Future Live Broadcast: Gao Leng School Flower Calls Me Husband?

Chapter 91

Chapter 91: Martial Emperor Instinct Shocked The World

At this moment, the current Ye Xuan and Xu Luo are confronting.

In the future picture, the future Ye Xuan and Dongfang Weiming, who possessed Xu Luo, are also confronting.

Looking at everyone, Ye Xuan is desperate enough.

However, Dongfang Weiming is a legendary emperor.

This time, even if Ye Xuan has great skills, I am afraid that he will not be able to fight anymore.

I saw that in the future picture, Dongfang Weiming said anything to let Ye Xuan do it.

Ye Xuan looked at Xu Luo, who was in a possessed state in front of him, and naturally understood that today he was going to show his hand no matter what.

Holding the long sword in his hand and looking at the emperor in front of him, Ye Xuan was helpless:

“Why bother… Why…… If you want to force me to make a move, I didn’t intend to provoke anyone… Hey…”

While speaking, he saw that Ye Xuan was windless and automatic.

His hair was also shaking gently, and his gaze turned to Xu Luo (Dongfang Weiming), and Ye Xuan’s expression instantly became fierce.

The next moment, I saw Ye Xuan’s figure shaking, and he had already appeared in front of Xu Luo.

A sword, stabbing out.

“Hehe, to the old man, you still use such an ordinary sword, you don’t put the old man in your eyes at all.” 99

Facing Ye Xuan’s sword, Dongfang Weiming sneered:

“Is it no longer able to use Sword Eight?

That’s right, after all, your cultivation is too shallow——!!!”

Just when the east was not clear and proud, he suddenly ——!!!

Dongfang Weiming’s expression changed abruptly, he wanted to avoid Ye Xuan’s sword, however, it was too late.

I saw Ye Xuan stab out with a sword, this sword, ordinary, nothing remarkable.

However, Dongfang Weiming felt as if he was locked in all directions, and at this time, no matter how much he tried to avoid Ye Xuan’s attack, he felt that he was completely locked by Ye Xuan’s attack.

“This is… Fighting instinct——!!!”

Dongfang Weiming’s expression changed greatly, if he had made “seven zero seven” preparations at the beginning, he would definitely be able to avoid Ye Xuan’s blow.

However, at this moment, he can’t avoid it no matter what.

Because, Ye Xuan’s sword is invincible.

Of course, Dongfang Weiming didn’t know that Ye Xuan’s sword was invincible, he only felt that Ye Xuan had a super terrifying combat instinct, so he could anticipate the enemy first, no matter how he hid or which direction he hidto, he couldn’t avoid Ye Xuan’s sword.

People who can do such things are generally only people with a very terrifying fighting instinct…

The same moves, in the hands of a person who uses them flexibly, and in the hands of a person who has just learned, are completely different concepts.

However, combat instinct is equivalent to the ability of people to react in the face of the same battle situation.

If you have to put it simply, it is when you fight, as soon as you make a move, the other party has already planned how to dodge your attack and how to attack your move.

And, even if your moves are ever-changing, he will always be able to crack you before you make a move.

Such a terrifying combat instinct, Ye Xuan, this kid, is it the reincarnation of the sword god?!!

At this moment, Dongfang Weiming panicked.

In the face of such a terrifying attack from Ye Xuan, there was only one thing he could do.

That is, distance yourself from Ye Xuan, and then crush Ye Xuan with the help of attributes that are more powerful than Ye Xuan.

However, it has been said before…

Too late——!!!

When attributes cannot be absolutely suppressed, let the person with such a terrifying fighting instinct get close, which is equivalent to everything you have, is already under his control.

The next moment, Dongfang Weiming was pierced through the head by Ye Xuan’s sword.

However, Ye Xuan didn’t give him a chance to react, and what followed was a stormy onslaught.

Even if he is as powerful as the Martial Emperor’s combat experience, what about Ye Xuan’s invincible ability?!!

In the end, attributes can’t crush Ye Xuan, and in front of Ye Xuan, they will be broken with all odds.


In the screams, Xu Luo, who was possessed by the Eastern Emperor, lay on the ground and could not get up again.

Although with his willpower, this level of pain could not make him lose his combat effectiveness, but he took a wrong step, a wrong step, as if he had taken the initiative to send all his weaknesses to Ye Xuan’s sword.

Ye Xuan will definitely not give Dongfang Weiming any chance to resist.

Otherwise, the secret of his invincibility may really be exposed.

It is really a coincidence that Dongfang Weiming can be defeated in this way, if Dongfang Weiming is a little more serious, he will not be completely suppressed by him.


This is something that will happen in the future.


Looking at the end of the scene in the future picture, at this moment, people all over the world couldn’t help but be confused.

Just now, what happened?!!

So what Eastern Emperor …

That’s it?!!

The Eastern Emperor who was cut to the ground by Ye Xuan in three or two blows?

Too weak, right——!!!

