Furious Combo

Chapter 725 - : Need

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The extremely evil blade, Jiang Yan can already be simulated with the power of the Demon Boy, and it has long been not the original equipment. The artistic conception contained in the green novel m is indeed evil, but the man who manipulates the knife has long been spotless.

A powerful knife did not seem to actually hurt Solomon, in fact it was not like that.

At least, one element of Solomon’s hair was completely destroyed. This elemental method is insignificant for Solomon and can be ignored, but it is a huge blow to Solomon’s heart.

When Jiang Yan approached again, Solomon dared not let him really get close to him.

If the stabbing is not the back of the head, but the leg, you must be able to act. Solomon is also the power of the god-level contractor, feeling the destructive power contained in the extremely evil blade, which is definitely not his body can bear.

Reminiscent of the previous battle in the miraculous city, wherever Jiang Yan played, the enemy was completely destroyed, and even the soul could not escape. Solomon was even more afraid to take it lightly, and he definitely didn’t want to touch this knife.

The Green Bear God has pushed away hundreds of tons of ice and rushed onto it, condescending and roaring low.

A wind blade appeared behind the green bear god. The green bear **** was too lazy to look back, but the hair fluttered, and he resisted the wind blade out of the fur. Even the impact did not have any substantial impact on it.

The tall figure of the Green Bear God suddenly fell down, so that the people on the ground could not see its existence. In the mouth of the Green Bear God, energy bombs spewed out.

The Green Bear growls, this is its natural ability, and it has been owned since birth.

In the body of the Green Bear God, a broken **** figure emerged, providing it with endless power. This green bear roaring bomb will not be tired when sprayed for thirty or fifty days.

The barrage sprayed out like raindrops, attacking Solomon and the elemental elf.

The attack by Fang Cai was made by the elemental elves against the green bear god. Under the command of Jiang Yan, the Green Bear God launched a counterattack. This counterattack. They are all offset by the domain power released by the elemental elves.

It is just the source of the power of the elemental elves. It is far less horrible than the Green Bear God. A broken deity is equivalent to the power of a continent.

Because of the fragmentation, the rules are not satisfactory, and the attack power may be weakened.

The power of seventy-two demon pillars. Of course, it will not be less than the broken god, but the speed of transmission through the barrier of the ring space is not so fast.

If it continues to be consumed in this way, the elemental elves can’t afford it.

But the opponent released a group attack, and she could not escape.

The black robe on Jiang Yan’s body flashed with seven stars, and the field strength was also released. If the energy bomb spit out from the green bear god, if it didn’t hit the enemy. It will dissipate and return to its body. Form a wonderful balance.

Roar! Roar!

The Green Bear God’s voice oscillated in the ring space. In the small ring space, even the snow stopped and no longer drifted down.

Jiang Yan’s smile grew brighter, and it was a mistake for the other party to choose such a small space to fight with himself. Of course, the opponent’s magic will be no loss, all can attack themselves in the most suitable position, but this range is more beneficial to the Green Bear God.

Space rules. The rules of fate gear brought by the demon boy, the rules of the blue bear god’s personality, the rules of the elements, and the rules of the devil’s pillar are in a chaotic conflict in this space. It is very difficult to let the other party’s magic release.

However, his own Taoism is not affected. The trade-offs are long and short, and this battle is won by myself.

Solomon looked somber, on his magic robe. The blooming magical glory is a bit bleak, the impact of the Green Bear God is too violent, there is no gap. And Jiang Yan is constantly approaching, and his flashes dare not be used, and he can only use wind technique to avoid Jiang Yan.

Windsurfing is the safest kind of mobile magic, and one more step is teleportation.

Jiang Yan’s movement speed has been kept at the same frequency as Solomon, so he has no time to release the magic counterattack. In the hands of Jiang Yan, the turquoise dagger swayed. Every sway seemed to attack.

This is an oppressive play. The elemental elves provide protection for Solomon, preventing the green bear god’s roaring bomb from falling, and he has no power to deal with Jiang Yan.

Solomon knew that if he continued like this, he would be tortured to death sooner or later.

The opponent’s summoned creature turned out to be a kind of evil spirit. Knowing this, he should not use this tactic and let the elemental elves attack Jiang Yan directly.

Wrong step by step, wrong step by step, he is a god-level contractor, with countless combat experience, of course he knew he was wrong.

But when he wanted to move back to the situation, he couldn’t find a chance.

Jiang Yan’s pace was too fast, and he was almost uniformly attached to him, and he could attack at first sight. The green and green dagger contained the evil power that made him unsure.

In case of being stabbed, it must be in a deep syncope, and the other party can kill himself with whatever control skills.

