Future Martial Arts Training Network

Chapter 296 - Earth will

Without saying a word, Wu Lunzi flew not far away and flew directly to the Protoss Class 6 Wu Zun warrior group. He did not specifically attack a certain opponent, but helped other people take the cold son to injure those Protoss warriors, and then To help other people.

“No, Ling Xiao, how could you be so powerful? Wu Li Hong will be an eighth-class Wu Zun, how could you be his opponent?” Nicholas roared wildly as he counterattacked Ling Xiao. In the sacred light, holding a golden spear in his hand, the holy atmosphere of horror radiated from it, and he stabbed violently towards Ling Xiao.

“Today, the inheritance holy land of the Protoss will be destroyed.” Ling Xiao shouted, the attack was even more fierce, and Nicholas’s cultivation practice has not yet been upgraded to the level of Wu Zun, and the strength is still not comparable to Wulihong, so it is very It’s going to fall.

Because Ling Xiao’s killing of Wulihong had a huge impact on the powerful members of the Huaxia Wumeng, their fighting spirit was even stronger, and now there are martial lunatics everywhere to support, wherever he is in danger, he will appear to help, suddenly The Protoss warriors and the awakeners are in a turmoil.


There was a loud noise in the air, and the 7th-level Wu Zun fighters who fought against Zhan Zhiyuan suddenly retreated, and then came towards the battle group of Ling Xiao and Nicholas, and suddenly attacked Ling Xiao.

“His Royal Highness, you go away quickly and go to the Wuli tribe.” This Protoss warrior named Wu Liluo was the strongest among the Protoss warriors after Wulihong. He wholeheartedly remembered Wulihong’s order, even if it was If you die in battle, your Highness will leave safely.

“His Royal Highness, this person will be handed over to us, please go quickly.” Moreover, three other seven-level Wuzun Protoss warriors also got rid of their opponents, all rushed to Ling Xiao to help Nicholas get out, and attacked Ling Xiao fiercely.

“You are helping others, fighting. The sword puppet, come, set up.”

At this time, several deputy allies chased after they got rid of their opponents, Ling Xiao yelled at them, and then reached out for a call. Suddenly, the inherited sword puppets around the four girls flew to Ling Xiao, arranged around him as sword puppets. Array, instantly trapped four Protoss 7th-level Wu Zun fighters in the sword array.

“Nicholas, you can’t run away.” Ling Xiao flashed to Nicholas who had fled to the stone wall.

In an instant, the situation on the battlefield changed dramatically. The seventh-level Wu Zun strong of the Protoss was besieged by Ling Xiao with a sword puppet because of the siege of Ling Xiao, and several deputy allies who freed their hands rushed to the field. The protoss of the Protoss, the Protoss began to suffer extensive casualties.


Soon, Ling Xiao chased to Nicholas in the belly of the mountain. Nicholas turned back with a shot. This gun should be a powerful weapon of the Protoss. The holy sacred atmosphere gathered on the point of the gun, as if to cut the world, if it was replaced by Ordinary level 6 Wu Zun strong men, I am afraid they can’t escape this gun.


However, Ling Xiao didn’t care at all, he chopped off with a sword directly, directly over the tip of the gun, after the long gun was opened, Ling Xiao bullied him, Feng Leijian turned into a sword light to attack automatically, Ling Xiao punched his hands, instantly Nicholas enveloped.


At the same time, Moonlight Han once again flew out, directly chopping into Nicholas’s Tibetan Palace, and severing his soul in half. Although the spirit will not die immediately, it also made Nicholas have a headache, and the thoughts were scattered. A scream.


Nicholas screamed violently, blood flowed out of the seven tips, and his body staggered, being crossed by Feng Leijian, and a wound was drawn in the abdomen, and the most important thing was that the storage bag around his waist was rolled by Feng Leijian gone.

“His Royal Highness is not flustered, Ulia came to help you.” At this moment, a roar came from the depths of the passage, and Ulia, the seventh-level martial warrior who stayed here, rushed out and came to assist Nicholas.

“Why don’t you retreat? Everyone escapes.” Nicholas yelled and shouted at the Protoss warriors and awakeners outside.

“His Highness, I have sent people back to inform the elders of the tribe. In a while, the elders of the tribe should send more powerful soldiers to help us.” Ulia said loudly while waving his sword to Ling Xiao.

