Furious Combo

Chapter 722 - : Battlefield of Flesh

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The Elemental Elf is quite disappointed. This master is really abominable. If he had not evolved incompletely, he would not sign a contract with him, or an unequal contract.

But this time, let the master die. Before the master dies, he can still exist for dozens of hours, use the elven core, and dissolve a demon pillar. No matter who breaks the city, It should be too late to capture yourself.

Dissolve the demon pillar, and go back to the elemental world by yourself.

Although this place is very fun, but the intelligent life is too evil, the days here are really no fun at all.

Solomon forcibly sent the elves back to the summoning space, but it was still difficult to calm down. From the elemental elves, he saw signs of his failure.

If you still have hope, the elemental elves will not want to take advantage of the fire.

Demon God Pillar, that is his only hope. I hate that I have been suppressed by Caesar for too long, and I have never had the opportunity to melt the demon pillar into the body, otherwise I will run away with the demon pillar at most, and don’t have any miraculous city.

With these seventy-two demon pillars, even the space master has no choice but to control himself through space rules.

At that time, as long as the space is not destroyed, he will live forever.

Who makes you greedy, always thinking of slowly refining, without knowing the ghost, the whole magic city is included in the magic tower, so that you can be the master of the city forever.

I regret it, hey …

Solomon sighed. Under the suppression of King Caesar, he was originally the most capable of getting rid of control, but he wanted to make progress slowly, without making a decisive decision.

I knew today why it was the beginning.

The attack lasted three days and three nights, and the first outer wall was finally captured by the coalition forces. At this time, the people on the side of the city were numb. The two sides sawed the battle on the first wall. Almost consumed more than two million troops.

What is this concept? 700,000 people die every day.

This is the number of unilateral deaths. The number of deaths in the Magic City is smaller, but it also exceeds one million. This is also the result of a large number of treatment professionals assisting in combat.

There are only more than 8 million troops in the city. If you continue this way, you won’t need much time and will consume it cleanly.

If the coalition is 20 million. It does not need to be consumed to the end. When there are only more than one million troops left in the city of magic, it will collapse. There is no way to protect any strongholds. It can only shrink into the magical Tallinn of the inner city.

By that time, there will be no regular power control in the periphery, and the other party can drive straight in.

There has never been a commander, mercenary like Anna. Kill ten thousand enemies and lose eighteen. But in infinite space. The number of these demons is endless, the coalition forces are still consuming cannon fodder, and the Hell Legion is also fighting. But it was the interest of the war teams, and they did not go up to the wall at all.

Among the more than 1 million people killed by the other party, the magician and the treatment profession have a large proportion, and Jiang Yan, basically the devil.

Of course, there are a large number of robots, which are not included in the loss, because as long as you win, the robot wreckage can be recovered. The consumption is not as great as imagined.

Because it does not advance inward, the wreckage of the robot is on the first wall or outside the wall. It is impossible for the enemy to take away these wreckages, and Jiang Yan does not matter.

B couldn’t help but regret it, and knew it was this way of playing. You might as well use extraordinary means, and just force the city once more. I am not only able to summon Zerg.

Jiang Yan seemed to be thinking Dao Yi’s thoughts, laughing: “City Master, do you think that playing like this. It’s a waste of troops.”

“Yes, although you lost more than me, but I also lost a lot of cannon fodder.” Yi regretfully said.

“There are still tough battles. Fighting the Magic City and then attacking the Assassin City is a rest. We have a week to adjust and cultivate and recuperate. Then, the last Joan of Arc to deal with is the hardest. We do n’t care about the loss, we must force it down. “

“Jean Saint-Jean, first became a god, and the power will not be higher than that of Caesar.” Of course, B knew that Jiang Yan had something to say. He retorted so much, just wanted to see what Jiang Yan could say.

“After we have fought these two wars, Joan of Arc has almost the power of a lower spirit. That is the true God, with a complete personality, immortality, and can create an army of angels.”

“How do you know!” B was surprised this time.

Jiang Yan readily created a little angel, flew a circle in his palm, and then disillusioned. He is not a god, and the power of immortals can be used to simulate the rules of gods.

But what he copied was understandable by B.

“You see, Jeanne d’Arc can make a little angel, but she understands the rules of the light angel. That is to say, she will soon start from the little angel to make the big angel, the power angel, the power angel, the wisdom angel, the light angel.”