For the first time, Jiang Yan fought a god-level contractor alone, which was simpler than he thought, and everything was under his control. Although no powerful skills are used, in Suzaku’s pupils, all means of combat are the most powerful weapons.

The other party has entered its own attack rhythm, and its own pace has been more powerful than that of Feng Jianren’s Fengshen step. Although it is completely two kinds of things, its core idea is still roughly the same.

Under constant oppression, he can attack at any time. As long as the opponent makes a mistake, the blade of vegetation will give a heavy blow.

Jiang Yan himself was not sure that the blade of grass and trees combined with a very evil blade could kill Solomon. He didn’t know for himself what the ending would be if Solomon chose to stop.

But Solomon really didn’t dare to stop and broke his elemental hair. Solomon was already a startled bird.

Therefore, Jiang Yan is not too tight. Basically, Jiang Yan’s speed is the limit of Solomon’s speed. If it is faster, Solomon will be desperate. If it is slower, Solomon will have the power to fight back.

Jiang Yan was so good at this fire. Let Solomon always think that he can wait for the opportunity, so that the blue bear god’s roar will drown his opponent.

Solomon was in a hurry and shouted, “Jing Jing, what are you waiting for!”

The Elemental Elf also hurriedly said: “I can’t get away from it, master idiot, I’m protecting you from the brute’s attack!”

The Green Bear God was a wise life. Hearing that the elemental elf called himself a beast, he jumped like thunder. The green bear roaring in his mouth suddenly became much faster, and he no longer saved the power of the divine personality.

The attack of the summoning creature will not fall on Jiang Yan himself, but the elemental elf will suffer. If she didn’t help Solomon, she would be swallowed by the Green Bear God.

This kind of evil **** likes to directly swallow the elemental creatures and refine it into the gods.

Solomon yelled: “Jean, Napoleon, what are you waiting for, do you really want him to break each of us!”

Jiang Yan was shocked, but the pace at his feet had not changed, and he still clung to Solomon.

The elemental elves also shouted: “Stupid, greedy master, why don’t you give me a demon **** pillar! Otherwise, how could there be today. Don’t wait for those two idiots, they dare not come!”

Suddenly, Jiang Yan added a pair of wings behind him, and Solomon was surprised to find that Jiang Yan’s speed had not changed, but it was even harder for him to escape.

In addition to the counterattack magic that is automatically activated on the magic robe, there is no more effort to think of other countermeasures.

Being desperately oppressed, and trying to release the last resort to counterattack, the green bear god’s attack suddenly slowed down, but it would overshoot and attack in another direction.

The green bear **** stood on the huge ice block, and his figure suddenly stood upright. His forefoot suddenly waved, and a colorful bullet was flew out by its stiff shot. The green bear **** was also lifted off the ice block by a strong impact , Fell to the ground, making a loud noise.

At the edge of the ring space, Napoleon’s figure appeared, and a small pistol in his hand was shining regularly.

The Green Bear God was injured by a shot, but the wound was not serious. His shot was originally shot against Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yan changed color and said, “Solomon, you broke the contract!”

Solomon smirked: “Just kill you, you have forced me to this part, and you are counting on me …”

“Master!” The Elemental Elf screamed, and countless sword qi suddenly emerged from Solomon’s chest. His magic robe is also an artifact, but he can’t stop Yu Nan’s back blow.

The power of Dan Jiejian instantly destroyed his viscera. Jiang Yan turned around and glanced at Napoleon who came to this space, not knowing how he came in breaking the rules.

Napoleon was dumbfounded before he came in and attacked, thinking that it would change the ending, and as a result Solomon turned dead. What is this *?

Solomon is also a god-level contractor ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ has an artifact robe and body protector, how could it be killed by a single blow?

He did not know that the so-called artifacts were also obtained from outside the space, or the two made by the space controller. The artifact that Solomon wore was made by the space controller, and could not resist the edge of the sword.

The attack of the Dan Tribulation Sword is as powerful as the Heaven Tribulation, and has the sharpness of the Flying Sword. The artifacts forged by this kind of space all have defects. These defects were originally the back door left by the space controller. In case the god-level contractor betrayed, they can also attack from this back door.

Dan Tribulation Sword, but can also find this kind of back door, directly shattered the internal organs of Solomon.

“Don’t … don’t kill me!” Napoleon cried and Jiang Yan frowned, which no longer had the dignity of a god-level contractor. That Solomon violated the contract can also be said to be unscrupulous, but slave Yan’s knees begging for mercy, this kind of thing, even Solomon can’t do.

This Napoleon is really superb!


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