Full-time BOSS

Chapter 33 - professional

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“200 yuan an hour, Nima—” The knight will open his mouth, but when he touches the cold light in the eyes of the moon-marker, he swallowed it back again. “That, the mouth is wrong.”

The Moonstalker seemed impatient.

“Hum, I’ll get out without money, my old lady, I’m not waiting anymore.” The Moon Tracer immediately turned his face. I didn’t expect this girl to look pretty but she was very tough. Violent girl? Xiao Yu secretly vomited aside.

In fact, two hundred dollars is really not much. The things in the game are becoming more and more valuable this year. A piece of fine-grade equipment at the level of thirty or forty can be sold for hundreds of dollars at the auction house, but for There are only more than ten trumpets, which is obviously unacceptable.

But listen to the moon marks? The shadow chaser continued, “When you look at the two of you, you don’t understand anything, you are not full of streets. Look at the whole game. There are a few mercenaries of my level in the game. One hour is enough to help You will be promoted to two or three levels after completing professional tasks.”

The knight was still unconvinced. “For 200 yuan, I might as well hire a few adventurers to take us to upgrade, and the full level can also be hired.”

“Yeah, but the question is how many grades can you get in an hour?”

“This,” the paladin was suddenly speechless, and he really didn’t know this.

“Tell you, it’s good to be able to take you to the next level in one hour at the fastest speed. Because of the punishment mechanism, most of the upgrade experience with large trumpets is given to large ones. You The trumpet can’t get a few points of experience at all, and may even be slower than your own practice.”

“But looking for mercenaries is different. You should know that mercenaries are not considered to be heads. They will only take 20% of the total experience. The big head is still taken by adventurers, so I can take you to level 3 or 5 in an hour. Easy, and I can also help you with professional tasks. Can adventurers be large? It is very important to know that professional tasks are not difficult to pass, but it is not easy to get good results. You must know the warlock There are many types of demon summoned, each of which has a completely different combat power, and the Void Demon and the Abyss Demon are very different. If you do the task yourself, it is good to summon a Voidwalker, maybe it can only be Summon a little devil or something, but if I help, I can at least summon a demon guard to come out, even the fierce warfare demon and devil knight are not impossible.”

The two of them said nothing, and the moon marks? The shadow chaser replied, “But it doesn’t look like you look like someone who can spend hundreds of dollars to summon a powerful demon. Don’t waste your mother’s time. Look for the few over there, they are cheaper, and you can hire them for two dollars.” He pointed to the few mercenaries around level 10 next to him.

After the talk, the two people were ignored.

Sure enough, it is a professional player. Xiao Yu thought that professional players are easy to handle. He is a professional player himself, so he is very clear about the personality of such people. As the so-called use of money to do things, it is not difficult to manage as long as it costs a few dollars. Not only is it not a problem, but it may become Help it.

The warlock eventually hired an 11th-level Druid mercenary and only spent dozens of silver coins. Considering that the druid can become a bear and resist monsters and increase blood, it is a good choice.

When those few people left, Xiao Yu walked up to the Moon Tracer by the glass, “Hello beautiful lady, can you please drink a glass of wine?” An authentic Darnassian night elf language.

The Moon Tracer glanced at the night elf in front of him, Akado? Yee, the name was just a normal night elf npc, these guys all looked the same, the Moon Tracer just started playing the game When I was talking with these NPCs, I was very interested, thinking that what special events would be discovered on these NPCs, always playing my role seriously-a night elf female thief with a high cooling and a sense of justice inside, and later found that completely It’s a waste of time. There will not be any valuable tasks at all for this level 1 civilian. At most, they are some small tasks of romantic plots. For those casual players who like to experience the plot, they are still pleasantly surprised. Professional players are meaningless, and they are too lazy to ignore them for a long time.

“Something is fine, nothing is fine.”

“Oh, this beautiful lady really has a personality. In fact, I really want to ask you for help.”

“Speak, what’s the matter, say it in advance, it’s expensive to ask me for help.”

“Two hundred dollars an hour, right. It’s definitely worth the price for professionals, just don’t know if you are professional enough?”

“Huh, aren’t you npc!?” This time it was the turn of the Moon Tracer who was surprised. She thought she was quite accurate in watching people. No matter what template the player played in the game, it always gave people a sense of incompatibility, but The feeling that this person just gave her just now was really just an npc, and it suddenly made her interested.

“Tell me, what is your task.”

“It’s very simple. I want you to help me steal a thing. A very important thing in this village. That thing is in the village’s temple of nature.”

“You’re crazy!” Although Moon Tracer is very confident in her skill, she still has self-knowledge about some things.

“I don’t dare to steal the things in the temple. If I steal them, I will be wanted. I have no interest in running into the wild to be a monster. The two hundred dollars is not worth my risk. So You still have to be smart.”

“Of course I won’t let you do it. In fact, I will pick it up by yourself. You just need to ensure my safety when I take things. Kill any adventurers who want to stop me. As for the guardian npc of the temple, I’ll get it done, how?”

The Moon Tracer hesitated for a moment, but she dared to start with the adventurer. After all, killing was worthwhile without evil.

“Yes, but the price is not cheap, 1000 yuan.”

No problem, Xiao Yu has nothing to say. Compared to the importance of this task, he can still get it for 1,000 yuan. As a professional player, this is the case. Before making money, you must invest money in it, as long as the template rises. They can be recovered in the future, but in order to be safe, the contract must still be signed.

It took Xiao Yu five minutes to draft a game employment contract, which roughly meant hiring Moon Tracer to help Xiao Yu seize a treasure in the temple on the day the monster attacked the city. The employment cost was 1000rmb. gold.

In this era, due to the large number of professional players, the contract law in the game has been perfected. Basically, there is no need to worry about the possibility of the other party breaching the contract. The two men negotiated the cooperation event and Xiao Yu quit the game.

Then next, you just have to wait for the time to come.

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