Futile Love

Chapter 104

Chapter 104: Chapter 104

One week had already passed since the birthdays of the Emperor and the Queen, but people felt the festival period was too short, no matter how long it was. Throughout the festival period, everyone was happy and enjoyed the atmosphere.

The market was always noisy with mingling people, but they were all happy.

And there was an eye-catching couple among the happy crowds, who were elbowing their way out of the crowds to enjoy the festival.

Wearing a silky suit and simple accessories that only the powerful could enjoy, they walked on the market street. Nobody announced their arrival at the market, so they could avoid the crowds’ attention. The man, dressed in indigo blue, put a small hairpin in his tied long hair. As if he grew up preciously in the royal palace, his white face, never tanned by the sun, made his red lips stand out all the more. And the young woman, hanging on his arm, was wearing a butterfly-shaped hairpin in her half-tied hair. She was wearing a light pink silk dress, with gold thread embroidered at its end.

She walked with an uneasy face but at the same time in excitement, looking around here and there, swept along in the crowds.

“It’s a little bit noisy here, but isn’t it interesting?”

She nodded strongly when he whispered quietly into her ears.

“Ruhae, Ruhae, this is the first time that I’ve seen so many people here! And there are so many pretty and amazing things! ”

She smiled and rejoiced like a child. He smiled at her, stroking her hair, who was clinging to his arms.

“If you have anything you want, tell me. I’ll buy anything for you,” he said confidently.

“Really?” she said, looking around here and there.

“Of course!”

There were lots of makeshift stands on both sides of the street.

There were a variety of decorations, goods, and toys on every stand.

Looking around, she pulled his arm and touched her face to his.

She whispered in his ear with a shy voice.

“Well, I’m so hungry.”

At her unexpected action, he made a blank expression for a moment then laughed loudly. She blushed, lowering her head. As it’s been a while since she walked around the market street, it was only natural that she got hungry.

Although Ruhae also wanted to eat something first, he burst into laughter at her cute action.

“Please stop laughing. It’s not funny at all. ”

She tapped his forearm with her small fists.

He laughed heartily and nodded.

“The delicacies of the festival are festival food. Then shall we go to the food court? ”


Raising her hand quickly, she answered.

Smiled at her innocent face, he elbowed his way out of the crowd.

It was the first time that they found themselves swept along in the crowd.

Before they moved, Ruhae and Kyosul felt their bodies were shaken by somebody else.

It was difficult to hold their balance as they were stuck in the moving crowds.

She was clung to his arms.

After getting out of the crowds finally, he moved into an alley where they smelled something delicious everywhere.

All the stands in that alley were filled with all kinds of food. Fortunately, there were fewer people than those on the market street. If there were as many people here, they would not be able to enjoy the food comfortably.

Encouraged by the smell of the food and the less crowded crowds, She walked ahead confidently. Embarrassed by her erratic actions, he hurriedly followed her and grabbed her by the collar.

“Why are you walking fast alone? What if you get lost?”

“Why should I get scared when I know you will find me wherever I am?”

Turning back, she replied quickly.

Without waiting for him, she quickend her pace.


He hurriedly tried to catch up with her. Exclaiming often, she looked around.

While scanning the food stands on both sides, she did not slow her pace.

Meat, fruit, seafood and small snacks as well as spicy, salty and sweet smells stimulated her appetite.

She stopped in front of a shop where grilled chicken was stuck on skewers.

Looking at the grilled chicken for a long time, she turned to him and blinked her eyes several times. When he nodded, she went straight into the store and sat down.

He slowly approached and sat in front of her, when a girl came to them.

“May I take your order?”

As she didn’t know the menu, she looked around and pointed to food on the table.

“Please give us the chicken over there.”

“Yes, wait a moment!”

The girl replied cheerfully and disappeared quickly.

About 15 minutes later, the girl came back with the food.

Roasted chicken topped with plenty of black sauce was placed on the table.

After eating a little bit of sauce with the tip of his finger, she nodded with a smile.

“Does it taste good?”

“Yeah. Sweet, salty, and a little spicy, but it tastes great. ”

The unidentified black sauce passed her test. He cut the chicken into a good size for eating.

“You can eat it with a sauce, or you can just eat the lean meat.”

He took one chicken leg and gave it to her. They began filling their hungry stomach with a chicken on the table.

The sweet and sour sauce and the soft chicken matched well.

When they were almost done eating the roasted chicken, a boy came up with bread as big as an adult’s two fists.

“This is honey bread, our shop’s signature dessert that we are proud of. It is very hot with melted sugar. So, enjoy it carefully. ”

The boy put two loaves of bread on the table and offered a brief explanation.

The bread was quite large and covered with a smooth film of sugar on its surface.

Looking at it for a moment, she carefully poked the bread with one chopstick.

Melted sugar stuck to the end of the chopstick.

When she put it into her mouth without knowing how hot it was, she took it out quickly.

“It’s really hot because it was taken out after it was dipped in boiling sugar. Let’s eat it a little after it cools down, ” he said with a smile while watching her.

Nodding meekly, she cracked the sugar slightly and split the bread in half with chopsticks.

Contrary to the hardened surface of the sugar, its inside seemed to melt.

Yellow honey was in the center of the moist and soft bread. It flowed on to the plate.


Feeling amazed, she picked up the bread. She blew her breath on the bread and had it all without stopping for a moment.

“Is it delicious?”

She nodded without answering his question because she was busy eating honey bread.

Staring at her with a satisfied look, he pushed his own bread to her when she finished eating her bread.

“This is yours, Ruhae.”

“This bread is too sweet for me. As you like it, won’t you eat mine? ”

“Well, thanks for the bread.”

She didn’t refused. She smiled at him who was shaking his head as if he couldn’t believe her actions.

In the end, she ate two loaves of bread then likcked the melted sugar stuck to the chopsticks as if she was not full.

After satisfying their hunger, they went out of the shop and wandered around the food street to try various snacks.

Finally, they ate the cooked fruit coulis stuck on a wooden stick and left the food street.

They went back to the market street. There were many rare things that usually did not appear in the market. They were brought from abroad by merchants aimed at the festivals.

A variety of products attracted their attention.

“Wow, look at this, Ruhae!”

Looking at various items on the food stands, she hopped around, laughed and made a fuss. Following her, he asked the same question, “Can I buy you this?”

“No, thanks, Ruhae. Are you going to buy me everything I mention here?”

“Well, because you like it. I want to do everything for you if you like it.”

“Really… That’s ridiculous. How can you be good at it?”

“Are you sure? How can you say that without being shy?”

“Because that shows my genuine feelings toward you.”

He said casually, which would make her blush again.

In the end, he bought some cute accessories for her. She wore a headband ringing with crystal clear bells and held a pinwheel with feathers, a finely dried bouquet and a chicken model in her hands.

If people on the market street had to choose someone who enjoyed the most fun on the market street today, they would choose Kyosul without hesitation.

They enjoyed the festival so much that they didn’t know how time passed so fast.

“It’s getting dark. Don’t you think we are supposed to go back?” she said, looking at the sky with uneasy eyes.

“No, it’s too early to go back.”

He grabbed her hands as she was turning around with a worried look.

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