Future Live Broadcast: Gao Leng School Flower Calls Me Husband?

Chapter 28

Chapter 28: School Flower Girlfriends Should Be In Pairs

The future picture continues.

Just when Xia Yushi was held in Ye Xuan’s arms, although she looked aggrieved, she accepted the status quo between her and Ye Xuan.

Suddenly, I saw a figure coming up from downstairs.

That, is also a girlish figure, slender legs, in the sun, shaking a moving light, thin waistline, showing a healthy and powerful curve, her hair, with her movements, dancing in the wind, beautiful posture, with a cold and ruthless face.

What a beautiful girl.

The sudden appearance of this girl made many people who were watching the future live broadcast can’t help but marvel.

“It’s so beautiful.”

“Who is she?”

These are naturally doubts that people who do not know each other will have.

And in the Martial Saint Academy, many people could see at a glance that this figure was Luo Bing.

Her eyes glared at Ye Xuan viciously, and she said:

“Ye Xuan, what exactly were you talking about with Xia Yushi just now, I have nothing to do with you at all.”


As soon as these words came out, suddenly, outside the picture, the whole world made a sound of surprise.

“What? What is the situation here? ”

“This girl is Luo Bing? That Xia Yushi’s girlfriend? She says she’s not related to Ye Xuan? ”

“Could it be that Ye Xuan is lying?”

“No, why is Ye Xuan lying?”

“That’s it, what’s in it for him?”

“Hehe, maybe he deliberately teased Xia Yushi, don’t forget that Ye Xuan can always bully Xia Yushi to the core.”

“…… Perhaps, she is embarrassed to admit it? ”

Many people are puzzled by what happened suddenly.

Some people think that Ye Xuan is talking nonsense, but some people suspect that this beauty named Luo Bing does not want to admit it.

And Luo Bing, seeing herself appear in person in the picture, said this, she finally let go of her heart.

She said to the crowd:

“When you saw it, I said, this must be Ye Xuan’s nonsense, how can I have anything to do with him.”

If she doesn’t know what is going on in the future, and she still has a little confidence in her heart, then now, seeing her future self suddenly appear, she personally refuted what Ye Xuan said.

Then, she can finally say it with confidence and boldness.

For his own style, Xia Yushi is still very clear.

If he really did something sorry for Xia Yushi, how could he deny it at this time?

“Sure enough.”

“So, what’s the situation now?”

“Is it the future Ye Xuan who is talking nonsense? Did he cheat or not? ”

“Who knows.”

“Just look at Ye Xuan’s current appearance, he is a thief with a weak heart, and he must have cheated on him.”


Everyone turned their eyes to Ye Xuan, and several girls said.

“The object of his cheating, even if it is not Luo Bing, must be someone else, but she actually vilely said that it was Luo Bing, which was too much.”

“It must be because he also has bad thoughts about Luo Bing in his heart.”

“Well, that’s right, Luo Bing, you have to be careful, this person has bad intentions for you.”

A girl reminded Luo Bing.

And Luo Bing also seemed to be afraid of pregnancy, and distanced himself from Ye Xuan.

At the same time, she also threw Ye Xuan a disdainful glance.

And Ye Xuan, at the moment, is very unconfident in his character, naturally he is not sure what the future will be.

The condemnation and contempt of the girls around him, he had to suffer first.

Right at this moment——!

In the future live broadcast screen, I saw Ye Xuan suddenly stretch out his hand and take Luo Bing into his arms.

“Hey, what are you doing, let me go——!!!”

Luo Bing, who was glaring at Ye Xuan, suddenly panicked, and she struggled to shout to Ye Xuan.

“What, do you still want to hide it from your best friend?”

Ye Xuan said to Luo Bing:

“What happened to us is to let her know sooner or later, I said, I will not give up on you.”

“You, bastard, didn’t say yes… Shouldn’t last night’s incident have happened?!! ”

Luo Bing suddenly cried out with a bit of crying:

“If you are like this, how can I still face Yushi——!!!


Seeing Ye Xuan actually holding herself with one hand and holding Luo Bing into her arms with the other, Xia Yushi couldn’t help but be stunned.

Immediately, she asked curiously:

“You two, in the end… What’s going on? ”

“Actually, it’s nothing.”

Ye Xuan said:

“Because of the accident, I have a relationship with her, she wants me to hide it from you and treat last night’s incident as if it didn’t happen, but how can I let her eat and wipe it and not admit it, I am determined to let her be responsible for me, that’s it.”

“You… Hate, obviously you took advantage of her, hum, you see you bullied Luo Bing and cried. ”

Xia Yushi glared at Ye Xuan, and then, reaching out to wipe Luo Bing’s tears, said to her:

“Luo Bing, it’s okay, I won’t be angry with you, a good man is to share with a good sister, this mean man, you can play how you want, don’t cry.”

“…… Uh…”

Ye Xuan was speechless.

[This future scene is over, so stay tuned for the next live broadcast.] 】

With that mysterious voice, the future live broadcast ended.

Beyond the picture, however, the world was shocked.


“Why did I suddenly accept such a large amount of information at this moment.”

“I didn’t know how to spit all of a sudden.”

“So, the truth is that Luo Bing had a relationship with Ye Xuan because of an accident, and she originally wanted to treat this as if it didn’t happen, but Ye Xuan didn’t want to let her go, he wanted to hug left and right.”

“And although Xia Yushi is jealous, after listening to Ye Xuan’s explanation, she is not angry with Luo Bing, but is deliberately letting Luo Bing accept the status quo?”

“Special, this Ye Xuan, it’s too enviable.”

“I want to hit someone——!!!”

People all over the world expressed envy and strong dissatisfaction with the sudden plot turn.

There are even people who want to hit someone.

It is clearly said that the breakup plot is good, and the result is dog food again, moreover, this time the dog food is still doubled dog food.

Ye Xuan, this guy, actually managed to hug left and right, and took all the school flower girlfriends into his arms?!

At this moment, the person who was most shocked was undoubtedly everyone in the Martial Saint Academy.

After all, Luo Bing is the school flower of the Martial Saint Academy, a genius girl, an ice beauty, such a person, would actually have an accident with Ye Xuan and have a relationship?

More importantly, looking at her appearance, although her mouth said that she wanted to hide Xia Yushi and treat what happened as if it had not happened, she did not resist much in front of Ye Xuan.

If she didn’t really like Ye Xuan, how could she let Ye Xuan hold her and Xia Yushi in her arms?

Sleeping, Ye Xuan not only has Xia Yushi, a school flower girlfriend in the future, but also has a girlfriend in pairs?!!

Two school flowers——!!!


How did he do it?!!

However, everyone was shocked, and at this moment, Luo Bing herself was blushing, an expression she had never had before.

Looking at the scene of herself being held into Ye Xuan’s arms and comforted by Xia Yushi in the picture, her original cold and emotionless beautiful face was hung with unprecedented embarrassment.

Just now she also said that she is dead, and it is impossible to have anything to do with Ye Xuan, it must be Ye Xuan’s nonsense.

This is good…

Slapped in the face.

I feel that my face hurts so much.


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