Futile Love

Chapter 108

Chapter 108: Chapter 108

“Let me see how long she can get around with that arrogant attitude.”

Oran quickened her pace in great impatience. She soon crossed the main gate of the palace and was quickly escorted to the innermost room by a court lady on standby.

Oran, who sent the owner of that room to the lower seat in the back and leaned against the bedside comfortably, greeted her in a nice tone.

“I haven’t seen you in a while.”

The other party replied in a reluctant voice, “I’m surprised you have come to see me in a shabby place like this.”

Nevertheless, Oran smiled and responded with a more gentle voice.

“As the butterfly doesn’t fly in the place of flowers here, how can’t this place look shabby?”

Flowers and butterflies. It was a common metaphor.

It was Yomin, Prince Ruhae’s official wife, that Oran visited.

She already let the butterfly fly away. She decided not to wait a long time ago.

But that didn’t mean she could accept Oran’s reckless sneering like this.

Yomin’s eyebrows were noticeably wriggling. She strained her eyes and looked at Oran sharply. She clenched her jaw, barely swallowed anger and spoke clearly, “Princess Oran, watch your language, please.”

“Aren’t you curious about the butterfly’s whereabouts?”

Yomin’s face, who was seated in the lower mat, became hardened.

Not caring at all, Oran added in a high-pitched tone, “I have a lot of things to share with you about something.”

Oran leaned back. She lay on the bed, as if it was her own dwelling place. The light coat covering her breast came off, revealing her shoulder line. She lifted her shoulders bewitchingly, showing off her full bosom.

Yomin still sat with upright position, with her back straight, and looked down at Oran.

Though she gazed at Yomin, Oran’s eyes looked arrogant when she looked up at her, with her eyes half closed.

“I don’t have anything to say to you, Princess Oran.”

Yomin then added in a firm and monotonous tone slowly.

“I’m embarrassed by your sexual look.”

At that moment Oran cut her off and said, “Aren’t you interested about my story on the flower place that your butterfly has found?”

“Well, I don’t want to hear that at all!” For a moment, Yomin raised her voice and then shut up. She continued to say calmly, “Furthermore, I don’t think we have anything to share between you and me.”

Yomin regained her composure. When it comes to controlling her mind, she had already grown accustomed to it over a decade. There was a moment of silence in her room.

Yomin sat politely, with her head down slightly. Leaning against the bed arrogantly, Oran stared at her with a strange expression.

Oran’s eyes carefully scanned her without saying anything: the angle of her head that allows her not to see her, her firmly closed lips with a gentle smile, her red lips, the bridge of her small nose, her neatly trimmed eyebrows and her smooth white forehead.

Oran’s face, who was looking at Yomin closely, seemed to reflect nothing. But upon closer look, there was something like anger on it. It was the first time that anybody repeatedly refused Oran’s request. No one dared to annoy her. So, she was shocked to learn that Yomin gave her a short shrift like this.

Oran was dumbfounded and offended, which made her feign a smile.

‘It’s funny. Very funny.’

Little did Oran think the woman before her would give her such entertainment.

She lifted one side of her lips for a smile and said in an annoying voice, “I have been in the Imperial Palace for ten years and I thought I knew a lot about the Imperial Palace. But there are still many new and novel things around me. ”

She never thought not only Kyosul but also Yomin would bother her so much

“Isn’t the Imperial Palace also a fun place?”

Yomin still didn’t reply. There was no change in her facial expression. Oran stopped laughing and suddenly looked at her. She was again scanning her carefully.

“You… . ”

Oran’s fingers fluttered in the air. She pointed the tip of her finger sharply at Yomin.

“You already know that, don’t you?”

Yomin did not answer. She didn’t even bat an eye at all.

In the end, Yomin asked in a firm voice, “What do you mean?”

“You already know what I’m talking about. Too much. ”

Oran cut off her words and added, “You already know everything.”

