Furious Combo

Chapter 100 - : Mutual exploration

Chivalry is a versatile profession, but unlike doctors, it is already very sharp in the early stage.

For knights, there are countless skills to choose from. Thousands of weapons can be used in close combat. Long-range attacks can choose crossbows, firearms, and even some science fiction weapons.

However, the knight is a bit like the fireman, but there are too many choices, and it is difficult to determine the direction of development. For example, Anna is developing towards the all-round type, that is because she has the digital lens, which saves the energy and time to learn the sniper skills. With digital armor, there is little demand for melee combat. With the Hydrogen Particle Cannon, the fire suppression can also be done very well.

Don’t look at Anna killing a mechanical squid one shot, but it is impossible to deal with contractors above the D level. It takes a large number of bullets to pile up each other.

Body armor is not an extravagant piece of equipment. This is also a key factor for firefighters to increase the difficulty of combat. If Anna does not have digital lenses, the face of a person with a high-grade body armor will be miserable.

The real body armor comes in a complete set, even the soles are bulletproof.

The choice of knights is more than that of firepower, and it can even be said to be the most complicated profession in this world. Wei Yue’s low level does not mean poor strength. Perhaps it is because he has honed some special skills at the D level and has refused to advance.

But this is also a matter of luck, because some tasks are assigned to xìng points, which will be assigned directly to you, and you are not allowed to assign them yourself. In this case. Will be in a few worlds later. The advanced task is derived directly, it is not that you can not advance without saying advanced.

Seeing Jiang Yan walking slowly, he didn’t speak. Wei Yue said: “If you are a doctor, my grasp is above 90%. The person I’m going to kill has blood debts and the key is falling. It must be red Yes, the equipment that can be produced will not be just one piece. The distribution method is 50% + 1, and 50% is the first choice. Which one do you want? “

The so-called 50% + 1 means that if three pieces of equipment are opened, then you will get 2 pieces if you choose this kind of equipment, but the other party will choose one of the three pieces.

This kind of distribution is the favorite when two contractors cooperate.

Opening the key is originally a gambling-like behavior, this method. One more thorn.

“No, each is divided into half, one person is responsible for the division, and the other person is responsible for the choice.” Jiang Yan’s proposal. It is more balanced, but there is also gambling quality. That is to say, if Jiang Yan splits the two pieces out of the key, Wei Yue will first choose one. The reverse is also true if Wei Yue comes to divide. Then Jiang Yan chooses first.

In this case, the person responsible for the distribution will try to make the two sides equal in value, so as not to choose the good things away.

“Okay, I’ll divide, you choose.” Wei Yue didn’t mind much, after all, this way of distribution. It is the fairest kind.

The distribution of two people is relatively rare when there is a conflict.

Unless two people love the same thing.

Between the words, the two had walked miles away. Wei Yue took Jiang Yan and turned down the road. Among the wild grass, I didn’t know how long it had traveled. This was the heavy road, but it went into the mountain.

Along the path, Jiang Yan and Wei Yue came to a dilapidated shrine. It turned out to be a village here, but the villagers were all removed. In this ancestral hall, the ancestral spirit cards enshrined are also gone, leaving only the buildings intact.

“It won’t take long before it will be dismantled and converted into a barracks. The person I want to kill, come here to join people tomorrow. We are here in ambush.”

Jiang Yan nodded to understand that the scale of this ancestral hall was not large, only two in and out. There are two big trees at the door, the height of which is more than 30 meters. Such a big tree can only be found in the deep forest and old forest in modern society.

Wei Yuedao: “You go in and check the terrain, I will arrange it on the tree.”

Jiang Yan said nothing and turned to walk into the courtyard behind the ancestral hall. Wei Yue’s tall and majestic body dexterously climbed up a large tree and took a crossbow from the contractor’s space. His crossbow is a steel arm, with pneumatic devices attached, and battery power, which is considered a technological weapon.

Three crossbows are arranged in three dimensions and form a triangle.

A crossbow that is more than one meter long must have a strong attack power and a range of about 100 meters. Wei Yue filled the crossbow box, turned on the red sèjī light sight, corrected the shooting position of the crossbow arrow, then slid down the tree, and climbed into another tree. He dropped a tree and remotely turned off the light sight.

Around the drop point of the crossbow, he began to arrange traps. The knight’s ability to arrange traps is definitely not as good as the assassin. Fortunately, he didn’t expect this trap to kill, just a way to prevent the enemy from escaping.

There is only one way here, and the other party’s profession has not been able to fly away. After Wei Yue’s arrangement, she entered the ancestral hall and saw that Jiang Yan had found a flat place to lie down.

