Future Martial Arts Training Network

Chapter 305 - Clear peripheral

In the future, the martial arts training network volume 3o5, clearing the periphery, but the Huaxia Wumeng politely refused, and soon the news was passed to the west, Huaxia Wumeng leader Ling Xiao is retreating through the eighth-level Wu Zun, the deputy leader of the Wumeng All are guarding him, so the strong members of the China Wushu League cannot rush to the West in a short period of time, so the West resists the Alliance to strengthen its alert and waits until the Ling Ling master breaks through.

The fact is certainly not the case. The Huaxia Wumeng has arranged an eyeliner in the Western resistance alliance, so the conspiracy between King Arthur and the new pope has been known to the Huaxia Wumeng, so Ling Xiao has this arrangement. In fact, he has broken through to the eighth level. Wu Zun has a while.

However, among the several deputy leaders of the Huaxia Wumeng League, the Three Masters and the Wu Maniac have broken through to the eighth-level Wuzun realm, and several others are in retreat. Ling Xiao did not want them to come Go west.

Moreover, Ling Xiao has sent three other spiritual pets to the West. The four spiritual pets now have the cultivation base of the seventh-level Wuzun peak, and their strength is comparable to that of the eighth-level Wuzun, plus their respective strengths, so Together they can do many things.

For example, to keep an eye on a few major aliens, now all are handed over to the four spiritual pets, under the control of the Thunder, and the other three are staring at a race, and any information may be sent to Ling Xiao at any time.

Because of some information deliberately disclosed by the Rebel Alliance, there was some gap between the blood race and the cat race, so for a period of time, the alien awakeners did nothing, but the secret connection was still in progress.

It was not until half a month later, when the message of the Huaxia Wumeng was passed to the aliens, several aliens suddenly began to arbitrarily arrest the strong humans. The werewolf eighth-level martial arts strongman Ale was even directly attacked with the werewolf strong. Rebel Alliance.

At the time when King Arthur and the Pope led the resistance of the Alliance’s strong resistance, the blood clan’s strong men suddenly came, and Daniel even completed the eighth level of awakening, and the blood clan also had several seventh-level martial arts strong men.

Not only that, the blood clan did not know when to go to Africa, Daniel once again surrendered Wu Lichong and Max two seven-level Wu Zun pinnacle strong, his power was not weaker than the werewolf clan.

“We are wrong, we should not count the Huaxia Wumeng. Now it seems that the Huaxia Wumeng has abandoned us and used the hands of aliens to liquidate us.” At the critical moment, King Arthur suddenly figured it out and said with a sigh.

“It was originally a matter of becoming a king and defeating the enemy. Since Huaxia Wumeng wants to watch us die, then why do we need to work hard. Dear adults, I am willing to lead the Holy See to surrender.” But the new Pope chose to surrender.

However, whether it is desperate or surrendering, it is just a matter of their wish. King Arthur struggled to resist, and was eventually injured and captured by Aleman, and even several of his round table knights and human strongmen were injured. Capture.

And the new pope who wanted to surrender to the blood race was still seriously injured by Daniel, and even mocked him, saying: “You guys who think you are a boneless guy like you, do you think the Huaxia Wumeng can really afford you? What are you doing to resist? It’s not about selling for price. It’s completely different from the strong one of the Huaxia Wumeng, so I won’t accept your surrender, you will become the sacrifice of blood sacrifice.”

On that night, the entire Western martial arts world was in a **** storm, and tens of thousands of martial arts soldiers died in turmoil. However, it was only some weak martial arts who died. All the powerful men above the senior martial arts realm were arrested by aliens.

By the time Ralin the Cat Clan awakened after completing eight awakenings, the blood clan has divided into nearly half of the strong human beings, and although the Cat Clan is now more powerful, Daniel does not care that they will turn over, because who will come No good results.

And all these things born in the West were concerned by Ling Xiao’s four great darlings, and Ling Xiao knew all about it, but as if Huaxia Wumeng didn’t know it, there was no movement at all.

