Full-time BOSS

Chapter 1 - The Lord of the Flame Lord

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Ah ha ha ha, a group of battle five slags dare to challenge you Lord Uncle Lagrios, it is simply to find a way to die! Xiao Yu laughed violently while waving the hammer of the Flame Demon, blasting huge fireballs the size of a locomotive into the pile of adventure groups in front of him.

“Flash! Go quickly!”

“No, it’s dying, it’s dying, ah!”

The screams were endless, but this adventurous group was surprisingly tenacious. Although the deaths and injuries were heavy, they still insisted on fighting, but the defeat was only a matter of time.

Xiao Yu overlooked the group of adventurers below and thought with pride. I am a lord of the 60-level flame demon lord, three skull-level big bosses, and the flame gorge has been opened for three months. There are not one thousand or eight hundred adventurers who die on this hand. This group of fire kang costumes are not even together, and the fire kang potion is all The guy who was reluctant to drink and couldn’t even make a magic scroll dared to come and smash the field. He didn’t know how to live or die, because he hadn’t tried his best. This did not fight for half an hour, and the blood volume of 800w was destroyed. Only one third.

“But you are pretty good too. Such a group of battle five slags can push me into the p2 stage, and it is considered to be dead.” Xiao Yu thought to himself, but it is so far, even my p1 stage can do it. There are more than ten of you. At the p2 stage, you really don’t have any chance. Well, let’s give you a ride. Thinking of this, Xiao Yu also decided not to keep his hand.

Flame Demon Lord Lagrios: “Stupid mortal, tremble in front of the ancient power!” While reciting the line 2 of his own design, Xiao Yu unlocked the new skills of the 2p stage.

“Flamestorm!” The flames swept in all directions in all directions with his center as a tide. Each wave could take away a few lives. The three flamestorms went out and washed the hard-supported adventure group in the blink of an eye. The whole army is destroyed.

Looking at the explosion of equipment and potion props, Xiao Yu’s face showed a satisfied smile. This wave of harvest is not small. Although it is estimated that there are not many decent advanced equipment on the ground, but there are so many, how can it be sold? A few tens of thousands of pieces. I used the system commands to pick them up while thinking. The white light flashed, the equipment on the ground was swept away, and all fell into Xiao Yu’s system warehouse. Then I was satisfied with the full system warehouse. Nodded.

A piece of information suddenly appeared in the chat box.

Ancient Black Dragon Mephistopheles: “Hey, Flame Demon, how is the battle going, has it been pushed down.”

It turned out to be an old neighbor, Xiao Yuxin said that this ancient black dragon Mephistopheles and he are three skull-level big bosses. Both of them divided the site of the flame canyon. Xiao Yu established a copy of the flame temple on the west side of the canyon, and the ancient black dragon Mephistopheles created a copy of the Black Dragon Abyss in the abyss on the east side. The two people often chatted when they were idle. They also exchanged their experience of harvesting adventurers while passing the time.

Flame Demon Lord Lagrios: “It’s not so easy to overthrow me, the enemy has been wiped out, hey, more than 10,000 yuan, how about you?”

Ancient Black Dragon Mephistopheles: “I’m done here, the guys are the five slags of group battles, even the dragon wizards under my hands have wiped out the group, but unfortunately not much valuable equipment has been lost. It’s good to sell two or three thousand.”

Flame Demon Lord Lagrios: “Be content, two or three thousand a day, and one hundred thousand a month too small. Well, it’s not too early. I have to go for lunch.”

Ancient Black Dragon Mephistopheles: “You withdraw first, I called the takeaway, and it will take a while before it is delivered.”

Flame Demon Lord Lagrios: “Yes, then I will withdraw.” Xiao Yu greeted him and quit the game.

Drilling out of the game warehouse, Xiao Yu started to eat lunch, and while eating it, he was glad that he chose this game and chose the right one.

The game played by Xiao Yu, called the world of the sky, is different from the old games where players can only play adventurers in the game to upgrade monsters and perform tasks. In the game of the world of the sky, players can play all the roles in the game. , From the lowest-level monsters such as zombies, skeletons, wild dogs, and goblins, to the citizens, merchants, guards, soldiers in the city, and even the lords of the main cities, and the bosses of the wild monsters, as long as you want. Can play.

Of course, playing different roles also requires different costs. Unlike the previous games that either charge for time or charge for items or simply charge together for time items, the charging mode of the game in the world of the sky is quite special, it is the so-called template charging game. The charging standards of players according to different templates are also different. There are three levels and dozens of categories of character templates open to players in the game. For different types of players, different character templates can be selected.

The cheapest are free primary templates, including monster templates, guard templates, civilian templates, summon creature templates, etc. This type of template does not cost a penny, but it is also more difficult to play, such as monster templates, players You need to play the traditional wild monsters, skeletons, beasts, goblins, robbers and thieves, etc., the initial combat effectiveness is very weak, not only to fight the adventurers, but also conflicts with each other, the death rate is amazing, but Because there are not many people who play, there are still many people playing. For example, the civilian template, although it does not have any combat power, but because of the combat immunity, it is the favorite of the scenery party travel party.

The second type is an adventurer template that requires a small amount of money to buy a monthly card. It is basically similar to the players in traditional games. You can upgrade monsters or do tasks. You can resurrect if you die.

The third category is the most expensive VIP templates, such as boss templates that can command wild monsters, hero templates that can start hero missions, and lord templates that can rule the city. This type of template is basically prepared for local players. The price of the template is easily tens of thousands or even tens of millions.

Xiao Yu is currently playing the boss template. Of course, his role as the Lord of the Flames is not bought with money. As a professional player who earns money by playing games, he spends millions to buy an account with a boss template character. Realistically, in fact, his role as the Lord of the Flame Demon was upgraded from the lowest level of the Fire Elf bit by bit. It took more than three years, during which he invested countless energy and money (Wild Monster After the template is dead, it can only be resurrected with a point roll. The higher the level, the higher the price of the resurrection), but all of this is worth it. Now that he has finally arrived at the harvest season, he is the total boss guarding the Flame Canyon, but one month. In time, he has harvested more than a dozen adventure groups. The destruction of each adventure group can bring him thousands or even tens of thousands of yuan in income. In three months, he has earned hundreds of thousands of RMB.

This tm is a cash cow, ha ha ha ha, it’s really cool, I made more than 300,000 in three months, if I can work for three or five years, make a few million, buy a house and a car, go to the top of my life to win and marry Bai Fumei , That’s all right.

The more I thought about it, the more excited I felt, even the fast-food fast food heated in the microwave seemed delicious.

Dididi, a burst of alarm sounds interrupted Xiao Yu’s yy heart. At first glance, it was the game prompt issued by the game warehouse. It is estimated that there was another adventure group coming to challenge the copy. Xiao Yu stretched out and seemed to want to today Overtime.

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