Future Live Broadcast: Gao Leng School Flower Calls Me Husband?

Chapter 243

Chapter 243: Ye Xuan Is Really So Powerful?!!


When she thought of this, Ma Linger naturally couldn’t help but feel proud.

“You care about me, I’m not your employee, I can shoot if I want.” ”

“Hahaha, how is this possible, how impossible to think, this must be a coincidence. 35

“There’s one on this wall, too, shouldn’t it, something penetrated the wall and punched him through.”

And just as Ye Xuan and Ma Linger were going to school together, in a distant building, in a certain room, a waiter pushed the door and came in, preparing to clean the room.

“This guest, please get out, you are not a guest in this room.

When they saw the scene, the police personnel’s eyes widened at the first moment.

Therefore, for Ye Xuan’s part of the future truth, she still does not believe in her heart.

“Not only can he catch bullets empty-handed, but he can also bounce bullets off empty-handed, punch through walls and shoot people.” 99

Even, someone is still holding a mobile phone, filming…

When they saw that video and watched the discussion below, everyone looked at Ye Xuan, and they all began to become shocked.


Ye Xuan suddenly stretched out his hand behind him, which surprised Dema Linger a little.

Although the future live broadcast exposed her, as long as she resolutely refused to admit it, then she really didn’t believe that Ye Xuan could resist her charm now.

This video did not have many people pay attention to at first, but when this video was discovered by the owner of the future live broadcast bar and pinned, it instantly became popular.

However, Ye Xuan looked at Ma Linger’s expression, where did she not know what she was thinking?

“Student Ma Linger, let’s go to school together.”

But, how is this possible——!!!

After all, her goal is to make Ye Xuan fall in love with her again.

“Could it be that Ye Xuan can really catch bullets through his hands?”

In the real world, this can’t happen.

“Ah——!!””! 99

But at this moment, seeing that Ye Xuan didn’t want to talk to her much, she had to follow Ye Xuan obediently.

Normal boys, isn’t it time to seize the opportunity to express your good feelings to yourself?

Yesterday, the future live broadcast almost exposed her, making her so embarrassed that she had no face to see people.

If Ye Xuan doesn’t show her favor, it’s useless for her to think more.



Even the passers-by who came to watch were speculating about the way this killer died, not to mention the police who rushed to come.

“This… Isn’t that the killer? Is this true?!

Soon, many people arrived in this room, and then saw the situation inside.

Because, they all guessed an absolutely impossible possibility——!!!

That is, this person was pierced by a bullet that Ye Xuan bounced back with his finger…

“I don’t believe there is such a thing in this world.”

Of course, she didn’t believe that she could catch a bullet with her bare hands or something.

So, now, please confess to me, Ye Xuan——!

“Sleeping, what’s the situation, why did he die here?”

“ABAJ? Aje….”

Hum one by one!

(The author didn’t run away, just trying to lose weight.) ).

The video on the Internet went viral, and naturally more and more people discussed it, and soon, it began to involve the real world.

Without waiting for the police to react, a video had already begun to circulate on the Internet.


“What would that be?” Shouldn’t it be the bullets of Ye Xuan’s sniper rifle that bounced back?!”

“What for, put the phone away.”

Ye Xuan loses to her, sooner or later.

Won’t it——!!!

Ma Linger looked at Ye Xuan’s eyes, with a bit of water, looking very hooking, but she didn’t say anything.

Fortunately, she relied on death to deny it and forcibly muddled the past, which covered up the truth about her.

“Sleeper ——!!!”

Ye Xuan must have been deliberately teasing her.

“However, in this world, there is still the future of live broadcasting.”

She was secretly depressed in her heart.

A scream resounded throughout the building.

Ma Linger was still waiting for Ye Xuan to say something nice to let herself hear, but Ye Xuan actually did not answer her words and directly said that she was going to school, which made her a little unresponsive.

In the midst of everyone’s discussion, the police also received a report and rushed to the scene in time.

She was slightly startled, and then said:

“Isn’t this person a killer who will appear in the future live broadcast? You see, there’s a bullet hole there——!!! 39

“It’s absolutely impossible, it’s a scam, it must have been a show for us.”

This video is exactly the picture taken by someone before, as soon as I rushed into this room, I saw the killer who appeared in the future live broadcast lying on the ground, and the bullet hole marks in the room were telling everyone the facts that happened in front of their eyes.

Suddenly, she cried out in fright.

“This… This man… Isn’t it the killer who wanted to assassinate Ma Linger in yesterday’s future live broadcast? How could he have died here——!!!”

Speaking of the back, she couldn’t help but laugh.

It’s just that in this room, there are dead people.

Therefore, he just smiled at Ma Linger and said:

“Hate, what are you doing… Gurgle, are you learning the action in that future live broadcast yesterday?!

This is an ordinary-looking man, beside him, there is also a small sniper rifle, he is lying on the ground, his body is still warm, but in his eyes on the ground, there is no more brilliance.

“Probably not, in the future live broadcast, the bullet that Ye Xuan bounced out is not strong enough to penetrate the wall.” ”

No, isn’t his performance just now not obvious?

After all, the situation on the scene, coupled with the fact that the future live broadcast just happened not long ago, is that individuals will think in this direction.

Among the people who rushed here, in addition to the staff, there were some nearby guests, and the scene that happened here was naturally also photographed with a mobile phone.

“Absolutely true, this face, there can’t be a mistake, good fellow, shouldn’t he really want to assassinate Ma Linger today, and then be caught by Ye Xuan, bounce back, and shoot him?”

And the scene that happened in front of her now naturally made her think that Ye Xuan was deliberately posing handsome with her.

And, even if she admitted, Ye Xuan would not be able to resist her charm.

The beautiful woman in front of her is like silk, looking at herself, if it were an ordinary person, I am afraid that she would have long been unable to help but be moved.

Here, the students in Ye Xuan’s class are also strolling around Tieba Jie.

Ye Xuan’s action just now was too fast, if it was not for the fact that Ye Xuan could catch the bullet, I am afraid that no one would know what Ye Xuan did.

“That’s right, in this world, how can it have such a terrifying (Qian Li Hao) power.” “

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