B pondered, as long as it is not a **** who can make a Seraph, it can be killed. But the Angel of Light is already terrifying. If a few are made by the other party, Joan of Arc will be invincible.


“Why didn’t I attack Jeanne d’Or?” Jiang Yan looked at Yi, and said, “Because, I am bound to get to the core of these five cities. If I attack her now, it is possible that she will take the city core to escape. Wait for her She thinks she has enough strength to fight me, and by then, she will keep her old nest. “

B sucked. Air-conditioner, Jiang Yan would rather face up with him for this reason, and finally beat Joan of Arc. Is the core of the miracle city really so valuable?

You know, the resources that Jiang Yan consumed in these few wars are enough for him to build more cities and cultivate more Aboriginal forces. By the time, does he want anything?

“In short, this time I accept your feelings and come back to help you destroy the Chang’an City. It’s serious. I think that Chang’an City, I am afraid that the forces have little damage.”

B nodded his head, Chang’an City did, he did a good job in Chang’an City. The news that came back was that Chang’an Cheng’an and his eight newly promoted princes were not damaged. Even Chang’an Cheng’s own team was intact. Obviously, Chang’an Cheng’s and Jiang Yan both got the news in advance and found a way Escaped from the world of blood revenge.

After exchanging opinions, B did not make any further comments. Now that Jiang Yan is determined to slowly kill each other, that’s how to do it.

B can afford the loss, but Solomon cannot. The battle on the second wall continued for seven days. The two sides repeatedly fought over it. Even for a period of time, the forces in the city shocked outwards, and the first wall was almost taken back.

After all, Jiang Yan’s coalition forces were adequate, and on the seventh day, the second wall was completely taken down. The number of losses on both sides has tripled.

The Allied Forces lost more than 6 million troops, and the Magic City lost nearly 4 million troops.

Anna still showed no signs of stopping the attack. She tirelessly organized an army to attack the third wall. The mechanical rules are becoming more and more proficient in her hands, and millions of troops are able to launch serial attacks on the city as if they are one under her control.

Jiang Yan is not without participating in the command. He is calculating the enemy’s ability to bear a little bit and observing the changes in the opponent’s city rules. At this level, the defender has already convinced himself that he cannot defend the magical city.

Although there are a lot of magic towers inside the city of magic, each magic tower is a meat grinder.

The problem is that the coalition forces are too strong. Now, the army that Ken came to support has not broken two million. That is to say, there are still five million troops in the city, but the other party ’s strength is definitely more than More than 17 million.

At the beginning, in the most difficult contact, the opponent used all the cannon fodder army, those demons, zombies, robots. When really hitting the city, the elite of the other party was exhausted, no more suspense.

Everyone is looking forward to what Solomon can do. But what can Solomon do?

Jiang Yan’s offensive is upright, no matter how he responds, as long as Jiang Yan does not attack, he will be helpless. Because Anna’s strategic goal is to kill his vitality, not to defeat the magical Tallinn in the center of the city in one fell swoop.

This is an unsolvable problem, or eating the demon pillar to the elemental elves, you can have a chance to kill the other leader. But in this case, the magical Tallinn would collapse first, and then the city defense system would not work at all. The opposing coach did not come out to fight at all these days, only commanded under heavy protection.

“Chaoge City Lord, Yinxu City Lord, you two teams, dare to fight me!” Solomon had no choice but to use amplified magic to shout out this sentence and spread it all over the city.

A cautious and stable person was forced to fight Duan Jiang by Anna’s strategy. Jiang Yan laughed.

“Solomon, when I get into the magical Tallinn, I will give you this opportunity. At that time, even if you are a lonely man ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ I will not be a siege, I will definitely fight you fair ! “

Jiang Yan’s voice, like spring thunder, rolled away and exploded in every corner of the city. This momentum was once again stabilizing Napoleon.

The clown shook his head and said, “Why do these foreign devils always make demands against others when they are exhausted?”

The clown didn’t say anything disgusting this time, but his voice, surreptitiously, spread throughout the city.

The mad spray skill has reached the level of demigod. All the people who heard the satire of the clown were extremely upset. Those close to the city wall could no longer be stimulated. They rushed out of the array and, without command, hit the second city wall in reverse.

“Bah? Are these people crazy?” The clown’s innocent expression really blew.

His skill is certainly powerful, but many people in the other party are still under the protection of magic rules, and the real temptation is only dozens of people. The release of this skill has no major impact on the entire battle situation, it is purely the evil taste of the clown.


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