“Daniel, I didn’t expect you to complete the eight awakenings in one step, and also took the opportunity to take advantage of it. I don’t know when your blood clan began the blood sacrifice?” After a few days of silence, Ralin suddenly contacted Daniel.

“Ralin, are you still hiding deep, and obviously have been connected with the werewolf, but concealed from us. But fortunately, I broke through, otherwise our blood clan may not have any good points?” Daniel said ironically .

“Now it is useless. Since you have received such a great benefit, when are you going to start the blood sacrifice?” Now both races have a lot of sacrifices, but there is no one who dares to start the blood sacrifice first, because the foreign race who starts the blood sacrifice first must be They will be hit by the Huaxia Wumeng League first, so they are testing each other.

“You have captured more powerful humans, and with the help of the werewolf clan, your power is stronger, I will wait to see when you start the blood sacrifice?” Daniel snorted, wanting to use the blood clan to attract Huaxia Wumeng’s attention, how is this possible.

“Daniel, there is no need to breathe between us. Werewolves are originally from our Orc race. They will naturally choose to cooperate with our Cat Human Race so that they can return to their werewolf world.

Now that we all want blood sacrifices, let’s do it together. Even if the strong of the China Wuwu League is like Yun, it is impossible to attack both of us at the same time. “Rarin smiled and then suggested.

“This suggestion is good, let’s start the blood sacrifice two days later.” Daniel agreed decisively, but Ralin couldn’t believe it.

In the next two days, the blood race was still attacking humans frantically, and even ran to Africa to capture the strong humans. Even Max was caught after Daniel was seriously injured. They were determined to open the world channel completely. .

The cat-human races are not far behind. While guarding against the strong of the China Wushu League, they attacked and arrested the martial arts strongmen in Western countries, leaving the entire West in a **** storm.

At this time, in an unknown mountain range in the West, hundreds of Chinese strong men were lurking quietly here. It is only more than a hundred miles away from the holy land of the cat people.

After long-term monitoring by the four great pets such as Thunder, he finally found the inheritance holy site of the cat human race and determined the approximate location. Therefore, Ling Xiao arranged that the strong of the Huaxia Wumeng would rush here to lurk. He expected that the cat human race might soon The blood sacrifice began.

At this time, nearly four months have passed since the first war of the werewolf inheritance of the Holy Land. Except for the birth of the eighth-level Wuzun strongmen in the alien race, China also gave birth to six eighth-level Wuzun strongmen. At this time, the cat person is here. , Da Motian and Zhao Fenglei.

At this time, the younger generations of Nangong Wuyin and Zhao Fenglei have begun to cross over to some older figures, taking the lead to break through to the eighth-level Wuzun level, while Wu Maniac, Three Masters Tai and Nangong Wuyin led another part of the strong to the neighborhood of the blood heritage Too.

After the destruction of the werewolf world channel, Ling Xiao brought back a large number of giant wolf corpses, which is a big supplement for the strong of the China Wushu League. Many Wu Zun strong people will get great benefits after eating.

At this time, the two nine-level Wuzun werewolf captains killed by Ling Xiao, as well as the eighth-level Wuzun werewolf strong, all had small storage bags, which contained a lot of resources such as spirit stones, elixir, spirit mines, etc. In particular, the resources of the two nine-level Wu Zun strong men are very rich.

Ling Xiao left some of the top things, and others were divided according to the merits of participating in the war, and some were also allocated to the Wumeng strong men who stayed behind in China. After digesting these, everyone gained huge benefits.

Not only that, Ling Xiao also took out the arm of the werewolf inborn martial arts strongman, made his skin into armor, and his claws into weapons, and distributed his flesh to the sixth-level and seventh-level martial arts strongmen of the Huaxia Wumeng .

Although everyone only eats a few of them, the huge energy contained therein has greatly improved everyone’s cultivation ability. Today, China has removed six eight-level Wuzun strong men, and seven-level Wuzun peak strongmen have reached two. Thirty people, the number of seven-level Wu Zun exceeded 150, and the number of six-level Wu Zun reached more than 500.

