Furious Combo

Chapter 727 - : Swordsmanship

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Elemental elves are wise lives. Jiang Yan wants to feed them to the **** elves. That elemental elf exhibits the elemental charm technique, which has no effect.

In the body, with the increasing number of immortals, Jiang Yan’s habits in the world have been completely forgotten.

Elemental Elf intends to deal with Jiang Yan by means of dealing with mortals, and it will definitely fail.

“Why, the ring hasn’t disappeared yet?” Yu Nan looked around with surprise, the green bear **** roared low, very nervous. Jiang Yan looked around for a while, and the eyes of Suzaku glanced repeatedly, frowning.

“It’s the space rules, the space controller, noticed the battle here, and I didn’t die in the world of blood revenge, it … intends to directly kill me. But now the pattern of space rules on my body has completely disappeared, space control There is no other way. “

“So the space was reinforced so that we could not leave?”

“Yes, this space will gradually transform into a hard substance. We are like mosquitoes in amber.”

Yu Nan frowned, too, if she was outside, she could take Jiang Yan directly through the Mirage Bracelet.

“Then what should I do now?” Yu Nan is an assassin and is also familiar with the rules of space, but the controller of infinite space still has a strong repressive force on them. It is impossible to use violence on other people’s sites. Crack.

“Two ways.”

Yu Nan’s eyes lit up, and he couldn’t help himself. Jiang Yan had two ways to leave here.

“First, I’m going to go through the robbery now and become an immortal. The power of Heavenly Tribulation, this space cannot be blocked at least for now. Once Heaven Tribulation arrives, all the cages will be torn apart. Second, let’s go to mine In the snake ’s ring, the rules there can be simulated, and we can be taken away in an instant. “

These two methods. It’s all a bit troublesome.

Jiang Yan’s strength savings are enough to survive the Heaven Tribulation, but the Earth Immortal Tribulation is too early, which will be detrimental to his future development and will even trigger the True Immortal Tribulation early.

As for going to the Leichi Ring, it is even more about giving Thunder Snake life and death. The two people turned away the Lei Yin in Yuanshen, and had already obtained the 〖Self〗, if they went back again. How can it be reconciled.

Yu Nan figured out the truth in an instant, and it was difficult to decide for a moment.

Let Jiang Yan give up future development? Or did two people go to Razer to gamble their lives? Either way, it’s a little bit unconvincing.

Jiang Yan thought hard, and said in a long while: “The first method is not impossible, I can inspire the power of the seven Demon Boys to go through the robbery, which makes it seven times more difficult. For me. The pressure is huge, Savings to achieve the position of the earth immortal is enough for the savings. It is just a little dangerous. “

“What about the second way?” Yu Nan heard that Jiang Yan was about to cause seven Demon Boys to go through the robbery at the same time, and they drummed.

Such a horrible way of crossing the robbery is likely to make a person extinguish, and the Daluo Jinxian can’t save him. Neither Jiang Yan nor Jiang Yan has left a soul mark in the two world stones. Under this kind of robbery, Jiang Yan has no chance to turn the book.

“The second way, we are in the Yuanshen, simulating a Thunder Seal. Fooling about the Thunder Snake, maybe you can refine the Earth God Thunder Seal step by step, and then leave, and never go back.”

Yu Nan shook his head, Razer is so easy to cheat? The strength of two people. It’s too far away from Razer.

Jiang Yan nodded and said: “I also know that that is just a hope. I have to go through the robbery and suppress the power for a long enough time.”

“Very dangerous, it will die.” Yu Nan looked at Jiang Yan.

“Do nothing, you will die. Even if you are a true immortal. It is also a longevity. When we rely on the rules of space, we seem to have endless lives, but the reality is that space is given, space. Collapse, all of us are going to die. When did we have time to relax? “

“Well, we don’t have time to rest.” Yu Nan didn’t dissuade him anymore. Now that he has reached this point, there is no way out. Only bravely move forward.

She had never thought that Jiang Yan’s attack on these five miraculous cities would be so smooth.

The so-called smoothness means that elite does not have any losses, and it consumes a lot of resources. Chaoge City now has a sufficient number of Hell Legions. Even if it encounters siege from others, it has the strength to withstand. This is not counted as the Suzaku Hell Legion staying outside.

If not desperate, Chaoge is now just a B-level city, and under the extensive cleaning of space controllers, plus the invasion of void creatures, I am afraid that it will not survive.

“Actually, it’s not as difficult as you think.” Jiang Yan said: “Wait a moment, after the Heaven Tribulation breaks through this space, you will leave immediately and go directly to the location of the Seventy-two Demon Pillar.”

“Well, I know.” Yu Nan answered cleverly.

Jiang Yan released seven Demon Boys and recovered the Green Bear God. After all, the Green Bear God’s power system is different from Immortal Dao, and it can’t be used to resist the Heavenly Tribulation. Already trained as a powerful thug, Jiang Yan does not want to regard the Green Bear God as a cannon fodder.

If it was not the Green Bear God who blocked him a bullet, I am afraid that he and Yu Nan have already died under the other party’s calculation.

