Full-time BOSS

Chapter 25 - Monster

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Xiao Yu was worried about creating a piece of equipment for himself this time. In the past two days, many adventurers were killed. The materials saved just created a piece of equipment. However, considering that the weapon already has a goblin elder scepter, Xiao Yu decided to create a robe to wear.

Because it is not a boss yet, Xiao Yu cannot have his own named equipment. He can only choose from the equipment that has been unlocked. These equipment are all related to the title of the monster and the plot time he has participated in. Currently, there are only three options.

The fortune-teller’s gown, a gray puffy gown, was unlocked by the advanced goblin fortune-teller, creating wreckage fragments that require adventurers × 25.

The goblin chief’s new outfit, a wolf-skin coat, was unlocked after the completion of the “Assumed Chief” plot event. , Creating wreckage fragments that require adventurers × 40,

The robe of cult of the evil god, a robe of bright red color. It is unlocked after completing the event of “Evil God Ritual”, creating wreckage fragments that require adventurers × 45.

Xiao Yu chose the third one decisively.

[Name: Robe of the Sacrificial Deity]

[Category: Equipment-Robe]

[Quality: Excellent]

[Function: Armor +10, Fire Damage +4]

[The chance of falling after being killed by an adventurer: 23%]

[Remarks: A sacrificial robe seems to be worn by a sacrificial slave belonging to a certain evil god]

So far it is the best of all the equipment he unlocked.

Xiao Yu put on his robe and looked at it. It seemed that he was developing towards the evil servant of the evil **** more and more, but generally the final ending of such characters is generally miserable. I hope he can be an exception.

On the third day, Xiao Yu came to the campfire again early in the morning. When he was far away, he saw a giant monster sitting by the campfire. Fortunately, this time he did not eat the goblin chef who was in charge of the campfire, but Holding a branch to nibble the tender leaves above.

Xiao Yu was shocked and happy when he saw it. Today, the campfire attracted a monster.

The monster is huge and taller than the ogre, with a height of three and a half meters, and its IQ is very stupid, even stupid than the ogre. It is almost similar to the beast, but unlike the ogre that likes to eat meat, the monster is an omnivorous. Sex is more vegetarian, and the character is more docile, which is relatively easy to control.

[System Tip: Your campfire has attracted a monster. Whether to recruit, yes/no. 】

[Monster Name: Addo (Monster)]

[Monster Category: Giant Monster (Large Humanoid)]

[Monster Rank: Level 13 Normal]

[Monster skills: Giant wood strike, break a tree as a weapon, increase the attack power and change the attack type from melee attack to siege attack, which can cause double damage to buildings. 】

[Skill 2: Sweeping giant wood, activated after being equipped with giant wood, sweeping the fan-shaped area within 8 yards in front of it, causing damage to the enemies in the area while knocking back or flying away (the specific effect is determined by the target size). 】

[Recruitment price: 600 food, occupying the upper limit of 7 population]

[Maintenance price: 30 foods per day]

[Remarks: A wandering monster, whose IQ is too low for him to explain his origins]

Although it is an ordinary monster, its combat effectiveness is not weaker than that of ordinary rare elites. After all, it has racial advantages.

This product is suitable for the next attack on Yeyu Village, well, it is you.

Seeing Xiao Yu, the monster said sullenly: “Food-A Duo eats-help you -” It seems that he can’t think of how to say the latter word, he just made a smashing gesture .

Ok, this IQ is really low enough, but I like it, at least don’t worry about being hacked, Xiao Yu nodded and said, “So big, you join our tribe. Starting today, you will Become a part-time bodyguard for the mount.”

[System Tip: The giant monster Addo joins your tribe, now you can give orders as chieftain]

Recruited giant monsters to join the mud cave tribe, and by the end of the afternoon the goblin trainer trained the last batch of goblin warriors and goblin scouts, the war strength of the whole mud cave tribe has reached a peak state.

A monster, three black stone orcs, a goblin trainer, four goblin supervisors, thirty goblin scouts, thirty goblin warriors, more than twenty goblin laborers, and three players including Xiao Yu, with a full population of 200 This is the force that Xiao Yu possesses.

However, with a large population, the consumption of food naturally becomes very huge. Even if more than 20 goblin laborers dry from morning to night every day, the whip of the goblin superintendent thrashes, and the food reserves are still falling every day. Therefore, it is necessary to launch an attack on Yeyu Village within three days, otherwise the tribe will be eaten down before the war is eaten. I am afraid that it will be time for the men to rebel.

Xiao Yu thought to himself, whether he is successful tonight or not, he has moved. Of course, he is more confident in the alliance tonight. As long as the leader of the other party is the player, there is no problem, but The question now is that he is completely uncertain whether the leader of the monsters is the player.

All is ready except for the opportunity.

At night, Xiao Yu took on the giant monster Addo, the three Blackstone Orc brothers, the two players, and ten goblin warriors.

After all, several monster forces are currently in a neutral and hostile state. Suddenly, when they see the opposite side, they are all Huang Ming. It is possible to start a war at any time. Monsters fight against each other, but they have immediate effects.

A team of people vigorously opened the goblin camp. Fortunately, the monster’s strength rose at night, and the average player would not come out to level up, so it would not be discovered.

Xiao Yu rode on the neck of the giant monster Addo. This monster with a height of nearly four meters is quite suitable as a mount. He can completely bomb like a fort on it. The enemy wants to get close to the monster first. Addo said again.

As the standing high nature is also far away, far away, I saw the abandoned tower.

Yeyu Forest used to be the direct territory of the human storm kingdom. After the Scourge swept through Azeroth, the defenders in this area were also killed. Later, the Scourge was driven away, but this forest has been polluted. The Storm Kingdom has no intention of recovering the lost ground. The night elves joined the alliance and wanted to find a site on the mainland of Azeroth. Then the storm kingdom assigned the site to the night elves and established the night language village. However, the night elves did not like human architecture, so this tower was abandoned, but it became a landmark building. This time Huimeng was chosen in this place.

Letting his men stop outside the tower, Xiao Yu took the three black stone brothers into the tower.

It must be said that these monsters are still very time-conscious. Less than ten minutes of effort, all the people have expired, the wolf leader Hogg, the kobold leader big golden teeth, and the human robber leader Black Rhode, successively As they stepped into the tower, they also brought a lot of people. They also stopped outside the tower, just guarding the four directions of east, west, south, and north. They only brought two or three bodyguards into the tower.

Several monster leaders circled the city and looked at each other.

Hogg (Head of the Jackal), a 13th-level elite, with a terrible face, wearing a messy leather armor, carrying a machete stained with blood in his hand.

Black Rhodes (robber leader), a rare elite of level 12, black leather armor, black masked hood, a pair of cold star-like eyes under the hood, a cool look.

Big Golden Fang (Kobold leader), a 9th-level rare elite, hides in the door of the tower in a daunting manner, and looks like he is always on the move.

The last is today’s rally convener, goblin inflammation master Eric, 12 and elite. Although wearing a bright red robe, it still gives a very cumbersome feeling, no way, this may also be the hidden talent of the goblin family Right.

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