Full-time BOSS

Chapter 30 - Step on the plate

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When Xiao Yu walked out of the sentry tower, the brave invincible and the killer code 38 were all staying nervously outside, a loyal and fierce look at any time, they also heard the sound when they were fighting in the tower, but because of the inside Xiao Yu did not call them in because of the limited area. This time Xiao Yu came out and greeted him immediately.

“What’s the matter, has everything been settled?”

“It’s a deal.” Xiao Yu said, how he felt like a triad negotiating.

“Let’s go home now.”

“Good evening, everyone. The animals in the forest are always very sensitive at night. Let me take you for a ride.” One with a hoarse voice suddenly sounded behind him.

“Who!” The crowd suddenly turned around, and Xiao Yu was shocked to see that the Black Panther was talking.

“You can talk?”

“The ability that has just evolved, I didn’t want to waste this evolutionary point, but it is more convenient to speak in this way. Considering that the acquired battle of the five armies needs to communicate, let’s point out the talent for speaking.” Claw of Death explained.

“This thing can also evolve? I’ll go-this evolutionary system is really not magical.”

“That is, of course, not just the ability to speak. As long as the number of evolution points is enough, you can’t think of what I can evolve into, maybe it will not be impossible to evolve into Transformers Beastman.” Probably it is impossible to hold back on normal days. Tightened, the death claw could not be closed as soon as the speech box was opened.

A goblin and a black panther just walked side by side, and the rest followed.

The two chatted while walking, and Xiao Yu was really curious about it. Among all the monster templates, the beast can be regarded as the most special kind.

First of all, it is the most widely distributed, almost everywhere in the world, and there are many types to choose from. Wolf, dog, tiger, leopard, deer, sheep, cattle, pigs, various birds, and even fish in the sea can be regarded as beast templates. Within.

But despite the largest number, the beasts do not have particularly powerful forces. It can even be said that there is no concept of power. The simple reason is that the beasts are called beasts because their IQ is too low.

Even the beasts living in groups can only form dozens of communities at most.

Because there is no power, the beast can be said to be enemies on all sides. Not only is it hostile to the adventurers, not only the monster forces that are also monsters will hunt the beast, but even other animals that are also beasts are also enemies of each other.

It can be said that a beast template player, except for the beasts of the same type in the forest, all other things that can move are the red names.

To compensate, the initial attributes and upgrade attributes of the beast are more than those of the general goblin jackal, so that in the early game, the single beast is often the most difficult monster to deal with, but there are also disadvantages, that is Cannot wear equipment, replaced by evolutionary systems.

But although the beast is powerful, it cannot be an opponent of an adventurer, let alone a group of monsters.

So being able to upgrade from a beast to an elite template is definitely not an easy task. All of this made Xiao Yu curious about the death claw in front of him.

At the beginning, he also built a beast template role, but unfortunately he couldn’t adapt to the operation mode. The world of the sky is a substitution game. In other words, once the beast template is played, all actions must be close to the beast, such as moving on four feet, Biting the enemy with his mouth, although elemental creatures are also weird, but they are walking upright anyway, and they can’t check too much from the perspective of humanoids, but he can’t adapt to the beast.

“Don’t you feel awkward on all fours?”

The claw of death nodded, “It was a little bit at the beginning, but if you get used to it, you will find it is more comfortable than landing on both feet, and the experience of playing the beast template is also very novel. When you are alone in the moonlight In the wilderness, when you are lying on a tree, watching the wind and grass in the forest, when you quietly lurking in the darkness, slowly approaching the prey, and then suddenly launch a fatal blow, when you bite the throat of the prey, That kind of feeling-humming, full of wildness and primitive charm, let your adrenaline burst with it, there is nothing more beautiful than this.”

The death claw’s very vivid description made Xiao Yu’s heart inexplicably admire. He said that this guy is a genius or a pervert?

“You won’t feel sick when you bite.”

“Of course not, it’s just a game anyway, and this game can turn off the taste system. In other words, if you want to experience the wild life style of the beast, I can take you.”

Well, Xiao Yuxin said that this is really strong psychological quality, he can’t afford to change it, but he knows that because of the variety of template types of this game, there are some people who want to experience alternative lifestyles in the game.

“Let’s get rid of it. The operation of the beast is too troublesome and there are too many restrictions in the later period.

“Professional players, huh, that’s what it is.” Death Claw smiled thoughtfully.

A goblin and a black panther didn’t speak anymore, so they walked silently. The night-speaking forest in the night was indeed weird. When a night wind blew, the leaves made a hula sound, as if someone was whispering, Xiao Yu’s heart suddenly flashed A trace of enlightenment, it turns out that this is the origin of the name Yeye Forest.

More than ten minutes later, finally, the Goblin Camp appeared in front of Xiao Yu, and Xie Tianxie finally arrived.

He was relieved for no reason. There was such a weird beast beside him that really made Alexander. The humble camp in front of him had never made him feel so kind. Once he turned around, he found that the black panther did not know when it had disappeared. Too.

Cut, isn’t it just a sneak, the **** is mysterious and secret.

Back at the camp, it was not too early to see, and Xiao Yu fell asleep.

When he got up the next morning, Xiao Yu was not in a hurry to enter the game. Anyway, everything was on track and there was no morale to enter the game. Xiao Yu decided to investigate the enemy’s situation, commonly known as stepping on a plate.

He chose to create a new character, this time he chose a civilian template, race-night elf, birthplace, night language village, character name-Akado? Night language, the name of the ordinary night elf, he started The principle of the name has always been to follow the style of the game. Basically, it seems to feel like the one used by npc. Even for the sake of rigor, he also deliberately learned some race-related knowledge, so his name is rarely It is easy to discover the identity of the player.

He found that players will have some sense of superiority and a sense of talk about npc, and often tell private things to npc, making others think that they are npc. .

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