That Joan of Arc really looked up to herself, and she didn’t want to take the chance to take such a good chance. If the three men were besieging, it would be a worrisome end.

Jiang Yan’s seven Heavenly Demon Boys are released, and the immortals in the Yuanshen extend directly out of the body. The Immortals in the Seven Heavenly Demon Boys’ bodies also oscillate. In an instant, Jiang Yan’s remaining lines in the body〗 , Began to transform into Xianwen. In this process, he thought about it countless times. Among the acupuncture points in the body, the stored five bird Zhengang was also crushed in this shock and transformed into a solid Xiangang.

As soon as Jiang Yan let go of his power, the robbery cloud condensed immediately outside the ring space. Jiang Yan relaxes a little, and the robbery cloud is really excluded from this space, but fortunately it is ordinary robbery. If it is the number of robbery that broke out inside the body 〖body〗, it will not help you to leave this space.

Across the ring space, Jiang Yan couldn’t see clearly what force the robbery was made of. If you ca n’t tell clearly, there is no way to deal with it, but as soon as this robbery arrives, the shield of the ring space will be forcibly broken. Although people ca n’t leave, the power of the gear of destiny can already bless the seven demon The boy.

This time, Jiang Yan’s power was fully released, and the phantom of the gear of destiny appeared directly above his head. Thirty-six thousand gears bite together and slowly rotate. Each rotation is an explanation of the rules.

A sword light came down from the sky. Yu Nan rushed up to the sword light, throwing a thing in her hand, and she wiped the sword light and flew out of the ring space. Her speed was much faster than that of Jiang Yan. If it were not Jiang Yan’s Suzaku The pupil has the ability to predict, and in the face of Yu Nan, I am afraid that it cannot be beaten.

Yu Nan flew out and appeared directly where Jiang Yan and her left. The people of the Suzaku team have already waited.

Yu Nan said lightly: “The captain is going to cross the robbery. Let’s get the 72 pillars of demon gods.”

“Well, everyone come with me.” Anna guessed something, but just didn’t want to affect the military’s heart, and simply issued an order. Jiang Yan is not here, she is the captain.

For the rest of the Suzaku team, only the clown guessed something, but since Yu Nan came out, Jiang Yan would not be trapped at least. As for the robbery, the one who repairs the immortals, there is no one who has not experienced robbery. Today we can hide, and tomorrow is coming.

This thing must be faced, otherwise, it is not as good as self-cultivation.

Yu Nan left the ring space, and that sword spirit was deflected by the equipment she dropped. Jiang Yan didn’t move, letting Jian Guang fall under his feet, crushing the strong ice under his feet.

Among the robbery clouds, countless sword lights flew and shot downwards, which were all flying swords produced by the power of the rules, the regular power of the space ring, irresistible in this robbery, they were instantly turned into sieve .

Jiang Yan did not dare to leave this ring space, he had only one chance to escape. Once failed, Robing Cloud would not give him the possibility to enter Mirage Space for the second time.

“Life and death have a life, but this life, I have to control it in my own hands.” Jiang Yan looked at the ten thousand sword lights that came overhead, slowly spinning up the gear of destiny, and the Zhengang in his body transformed into Xian Gang, more than a thousand times more powerful.

The gear of destiny rotates, and the sword lights are shredded one after another, turned into vitality, and thrown into the gear of destiny. One by one, the sword-shaped charms were reassembled and repeatedly ground in the gear of fate, deeply imprinted in the gear of fate.

Those rungs that have been branded on them are no longer the bodies of these kendo runes, but are re-condensed after being crushed. These forces become part of the rules of the gear of destiny.

Jiang Yan was baffled, and he didn’t practice any swordsmanship. How could there be this day’s sword robbery?

But now he ca n’t tolerate any thoughts about him. The demon boy transformed by the Seven Daoist Divine Fas, at the same time, urges the power, the speed of the rotation of the gear of fate suddenly accelerates, the space is broken, in the cloud, the swords and guns are mingled, and countless weapons are robbed. Flying out of the cloud ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ fell to Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yan realized that what he experienced was a sword-robbing.

This robbery has nothing to do with his cultivation of the Demon Boy Child Yuanshen Law. It is due to the fact that too many murders and **** breath have filled his body. Once the power of Yuanshen is released, this breath is immediately captured by Heavenly Dao and correspondingly lowered Swordsmen robbed.

The power of this robbery is huge and fierce, and Yu Nan and others must have not reached the position of the 72 demon **** pillars. Jiang Yan moved to the past, which will only cause trouble to his teammates.

You have to insist that Yu Nan reaches the space where the seventy-two demon pillars are located. Before that, you have to rely on yourself.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yan raised his hand, flew out a shield, arranged a formation in the air, turned into a circle, and defended himself from all directions.

Swordsman robbery, although not as pervasive as Jinfeng robbery, but it will not be like thunder robbery, just group bombing. Just thinking of this, among the robbery clouds, a figure appeared, holding a weapon, and flew down to the ground.


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