Yan Tian felt in his pocket and took out a few dozen dollars. He estimated that this amount of money could not even be bought by an old man machine. Yan Tian looked at his phone and laughed bitterly, thinking to himself, wait for Liu Ruoxin to wake up before paying him some money.

But when Yan Tian thought about how Liu Ruoxin’s company had lost so much money last night, and how even the company itself needed more now, he gave up the idea of looking for Liu Ruoxin to advance their wages.

Yan Tian thought that he should borrow some money from the little beauty Sun Yue at night to buy a phone. Sun Yue should not be lacking in money when driving the BMW M5. Un, it’s like this, I’ll borrow it from her at night.

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