Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 49 - - The Murderer Found

Chapter 49 – The Murderer Found
Not long after, Yan Tian had already put down all the hooligans, and Song Dong was also knocked down to the ground by Yan Tian. Everyone looked at Yan Tian in fear, his skills were too powerful, and too terrifying.

After Yan Tian clapped his hands, he kept his wallet and cell phone. Then, he ran over eagerly with Liu Ruoxin’s wallet and cell phone, “Wife, your wallet and cell phone, hehe.”

“En, let’s go back.” After Liu Ruoxin received the purse, sshe walked towards Yan Tian’s Audi Car. Without even looking at Gao Chengwen, he finally understood Gao Chengwen’s personality.

When they were getting in the car, Yan Tian glared at Gao Chengwen. Yan Tian really wanted to beat Gao Chengwen up badly, but thinking that Gao Chengwen and his family were partners, he did not look for him, but if Gao Chengwen still wanted to find trouble with him, then Yan Tian did not care who he was, even if it was the Heavenly King himself, Yan Tian would think of a way to beat him up.

As for Gao Chengwen, he was already scared silly. Seeing the bunch of people lying on the ground, Gao Chengwen’s legs turned weak, so it turns out that Yan Tian had already discovered him a long time ago, and was foolishly fighting around like a clown. This Yan Tian is the real expert, this is great, the fake Li Kui met the real Li Kui.

“Why didn’t you tell me when you found out?” Seated in the carriage, Liu Ruoxin pouted and looked at Yan Tian, thinking that Yan Tian had already discovered it long ago and did not tell him, so he intentionally made him feel fear.

“Hehe, I’m not afraid that if I told you, you would not be able to hold back from exposing him on the spot.” Yan Tian laughed and said.

“Hmph, before, I didn’t realize that Gao Chengwen was actually such a sinister person. What should I do now?” Liu Ruoxin snorted coldly as he looked at Yan Tian.

“What do we do?”

“You said we were married.” Thinking about that, Liu Ruoxin became angry, the only thing she wanted Yan Tian to do was to play a part with him, she never expected that Yan Tian would actually play a part that could not be ended.

“Oh, that one. You can do whatever you want.” Yan Tian shook his head indifferently.

“You, what do you want me to do when you say it? Ai, forget it. We’ll see when the time comes.” Liu Ruoxin couldn’t think of a good way, so he decided to take things one step aime.

… ….

When the car reached the hospital, Liu Ruoxin ran towards the ward on the third floor in a hurry. She didn’t know if she had finished concocting the antidote.

“How is the situation?” As soon as he entered, Liu Ruoxin asked Director Huang urgently. Director Huang was also very dedicated, he had actually been standing guard here the entire time, and was currently eating lunch.

“They haven’t even finished the antidote yet, but they can guarantee that our employees will be able to walk normally in two days.” Director Huang swallowed his rice and said.

“Why are they so slow?” When he heard that Liu Ruoxin had not even finished concocting the antidote, he raised his eyebrows.

“Boss Liu, how much time has passed? Concocting the antidote isn’t something that can be done in a short period of time. Don’t we still have three days?” laughed and patted Liu Ruoxin’s shoulder to comfort him. Now that Gao Chengwen was not around, he did not dare to call his his wife anymore.

Thinking about it, Liu Ruoxin felt that it made sense, it had only been a few hours, and it seemed that she was too anxious, she shook her head and went back into the sickroom, where one sickroom after another started sending condolences to the employees.

This caused Yan Tian to be extremely exhausted, because when Liu Ruoxin was sitting, he would have to pour water for his employees. There was no other way, since she was an employee herself, it was inconceivable for him to pour water for these small employees. In the past, even if it was a big boss sitting in front of him, she wouldn’t bother to pay attention to it.

After an hour of arduous “work”, Liu Ruoxin finally prepared to return to the company. This time, Yan Tian was extremely excited, and no longer needed to serve tea like a waiter.