“Huh, unless your elders come in person, today you can’t escape the fate of destruction.” After entering the mountainside, Ling Xiao no longer had so many concerns, even if he showed his hole cards, no one would show up, so he sneered. Moonlight Han instantaneously penetrated Ulia’s mind.


Immediately, Ulia also made a scream, and only then understood why Ulihong defeated the Lord and His Royal Highness Nicholas so fast, and at this moment, a horrible attraction suddenly appeared, only Ling Xiao ‘S left palm suddenly became larger, and Ulia quickly became smaller in the eyes of Nicholas, and was finally drawn into the middle of the palm.

“Do not……”

Immediately after Ulia, Nicholas screamed unwillingly, and was also sucked into the middle of the palm by Ling Xiao, and then was engulfed by the demon soul inside, and finally the wounded soul was only left. Instinct Demon Soul.


At this moment, Ling Xiao sensed that there was a horrible fluctuation in the depths of the mountain’s abdomen. His body flickered and appeared in front of the world channel. Now the channel is guarding several sixth-level Wu Zun warriors, and it seems that the channel There is a strong Protoss who wants to come out.


After Ling Xiao appeared, he attacked the surrounding Protoss warriors without saying a word. Although the protoss warriors of the six-level Wuzun realm were not weak, there was not much resistance in front of Ling Xiao, so only a few breaths All were killed by Ling Xiao, and even the body was thrown into the palm realm.

“Human, you should be damned.” At this moment, a Protoss eighth-level Wu Zun strong person just rushed out of the world channel, saw Ling Xiao kill those Protoss warriors who were standing beside the channel, and roared wildly at him, throwing him in his hand Waving a huge mountain axe.


After this Protoss Powerhouse, there are still breath fluctuations in the channel. It seems that there are Protoss Powerhouses who want to come over. Ling Xiao is fighting the Protoss Powerhouse while controlling Feng Leijian to severely cut the large transmission line below , Directly chopping up an array of symbols, suddenly the world channel swayed, became extremely unstable, and even a faint cry came out.

“Wu Lihai, what’s going on? How can the channel shake?”

“Small world human beings are born with peerless evil, and the patriarch is about to report to the gods.” The eighth-level martial gods of the protoss roared in the direction of the passage, and then the giant axe exhaled sharply and slammed toward Ling Xiao.

“Go to death.” Ling Xiao knew that at this critical moment, if he could not quickly kill this Protoss eighth-level Wuzun warrior, and the Protoss had eighth-level Wuzun coming to earth, he would lose the opportunity to destroy the Protoss channel, So he also roared loudly, the moonlight cold turned into a ray of light and cut into the other person’s mind.


At the same time, there is a strong breath in the world channel. Obviously, the Protoss does not want to give up, and the Protoss powerhouse is struggling to come to the earth, but Feng Leijian then cuts into an array, and a loud noise will be heard. A slice broke through, and the world channel suddenly shook, making it even more unstable.


Wu Lihai made a scream, and at the same time, there was a scream in the world channel. Ling Xiao ignored it, while rushing to Wu Lihai, while operating the wind and thunder sword, he continued to destroy the array of teleportation. Disk and other basics.


Wu Lihai forbeared the pain of the tearing of the soul, and the mountain axe suddenly cut onto Ling Xiao’s right fist, but was blocked by the energy punch on Ling Xiao’s fist, and at the next moment, Ling Xiao’s left hand suddenly shook his hand. Then, suddenly, a ghost of a mountain axe appeared in midair, and he headed towards Wulihai.

“No, how is this possible? How could you attack me with my tricks?” Wu Lihai roared wildly. He felt that Ling Xiao’s axe was much more powerful than his own attack, and he could not help pumping it out. Back to the mountain axe to resist upward.


However, the violent attack was suppressed like a mountain, breaking Wu Lihai’s arm, breaking the mountain axe heavily on his own head, and then being bullied by Ling Xiao, crushing his heart with a heavy punch, and then caught him A storage bag around his waist, and sucked his seriously injured body into the middle of the palm.

It turned out that Ling Xiao had trained the Xiaoshentong from the Star Shift to Xiaocheng, and was able to transform the opponent’s attack into his own attack, and then superimpose his own energy to counter the opponent, so Wu Lihai was under heavy damage from the soul, Can’t resist this blow at all.


