Full-time Mage: Start by getting the White Tiger Pendant

Chapter 328 The second contract, a call that does not exist in this world

When Lu Jun saw this, he thought it was troublesome.

The Thunder Dream Beast of the Night is safe and sound in the summoning plane, and can be summoned with elementary magic. The mermaid girl is also fine, sleeping quietly in the contracted space, and can also be summoned to manifest.

Only the mermaid monarch, sleeping in his personal space, was covered with the same bleak haze, frozen in time and space, and could not be released outside.

Ma Dan, the time-space divine eye is really troublesome at this time.

Seeing this, he cursed secretly. The reason why he chose to obediently obey the arrangement of the aborigines instead of acting without authorization and sneaking into the Holy Land to steal the Eye of Time and Space was because he had no trump card and confidence.

There are high-level ultra-level everywhere here. If they are discovered and violate the taboo, the situation may be even worse.

Lu Jun took a deep breath, without revealing any emotion on the surface, and said to Bayer: I have already signed the contract of my life, but the gate of the high-level beast tide can still contract one.

Has the first contract been signed? The third contract of the high-level method is left?

Bayer pondered and asked, Then have you opened up the second contract?

No. Lu Jun shook his head and said, I don't know how to open it up.

This is easy. Bayer was delighted, and said gently: You have cultivated to a high level in the Summoning Department, and you have met the requirements for opening the second contract. Wait until I ask the priest of the Space Academy to teach you the secret method.

By the way, you must keep the third contract.

The old man solemnly warned: The third contract can be opened, except for the natural talent of the summoning system, this top-level method is hard to come by, it is best to keep it until you have forbidden curses, and try to contract an emperor after you become stronger.

At that time, it will become the strongest of the human ceiling in one fell swoop.

Lu Jun nodded seriously, knowing that this was the experience of the old man.

No matter the early stage, middle stage, or late stage, the summoning system is a magic system that can take shortcuts and get rid of the same level.

For example, Su Lu in the future spent a lot of money to collect the hearts of titans and young children, set up a dragon training formation, enslaved the only black dragon in the magic plane, and became a ceiling powerhouse.

Immediately, when Lu Jun saw Baier talking about the second contract, he was quick-witted, and immediately guessed what the other party meant, his eyes lighted up.

Do you want to help him find a top-quality contracted beast? And it's too conscientious to open up the second contract by the way.

To be honest, he really didn't know how to make this second contract. Even Mo Fan was confused. He planned to find Jiang Yu's master, Chief Pang Lai, to ask for advice again. He never thought that he would have another chance when he was trapped in this weird place.

As for the summoned beasts, Jun Lu hesitated a bit. The Thunder Dream Beast of the Night and the Water-type Holy Spirit are all top-notch products. It will take a lot of resources and time to fill in the shortcomings and raise the upper limit.

He didn't think about the type of the third and fourth ones. He thought it would be good to have them empty. After he was promoted to Forbidden Curse, he would contract the two emperors in one go. That would not be flattering.

If he chooses hastily, even with the best bloodline, he may not be able to give the opponent room to grow, and there is a possibility of overlapping functions.

At this time, Baier had a clear understanding of Lu Jun's mind, and said in a leisurely tone: You don't need to worry, what kind of summoned beast you contract is determined by your heart.

Lu Jun chewed on this word and heard it many times: Heart?

Yes. Baierwen said: The spirit carving method can refer to countless monsters and summon a herd of beasts that adapt to various situations, but imitation has limitations after all, and only those that have existed in this world can be released.

Some creatures that have been extinct since ancient times, even if you find their ancient fossils and copy and describe them, it will not help you. And is there really a kind of beast that is 100% in line with your wishes?

Hearing this, Lu Jun was shocked, bowed his head in deep thought, then continued to shake his head and said: I don't know what 100% is. Is there a perfect creature in the world? In my opinion, it can meet all my requirements, which means it is very satisfactory. summoned beast.

Hahaha. Bayer laughed loudly and said with burning eyes, If I say that the spirit carving method can create a summoned beast that perfectly suits your wishes from scratch, a unique and exclusive beast that does not exist in the world. species.

He can combine the advantages of all the top races, the Chimera among the Chimeras, he can completely disregard rationality, logic, and demonology. He is the perfect, invincible, and unrevealed person in your mind.

Baier spoke word by word, with each sentence becoming more powerful, his eyes burning and powerful.

As soon as these words came out, Lu Jun gasped, his heart was shocked, his breathing was short of breath, and his scalp was numb. This great idea is too lofty.

That's right, the spirit sculpture summoning method uses that spiritual bond to instantly capture the corresponding herd of beasts that fit itself like an arm and a finger, so why can't it carve a race that has never existed out of thin air and summon it into reality? !

What's even better is that half of his foundation is based on fantasy, and half of him is involved in reality, between reality and fiction, and various settings and organs can be added without thinking about the self-consistency of the internal structure.

It should be known that species born by nature must respect nature. No matter how powerful those monsters are, they also have corresponding weak natural enemies, and there must be a lot of redundancy in the internal structure settings.

You can't have both. All the creatures known as the perfect race are only relatively perfect. If one organ function is taken out alone, it must not be called the strongest.

The spirit carving method is not the case. It allows it to compete with the sky overlord true dragon in the field of flight, and at the same time it is more capable of making waves than the deep sea giant kun, and it still has the power to compete with the devil tigers on land.

Teacher, I want to learn!

Lu Jun said sincerely that calling the teacher before was just playing a role, but this time he meant it sincerely.

It has to be said that Bayer helped him open the door to the highest hall of the summoning system. No one has ever thought of this since ancient times.

Don't worry, imagination comes from reality. You must at least copy thousands of species in the second stage of the spirit carving method to accumulate experience and materials. In addition, you must also master the top methods of the spiritual system.

Baier smiled kindly, patted Lu Jun on the shoulder, and left gracefully.

In the original stone forest, Lu Jun took it for granted. Sweeping through the dense and endless stone forest, he was full of motivation. It would not be so easy for the spirit sculpture to summon the beast exclusively.

After all, the Inca Empire does not seem to realize this idea.

But it is impossible to reach a thousand miles without taking a single step. He settled down, picked up the hammer, and carved and copied the stone statue of the demon.

Due to limited time, I don't know when I will return.

Lu Jun specially selected a few commonly used powerful ethnic groups to carve first.

Boom, boom, boom... There was another pounding and collision sound in the stone forest...

Time flies, the days of the Summoning Academy passed day by day, and Lu Jun stayed for a month in the blink of an eye, copying seven or eight kinds of monster stone sculptures.

When he still wanted to stay in the nest, someone from the space courtyard came. This is a young, powerful and beautiful woman with three-dimensional and exquisite facial features, deep eyes, wheat-colored skin, and strong muscles.

The woman came to teach the method of opening up the second contract, and the process was unexpectedly simple.

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