Ling Xiao himself also reached the peak of the 7th-level Wu Zun, but he wanted to settle down and did not rush to break through, but the combat power has also been greatly improved, whether it is a spiritual problem or the strength of the mind, it has been greatly improved.

The top powerhouses of China this time almost came out, but there are still ten top powerhouses of the 7th-level Wuzun peak in China, such as Zhao Junchen, Lei Qianjue, Qingyuan Shitai, Peng Huayi, Peng Fuhai, Fang Yunlong and others, their mission is not only to protect China, but also to face a breakthrough.

Therefore, even if there are hostile forces who dare to take the opportunity to attack China at this time, the strong men staying in China can cope with it, and some of them may break through to the eighth-level Wuzun realm at any time.

Ling Xiao naturally left Huaxia, but he did not show up, but secretly supervised the two aliens. He had already handed over the matter of the two aliens to several deputy leaders.

“According to the monitoring of the spirit pets in recent days, the blood race and the cat race have always thought that the strong of China Huawu League broke through in the country, so we are arresting Western strong human beings, do we need to fight the snake?”

At this time, several deputy leaders of the Huaxia Wumeng are discussing the next action. There is still some disagreement on whether to act at the same time or attack the party first. The opinions have not yet been unified.

“According to the information we have, the blood clan is currently only Daniel, an eighth-level martial arts strongman, and the werewolf clan is still left, and the cat clan leader Lalin is also relatively weaker than the blood clan. It is better to let the blood clan move first. Let’s attack.” Someone suggested.

“But first attack the blood, the cats and the werewolves will be guarded. Once they strengthen their guard, it will be much harder for us to attack then. I don’t think it’s better to attack here. You can surprise them. “” Some people objected.

“No matter which side we attack first, the other side will be prepared, so we might as well attack at the same time, so that we can be unexpected and play the role of air strikes. And don’t forget, our strength is now stronger than them. They open the world channel, and if the strong aliens of another world come, our opponents will be more powerful.” Some people reminded you.

“Let’s do it like this. We will start the operation tomorrow. First, we will wipe out all the strong people who have captured humans from outside, and then attack the blood and cat humans at the same time. We will weaken their power first. When they are now, we are surrounded. They are, even if they hurriedly mobilize the blood sacrifice, I am afraid that it will not be possible to attract the outsiders to come.”

In the end, after deliberation by several deputy leaders, most of them agreed to attack two aliens at the same time, but first used the thunder to eliminate the outsiders and weaken part of their strength.

On the second day, the blood and cat races continued to send some awakenings to go out to arrest the strong humans in the West. This is not only to prepare more sacrifices, but also to stimulate the Huaxia Wumeng. You can test the attitude of the Huaxia Wumeng. The response of Huaxia Wumeng confirmed their next move.

The blood clan leader is two 7th-level Wu Zun strongmen, called Heyman and Baprov, the former is a golden beauty, the latter is a white strong man, they each lead more than 20 fifth-level 6th-level Wu Zun blood clan awakening They quietly appeared in a European country to capture a martial arts force in this country.

This martial arts force is a hidden world family. It has always been out of the world and has little contact with the outside world. Even if they know the current situation of the outside world, they are not prepared to participate. Instead, they live in a common manor and this family There is a sixth-level Wu Zun peak powerhouse, and several fifth-level Wu Zun Wu Zun.


However, their peaceful life was broken. Dozens of bloodline strongmen suddenly appeared outside the manor and slammed into the manor. The strongmen of the family dared to resist, and all were seriously injured.

“Why do you demons treat us like this? Our Prisman family has never asked about the world, and has never had enmity with your aliens. Why not let us go?” The strongest of the family shouted with grief and grief.

“Hahaha, blame your strength is too weak, so you can only become a sacrifice, your role is to help us open the channel of the outside world, this is your honor.” The bloodline strongman Baprov haha ​​laughed, Some bloodline strongmen even began to drag some female warriors from the family into the room to insult.