“How is it? Have you found out who it is? ” Just as he entered the company, Liu Ruoxin ran over to the security room and asked.

“Boss Liu, we found out that it’s the restaurant’s Little Liu Gan. He was brought back to the police station by Captain Cai and the others.” The Security Section’s Division Chief said in a very respectful manner.

“Little Liu? Which one? “Forget it, let’s go to the police station.” Hearing that it was Little Liu, Liu Ruoxin thought for a bit, but there were so many employees in the company, how could she possibly think of that?

Yan Tian felt likuppet right now. Liu Ruoxin would do whatever she wanted, and she would go wherever Liu Ruoxin said she would go, and after a while, Yan Tian and Liu Ruoxin arrived at the entrance of the police station in Feng’an, where there were two guards. At the same time, the two guards were standing there without moving at all, completely unmoved by the blazing sun, and they were drenched in sweat.

This was also the first time Yan Tian had been to the Chinese Public Security Bureau, and with a curious attitude, he ran after Liu Ruoxin, who knows if there was anything fun inside. Liu Ruoxin did not even know if there was anything good about it.

“Ruoxin, you came. I was just about to call you.” Seeing Liu Ruoxin coming in, Zhuang Yiyi immediately ran over while grinning. At the same time, she did not forget to glare at Yan Tian fiercely.

Seeing that the beautiful police officer was glaring at him, Yan Tian revealed an expression that seemed to say: Hmph, little brat, what can you do to me?!

“How is it? Where is he? ” Liu Ruoxin asked anxiously.

After Zhuang Yiyi saw Yan Tian’s expression, she put on an expression of “Just you wait”: “Ruoxin, it has been investigated clearly now, the poison was from the employees of your company’s restaurant, Xiao Liu.”

“Then why did he do it?” When he heard that it was indeed his own employee, Liu Ruoxin frowned.

“Well, he said he didn’t know it was poison at first, so he put it in the food.”

“Then where is he now?” Liu Ruoxin asked.

“In the interrogation room, Ruoxin, come with me.” After Zhuang Yiyi finished, he led Liu Ruoxin towards the interrogation room.

The interrogation room at the police station wasn’t far away, in less than a minute, Zhuang Yiyi led them to the interrogation room. When the officer at the door saw that Zhuang Yiyi had brought people here, he immediately opened it and saluted to Zhuang Yiyi respectfully.

Watching Liu Ruoxin walk in, Yan Tian did not even think twice before being stopped by a slender, white jade hand just as he reached the door.

“What are you doing in there?” This is the police station, not your house. Zhuang Yiyi had gotten the chance this time. In any case, now that the decision was made here, she naturally had to go against Yan Tian.

Hearing the beautiful police officer’s words, Yan Tian helplessly rubbed his nose, thinking that he couldn’t even enter a small police station? What kind of joke was this? Wasn’t he the one who escaped unscathed when he was imprisoned? He could come and go as he pleased in the police station without anyone noticing.

Just as she was about to speak, she heard Liu Ruoxin’s voice. “Alright, Yiyi, stop messing around and let him in.” After Liu Ruoxin finished speaking, she shrugged her shoulders and smiled, pretending to look like she deserved to be beaten up.

“Hmph, just you wait. It’s best if I don’t catch you committing a crime, or else I’ll have as much pain as you.” After hearing what Liu Ruoxin said, Zhuang Yiyi glared at him and said.

Yan Tian did not care what she said, after glaring at Zhuang Yiyi, he turned and walked into the interrogation room. Upon entering, Yan Tian found four people sitting inside, while Captain Cai was sitting in the middle, facing a skinny man who was wearing handcuffs, and beside Captain Cai were two young police officers writing down their statements.

“The Boss Liu is here, sit.” Seeing Liu Ruoxin coming in, Captain Cai immediately stood up and gave a seat to the policeman beside him.

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