Futile Love

Chapter 99

Chapter 99: Chapter 99

When Ruhae saw her body wet in the bath, when he dried her off as she slept and changed her clothes for her, he restrained himself from making any sexual move.

But what she just said to him was very tempting.

If he walked toward her bed, he couldn’t guarantee he could hold back his lust.

Not caring about his feelings at the moment, she pulled him to her side.

While she spent several nights alone in the villa, waiting for him, she was vowing to sleep with him, as if she regarded today as her belated wedding night.

“Don’t you think I have already become your woman?”

When she asked with innocent eyes, he chopped off the straps that had been binding him.

He jumped into her bed. Several layers of cloth were thrown down the bed.

Although they enjoyed foreplay in the hot bath, their passions burned again easily after a little rest.

She felt something cool touched her skin. The tip of her tongue was touched. Her lower lip touched the wet path. He gently bit the tender skin behind her lips then kissed deeply.

“Haaah… . ”

Her moans made him more excited. He caressed her body gently with his fingertips. As if he wanted to remember her body with his fingertips, he touched her whole body from head to feet. She was caught in exhilarating tension. Depending on the parts of her body he touched, the muscles in her body were tense and relaxed alternately.

He touched her body with his fingertips for a while. His eyes also moved along his fingertips. He tried to have every movement of her small muscles captured in his eyes.

“You’re wonderful and beautiful.”

He barely whispered amid his surging sexual passion.

Her fragile body was sensitive to his touch. Although she felt such a pleasure for the first time, she didn’t refuse it. Instead, she was highly receptive to it. As dry cardboard absorbed water, her heart was wide open, so he could enter it freely.

“Kyosul!” he called her name.

He called numerous names around him so far, but his calling her name was special.

It was only her name, but she could immediately sense his motivation as he looked at her now, his strange voice for the first time, his warmth as he stopped touching her body, and his jubilant face.

As if she was ready to accept his every move now, she closed her eyes.

She extended her hands to him as if she was drawn into his chest.

He folded fingers with hers tightly then he came close to her.

Then he climbed over her body and slowly covered her slender body with his stout body.

She felt good even when his heavy body covered her.

Their skin touched freely without any barrier.

They felt each other’s skin and conveyed their warmth.

One of them felt warm while the other felt cool, with each of their body parts touching together such as hands on hands, chest on chest, belly on belly and legs on legs.

Then his body moved little by little. He embraced her as if he wrapped her with his whole body and touched her face. His fingers touched her cheeks and moved to the corners of her mouth.

When his fingers touched her lips, she gave her lips instead of fingers.

They kissed a lot so far. And they caressed each other in the bath last night.

They touched each other with deep love, but they felt completely different now, as they were in a different place and became more relaxed than before.

Lying side by side on the bed they kissed and touched. Thanks to the bed that supported their bodies comfortably, they were quickly aroused physically.

“Ah, Kyosul!”

He called her name, with his face buried in her neck.

He vented out his pent-up desire by calling her name.

She curled her shoulders with tension. She felt his hot breath around the neck.

Suddenly she had goosebumps, but she felt good about it.

He carefully asked when she was very sensitive to his physical contact.

“Are you scared?”

She shook her head from side to side instead of answering.

She couldn’t bring herself to say anything. She found it hard to sustain her body. All she could do was express her feelings by moving her head slowly.

All her senses had been heated up and sensitized when she enjoyed foreplay with him.

And she wanted to be hugged by him with all her heart.

It was the first time she had sex with a man.

She was shy and nervous, but she didn’t hate it.

Her only concern at the moment was how she looked to him.

She wished she looked pretty to him.

She wanted to look more beautiful to him than any other woman in the world.

She put her arms around his neck because just nodding at him was not enough.

She gently pulled him to her.

His face was buried in her chest. The scent of her body was sweet.

The strange scent from her chest made his heart beat fast. He pulled her waist and opened his mouth.

That was the start.

He never stopped and she could not stop for a moment.

He knew how to control his touch. Not too fast or slow, but never roughly.

She began to feel relaxed and loosen up when he touched her body with his fingertips. She felt a strange sensation she had never felt.

Her body responded frankly to the strange touches of his body and new sensation.

“Ah… Huuut… ”

Faint moaning came out from her mouth, which she did not want.

Even before she was surprised at her own moaning, she groaned with pleasure again.

He was gasping for breath now. But he was not in a hurry, watching her reaction.

He didn’t have to say anything.

Her eyes, facial expression and trembling were enough.

He hugged her more tightly.

For this moment, they were alone in the world.

She only looked into his eyes. She moved her body along his gestures and enjoyed his expressions. She listened closely to his voice and the fast pace of his breathing, not missing even his slightest moaning.

And they became one in body and soul.

Her eyes were now opened wide. Looking down at her surprised face, he caressed her cheeks with his fingers.

“Does it hurt?”

“Please don’t ask. ”

As if she was ashamed, she buried her face in his shoulders.

He wrapped her small figure and caressed it gently.

“I feel so good.”

Although she hugged him, she wanted to hug more tightly.

“You’re beautiful, and I feel so good. I hope you are as happy as I feel,” he said.

“I’m happy, too,” she shyly confessed.

They folded their fingers together. Their joined hands grew moist.

His breathing was mixed with her coquettish moaning. She trembled gently.

As if he couldn’t hold it any more, he moaned. He tightened his grip on her body. Though she buried her face in his neck, he did not stop moving.

Suddenly, sweat dropped from his body.

He slowed down now, but her reaction was even more sensitive and vigorous.

As if she couldn’t stand it any more, she twisted her body, moaning.

He lowered his body while kissing her shoulders, forearms, and waist.

After they had sex like that, she became a woman before him, while he came a man before her. She was the only woman that made him feel like a man.

The air surrounding her bed was hot and strange, mixed with their sweat, body odour as well as other scents. Just breathing in the air itself made them excited easily.

They lay on the bed side by side. He wrapped her in his arms and she curled against him as if she was exhausted. He didn’t take his body off from hers for a moment.

Her body wiggled sometimes. Whenever she did, he caressed her body.

“I wish time stopped forever,” he whispered.

She didn’t answer, but he knew she was listening.

He continued to whisper, “If we were in a time zone that only allowed us to move, I could stay here with you like this for a long, long time. ”

Of course, that was wishful thinking.

His words were sweet, but she was heartbroken at that.

“You have to go back, right?” she asked, without hiding her feelings.

She dared to point out the weakness of his wishful thinking, but they could share their agony like that.

He came up with a strange reply to her question.

“Shall we run away?”

“Run away?” she asked, as if she were scared.

Although they loved each other, they married their current partners by the Emperor’s order. In some respects they were mired in the twist of fate, which broke their hearts.

Nonetheless, they couldn’t avoid each other.

He tightened his grip on her hands as if he was rebelling against the cruel situation they faced.

“I can throw everything away if I can be with you. My life in the palace, my position as the prince and my affluent life with a good house, nice food and clothes are meaningless to me without you.”

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