Future Martial Arts Training Network

Chapter 351 - Tiger Stronghold

? “You run fast, everyone runs separately, you can run a few or a few.” The human pinnacle saw the people around him keep falling down, while madly attacking the tiger man pinnacle, while facing the primary martial arts there. The saints shouted.

“Son son, we have to run together. If we run, the son will be in danger. We must not run.” However, these junior martial saints are all his followers, so even if they stay, they will die, and no one wants to. run.

“Everyone insists, this is our human race area, and there will always be some strong people passing by. As long as you insist that the strong people come, the son will be safe, and we will be worth it to die.” Another growled loudly.

Not to mention whether these junior martial arts can escape the killing of the tiger strong, if they all run, then the remaining tiger strong will definitely siege the remaining human strong, and the final loss may be all the intermediate Wu Sheng, senior Wu Sheng and even the son of the pinnacle of the strong.


The human senior martial arts and the three intermediate martial arts are crazy, and they all burst out of all strength desperately, even if they know that it will not be long before they will become weak, but they do not care.

If you can’t break out of the stronger strength and affect the Tigers, and strive for more time to wait for the humans to come to the rescue, and fight for the first-line vitality for those junior martial saints, then let’s die together.


After more than ten breaths, the peak powerhouses of humans and tigers simultaneously sensed that two breaths came from a distance, and it was the breath of the peak powerhouses of the human race, and the expressions of both sides suddenly changed.

“Brothers, some of our human race peak powerhouses are here, and everyone is entangled in the hustle and bustle of the tiger race, and we must not let them run away.” The human peak powerhouse roared.

“Hurry up to kill a few, and take three breaths to retreat.” The Tiger Clan’s pinnacle strongman roared. Although he had confidence in his strength, he came to the two clan’s pinnacle strongman, but he did not have the confidence to block it. Three.


Suddenly, both the human powerhouse and the tiger powerhouse attacked each other frantically, burning their minds and spiritual powers irrespectively. The tiger people wanted to kill a few more human powerhouses, and the human powerhouses wanted to stop the tiger people from entanglement. Live them not to let them escape.


Three breaths passed by, and the Tiger Martial Senior Wu Sheng once again killed a human junior Wu Sheng strong, and then the four people tried to break away from their opponents to retreat, but from a distance, a drink came, and a figure appeared at a lightning speed. In the distance, several flashes came to the battlefield.


The Tiger Clan Pinnacle Strong just broke away from the human pinnacle strongman, but just about to retreat and found that the Human Clan Pinnacle Strong was blocking the road, and immediately screamed and swooped up, bursting out of violent energy, and bombarded Ling Xiao head. Come.

“Get back.”

Ling Xiao shouted angrily. He had seen four or five human corpses dying on the ground, some were cut into two halves, some were left with broken limbs, and some became a mass of flesh. It is terrible.

Therefore, Ling Xiao also screamed and punched heavily. A world phantom appeared suddenly in front of his fist. This was his initial use of the field, and he had absolute pressure on those who did not understand the field.



In a loud noise, the Tiger Clan’s pinnacle strongman made a scream, his body was blasted for half a mile, hitting the ground heavily, hitting a big pit on the ground, and at the same time spurting blood all the way, Ling Xiao was seriously injured by a boxing .


At this time, Donglai had also arrived. Without saying a word, he roared directly to a tiger martial arts senior martial arts, which happened to be the tiger man who had killed several human primary martial arts successively.


Human powerhouses, who had become full-powered and weakened, also roared and rushed to the two remaining tiger-powerful people, besieged them, and vowed to avenge their companions.


Suddenly, bursts of violent roar came out, and several strong tigers roared like thunder and roared again and again, but they were unable to return to the sky, and were eventually beheaded by strong humans.

Ling Xiao killed the Tiger Power’s pinnacle strongman and put away his storage equipment, while Donglai killed a high-level martial arts and also collected his belongings.

The remaining two Tigers were killed by the previous human team. The items on them were naturally obtained by them. Ling Xiao and Donglai would not rob them.

“Thanks to the two brothers for their life-saving grace. In the underworld of King Yingye and the grandson of the king, they are all soldiers under my command. I don’t know how to call these two brothers?” , A handsome young man came forward and thanked.

“You don’t have to be polite. Everyone is a human race. Anyone who meets aliens will take the initiative. I’m from the east of the tribe. This is my brother Ling Xiao, from the Thunder tribe.” Ling Xiao just nodded and said nothing, Dong When he came, he took the lead and introduced it.

“It turned out to be the arrogance of the Dongli tribe, disrespectful and disrespectful.” As a youth arrogance in the Eighteen Kings City, of course, he also knows the four super tribes, but he has never heard of the Thunder tribe, “I don’t know where the Brother Ling’s Thunder tribe is. I have the opportunity to visit him.”

“Brother is polite, our Thunder tribe is just a small tribe.” Ling Xiao can hear the other party’s politeness, if it is not because Ling Xiao’s strength is extraordinary, he easily killed the tiger’s peak strong, I believe the other party will not be so Passionate.

“Brother, my brother is more polite, but the Thunder tribe is now a small tribe, but when my brother returns, it will definitely be different. To know that the Brother Ling Xiao has been recognized by the imperial grandson of the imperial city of the East, he has been invited to enter. Acted together after the core battlefield.” Dong Lai proudly praised Ling Xiao.

