Futile Love

Chapter 74

Chapter 74: Chapter 74

Oran held his hand and sat down at the next table. Dukwol bowed his head to Kyosul and Bipaan several times before heading to the table.

Though Dukwol had a gentle impression, Kyosul felt uncomfortable around him. Perhaps she felt that way because of the sharp glittering of his dark eyes.

While staring at the next table for a moment, she pulled on Bipaan’s collar and said, “Well, isn’t Prince Dukwol older than Your Majesty?”

Bipaan turned his head to her for a moment, turned it back and closed his eyes as if he felt her question was ridiculous. She noticed that his eyelashes were long and he looked like a cold statue. She thought he would ignore her, so she turned her head forward towards the table, but then, he spoke, “The only thing important in the palace is one’s birth and position. I am the Crown Prince, born to the Queen and the Emperor, but Dukwol is the son of Concubine Su. Even though Dukwol is older than me, he should respect me by all means.”

At that moment, a large trumpet announced the beginning of the banquet.

Ohyulje and the Queen rose from their seats, followed by First Concubine Ye and Second Concubine Su. When all of them stood up, a little trumpet sounded and prompted all the guests at the four tiers of the banquet hall to rise from their seats, turned around, and look at the highest tier where the Emperor and the Queen were seated.

All of them bowed to them and cheered loudly, “Long Live the Emperor! We’re honored to see you.”

As soon as they stood up, they bowed to the emperor couple once again and shouted, “Long Live the Queen. We’re honored to see you!”

Then, they offered greetings for the third time, “Long Live Concubine Su! Please accept our congratulations on your birthday from the bottom of our hearts. We wish you every blessing.”

When all of them were done greeting Concbuine Su, Ohylje raised his right hand.

“Thanks all for coming to celebrate my concubine’s birthday today. Have a great time at this banquet that I arranged for her.”

Concluding his short introduction, Ohyulje folded his hands behind his back. Though Kyosul thought her act might seem discourteous, she looked at them closely. It was a golden chance for her to observe them at a proper distance.

Though he was old, Emperor Ohyulje was big and stout, with a white beard down to his chest. The Queen, who Kyosul heard was older than the emperor, looked much younger than him, smiling often. She prettied herself up more than anyone else here. As the summer was not yet over, she put a short, white fur shawl around her neck. Upon a closer look, however, it was not a fur shawl but her pet weasel, which was white and long.

On Ohyulje’s left was Concubine Su standing with a big smile, dressed in orange and yellow. While the Queen wore ornaments made mainly of jade and unusually colored gemstones, Concubine Su wore more subdued jewelry. As the jewels reflected the sun, her big wig gleamed white. As she was the heroine of today’s banquet, her dress stood out, and it seemed too much for the middle-aged concubine.

Finally, Kyosul noticed a woman standing next to Concubine Su, looking at her with a gentle smile. Her eyes trembled at Concubine Ye. Her attire was more elegant than graceful. She heard from the court ladies that she was most favored by the emperor at the moment.

Kyosul seemed to know why she enjoyed the emperor’s favor more than younger concubines even though she was a middle-aged woman. Kyosul couldn’t take her eyes off Concubine Ye. It was not just because of her stunning beauty, but because she was Prince Ruhae’s biological mother.

Now that Ohyulje was seated, Kyosul also took a seat and looked at the next table. Yomin was still alone at the third table. Even when the banquet began Ruhae seemed not to think of attending the party.

“Crown Princess!” When Bipaan called her, she looked back at him in astonishment.

Bipaan looked at her and said, “If you’re worried that Prince Yomin is sitting alone there, you can go to her table.”

“Oh no, Your Majesty! I’m fine.”

She vowed she would show proper manners here, but she was rebuked again. Besides, she was caught checking out where Yomin was seated. She blushed because she was afraid Bipaan might have noticed the real reason for her looking there.

Kyosul blushed and looked down.

