Furious Combo

Chapter 104 - : No results

Jiang Yan turned on the snake’s head, but Gu Yuezhen sneered, and the shield in front of him suddenly fell,

Don’t wait for Jiang Yan to stand up. On the front of the boxy shield, twelve sharp metal thorns popped up.

This shield is a weird puppet, without hands and feet, but it can float, and the movement speed is also amazingly fast.

This shield offensive and defensive integration is also quite normal. If the equipment of the contractor is single, it will definitely not be the main equipment. I have shot this square shield with many guns in a row, and the effect is completely null. I don’t know if I have reduced the life of this quirky puppet.

Puppets are different from other equipment. They are more like summoning creatures. They have health points, but they also have durability. The most difficult part for puppet masters is that they can control puppet battles with a relatively long life, and these puppets have high durability. In this way, after a puppet is killed, it can be restored in 1 to 7 natural days, but only 1 point of durability is lost.

The maximum number of puppets that a puppet master can control is larger than the number that can be controlled at the same time. This ancient moon is really one. It can control 6 puppets at the same time, and the upper limit of puppets is 8.

In other words, if a puppet is killed, he can summon another one.

Until the eight puppets were all killed, Gu Yuezhen could possibly hang up.

Jiang Yan’s body rolled over the shield and smashed the dagger, Gu Yuezhen had squatted in pain. A **** wound appeared on his ankle.

Jiang Yan’s tiger-tooth saber cut Gu Yuezhen’s skin and made a deep wound on the bone.

If this knife was cut on an ordinary person, the person was already useless, not to mention Jiang Yan also smeared poison on the Tiger Tooth Saber for this battle.

This poison is inherited by the doctor. After poisoning, every time you take an action, the health value will be forcibly deducted from 2 to 7 points. If you do n’t have the skills to remove it or use the antidote, the poison will always take effect.

This is a rather powerful toxin, because ordinary poisons will slowly lose their effectiveness over time. This poison will continue to exist without detoxification. Although, as long as no action is taken, there will be no loss of life, but can a person do nothing?

Especially during the battle, the contractor will even make dozens of actions in one second.

Each toxin attack only loses a few points of health, which seems to be very small, but this point of health is very important in the fierce battle. And when the health drops to 30%, there will be some negative attributes. Once dropped to 10% powerful equipment can not stop these negative occurrences.

It is a state of serious injury, and if it is old, it is near death.

Every time the life value is robbed by toxins, it is added to the snow, but if you do not move, it is equivalent to being slaughtered.

Gu Yue Zhenyi did not know that the toxin belongs to xìng but he still needs to take antidote immediately.

Jiang Yan’s last quarter has penetrated into his throat.


Blood splattered, Jiang Yan struck everything, and made another cutting action. In Gu Yuezhen’s hand, there was an extra crossbow, and Jiang Yan pulled the crossbow machine.

The strength of this crossbow directly knocked Jiang Yan out, and the shield in front of Gu Yuezhen 1 also exploded.

Jiang Yan’s fatal blow to him was turned by Gu Yuezhen to his puppet. This transfer was so thorough that even Jiang Yan ’s continued damage to him was transferred away, but he did not expect that Jiang Yan ’s attack power was so high, that the shield with thousands of lives was not able to withstand it, and it exploded directly. .

Jiang Yan’s body flew out. Gu Yuezhen hadn’t had time to chase Jiang Yan because the shield exploded. Jiang Yan had already pulled out the crossbow arrow in his abdomen. This crossbow arrow did not penetrate the bulletproof vest and was forward on the metal buckle of the abdomen, hitting Jiang Yancun Dirty hurts.

The wolf snake dances wildly, and the huge snake tail draws hard to Jiang Yan. Jiang Yan rolled over the ground and rushed up to the snake body, climbing up the coiled snake back with his hands and feet.

That Gu Yue Zhenyi’s skills were so weird that he was pierced into his throat and didn’t die. Jiang Yan’s winding moon sharpness is as high as 240, facing the deadly part without armor, this knife stabbed in the past, Jiang Yan launched all the abilities that can be activated.

On the first blow, the backhand stab launched the ability of active crit. Backhand stab attack + 100%, backhand stab crit + 100%, plus the additional 20% fire damage of the Suzaku coat of arms, this attack has 1632 points of attack. . All subsequent backhands, although no critical strikes occurred, were also 150% of normal attacks and appeared torn.

The 240-point sharpness makes the chance of a tearing effect very high after breaking the defense, and the tearing damage adds another 50% of the tearing effect damage.

These two combos, plus the 200-odd damage caused by the initial cutting of the ankle, Jiang Yan’s three attacks, the damage was as high as 3000. This is the advantage of the dagger against armor-free units.

However, these attacks were all transferred to the shield. The shield had withstood more than ten Z1 rifle shots and lost more than 2,000 lives.

