Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 121 - Women's Shrill

Chapter 121 – Women’s Shrill

Because Yan Tian and the rest were also lightly packed this time, they did not bring much food or water, to prevent them from lacking food at the back. Thus, Yan Tian and the rest were nibbling on the compressed rations while eating game.

“Look, there’s a snake over there.” Suddenly, Randall pointed to the front happily.

“Is this a cobra?”

Yan Tian followed Randall’s finger and saw the snake. It waather ferocious Cobra, and one that was extremely toxic. If it was accidentally bitten, it would be fatal.

“Haha, this game is pretty good. It’s mine now.” Xing Yu hurriedly threw down the compressed rations in his hand and ran out. If a normal person saw a snake, they would hide far away, not to mention the poisonous Cobra, which made people feel a natural fear towards snakes.

However, to Yan Tian and the others, this snake was like an ant, it was very easy to subdue it, especially Yan Tian who could catch this kind of cobra without any defenses in mind. This was because Yan Tian himself was immune to poisons, so even Yan Tian himself did not know why he was not afraid of poisons.

Seeing that Xing Yu had gone out to hunt for prey, Yan Tian and the rest were not idle. They also wanted to rush over to snatch it, but Xing Yu’s speed and skills were not to be underestimated, causing Yan Tian and the rest to not be able to achieve anything.

“Aiya, this snake is not bad, but right now, it can only eat it raw.” Xing Yu looked at the Cobra wrapped around his arm and shook his head helplessly.

It would be good if he could eat these “meat dishes” until they were cooked, but right now, Xing Yu could not burn these snakes and eat them. Therefore, Xing Yu could only eat them raw here. That’s right, he could only eat them raw here.

They were still on high alert, and were no longer as alert as they usually were. Normally, all of them seemed to be smiling, but now, they were all very serious, because this waeal battle. Furthermore, they were going to look for other people’s nests, and if they were not careful, they would end up here with their little lives.

“Heavens, look!” Suddenly Mike pointed again, as if he had seen something terrifying.

Following the direction of Mike’s finger, Yan Tian and the others saw a tiger, no, two tigers.

He saw the two tigers glaring at the crowd, as if they had seen a delicacy and were ready to attack at any moment.

“Tsk, aren’t they just two tigers? “What’s there to be afraid of?” Looking at the two tigers, Yan Tian turned his neck playfully. Could it be that the eight of them could only fight the two tigers? What a joke.

As soon as Yan Tian finished speaking, the two tigers rushed towards everyone, Yan Tian and the rest did not dare to be negligent, although they had extraordinary skills, they were still ferocious beasts, if you were not careful, a piece of your flesh would be bitten off by them.

One of the two tigers charged towards Yan Tian, as if it was precisely because Yan Tian looked down on these fierce beasts. One must know that they are ferocious beasts from the forest, but they were actually looked down upon by a human like you, who are they attacking instead of attacking?

As soon as it arrived in front of Yan Tian, the tiger opened its bloody mouth, and started biting down on Yan Tian’s shoulder. If Yan Tian’s arm was really bitten, then it would be crippled, and it would be easy for the tiger to cripple one of your arms.

Therefore, Yan Tian was fully focused, he threw a punch at the tiger just as it pounced at him. Harris also jumped up and kicked the tiger’s head.

Not surprising, Yan Tian’s punch landed heavily on the tiger’s stomach, at the same time, Harris’s kick landed on the tiger’s head. Just like that, a two hundred kilogram tiger was sent flying backwards.

After landing, the tiger let ouainful groan, then stood up again, but for some reason, the moment it stood up, it fell down again. It was unknown if Yan Tian’s punch had injured it or if Harris’s kick had stupefied it, but it was still alive.

At the same time, the other tiger was also sent flying. It could be seen that Xing Yu and the rest’s attacks were quite vicious, as they actually kicked a few of the tiger’s teeth away.

The two tigers struggled to stand up and then immediately ran away. They were not stupid, they knew that they had meough opponent this time, their incomparably sharp teeth were still far weaker than the human’s fists and feet. They were sent flying before they could even touch the prey, and they also suffered internal injuries.

Time flew by very quickly. It was night unknowingly, but Yan Tian and the rest’s journey was rather smooth, and they met a leopard along the way. However, it was not unexpected for them to beat it up and escape.

Yan Tian and the others did not kill them, because this was a natural world, it was normal for them to hunt and devour each other, and these were all endangered protected animals. Furthermore, if Yan Tian and the others killed these tigers and leopards, it would not be good if they were discovered by the people from the Sea Wolf Mercenaries, because killing these beasts would leave behind traces, which would make the people from the Sea Wolf Mercenaries think that someone had invaded them, so they had to be careful.

