Future Live Broadcast: Gao Leng School Flower Calls Me Husband?

Chapter 239

Chapter 239 What Is This Strange Second Thought?

“Hahaha, you say, then Ye Xuan, if he knows that Liu Manman is Ma Linger, who was rejected by him before, will he be very embarrassed?”

“I must be so embarrassed that I want to go underground.”

However, Ye Xuan may not confess to Ma Linger. 35

“Haha, naturally he won’t confess to Ma Linger, but he will confess to Liu Manman.”

“If it were me, such a beautiful beauty, always overtly and secretly showing favor to herself, then I would definitely not be able to help but want to pursue each other.”

“Ye Xuan must be embarrassed now.”

I have to say that at the beginning, Ma Linger’s plan really made many people feel strange, and even feel bloody.

However, Ma Linger is a beauty after all, and after feeling embarrassed by Ma Linger’s plan exposure, many people began to react.

Now it’s not Ma Linger who is embarrassed, but Ye Xuan.

After all, in this future live broadcast, Ye Xuan is the object of Ma Linger’s plan.

And obviously, Ye Xuan will definitely be fooled——!!!

To be honest, she is a normal person, and she can’t resist Ma Linger’s beauty, not to mention, she also took the initiative to show favor.

Under the onlookers of the world, the future live broadcast will continue.


Early in the morning, the boys and girls in the school walked one after another on the way to the school.


“You’re early.” 853


Familiar people are greeting each other, and unfamiliar people are also looking at the beautiful and handsome guys around them, quietly and happily talking. 】


“Uh… 35

At this moment, everyone watching the future live broadcast couldn’t help but be speechless for a while.

Because, at this moment, they found that they not only saw the picture of the future live broadcast, but also heard the narration of the future live broadcast.


This future live broadcast is getting more and more skinny, and it actually comes with its own narration.

However, hearing the voice of the narration made people all over the world feel that the future live broadcast was more interesting.

And, more importantly, if there is narration, then more future information will be exposed in the future live broadcast.

Even if the future live broadcast is true or false remains to be discussed, this time is true, the next time may not be true, but after all, it is the future live broadcast.

The more this future information is exposed, the more interesting it will surely be to most people.

“Good morning, Ye Xuan——!

At this time, a clear call sounded behind Ye Xuan.

The moment this voice sounded, the eyes of many people around were attracted by the owner of the voice.

“Sleeping, so beautiful.” 9

“Who is this girl?”


“It’s so beautiful.

Walking on the road, you can attract the admiring eyes of everyone around, this must be a rare beauty.

And the person who greeted was Ma Linger.

At this moment, she greeted the amazing eyes of everyone around her, with a confident smile on her face, and walked towards Ye Xuan step by step.

She believes that her current self, after carefully dressing, will definitely make Ye Xuan’s eyes shine.

If you have more contact with Ye Xuan, he will definitely want to find himself to confess. 】


Hearing the narration and explaining her heart, Ma Linger was suddenly embarrassed.

Even if she is a beauty now, such narcissistic thoughts are directly exposed, which makes her a little uncovered.

However, she knew that her future self would succeed.

Therefore, after the embarrassment, she also showed a confident smile.

As long as Ye Xuan confesses to himself, it is not himself who is embarrassed, but him.

“Morning, Liu Manman.

On the way to school, he was suddenly greeted by someone, Ye Xuan turned around and saw the beautiful woman in front of him, he really couldn’t help but brighten his eyes.

Today’s Ma Linger is wearing a different dress from before, less rich, more beautiful, and moving.


Ma Linger came to Ye Xuan, turned around, and let the skirt swirl up, and then said to Ye Xuan:

“Am I not beautiful today?!”

“…… Pretty. ”

Hearing Ma Linger’s words, Ye Xuan was stunned for a moment, and then praised sincerely.

If (aefh) was usual, he would definitely want to say two more words to this beauty, but now, he still has something to do.

His girlfriend Yun Zhaoyu hasn’t come to school for so many days.

He originally thought that Yun Zhaoyu could persuade her family so that she could be with him, but now it seems that her family is still somewhat ignorant.



Looking at the future live broadcast, everyone couldn’t help but be dumbfounded.

They were all waiting for Ye Xuan to confess to Ma Linger, and then be embarrassed after knowing the truth, but now, the narrator actually said that Ye Xuan had a girlfriend?!

Sleeping, in this way, wouldn’t Ma Linger be too embarrassed?!

And in Ye Xuan’s classroom, Ma Linger watched the future live broadcast, and her expression that was still confident suddenly became strange.

No, no, Yun Zhaoyu is really Ye Xuan’s girlfriend?!

Hmph, even if she is really Ye Xuan’s girlfriend, it is impossible for her to be with Ye Xuan.

Not everyone’s parents are as enlightened as her parents, and the family lineage gap is too large, and Yun Zhaoyu’s parents will not agree to her being Ye Xuan’s girlfriend.

Then again, Ye Xuan’s heart is a little too self-righteous.

Yun Zhaoyu’s parents didn’t let her come over, and he actually said that others didn’t know how to lift up, haha.

“I don’t know how to lift?!!

Looking at the voice of Ye Xuan introduced by the narrator in the future live broadcast, Father Yun and Mica couldn’t help but have a little anger on their faces.

This Ye Xuan, the ability is not big, really not small.

Hmph, originally he and his daughter were not completely without a chance, now, even if he really has the ability to be worthy of his daughter, he will not let her daughter be with him.


Seeing that Ye Xuan seemed to have something on his mind, Ma Linger asked him:

“Student Ye Xuan, what are you thinking?”

Hmph, still losing my mind like this in front of this big beauty, it must be YY something happened to me and him.

Yunma Ling’er thought in her heart.



Ma Linger is embarrassed, can you stop narrating my heart, how can I behave like this.

More importantly, Ye Xuan didn’t think like this in his heart, which made him even more embarrassed.


Ye Xuan said, “By the way, I…

He was about to say something, but, just then——!!

Ye Xuan’s expression couldn’t help but change suddenly.

Because, he felt that in the distance, there was a dangerous aura that locked this side and locked on Ma Linger.

It’s a sniper rifle——!]


Hearing the narration broadcast Ye Xuan’s heart, the whole world couldn’t help but look at the black question mark.

What’s that?!

Sniper rifle?

There is a sniper rifle locked on to Ma Linger?!

What kind of bizarre second thought is this?!

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