The courtyard was paved with large rocks, and dancers in beautiful costumes entered. However, Kyosul was full of other thoughts while she was looking at the beautiful and gorgeous dancers.

Bipaan certainly knew that the reason why Kyosul kept looking to the left was not because she was worried about Yomin. Nevertheless, his indirect asking while pretending not to know troubled her mind more than his direct asking. It was far scarier.

After the dancing was over, there ensued various talent shows as well as the officials offering gifts, but Kyosul couldn’t concentrate. Though she was served a sumptuous feast, she nibbled at it just several times. It wasn’t until after sunset that the banquet was over. The royal families seated on the first and second tiers rose first.

Leaving the banquet, Kyosul was about to head for the East Palace when Bipaan grabbed her wrist.

“As the external banquet has ended, only the royal family members will gather together for dinner.” She blushed again, remembering her nanny’s reminder that morning, and followed Bipaan. In fact, her nanny had said the same thing in the morning.

Led by the Emperor, the royal family members left the banquet hall for a place that looked like a back garden north of the Central Palace. It was called “Hwangyonru.” It was a banquet hall where only the royal family members could enter. A large wooden building with only one wall stood in the center. Inside and around it was decorated like a back garden, which looked like a pavilion.

In Hwangyonru, Ohyulje sat on a cushioned mat on the highest tier, while all the other royal families were seated on small mats in a circle. The royal family members who could hang out together informally were the Emperor, the Queen, the two concubines, the four princes, and their wives. When everyone sat down, the court ladies put down the individual tables and stepped back with their heads lowered.

“I’m so glad as everybody is here.”

“We’re happy, too, Your Majesty!”

When the royal family spoke in unison, Ohyulje frowned and shook his head, .

“As this is a private place, you can speak to each other comfortably. It is still too early to have dinner, so just build up more closeness among each other and speak freely.”

Then, he stopped talking to the room and chatted with the Queen and his two concubines merrily. Soon the palace geisha and the dancers of the Imperial Palace came out and danced with musical instruments on the vacant stage at the front of Hwangyonru making only a little noise, so that they would not interfere with the royal family members talking to each other.

Bipaan began drinking alcohol at the table silently. As Bipaan sat between Kyosul and Kyoyoung, they couldn’t talk comfortably. Even the concubines with their concubine number were denied access to this place, including Sassi, who Kyosul knew well.

While she sat awkwardly, she saw Mu rising from his seat. He quickly ran away from Dukwol and Oran. His parents tried in vain to stop him as he approached Queen Taeryeong.

“Grandma Queen!”

Just like he did to Kyosul, Moo acted cute, holding her skirt, but she grinned at the naughty boy as if he was so cute.

“Oh, that’s great, Mu!”

“Grandma Queen! Please give me Paekye, your pet weasel. I’m so bored, so I would like to play with him.”

“It looks like the banquet was pretty boring for my little grandson. Got it. Let me hand Paekye to you, so play with him softly.”

“Yes, grandma!”

She stroked his head. He lifted his hands in excitement as she handed the white weasel from his place around her neck to Mu. The weasel’s name meant ‘white lion.’

After receiving him from the Queen, Mu stroked his head softly with a happy smile.

“Grandma Queen, can I play with Paekye in the back garden? I promise I won’t lose him. I’m going to play with him within your sight here. So, please grant my request!”

As Mu grasped her hand and insisted so strongly, the Queen reluctantly nodded.

Nodding quickly, Mu took Paekye to a place not far from the pavilion.

With a satisfied smile at Mu’s cuteness, Ohyulje looked around and hardened his face. As if she sensed his rigid attitude, the Queen turned her head at him. He stopped smiling immediately, and he was now flushed with anger.

“By the way, where is Ruhae now?”

Only now did he realize that Ruhae didn’t attend today’s banquet.

Hwangyonru became quiet at his asking about Ruhae’s whereabouts. As if they sensed a different atmosphere, the girls playing musical instruments stopped playing, and the dancers squatted with their heads lowered.

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