I feel weaker than Xu Luo… Is this Eastern Emperor serious?!!


Outside the picture, Xu Luo looked at himself who was possessed by Dongfang Weiming, who was not Ye Xuan’s enemy, and couldn’t help but be stupid.

You know, in the picture, when he and Ye Xuan are zooming in on each other’s moves, they can also fight back and forth.

However, after Dongfang Weiming possessed himself, he actually became like this?!!

For a while, he had some doubts about whether it was the Eastern Emperor who possessed him.



Just when everyone was shocked, the so-called Eastern Emperor was actually beaten by Ye Xuan so much that he could only scream and couldn’t fight back.

The voice of the narrator sounded again.

[At this moment, Ye Xuan completely suppressed Dongfang Weiming.

In Ye Xuan’s opinion, his shot just now is ordinary, thinking about…

No one should have noticed that he had used his Martial Emperor-level combat instinct.

He was very happy, and in the end, he solved his opponent without revealing more abilities.

Very perfect]


“Sleeper ?!!”

“Martial Emperor-level combat instinct?! How is this possible——!!!”

“How can Ye Xuan have such a terrifying fighting instinct, this is absolutely impossible——!!!”

When they heard the narrator’s introduction, everyone couldn’t help but burst into shock.

Combat instinct, this kind of thing, of course, everyone who practices martial arts knows it.

If martial arts is a skill, then the combat instinct is operation, a god-level operation, as long as it is not crushed by attributes, it can hang ten thousand rookies on the operation, even if these rookies have learned powerful skills…

However, this kind of thing, in the real world, is difficult to see.

In addition to the parties, people outside only feel that there is no difference, but there is one side that is actually too dish.

However, at this moment, when they heard the narrator’s introduction, everyone reacted.

Ye Xuan in the picture actually uses a combat instinct that exceeds the Martial Emperor——!!!

No wonder, he can directly take Dongfang Weiming away with a set of combos.

After all, everyone is a martial emperor, and the attributes are similar, even if you have more skills, you are pressed and beaten by a set, don’t you still have to die?!!

To put it bluntly, one side underestimated the enemy, resulting in such a funny end.

However, who would have thought that Ye Xuan, who looked ordinary, actually had a Martial Emperor-level combat instinct.

This is also too unscientific.

It’s like a little kid who insists that his fighting instinct is stronger than that of an adult, is that possible?!!


Looking at the future live broadcast, Ye Xuan himself didn’t know how to spit out.

This future live broadcast, exposed all the combat instincts you have?

Although it is said that there is not much exposure, but it’s a thing like combat instinct, which is the most difficult to be seen.

This thing can also expose itself?!

What else can’t be exposed——!!!

And at this moment, people all over the world are still in shock.

This is not an ordinary combat instinct, but a Martial Emperor level.

How could Ye Xuan have a Martial Emperor-level combat instinct?

No, Ye Xuan himself is also a martial emperor?!!

After the shock, everyone looked at Xu Luo lying on the ground in the picture, as well as the Eastern Emperor who was arrogant before, the east was unknown, and they couldn’t help but look strange.

How powerful it was when I pretended to be forced before, let Ye Xuan make three moves…

As a result, now, he was beaten to the ground by Ye Xuan, and he was so embarrassed that he was about to become a world-famous painting.

“Poof… Hahahaha——!!!”

At this moment, Xia Yushi looked at the scene in the picture and finally couldn’t help laughing.

Fighting instinct, in the final analysis, is a sentence Ye Xuan cattle, Ye Xuan is not only a genius in cultivation, but also a genius in combat.

The same cultivation and martial arts can exert a thousand percent effect in the hands of Ye Xuan.

And now, what makes Xia Yushi happy is that the Dongfang Weiming, who was still pretending to be forced in front of her just now, was beaten down by Ye Xuan.

“Oh, what kind of picture is this, just now, I remember, it seems that someone is saying something, I am stronger than him, so, I bully him, rightfully so, what in this world there is no bullying of the small, only the strong bullying the weak.”

Xia Yushi opened her mouth to mock people, which can be regarded as a must.

Her gaze looked in the direction of Na Xu Luo, but she said to the Dongfang Weiming in Xu Luo’s body:

“This is the so-called bullying the small with the big, bullying the weak with the strong, hahaha, laughing to death——!!! 99

“Poof.” ”

Luo Bing, who originally looked cold, was also amused by Xia Yushi’s ridicule.


At this moment, everyone watching the battle around couldn’t help but laugh.


This scene is also too funny.

You know, outside the screen just now, that Dongfang Weiming is still looking at Ye Xuan with a proud look, looking like he has bullied Ye Xuan.

However, in the picture, the future Dongfang Weiming was directly cut to the ground by Ye Xuan, and he couldn’t get up with one set.

66…….. 35

At this moment, Xu Luo felt that his face was a little uncovered.

Grandpa Dongfang, your performance is a bit rubbish.


Dongfang Weiming is even more embarrassing.