“That’s right, the weak are the original sins, and you are also the weak, so let’s all die.” But at this moment, a group of Chinese strong appeared suddenly, and launched a fierce attack on the blood clan, for Baprov only one The trick was killed by the Chinese strong.

The other blood races were terrified, but most of them were killed by one move. Even if a few blood races exploded to form a **** bat and wanted to escape, they were also killed by the surrounding Tianluodi.com.

“Vice deputy leader Wu, all the blood clan was killed, and none of them could escape.” Less than two minutes before and after, all the blood clan died, and some people reported to the powerful Chinese powerhouse after cleaning the battlefield.

“Let’s go, go to the next place.” The Wu Maniac nodded and took the others away quickly, and at the same time warned the people of the Prisman family not to disclose the matter.

Many core powerhouses of the Huaxia Wumeng have their own spiritual favors, some of which do not fly fast, so the Wu Maniac took the team quickly away from this battlefield, leaving only a large number of **** bodies to Prisman The family, after the patriarch retrieved a life, ordered the tribe to clean the battlefield, burn all the blood clan’s body, and then took the tribe to move directly.


At the same time, Nangong Wuyin led another team of strongmen, surrounded the **** strongman Heyman and their party. They had just captured dozens of Western human strongmen. While preparing to enjoy it, the Huaxia Wumeng strongmen suddenly came, Violent attack on the blood.


“Run away.”

“The Huaxia Wumeng strongmen came over.”

“Hurry up and report to Master Daniel.”

When the current Huaxia Wumeng strong people appeared, the blood clan strongmen shouted, but the number and strength of the Huaxia strong men were too much stronger than the blood clan, so in just a minute or two, all the blood clan were killed.

Even Haiman, who had reached the 7th level of Wuzun Peak Realm, was directly killed by Da Motian. He could not insist on a few moves, let alone report to Daniel, so in the end, these blood clan strongmen died silently.

“All of you stay here for a day, and you are allowed to leave after a day. Everyone must supervise each other. If there are people among them who are blood races, they can attack and kill without amnesty.”

When the Huaxia Wumeng strongmen left, they temporarily arranged the rescued human strongmen in a manor, asking them not to leave for the time being, but also asking them not to contact the outside world for the time being, while allowing them to supervise each other, you can avoid some of them Unstable factors.

At the same time that the strong members of the Huaxia Wu League fully killed the blood awakening people, other teams also attacked the strong people out of the Cat Human and the Werewolf. Two Cat awakeners of the 7th level Wu Zun realm, Katim, The team led by Aitgang was also quickly cleared.

There is also a werewolf strongman in the 7th-level Wuzun realm, with more than a dozen remaining werewolf warriors out to catch the human strongman. During this time, they were scared by Ling Xiao and kept avoiding going out until a few days ago They dare to act in public, so they are eager to come up and eat some humans.

However, just when they had just captured some human warriors, prepared to leave some high-level warriors, and ate those low-level warriors, the strong of the Huaxia Wumeng League appeared under the leadership of Da Motian and immediately started **** Suppression, brutal killing of all werewolf strong ~www.mtlnovel.com~ lord, here on the blood clan we killed two 7th-level Wu Zun awakenings, as well as 50 or 60 5th-level 6th-level Wu Zun awakenings. On the side of the Cat Humans, kill two Cat Humans 7th-level Wu Zun and fifty or sixty fifth level 6th-level Wu Zun awakeners, as well as a werewolf 7th-level Wu Zun and more than 10 fifth-level 6th-level Wu Zun fighters. “All the teams then rushed to the two holy sites of inheritance, and at the same time reported their respective situations to Ling Xiao.

“Yes, everyone’s actions are very fast. There are no strong men who have fled back to the two clan for a while, but the two clan should soon disappear the people who are out, so they will soon know that we are coming. Attack the cat clan immediately after returning, Do your best not to keep your hand, and prompt them to start the blood sacrifice, the other side attacking the blood clan is slower, bluffing is enough.” Ling Xiao quickly sent instructions.


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