Furious Combo

Chapter 738 - :complex

Da Qingyi ordered this, the people of the Ronghua Society were all showing their anger.

What’s wrong with the captain, the opponent’s footing is not stable, and he is still in the petrified forest. If he takes the initiative to attack, it will cause huge damage to the opponent

Dao Madan said to Da Qingyi: “Captain, if we …”

“Needless to say, when the doctor was leaving, he made it very clear. Our only task was to hold the Chaoge City. The other party was to hold a party outside the city in the open air. We also had to sprinkle flowers down the city head to make people happy. “

The “Captain” old student said cautiously: “This time, if we don’t have any counterattack, it will have an adverse effect on morale.”

“We don’t need morale. Stone Town is originally the same place as Ling Xiaoyu’s private playground. Even if it is occupied by the other party, it will have no effect on us.”

“We can launch Fei Tian Shen Lei” Xiaosheng said with a loud voice: “If the Fei Tian Shen Lei is launched, it will definitely cause some damage to the other party, we just pay the financial price and do not need to damage the soldiers”

“Have you thought about it, although the Flying God Thunder has been added by the gear of fate, and some rules have been changed, but the other party has a god, and it can still calculate the position of the Flying God Thunder. If the other party calculates the detailed coordinate points, you can directly Teleport into our city, “Da Qingyi said with a cold face:” Now, what I say is an order “

Everyone was speechless. Although Da Qingyi saw that each of them no longer dared to refute, his face was full of sorrowful expressions and sighed: “Do you really want to fight a beautiful battle?”

“Yes,” Copper Hammer’s face snarled and sternly answered

“Have you not thought about it, the second-tier team went to Yinxu, but beg never before, and the Suzaku team went to the city of assassins, and it will certainly succeed. Even if we kill a few enemies, can we compare it with the destruction of a miracle city? If we win, we wo n’t benefit. If we lose, it ’s a big sin. “

Da Tsing Yi said sensibly: “That Joan of Arc can go straight to Stone Town and come up with this strategy to show that there is still a traitor in Chaoge City, and we will act rashly, and there will be more opportunities for traitor”

Da Qingyi’s eyes glanced at each contractor of the Liyuan Society and said, “If anyone claims to attack, then there will be suspicious criminals. I won’t say this again. I will report today’s affairs truthfully when the doctor returns.”

Everyone was bored by what Da Qingyi said, and I was a little wary in my heart

Da Qingyi is right, after the army of Jeanne d’ Arc went out of the war portal, he almost rushed directly to the Stone City. That is to say, the environment outside the song city, Jeanne d’ Arc is quite familiar with

It should be that Bianliang City has a spy in Chaoge, and now Bianliang City has turned to Joan of Arc, some of the layouts in the city may also be known to Joan of Arc

At this time, it is indeed suspected of being a spy to encourage Da Qingyi to fight again.

Everyone also calmed down. Jiang Yan did not leave a strong god-level contractor in the city. Da Qingyi is one, but the rest of them are at most semi-god level.

Joan of Arc, that ’s the true god. If you leave the protection of the gear of destiny, everyone is not enough for her. This is a **** who can make a light angel. Even if his own divine power is weak, there is a way to create an angel belonging to the upper god.

Da Qingyi scolded his men, and she was uncomfortable in her heart. She did n’t know how difficult it was to defend the city this time. The other party would never be just this kind of means. If you die, the other party will have corresponding measures to make you have to do it. Change

But now, what can you do?

As soon as Jiang Yan left and delivered everything to her, Da Qingyi felt how troublesome it was to be in charge of a city. If Jiang Yan was there, there must be a way

Turning away from the city wall, Da Qingyi went alone to Shennong Feathered Tiangong Huatuo. Although the retreat was closed, there are still many powerful priests in Shennong Feathered Tiangong. Among them, there are many wise men who can give themselves some pointers.

When passing Qishan, dozens of plum demon stopped Daqingyi at the foot of the mountain

Demon Mei, headed, gave a gift to Da Qingyi

It turns out that these plum monsters want angel blood to make fertilizer. If they fight with angels, I hope they can leave some for them, and they do n’t need much. The main reason is to let them use angel blood to purify the demon in the body.

Da Qingyi hesitated for a while and promised that these plum monsters were themselves part of the city’s strength

Farewell to Mei Demon, Da Qingyi speeds up the pace, comes to the core of Shennong Feathering Tiangong, and asks Hua Tuo

Unexpectedly, Hua Tuo really promised to see his Taoist retreat, there is a death pass, there are live Guan Hua Tuo is not to impact the realm, nor for alchemy, you can go out at any time

After seeing Daqingyi, Hua Tuo looked up and down and said: “Unfortunately, if you don’t have the bones to repair your mind, you have the hope to achieve a career”

Da Qingyi said anxiously, “Real people, how can I feel this, now that the soldiers are under pressure, and a **** wants to attack Chao Ge, how should I be good?”