Coupled with the continuous tearing effect, the shield can’t bear it, and the life value will be consumed and exploded. After 24 hours, it will be summoned and the durability will drop by 1.

Gu Yuezhen stepped on the death line and was cold all over. That knife almost killed his life. If it wasn’t for damage transfer to be a passive skill, he was already dead. A healing profession, the damage output is too terrible.

This is a doctor, definitely not a priest!

Although the puppet master is weak in close combat, the magic defense is still very high. If it is an attack by a priest or a nianli, Gu Yuezhen will never be able to defend.

The heart was cold, and the ancient moon immediately controlled the wolf snake. On the top of the wolf snake, a pair of thick horns more than two meters long grew out, and the luster of bronze flashed. Then the wolf rushed upwards, and his horns had broken the roof.

Wei Yue immediately seized this opportunity, and Gu Yuezhen’s control of the two puppets suddenly gave up. On his eight-faced sword, the sword gas suddenly burst out, and the sword cut off the arm of the puppet wearing red armor. ‘S iron whip fell to the ground, Wei Yue’s body immediately followed, and by the red puppet, escaped the scratch of the skeleton.

Then his eight-faced Han Jian rushed into the belly of the red armor puppet.

The sword gasified into countless sharp little swords, exploding in the belly of the red puppet, and the life of the red puppet was suddenly harvested.

Wei Yue breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, his consumption was too great and he could hardly move.

Jiang Yan then gave Wei Yue a life value, let Huahua raise the consumed life value, and get rid of the state of minor injuries. The red armor puppet’s armor value is very high, and its life is more than 10,000. If Wei Yue does not desperately, this puppet and skeleton can continue to haunt him until Jiang Yan is killed.

Wei Yue’s sword qi broke his armor, which was a desperate play. If there is a third puppet, he can take this opportunity to kill him. He is only a D-level contractor, and his proficiency in Jianqi is only level 2. Immediately, the sword gas exploded, releasing Jianmang’s attack. It was simply the ability to burn life. Without a priest or doctor behind him, it was the act of finding death, which directly caused him to fall into a serious injury.

He chose to trust Jiang Yan, so the two swords solved the biggest trouble.

Gu Yuezhen rushed out of the roof when he was scared, and immediately felt that his red armor puppet had been killed. He simply controlled the wolf snake and would have to escape.

If it is said that he does not have the power of World War I, it is false, even if he loses two puppets, he still has more powerful combat power, but he is afraid that there is still an ambush for Wei Yue, so xìng went away .

Wei Yue is single, and the doctor is also a temporary helper. Next time, Wei Yue is not so lucky. I have officially joined the team, just waiting for the team to advance, and then meet Wei Yue, and will definitely kill him.

Gu Yue Zhenyi certainly wanted to kill Wei Yue, the tarsi maggot, but the situation was slightly unfavorable. He immediately manipulated the wolf snake, and the huge tail slammed, and the temple had been shattered. Wei Yue wanted to rush up to take Gu Yuezhen’s life, but the skeleton gave up the defense and threw himself desperately, and Wei Yue died.

Wei Yue had no choice but to weaken the defense of the skeleton one by one, looking for opportunities.

“Wei Yue, when I see you next time, I will kill you. Then, you will taste what it is like to walk in the real night!” Gu Yuezhen’s long laughter, the wolf snake’s body suddenly rushed upward, Already flying more than 100 meters away, it crashed to the ground.

Wei Yue hated that although the skeleton that had lost its master’s command still had combat power, he could not escape his exquisite swordsmanship. He was cut off with a sword and fell to the ground.

Jiang Yan had propped up the energy shield on his avenger’s bracers and bounced off the falling brick tiles.

Watching Gu Yue really escape, he was helpless.

Wei Yueshen embarrassed, looked at Jiang Yan. In this ambush, the traps he arranged were useless. The other party had puppets like wolf snakes. Even if the proficiency is still very low, they can use the advantage of stature to erase all traps.

All calculations are useless, because the information is not accurate. Wei Yue also understood what was going on, and the guy who sold it to his intelligence, withdrew his lies.

And that guy doesn’t worry about going to preach ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ It seems that many people really want to die by themselves.

The problem is that the benefits I promised are gone. How can I explain to the doctor? If you change to someone else, you won’t think about it at all, and Wei Yue himself won’t do anything good.

But as a knight, Wei Yue had a little problem in his own brain, and he felt quite embarrassed at this time.


“Bah? What is that?” Jiang Yan pointed to a red crystal on the ground.

“Oh, the puppet heart, give it to you.” Wei Yue picked the puppet heart to Jiang Yan with a long sword.

Jiang Yan took it in his hand and looked at the xìng, and found that if he was not a puppet master, this thing was useless to himself, but if it was sold in space, it could be exchanged for 10,000 survival points.

Of course, this is the price directly sold to the space, if it can be sold to other contractors, at least 50,000 points of survival. ! .

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