Later, Ling Xiao controlled Feng Leijian to continuously destroy more than ten symbols and plates of the teleportation array. The world channel above continued to sway and compress continuously, and finally exploded with a loud explosion, sending the entire teleportation array It was blown up, and even the central altar was destroyed.

Ling Xiao Shen Nian swept away, the spirit fluid in the inheritance holy pool next to it has already dried up, and there is no spirit stone left. Obviously during this time, the Protoss has cultivated a large number of awakening strongmen, and has accumulated the heritage holy pool. The energy is exhausted.

However, it can destroy the world passage of the Protoss, and also killed two eight-level Wu Zun, and there are several seven-level Wu Zun strong men, and got three storage bags. Ling Xiao’s harvest is still very big, of course, at this time He didn’t yet know what was in the storage bag.


Just when the world route of the Protoss was destroyed, there was a sudden silence between heaven and earth, and everything around Ling Xiao, including the powerful Huaxia Wumeng and the Protoss warriors and awakeners, who were still fighting outside, had all stopped. Only he can move.

Afterwards, he sensed that a large mysterious atmosphere descended from the air, and all of them were integrated into his body. In addition, a vast sense of consciousness enveloped him, but the consciousness was full of mild, friendly, joyful and excited emotions.

“Who are you? What is the mysterious atmosphere of Jiangcai? Those people outside are not moving because of you?” Ling Xiao asked aloud.

“Good boy, you are doing very well. I am the will of the earth. Since several major aliens invaded the earth thousands of years ago, they have been attacked by the will of other worlds and fell into a deep sleep and cannot wake up. It is because you destroyed several aliens in a row The world channel prevents those alien world will no longer attack me, so I can wake up.

Child, the kind of breath you got before and just now is the original breath I separated from my own will. It can help you to understand the potential of the world and can increase the power of all your martial arts magical powers. Do you need to understand it now? ? “

What surprised Ling Xiao was that there was actually a voice responding to him, but it was ringing in the bottom of his heart. The other party should be communicating with him with God’s mind, but what he did not expect was that the other party turned out to be the will of the earth.

“The will of the earth, now you wake up from a deep sleep, is it a good thing or a bad thing for the earth and mankind?” Ling Xiao did not immediately understand what the world is like, but asked in a moment of silence.

“When I wake up, the earth will gradually grow from a broken small world to a complete small world. The strong outsiders will be suppressed when they enter the earth. Those who have certain strengths will not be able to enter the earth, and the degree of training of the earth’s life It will be faster,” said the will of the earth.

Ling Xiao nodded after hearing this, which would be a great thing for human beings on the earth, and the will of the earth could restrict the cultivation of the alien strong men who came to the earth into strength, which would be of great help to the final victory of human beings on the earth.

“Well, let me understand the trend of heaven and earth now.” Ling Xiao said to the will of the earth, and then he fell into a strange situation. The spirit seemed to leave the body and merge with the earth to become a part of heaven and earth. Feel the momentum of the world.

When Ling Xiao began to realize the trend of heaven and earth, everything that was still outside began to recover. Everything was as if it had not been born. The outside Huaxia Wumeng strongmen were still fighting fiercely with the Protoss warriors and awakeners.

However, there are still some changes. All the Protoss warriors and awakeners perceive the roar of the destruction of the Protoss World Channel in the mountain’s belly. Those Protoss warriors who come to the earth feel that their strength is suppressed in an instant, and they can only sway at most. Eighty strength.


Suddenly~www.mtlnovel.com~The strong spirit of the Huaxia Wumeng strong, and they violently attacked the Protoss warriors and awakeners, but the four 7th-level martial gods of the Protoss were surrounded by the sword puppets. Huaxia Wu Several deputy confederate leaders of the Confederacy were killed, and many Protoss 6th-class Wu Zun and awakeners suffered heavy casualties.


There were roars and screams all around, the Protoss warriors and the Awakenings were retreating, and the four Protoss strongmen surrounded by the sword puppet array were also in a hurry. One of them said angrily to the others: “Brothers , I blew out a **** path for everyone, you take the rest of the clan to escape, and look for opportunities to avenge us in the future.”

The 7th-level Wu Zun of the Protoss is a bit older. He knows his life is not much. Today, he can only save the young clan by sacrificing himself. In the future, he will have a chance to get revenge, so after yelling, he rushed to a silver sword next to him Pang, then chose to explode.


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