Full-time BOSS

Chapter 28 - Death Claw

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On the other side, Black Rhodes and Xiao Yu, the Fire Elemental, and the Orc brothers also met Hogg.

This Hogg is worthy of Hogg, even in the face of the siege of the three people, he is not afraid, and roared, let me die! He rushed towards Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu hurriedly greeted the three brothers of the orcs in front. .

Give me death! When touched, an orc was hit by a hammer, and he was immediately stunned. Then Hogger struck another orc out with a hammer and charged! I bumped into Xiao Yu all of a sudden, and then went straight.

-47! Damn, the injury is high.

Xiao Yu couldn’t help but secretly surprised him. He was also an elite template. The gap between himself and this Hogg was a little big. He now has 480 HP, second only to Hogg among these people, and it can be used as mt. But taking the lead is not Xiao Yu’s style. While retreating, healing himself, he yells at the side: “Not yet.”

At this time Blackrod finally got started.

“Relax, he can’t run!” Black Rod snorted, suddenly jumped into the air, and kicked a flying leg towards Hogg.

Hey, this guy is quite agile and jumps so high all of a sudden.

However, although the shape is beautiful, the power of this foot is not very good, only a figure of -13 is kicked, but it also makes Hogton a bit.

The imbalance effect is triggered.

Xiao Yu took the opportunity to blast past a secondary fireball.

When Black Rod kicked his foot, he immediately turned to the back and the back air. When he landed, he raised his hand, and a flying knife hit the jackal hog, but the flying knife touched the poison.

The poisoning effect is triggered.

The Hogg screamed and gave up Xiao Yu, turned and rushed towards Black Rhodes, but Black Rhodes sprinkled out lime powder head-on.

The blinding effect is triggered!

Hog suddenly covered his eyes and could not see all around. Walking around in confusion, Xiao Yu took advantage of the opportunity to pull the distance away, and a flame burst into the air.

But it also freed Hogg from the blinding effect.

To say that the monster was stupid, Hogg was hit by a flame missile and rushed towards Xiao Yu, but Bled Crode was looking for a chance to stab behind him.

Thump! -37! It caused the highest single shot damage to date.

The two of you come and go, although it was the first time they cooperated, but they had a special tacit understanding. Then Hogg lost almost two-thirds in the blink of an eye regardless of his blood volume, seeming to notice that the situation was not good, But Hogg was finally witty once, turned around and ran outside the tower.

Xiao Yu felt anxious when he saw him. Although he hurt, he didn’t have any restriction skills. He could only throw fire missiles, but it seemed not enough to kill them.

“Blinding soon.” He shouted at Black.

“Three minutes to cool, you think you can use it casually.” Black Rod said while chasing behind Hogg, he threw a flying knife, but the injury was not as good as Xiao Yu’s eyes when Hogg was about to rush out of the tower, and suddenly A dark shadow slammed past.

charge! bump! Hogg’s body was fixed, but the shadow was blocking the exit of the sentry tower, not Derek.

That **** looked at Derek with incredible eyes, “You traitor, you **** traitor. Hogg is angry!”

Suddenly his body turned red, and suddenly he turned into a rage.

Xiao Yu was very familiar with this scene. It seemed that the ogre would have similar tricks.

Derek was also a little scared. In the end, it was horrible that Hogg gave him the usual feeling. At this moment, when Hogg was in a rage, he suddenly went back subconsciously and suddenly gave up the door.

There was a fierce flash in Hog’s eyes, and instead of rushing towards Derek, he rushed towards the gap beside Derek.

Xiao Yu scolded the waste, but you dared not resist any more than three hundred blood. Seeing that Hog was about to escape, she couldn’t help but a shadow in the darkness rushed out.

This black figure appears to appear out of thin air. It looks like a beast, and when a slamming comes up, it puts Hogg to the ground and locks his throat! -43, bite! -27, Rage Claw Strike! -19-13-14! A series of red letters came out, and Hog’s blood volume was gone for a moment. The black figure raised his head from Hog’s body. The blood on his mouth was clearly visible, and he turned back and slammed his teeth. Startled Xiao Yu, but the black shadow in front of him was a black leopard, with an elegant appearance and dark fur like night, and then looked at the head on the head.

Death’s Claw (Shadow Cheetah), level 15, the frame of the avatar is golden, and turned out to be an elite beast.

System prompt: In the 1375 era, Eric, the goblin inflammation master, participated in the killing of the hog leader Hog, gaining 27 reputation points.

Only 27? So little, Xiao Yu couldn’t help but feel depressed for a while. You must know that Hogg is an elite template higher than his level. It stands to reason that the leapfrog kill should be a prestige bonus, yes, obviously because the last blow was robbed Relationship.

(I scold, where did this thing come from? Could it have been lurking next to it? Wouldn’t our conversations be heard by it, could it be the druid? No, the druid had months on him. Grained) Xiao Yu had instinctively raised the staff in his hand when he was thinking about electricity.

A message flashed in the chat box-

Claw of Death (Shadow Cheetah): “Don’t be nervous, I am also a player.”

This beast cannot speak, and can only communicate with other players in this way.

Player? Several people breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the player is easy to handle. After all, they can communicate, but they have not relaxed their vigilance. This death claw is higher than everyone here, and it is an elite beast, giving a very dangerous feeling. .

Xiao Yuqi said: “But wait a minute, how do you know something will happen tonight, I don’t seem to have invited you.”

“It’s very simple. I killed a goblin messenger while hunting in the forest today. I received a letter from it and found out that you are planning to party, just because I’m idle, so I came to check it out. I’ve been sneaking Hiding nearby, I heard everything you said, until you just besieged Hogg just now, and I saw you were about to miss so I helped.”

It turns out that this makes sense. But if you want to rob the monster, just say so. Do you need to be so awe-inspiring?

Xiao Yu secretly slandered, even if this guy did not appear, Xiao Yu was confident to kill Hogg, of course, there are still some risks. In case Hogg escaped from the sentry tower to greet his men, that would be a battle, although the victory is still Inevitable, but it is always troublesome.

“Well, can I touch the body, I think there is something to take.” Derek said at this time.

The black panther nodded, retreating lightly back into the shadows, and let the body out.

Beasts cannot wear equipment, so most items are of little value to them.

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