“Aiyo, I can’t take it anymore. I have to rest for a bit.” After reaching a large tree, the Ash Wolf sat down. From noon until now, they had not rested even for a moment. He was truly tired now.

“Ah… “My ass.” As soon as he sat down, the Ash Wolf cried out, as if it had been bitten by a wolf.

“Shut up! What are you shouting for? I’m afraid others won’t be able to find out, right?” Yan Tian hurriedly covered the wolf’s mouth with his hand.

“Bullshit, he got caught.”

The Ash Wolf took something out from under its butt in great pain. Upon closer inspection, it discovered that it warap. This beast had not been able to catch it, but it had caught the Ash Wolf, Charcoal.

“Why is therrap here? “And it doesn’t look like it will be here for long.” Xing Yu said as he looked at the beast trap.

“Could there be hunters around here? Maybe this trap was prepared by the people of Sea Wolf Mercenaries. ” Yan Tian squinted his eyes and said.

“Who cares who put him here. It has nothing to do with us. Hurry up and sleep. Leave two people to watch the show.” The Ash Wolf yawned impatiently and said.

Following the Ash Wolf’s voice, Yan Tian couldn’t hold back his laughter any longer, because he actually couldn’t see the Ash Wolf’s figure. His skin color had now blended in with the surrounding darkness, if one didn’t look carefully, they really wouldn’t be able to see it.

In fact, it was best for a man like the Ash Wolf to be an assassin, especially in this pitch black night. No one would be able to discover an assassination in this kind of environment.

“Why are you laughing?” The Ash Wolf looked at Yan Tian with its eyes wide open.

“Nothing, just take your time to rest.” After he finished speaking, Yan Tian also closed his eyes. Whether or not they still had time to sleep after reaching Sea Wolf Mercenaries waroblem, so taking advantage of the time it took to get some sleep, and leaving the two of them to stand guard outside, they also took turns sleeping.

It was deep in the night when Yan Tian woke up. It was time for him to stand guard outside, and the sky palace was also standing beside him.

After half an hour, Yan Tian suddenly heard a voice, although the voice was very soft, Yan Tian could still hear it. He was sure that it was a woman’s scream, and turning his head to look at the Heaven Palace, he realised that he did not hear anything, and felt that Yan Tian’s hearing ability was still better.

“You stay here for now, I’m going out for a while.” Yan Tian patted Heavenly Palace’s shoulders and said.

“What are you going out for now?” The Heavenly Palace looked at Yan Tian wituzzled expression. What was Yan Tian doing out there in the middle of the night? He can look here too!

“I just heard a voice. I’m not too sure. I’ll go take a look.”

“Alright, you can go now. If you have anything to tell us, just tell us in time.” The Heavenly Palace did not ask too much. Yan Tian’s hearing ability was the best amongst them, so the Heavenly Palace did not find anything strange.

Following the direction of the voice, Yan Tian ran over. Previously, the voice only made a sound, therefore, Yan Tian could only use his own judgement to find the location.

After walking for more than ten minutes, Yan Tian still did not find anyone. Yan Tian thought that there shouldn’t be any female ghosts, but when he thought of the female ghosts, he shivered. Although Yan Tian was not afraid of those things, he was terrified when he thought of the appearances of those female ghosts.

Just as he was about to return, Yan Tian suddenly saw a weak light ray. After following the light ray for about 10 metres, Yan Tian saw a cave, the light ray coming out from the cave, it looked like Yan Tian had heard correctly, there was actually someone here.

Due to his curiosity, Yan Tian did not rush back, but instead, continued to walk forward. He wanted to see what kind of person was standing there and what exactly happened to that blood-curdling scream just now.

After walking for a few more minutes, Yan Tian reached the entrance of the cave. That’s right, it was here, and there was indeed the scream of a woman inside the cave, it seemed like that scream must have come from here.

Just that, Yan Tian was curious about who was inside. Is it someone from the Sea Wolf Mercenaries? Could it be that there was an interrogation room inside where the Sea Wolf Mercenaries were interrogating someone?

When he thought about it, Yan Tian felt that it was necessary for him to go in and take care of her. The people here did not know how to care for the fairer sex.

After making up his mind, Yan Tian carefully walked in. At the same time, three needles appeared in the middle of his fingers, he did not plan to shoot from here, but if he did, it would be troublesome.

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