Futile Love

Chapter 126

Chapter 126: Chapter 126
There was a woman secretly watching parade in tears. Hiding in a dark alley behind the crowd, she covered her mouth with both hands, barely balancing her body as if she was going to fall.

“… Please let him be in great hands. ”


The man, who was standing by her, held her hands tightly. His wishes for the baby were as strong as the woman’s.

“My brother will protect him well. ”

Although he vowed not to call Bipaan brother, he did again while comforting her.

After barely confirming Dohwan’s safety at a distance, Ruhae and Kyosul left the Mok Kingdom as soon as Dohwan’s sedan chair returned to the palace.

After the crowning ceremony was over, Dohwan, ㅜ expected, cried wildly in search of his mother. No matter how much the nannies comforted him, he was very stubborn and cried himself to sleep.


Dohwan murmured, looking for his mother in his dream. His clenched fists wiggled. As a child, he even knitted his brows with tears welled in his eyes.

“Damkang…You’re a young hill that resembles me. ”

Bipaan stroked his eyes with his soft fingers. His gaze upon the child was incredibly soft and friendly.

At the same time, his tone was sad, which was quite unlike him,”The reason he gave you a name meaning a hill was probably because…”

Bipaan mumbled. He didn’t finish his words or could not.

He also wrinkled his forehead.

Bipaan turned his head with a bitter expression and rose from his seat. The father, who was watching Dohwan while he was asleep, hardened his expression again.

Returning to the East Palace, Bipaan brought in a liquor table again today. He carelessly threw off his gorgeous red robes, and laid down on the couch, holding a glass of wine.

She left.

He sent her away.

What would he say to Dohwan?

Bipaan had to tell him that his mother was so sick with the illness of the mind that she eventually died and went far away.

How sad would he feel?

Bipaan knew well how close he was to his mother. As he watched from afar the two smiling at each other, he could predict how sad his son would be.

He hoped his son’s sadness would not be an obstacle for his future, and that he would not be sick in bed, longing for his mother.

Bipaan’s head was a mess.

How to deal with his son was more complicated than any political quagmire. He felt he would never find the answer.

In the end, Bipaan threw his wine glass at the wall. Shattered to pieces, the glass stained the walls red.

Darkness fell again, which brought him back to his memories from childhood.


Although the emperor’s order was always abrupt, Bipaan was now quite used to it.

As his order now was so unexpected, Bipaan was embarrassed.

“Your Majesty, are you ordering me to …”

“Yes, I ordered you to visit other countries as the Crown Prince of the Mok Kingdom, not only our vassal states but also other neighboring kingdoms.”

Bipaan burst into feigned smile.

Visiting other countries?

Bipaan was only thirteen this year. Although he grew big, he was not yet an adult. He finished training as the Crown Prince, but it was early for him to deal with foreign affairs. Of course, he was already involved in state affairs by attending the cabinet meetings in Daejeon, but his exercise of influence in the Mok Kingdom was different from that in other countries. If something went awry, it would inflict serious damage to the honor of the Mok Kingdom.

“I will follow your order, Your Majesty.”

He accepted the emperor’s order without any objection. There were 13 princess in the Mok Kingdom, Bipaan was the heir to the emperor. He learned to live as the ‘Crown Prince’ from the time he began to read books by himself. He only learned how to live as the ‘Crown Prince’ to become the emperor. He was thoroughly educated and raised to become the ‘Crown Prince.’

Although he was embarrassed by the emperor’s unexpected order, he didn’t think his order was unreasonable. Ohyulje didn’t have him accompanied by any particular delegation. Bipaan left with only one bodyguard, who was supposed to shadow him secretly.

Three years passed after he left to tour abroad. As he visited most of the countries, he could return to his homeland in three years as soon as was done visiting a few more kingdoms.

In fact, he wasn’t really eager to return home. Be it his motherland or a foreign country, Bipaan always wore the mask of ‘Crown Prince’. Where he went, he acted like he did in his motherland, and he received the same treatment he enjoyed back home.

Finally, he arrived in the Hwa Kingdom.

The Hwa Kingdom was a small country growing in strength little by little. The most famous story about the country he heard was about its royal atmosphere. Its royal family members mingled so well with each other that rumors about them spread to other countries. Though there were numerous princes, there was no dispute among them, and there was only one princess.

Bipaan could not understand all these rumors because he grew up under the impression that his brothers were an enemy sharing the same blood. So, he wanted to visit the Hwa Kingdom and confirm these rumors for himself.

The Hwa Kingdom held a grand welcoming ceremony for him. Of course, it was not comparable to the banquet for the emperor’s concubine in the Mok Kingdom. He maintained a lack of expression during the ceremony, and when the ceremony was over, he was escorted to a VIP palace.

As it was a VIP palace dedicated to foreign guests, it was decorated magnificently, but in his eyes, it looked plain, but he liked it. While lying on the bed, he thought the VIP palace was luxurious by the standards of the Hwa Kingdom, but it was not in his eyes.

‘How many days will I stay here?’

Bipaan always thought about it on the first day of his arrival. He made the final schedule, based on his first impression of the actions of the royal family members at the banquet. He recalled King Jung’s face, who greeted him gladly with a smile, despite his indifferent attitude.

“Can I stay here for a couple of months?”

Anyway, he had unlimited free time. His father might wish he could come back later.

So, he momentarily thought he might want to idle away comfortably in the Hwa Kingdom where royal members were so kindly and harmonious.

“But I don’t think I will get any benefit if I stayed longer.”

Clearly, there seemed to be nothing that could help him to become the emperor.

“Let me stay here for a few days.”

Although he had free time and many of the political figures in the Mok Kingdom would not welcome his return, he thought he shouldn’t waste time. It was his conclusion. He was a person who led a life based on careful political calculations.

As he was the Crown Prince of the great empire, he couldn’t get access to the cabinet meetings of the Hwa Kingdom. Other than that, there were no restrictions on his movement. Bipaan spent most of the time meeting with King Jong.

One day, Bipaan went to the back garden for a walk. It was too small, compared to that in his fatherland, but it was a good place for relaxation because there was nothing artificial about it, unlike the one in the Mok Kingdom.

“Who is there?”

While he was enjoying the cool air in the back garden, with his eyes closed, he heard a young girl’s voice. When he turned his head, a little girl was looking at him. As she was dressed in a blue skirt, she looked like a young court lady.

“Don’t you know that when you ask somebody, it’s the etiquette to identify yourself first?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I am…”

Bowing to him, the girl was about to say, but she tilted her head and said, “Well, no! I can’t tell you. I should not say it.”

She shut her mouth and shook her head from side to side.

He turned his head and said, “Then, I can’t I tell you, either.”

“Well, it doesn’t matter. I just asked you because I’ve never seen you before. I was bored up to now. Can you please play with me? ”


But the girl pulled his hands blindly. As she was weak, he could pull away his hands, but he didn’t for some reason. He wasn’t sure if it was because he felt attracted to her face as a young girl or her innocent smile.

Come to think of it, it was already spring.

The fragrance of spring drifted into his hardened heart and stirred his heart. That little girl was behind all this stirring. Her smile fluttering like a butterfly was more beautiful than any spring flowers. Her fluffy skirt surrounded her in abundant soft folds of fabric.

Led by her small white hands, Bipaan wandered the palace without knowing how much time passed.

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