Full-time BOSS

Chapter 19 - Blackrock Orc

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However, although he made up his mind, Xiao Yu knew that it was absolutely delusional to attack Xinshou Village with the power of this mud cave tribe, not to mention that the npc in the village were much stronger than the monsters of the same level, and the number was also There are dozens of them, which is not something the mud cave tribe can fight against. Don’t forget that there are still an unknown number of adventurer players who need to deal with it, but adventurers can be resurrected.

Therefore, in order to complete this task, you must find a helper. Fortunately, the monster forces in this night-speaking forest are not only theirs. In accordance with the principle that the enemy’s enemy is a friend, these monster forces can all be used.

Back in the chief tent, Xiao Yu opened the map of Yeyu Forest. Xiao Yu inquired about the monster forces in Yeyu Forest. There are currently five monster forces in Yeyu Forest.

The most powerful monster force is the Jackal Camp in the south of the Yeyu Forest. The leader of the Jackal is Hogg, and the seventy or eighty Jackal Warriors, Jackal Scouts, Jackal Plunderers, and the fighting power of the Jackal itself It is much stronger than the Goblin, and this Hogg is an elite template of level 14, with a health value of up to 666 points and an extremely high attack power.

The second largest monster force is the robber camp. This thief camp is a branch of the Brotherhood of Shadows (the headquarters of the Brotherhood of Shadows is located in the western wilderness, and the power is very powerful). Also, the leader of the 60th and 70th Centaurs is a rare elite named Black ? Rhodes.

The third largest monster force is the goblin camp held by Xiao Yu.

The fourth largest monster force is a kobold mine located in a mountain range on the edge of the map. The leader is called Big Golden Fang. There are more than two hundred kobolds under his hand. The number is the largest, but the kobolds have too much combat power, so this monster power is instead Relatively weak.

The fifth-largest monster force is a murloc camp located on the edge of the Heishui River. The number is fifty or sixty, and the combat power is not very strong. The leader is old blind, the combat power is the weakest, and the geographical is the most remote. .

In addition, there are a large number of beast monsters, but these monsters are not affiliated with each other and are hostile to each other. There is no way to communicate, and Xiao Yu is not interested in ignoring it.

In this way, if you want to attack Novice Village, you mainly rely on the help of the three forces of jackals, kobolds, and human robbers.

Then, send an invitation letter to the leaders of these three forces.

Xiao Yu thought about picking up a piece of paper and pen and writing a letter, copying a few points, finding a few goblin laborers, and giving each of them a letter, asking them to send them to the monster leaders, and making an appointment for three days. Discuss important things in the abandoned tower of Yeyu Forest.

The content of the letter is very simple, the main idea is-I am Eric, the new chief of the goblin. There is one important thing about the balance of the power of the night language forest. You must discuss it with your boss. If you don’t want your power to disappear, come to the meeting. Anyway. As long as they can participate in this meeting, Xiao Yu will have the confidence to persuade them. Naturally, they will inevitably be alarmist.

The reason after choosing three days is mainly to accumulate some power in these days. After all, there is power in the barrel of the gun. If there is no strength under his hands, the negotiations will not be emboldened.

With this done, Xiao Yu can finally quit the game and go to bed.

Xiao Yu woke up early the next morning and hurriedly ate breakfast, Xiao Yu got into the game warehouse.

As soon as I entered the game, I didn’t expect him to be the first person, but as soon as he appeared in the tent, he found that the killer code 38 was waiting.

When I saw Xiao Yu’s online killer code 38, he immediately panicked and shouted, “Boss, Boss, there are a few orcs out here. Go and see what’s going on.”

Orc? Xiao Yu froze for a moment, and immediately went out with his staff.

When he went out to see Xiao Yu, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, but he saw three dark-skinned orcs sitting beside the campfire at the goblin camp, gnawing at a few pieces of frog meat, and a posture of starving dead reborn.

“Just the wandering monsters attracted by the campfire, no fuss.” Xiao Yu patted the killer code 38 on the shoulder, motioned him to calm down, and walked towards the black furry orcs.

In my heart, I didn’t think that even the orcs were attracted, but that’s not true. Orcs are not from the tribe? Also on Azeroth? And why is this skin black?

Xiao Yu cleared his throat when he approached, “Well, a few of them are good. I’m Eric, the chief of this camp. Hey, where did you get it from?”

Goblins are inherently contemptuous. Even if Xiao Yu is a chief, those orcs don’t seem to respect them. Two of them are still eating, and the third wipes their greasy hands on their clothes. Indifferently said: “Goblin Chief, it’s okay to tell you, we are the orcs of the Blackstone tribe living in Redridge Mountains, in the battle with humans and scattered with the big troops, wandering here all the way, if you bid the right, we Willing to join your tribe temporarily to fight for you.”

The system prompts: Your campfire has attracted three black stone orcs, whether to recruit.

[Monster Name: Blackrock Orc Trio]

[Monster category: Orc (medium humanoid)]

[Monster Rank: Level 11 Normal]

[Monster Skill: Rage, fall into rage, attack the enemy madly, increase the attack power by 30% for 10 seconds]

[Recruitment price: 30 gold, 450 food, occupying the upper limit of 9 population]

[Maintenance price: 30 foods per day]

[Remarks: The three orcs from Blackrock Mountain look like the orcs of the tribe, but they look black]

The upper limit of 9 people, an average of 3 people, 150 foods and 10 gold, is more than a goblin, but the combat power is more than half. Seeing their strong muscles, their physique is comparable to those around them. The little green skin is much more powerful, and it is more suitable for supporting the scene as a bodyguard.

“Okay, I think you are pretty decent, okay, just join our tribe. Since then, I will be your master, and you will be my bodyguard first.”

System prompt: recruitment is complete.

Looking at those black fur orcs, the name on the head changed, and the black stone orc warrior (Eric’s entourage) changed its color from yellow neutral to friendly green.

In the early morning, Xiao Yu received a few younger brothers. Xiao Yu was in a good mood, but next, he was planning to train more troops, but as the so-called soldiers and horses didn’t move, they wanted to train soldiers without resources. Yesterday Xiao Yu The series of actions have almost consumed the original resources of the mud cave tribe. This is just the beginning. If you want to further develop your strength, you need more resources. Then start with collecting resources.

Initiating a convening order first, and waiting for everyone to arrive, Xiao Yu began to assign tasks.

“The brave are invincible. I will give you a task to lead two supervisors and 10 goblin workers to cut trees outside the camp. We need a lot of wood. Understand.”

“Killer code 38, you lead two goblin supervisors, 10 goblin laborers, go to the mud cave to collect food, the more the better.”

“The remaining few laborers who were not assigned to the task began to build more goblin shacks. Our tribe will soon have more goblin births. How can we do without a place to live.”

“Yes, Chieftain, the killer code 38 accepted the order and immediately got busy, but the brave invincible was a little embarrassed.

“Sir Chief, it’s no problem to collect wood around, but I’m afraid there will be some trouble. There are many beasts in the surrounding forest, let alone what if an adventurer is encountered?”

Xiao Yu said: “Don’t worry about this, I will take my bodyguard to patrol the neighborhood, so you can work with confidence.”

The brave invincible then agreed.

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