Looking at Xia Yushi, who was laughing, his gaze fell towards Ye Xuan, and he said:

“Ye Xuan, don’t be too proud, although I was defeated by you in the future, I was just negligent for a while, you don’t really think that you can defeat me with the Martial Emperor-level fighting instinct, right?

Don’t forget, I’m also a Martial Emperor——!!!

In the future, I am not careful, I am on your way, this time, I will not give you a chance 0….”

Speaking, Dongfang Weiming raised his hand.

But on his other hand, a ring turned into a long knife.

Together with the one Xu Luo used before, he is now holding a double knife in both hands.

He never imagined that his wisdom would be destroyed in the hands of Ye Xuan.

Today, he had to teach Ye Xuan a good lesson——!!!

However, at this moment…

In the picture, the accident has changed again.

I saw that Dongfang Weiming, who was originally being cut to the ground by Ye Xuan, suddenly emitted an extremely strange black qi from his body.

The next moment, he directly shocked Ye Xuan out.

“Hahahaha… The old man remembered, the old man is not an oriental unknown, old man, it is the sword demon Wuji one by one!

Today, this place will turn into … Sword Hell——!!!

The sudden change made everyone can’t help but be shocked.


“What kind of strange plot is this?!!

“The good Dongfang is unknown, how did it become a sword demon Wuji again?!!

“Sword Demon… Wuji…”

Outside the picture, Dongfang Weiming looked at himself in the picture and suddenly had such a change, he was stunned at first, and then, the memory sealed in his mind began to wake up.

“By the way… I, the sword demon Wuji, the East is unknown, I am my mortal enemy, I actually forgot myself, thinking that I was him——!!!”

Speaking, Dao Demon Wuji’s gaze was thrown towards Ye Xuan, with a bit of blood in his eyes.

“I remembered, hahahaha, this time, back on earth, I want to turn the world into purgatory——!!!

Knife Domain, open one by one!

The next moment, I saw Dao Demon Wuji insert the double knives in his hand into the ground.

Immediately, within a radius of hundreds of meters, endless sword qi suddenly burst out.

The terrifying knife qi rotated rapidly, forming a huge sword domain enchantment, which actually isolated the external environment.

Almost at the same time, in the future picture, before everyone could react, they were trapped in the sword domain of the sword demon Wuji.

“How can you still have such a great power——!!!

Seeing that Dao Demon Wuji actually directly used the Dao Domain that isolated the space, everyone was panicked and shocked.

After all, the legend of Dao Demon Wuji, they have also heard that the legendary big devil, in order to refine the sword, he has knifed countless innocent people in his hand and stained countless blood.

Compared to those invading monsters, this Dao Demon Wuji is more like a monster to humans.

But, in theory, he should be dead, like Dongfang Weiming.

“Hahahaha, why do I have such a strong power, I think I should be able to explain it to you in the future.”

After completing the Dao Domain Enchantment, Dao Demon Wuji is in no hurry to kill.

He gestured to everyone and asked them to look at the future scene.

“Don’t you want to know what I’m going to do to you?!!


Everyone’s eyes are looking towards the future picture.

The same goes for Ye Xuan…

I saw that in the future picture, after the 5.7 Dao Demon Wuji trapped Ye Xuan, Xia Yushi, Luo Bing, and many others watching the battle around, a bit of a vicious smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

Looking at Ye Xuan, he said:

“Boy, weren’t you very arrogant just now? Cut the old man to the ground, you really have two blows——!!!

If you hadn’t made the old man feel so humiliated, I’m afraid the old man would not really remember the true identity of the old man——!!!

Old man, it’s Dao Demon Wuji ——! 99

“What? Dao Demon Wuji?!

“The legendary terrifying big devil, with the power of one person, slaughtered the city and refined the sword?!!”

“How could it be you?!!”

“Why can’t it be me?!”

Dao Mo Wuji looked at everyone around him and said with a sneer:

“If you want to blame, blame Ye Xuan, if it weren’t for him, you might not be in crisis.”

After all, the old man had always thought that he was an oriental unknown.

If Ye Xuan hadn’t made the old man suddenly sound his identity, how could the old man choose to treat you as the first meal before the resurrection?!”


Hearing this, everyone around couldn’t help but turn pale, and looked towards Ye Xuan, and some people revealed hatred in their eyes.

Outside the picture, there were also some people who cast their eyes towards Ye Xuan.

The hatred and fear in their hearts appeared at this moment.

If it weren’t for the future Ye Xuan defeating Dongfang Weiming, how could he have awakened his memory of the humiliation of losing to Ye Xuan, and he would have fallen to the current end, all of which was caused by Ye Xuan.

Of course, there are many people who are just pure fear and are not provoked by Dao Demon Wuji.

As for Xia Yushi and Luo Bing, of course, they did not hesitate and directly took out their weapons.

Although I don’t know what’s going on, next, I’m afraid I’m going to fight.

Could it be that this is one of the future disasters?

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