“Doctor, what kind of healing ability do you have?” Wei Yue pulled a handful of hay from the corner and lay nearby Jiang Yan.

“One, up to one xìng increase your 2000 health. But you have to pay no less than 2500 survival points, can dispel most of the negative state. What is your health, I have to count, so as not to add more to you . “

Life is temporarily still a level 3 dark gold spirit hún skill, Jiang Yan can’t control whether to heal the opponent’s injury, nor control the loss. In other words, if he added 2000 lives to Wei Yue, even if Wei Yue’s health was only reduced by 1, he should deduct no less than 2,500 survival points.

“The part that can be added is 120 Yue’s answer. This” Answer “case surprised Jiang Yan.

To improve the life of a contractor, with any skill, it is the contractor’s own life, not the increase in equipment. Unless the equipment increases the basic health.

Equipment that increases life by percentage is rare, usually with a fixed value. This part of the loss can only be recovered by the contractor’s self-recovery ability. If using drugs. More than 90% of the drugs are ineffective, and the treatment skills are 100% ineffective.

The health value that can be restored by the healing skill is called the basic health value.

Wei Yue is a D-class contractor. When the life and physical strength are full, it has almost 500 lives. If the xìng bonus of the knight is added to life, it should be similar to that of a doctor. The D-class knight is up to 900 lives.

1200 basic health value, if it is not a percentage bonus of equipment, it is that Wei Yue has special skills that can increase the health value.

Jiang Yan can easily judge the strength of Wei Yue. This person has at least dark gold skills or dark gold spirit hún-level equipment. Otherwise, the life value cannot be so high.

1200 points of life, if you add some equipment to increase life. It’s not surprising that life exceeded 1500 points.

Do n’t look at Anna ’s firearms, which are often attacked by hundreds of points, but that also needs to be hit in the middle. If it is hit, it can only cause damage after breaking the defense.

But Jiang Yan thought immediately. If you have a combo, these 1500 points of life can’t help but toss a few times.

“How is your mental strength?” Wei Yue didn’t ask for specific values, he just worried that the treatment could not keep up. His health, up to 2000 points, is unique among D-class contractors. He gave Jiang Yan a 1200 point. It is because for him, 400 health is the dangerous value. It is enough to heal based on 1200.

To blunder against a stranger, that is the act of finding death.

Jiang Yan said: “With equipment, 80 spirits.

He didn’t tell the truth, he added 240 points of mental power to his winding moon, although this spiritual power can’t be restored automatically. It can be supplemented by energy crystals. Although the supplementary time is as long as 1 natural day, it is his reliance.

After all, his basic mental strength is xìng recovery, and it takes a few hours. The recovery speed of this last month is not too slow.

“How is your attack power?” Since Jiang Yan has begun to test each other, Jiang Yan doesn’t mind asking more.

“Haha!” Wei Yue sat up proudly, pulled out the big knife beside him, and shook: “Attack 320!”

320! Jiang Yan had a deep understanding of Wei Yue’s strength again. Was his tiger-tooth saber equipped with double gears? The attack power is only 120. This seemingly violent ghost head knife has an attack power of 320. Is it impossible to equip gold equipment? However, the D-class contractors are also struggling to pick up the gold equipment!

Silver equipment is the mainstream, and D-level contractors may not be able to fit together. This golden equipment, especially weapons, is quite rare. It is normal for melee weapons to have a larger attack power, but what about Wei Yue’s strength?

If Wei Yue’s strength is full, it is up and down 40 points, melee attack, at least 200 points of attack. Counting this ghost knife, ordinary attacks are more than 500. Once any defensive skills take effect, cut two knives, and the ones below D level will be destroyed.

“There is no other way?”

“How can I tell you! But I still have flying knife skills ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ attack power is also more than 100.” Wei Yue did not conceal all, at least in this battle may be the main attack, he will Tell Jiang Yan.

“That’s good, the enemy is dead. I still have this.” Jiang Yan took out the SZ1 rifle. Now this rifle looks like a short spear.

“A 200-point attack can release 1 Yan’s weapon, and then take out the pistol that became a crossbow, saying:” Attack 50, capacity 20. “

The demon hunter did not take it out. This is a powerful weapon that was used in the prison. And the bullets of the demon hunter’s assault gun turned out to be expensive, four times more expensive than the purchase in the Matrix.

Jiang Yan had to consider the issue of price ratio. If you kill an enemy, you can only have a few hundred survival points, and you have to pay the same price for ammunition consumption, which is equivalent to wasting the durability of the weapon in vain.

Wei Yueleng took a look, and immediately smiled with white teeth. This doctor’s strength is also good. It can afford to use firearms, but it can also be used into the ancient world. What he sees for himself may not be all, then he certainly has stronger means of attack. ! .

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