“Well, I don’t care about where the butterfly is,” Yomin replied curtly.

“What the heck?”

Both of them were now fully engaged in a war of nerves.

Oran asked back, snorting high, “I clearly mentioned ‘a different flower place,’ but you said you don’t care?”

“I don’t think it’s a big deal for a man to have a couple of women.”

“Oh, that makes sense,” Oran said, shaking her head, and added, “How generous you are!”

“As the wife of Prince Ruhae, I just serve him, no more or less.”

“Serving him as his wife?”

Oran repeated Yomin’s words. Her voice and eyes drifted through the air.

“So, what you mean is you are maintaining a nominal relationship with Prince Ruhae, not one between a man and a woman?”

“Yes, that’s right. You’re smart!”

“I’m flattered. As you know, I’ve been in the palace for more than 10 years in the Imperial Palace.”

Oran replied in a sneering voice. She even tilted her head.

Though they exchanged polite and peaceful conversation, it was full of mutual contempt. It was surprising that Oran, notorious for her hot temper, responded to Yomin without getting upset.

Perhaps it was because Oran herself was well aware of her hot temper and restrained herself. In some respects, her arrogant attitude might have prompted Yomin to go on the offensive in a break with her usual self-defensive attitude.

But Oran was also persistent.

“But as for this issue, I think you should really know it in your capacity as Prince Ruhae’s official wife.”


Oran was so embarrassed by her icy response that she couldn’t continue for a moment. But she soon pulled herself together and said, “This is about Prince Ruhae.”

“I’m not interested at all.”

The woman turned her head away. Oran felt flabbergasted at her indifferent attitude.

Things didn’t work out as she wished today.

Oran, frustrated, sprang to her feet then sat upright. Though the thin coat came off her shoulders, she didn’t care. Oran leaned forward and stared at her eyes for a while.

“You haven’t yet heard what I’m trying to say.”

“Well, I don’t want to make a fuss about it.”

“It looks like you already know the fact when you say you don’t want to cause any trouble.”

“Whatever the problem, if I know too much, it will cause trouble in one way or another.

Anyway, I don’t want to cause any trouble. I don’t want it. I just want to keep the status quo.

So, I don’t want to know about any news that I don’t want.”

Yomin was adamant. She didn’t want to listen to Oran, no matter what she brought with her.

And she shut her mouth, and didn’t give Oran any chance to say anything.

Oran also shut up because of her tough stance.

Though she shut up, Oran couldn’t think straight.

‘Does she really know all about it? Or doesn’t she want to know about any specific thing? She doesn’t have any reason to resist like this.’

It was difficult to figure out what Yomin was thinking.

And she was very good at managing her facial expression.

There ensued silence between them. It looked like Yomin was consistently indifferent.

In the end, Oran said with a feigned smile, “Well, I think it was good that I came to this place today. I didn’t know you’re such a great woman.”

Yomin just looked at Oran silently. Oran stood up with a bright smile.

“The West Palace, my place, is always open. If you’re too bored and wondering about it later, just come over and talk.”


Yomin didn’t take Oran’s final card favorably. After offering greetings out of courtesy, Yomin completely took her eyes from her.

The noise of Oran closing the door as she left the room was heard loudly.

Yomin flopped down on the bed. Though she barely put her hands on the floor, she couldn’t raise her head that drooped down.


Bojin, who was standing, leaning against the wall all along, came to her, surprised. Wrapping her with both hands, Bojin helped her.

“What the heck was Prince Ruhae doing? How come he was caught by such a cunning woman?” Yomin lamented, thinking about him. Tears came down her cheeks, with her lament.

“Oh my god! Our poor madame…” Bojin wiped her cheeks wet with tears.

“Good job! You made it. You beat her. You were strong!” Bojin comforted her.

Yomin put her head on Bojin’s bosom and leaned on her. Though she was small, Bojin supported her, full of reassurances.

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