Future Live Broadcast: Gao Leng School Flower Calls Me Husband?

Chapter 18

Chapter 18: Is That The End Of The Matter?

Low-key, relativistic.

Sometimes, no matter how low-key you are, in the eyes of others, it is high-profile.

Ye Xuan didn’t want to do the high-profile thing of pursuing school flowers, because according to his personality, he was not qualified to pursue school flowers.

However, if the school spends the initiative to pay him as a fake boyfriend, then as a low-key ordinary person, he naturally has no reason to refuse.

So, when Ye Xuan returned to his class, the boys and girls in the class looked at him with an envy on their faces.

“ Ye Xuan——!!!”

“You’re too awesome, I didn’t expect that in the future, you would have been recognized by Colonel Xia’s father.”

“This time I was called to the Xia family, then the Xia family master didn’t embarrass you, right?”

“Nonsense, he will definitely not be embarrassed Ye Xuan, you know, Ye Xuan will do something for the Xia family in the future, which is related to the survival of the Xia family.”

“At least until he knows what he wants Ye Xuan to do in the future, he certainly won’t embarrass Ye Xuan.”

“To be honest, I thought that this time, when Ye Xuan was called to Xia’s house, he would definitely be warned by Xia Yushi’s father to stay away from Xia Yushi.”



At this moment, many boys surrounded Ye Xuan.

Everyone was looking at him with envious eyes, and they all kept talking.

And the girls looked at Ye Xuan at this time, and the gaze was different from before.

“Look closely, Ye Xuan is actually quite handsome, I haven’t noticed it before.”

“yes, he’s usually too low-key.”


“Unfortunately, he is now the boyfriend of the school flower.”


Although Xia Yushi paid Ye Xuan to be a fake boyfriend, in fact, in the eyes of outsiders, the relationship between Ye Xuan and Xia Yushi has long been a fact.

Therefore, even if Ye Xuan did not announce, everyone has already tacitly accepted that Ye Xuan and Xia Yushi are a pair.

Ye Xuan and Xia Yushi were originally secretly dating boyfriend and girlfriend, and this matter has long been spread in the school.

On the other side, Xia Yushi was in a slightly lighter mood and entered her classroom.

If it was before, she would indeed be embarrassed, but now, she is already in a titular boyfriend and girlfriend relationship with Ye Xuan.

These people want to say whatever they say, anyway, they have agreed with Ye Xuan.

“Xia Yushi, you seem to be very happy.”

After Xia Yushi sat back in her place, her tablemate said to her:

“Hee hee, did your dad agree to your relationship with Ye Xuan when you went back this time? You two won’t have to hide your relationship in the future? ”

“Hmm… Oh, yes. ”

Xia Yushi nodded and said with a smile:

“That’s right, Ye Xuan and I are dating, and we have been in secret for a long time.

I just decided to disclose it to you today. ”


Hearing Xia Yushi’s words, many people who originally thought of beating her up and making fun of her couldn’t help but be stunned.

Xia Yushi had obviously been denying her relationship with Ye Xuan before.

Unexpectedly, after returning home, she actually admitted it calmly.

Suddenly, everyone fried.

“Xia Yushi, you and Ye Xuan are actually dating.”

“God, I can’t believe it, what the hell do you like about that Ye Xuan?”

“I heard that he is only quadruple, and he is too far from you.”

“I like Ye Xuan a lot, I’ll tell you later.”

Facing everyone’s surprised expressions, Xia Yushi said proudly.

Hmph, let you talk nonsense about me before, and now I admit that it is true, it scares you——!

Xia Yushi personally admitted to dating Ye Xuan, and soon spread throughout the school.

However, this news is nothing to shock.

After all, everyone has seen the future picture, and the relationship between Ye Xuan and Xia Yushi has long been a certainty, and now the significance of her personal admission does not seem to be very great.

However, after Xia Yushi personally admitted the fact of her relationship with Ye Xuan, the heat of this matter began to decline.

After all, people are like this, they like gossip, and when gossip becomes true, everyone is not interested.

Although the fact that Xia Yushi is dating Ye Xuan still makes many people unacceptable, no one will care about the mood of those people.

On the other side, Xia Yushi’s girlfriend Luo Bing was taken aback.

She hurriedly sent a message to Xia Yushi:

“I heard that you yourself admitted that you were really dating Ye Xuan, well, you really lied to me just now.”

Seeing the message sent by Luo Bing, Xia Yushi hurriedly replied:

“You misunderstood, I didn’t have a relationship with him, but we thought that we would have that kind of relationship in the future anyway, so let’s show people as a fake couple for the time being, and then if we really have feelings in the future, then turn it into real.”

“So it is.”

Seeing Xia Yushi’s explanation, Luo Bing thought for a while, and then replied:

“This decision is very good, now the world knows that you are about to be climbed into bed by him, if you are not a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship with him, it will make people feel very incredible, the heat of the topic cannot be reduced, rumors are spreading, gossip is flying, but if you take the initiative to admit that you are dating, then what you do is a very normal thing, then not many people will care.”


Xia Yushi proudly replied:

“That’s the idea I came up with.”

“But then again.”

Luo Bing sent another message and asked:

“You and him are now a fake couple, so according to the future picture, won’t the two of you soon get together and become a real couple?”


Xia Yushi’s face turned red all of a sudden:

“Don’t talk nonsense, I don’t like him at all right now.

This guy, you don’t know how bad he is, I asked him to chase me, and told him that he had a good chance.

But he said that he didn’t know how to chase girls, and refused, you dare to believe it. ”


Luo Bing sent a message:

“If he chases you like others, then maybe he won’t have a chance, after all, there are so many people chasing you, not inferior to him, if he doesn’t chase you, then his impression in your heart must be deeper than others.”

“Yes, I am more impressed than others.”

Xia Yushi replied:

“It’s just not a good impression… Until now, I still don’t understand where I like him in the future. ”

“The relationship between you and him is also too interesting.”

Luo Bing said:

“Others have a process first and then a result, you are good, obviously you don’t know each other, but you first know the result that you will be with each other.”

Is this a marriage destiny?

Heaven has destined you to be together, and you may be very happy in the future. ”

“Such a marriage is predetermined, I don’t want it.”

Xia Yushi is helpless:

“You don’t know, how embarrassed I was before, obviously I don’t know him, but watching me and him scatter dog food in the future, I am stupid.”

In particular, in the future picture, he was hugged and kissed by Ye Xuan, and he was learning to bark as a dog…

That scene, now that I think about it, I am embarrassed to death, and my heart is about to pop out.

“Well, now that the matter is settled, wait until you call your boyfriend over and let me get acquainted.”

Luo Bing said:

“I also want to see why he can bully you to death in the future.”



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