“Oh, when my disciples let you stay behind, did you think that the other party would not attack Chao Ge?”

“Yes, Chao Ge has a gear of destiny. If the other party attacks, it won’t be possible to make any progress within a month, and …” Speaking of which, Da Qingyi didn’t go down.

I came here to seek a little confidence because I was too nervous

But it was very clear when I accepted the task at that time, the enemy wanted to capture Chaoge, no matter how powerful the enemy, breaking the gear of fate, it would take more than a month

And Jiang Yan? Within seven days, the Assassin’s City must be captured, and the core of the Assassin’s City will return.

The little devil went to the city of assassins, it was purely to suppress the scene, but only worried about the accident of this mission. In fact, the little devil and her elite legion were not counted in the battle sequence of Jiang Yan ’s war

Little Devil and Jiang Yan can return to Chaoge at any time. The reason why they are worried is because of lack of experience

Hua Tuo said with a smile: “With the gear of destiny, you don’t need any commanding talent, as long as you don’t attack hurriedly, there will be no loss in Chaoge City. If the other party’s god-level power wants to be sent directly, I will shoot, will Although its beheading is not very beneficial to me now, I will not let the city of the disciples be destroyed. “

Hua Tuo thought, but this is not the basic fate gear of Shennong’s feathered Tiangong. There are hundreds of thousands of Taoists in the Taoist palace. Even if the gods who have joined hands with this city are killed by the gods, as long as they are not gods, they will also be These Taoists repelled

“If you are unsettled, stay and help.” Hua Tuo saw that Da Qingyi still looked, and said

“What can I do for you?”

“I am studying divine patterns, Western deities’ scriptures, which are relatively simple and crude, but also have the essence of your power system, close to the deities, I plan to refine the body for you, would you be willing?”

“It’s just that the war is in front of you …” Of course, Da Qingyi is willing. She is a god-level contractor. It is not false, but she can leave Zhaoge and be manipulated by the space controller.

The higher your level, the harder it is to get out of space

“Oh, I just borrow your body, you can put your soul in the clone body to direct the battle, anyway, you do n’t need to play in person, if the other party ’s **** level is dispatched, you will deal with the priest in the palace.”

“Thank you very much,” Da Qingyi rejoices, this kind of thing is inexplicable

In Chaoge City, knowing that the war is coming, the aborigines in the city have no fear contractors at all, but they are deeply worried.

Stone Town, Joan of Arc and Bianliang City quickly captured the city. The devil defending the city is the lowest level, and there is no decent equipment.

And the number of these demons is very small, less than 10,000, all serving the little demons, which themselves are equivalent to the attendants of the playground

After the Allied forces stormed in, they slaughtered these demons

Although it is the devil of the lowest level, it is also equivalent to the d-class warrior in humans. A simple conflict has caused thousands of casualties to the coalition.

Next to Jeanne d’Arc, there is a elegant middle-aged man in a yellow robe

When the city was conquered, he said to Jeanne d’ Arc: “The lady, our army in Bianliang City, will divide the camp by itself”

Joan of Arc smiled slightly and said, “Despite the uncle ’s own actions, I only need a small place to perform a blood sacrifice. After I summon the bleeding demon from the void, Chaoge City will naturally be broken. Our people, Just clear the battlefield in the back, and the uncle can let your warriors rest for two or three days first. “

“So good” the middle-aged man covered his inner disgust and smiled at Joan of Arc

It is certain that the two sides are in harmony with each other. His brother, who really does not know the life and death, even united with this goddess woman, regardless of winning or losing, this time for Bianliang City, UU read books www.www. uukanshu.com is a huge loss

From then on, there will be no more Chinese cities to turn to themselves and they will be nailed to the pillar of shame

This is an unsolvable problem for him, but for the sake of his brother, he can only take the task of his brother with a scalp, he has great luck, but lacks the wisdom to support luck

It is a pity that he is his own brother and cannot be replaced

Joan of Arc looked at the back of King Bianliang leaving, and smiled, her field enveloped the surrounding space, and the twelve angels around him looked solemnly, waiting for orders

Joan of Arc just said, “You are busy with the altar. This prince, let him live a few more days. After Bianliang City sends enough troops, we will start the blood sacrifice. Good sacrifices are still resentful warriors. “

Jeanne d’Arc said such a **** thing, in exchange for the hymns of the twelve angels

With the praise and chanting of angels, the power of personality in the body of Jeanne d’Arc also slowly increases the difficulty of becoming a god, but after becoming a god, every day is quite pleasant.

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