Ye Wang Sun looked at Ling Xiao with a horrified look, and his knowledge of Ling Xiao was raised to a new height again. He originally thought that his strength might be stronger than the top strong, but now it seems that it is not only that.

“Please also ask the two brothers to wait a moment, I will arrange for others first, and I have important matters to discuss with the two.”

Wild King Sun first nodded to the two, and then let others collect the companions’ corpses and took healing remedies. After everyone recovered, the others returned to the human security zone with the companions’ corpses, but he But stayed.

“Brother, is this?” Dong Lai asked puzzled.

“Their strength is too low to participate in the next battle. I found a temporary stronghold of the invading Tiger tribe, not far from the area of ​​the Tiger tribe. I don’t know if the two would like to go with me to see. “Wild King Sun’s breath recovered a little, he came to the two and whispered.

“How many tigers are there? What are some of them?” Dong Lai asked immediately.

From the previous Tiger tribes, Ling Xiao and Donglai have collected a lot of resources. There are all kinds of elixir spirit materials over thousands of years, and there are many middle-grade high-grade spirit stones and other items, but there is no source spar.

“This stronghold was established by a group of strong men from a certain tribe of the Tiger tribe. At first there were dozens of people, all of whom were high-level martial arts and above. But when I found them, there were already many people The scattered to the human area, so there are still five or six people left, but there may be some tigers who will return to rest.

However, I was far away at that time, and I didn’t find the situation of the strong inside. When I returned, I encountered these few tigers, which caused so many deaths and injuries to the soldiers. “Wild King Sun explained the reason why they encountered the strong Tigers.

“If there are a few people, we can go over and look at them. Even if half of these people are at the top of the peak, we can attack them, even if they are reactive, we can retreat.” Dong came to think about it and said to Ling Xiao.

Because the three of them are at least the pinnacles, unless the opponent’s pinnacles are twice as many, otherwise they can’t stop them if they want to escape after the sneak attack, not to mention Ling Xiao’s mysterious strength, even the East It is unclear what level he has reached, just guess that he should be close to the super strong.

“Okay, let’s take a look. If the number of tigers is not strong, we should be able to kill within ten.” Ling Xiao thought about it, anyway, they would also go to the Tigers area, if they can kill more now The strong Tigers are naturally good.

Immediately, under the leadership of Ye Wangsun, the three men flew directly towards the Tiger Clan stronghold. On the way, they met some fierce beasts. Ling Xiao directly waved all the solutions in his hand, and there was no delay.

In all directions from far away, Ling Xiao felt that there was a violent battle outbreak, but they were all outside the range of his mind, at least hundreds of miles apart, and he could feel it because of his understanding of the world. When approaching the realm of Wuwang.

However, Ling Xiao did not pay attention, but continued to move toward the stronghold of the Tigers. If he can kill a group of strong Tigers, I believe that those strong tigers who entered the Humans area will not be supported, and will be killed sooner or later. of.


The three of them roared through the wind and thundered along the way. Occasionally, they encountered some powerful Tiger people. They also quickly ran away after sensing the three, and the three did not catch up, but moved towards the destination.

One day later, Ling Xiao’s divine thought swept over a hundred miles in front, and suddenly found a huge palace on a mountain, but its style and style were different from the human race, and there were tigers outside the palace. That is the temporary stronghold of the Tiger people.

Sure enough, after more than ten breaths, the wild king Sun pointed in the direction of the palace and said, “Brother Ling Xiao, Donglai Brothers, and the temporary stronghold of the Tigers are in that direction. He is carrying a palace-style magic weapon. The stronghold is built on top of the mountain.”

This place is only twenty or thirty miles away from the Tiger Clan Palace, but the range of the intellect of the general strong people is only about twenty miles, so neither the wild king Sun nor Donglai has yet sensed the position of the palace, but Ling Xiao found that Someone in that palace flew into the air and was looking in the direction of three people.

“The other party discovered us within thirty miles. It seems that there should be tigers in the palace beyond the pinnacle of the strong, but they have not yet reached the level of the super strong, otherwise they should have discovered us within about fifty miles.” Ling Xiao thought secretly in his mind.

Soon, eight tiger-human strongmen rose from the direction of the palace. Among them, there were two peak strongmen, two strongmen close to the peak level, and the other four were senior martial arts.

“No, the Tigers found us.” After the distance between the two sides was close to twenty miles, the Ye Wangsun and Donglai were shocked at the same time, and found eight tigers strong in this direction.

Of course, at the same time, the eight Tiger Clan strongmen also found the three Ling Xiao. They again accelerated their speed and hurriedly came, and they could meet the three in a minute.

“There are eight strong Tigers, what should we do?” Ye Wang Sun looked a little ugly, and his injuries have not been fully recovered. Now he only barely maintains the strength of the peak strong, but he will definitely be able to Aggravated the injury.

“Retreat.” Ling Xiao’s eyes flashed to the two, and then the three of them quickly turned around and flew, but the figures of the Tigers had already appeared in sight, and the two headed powerhouses roared at the same time, both Speed ​​towards the three.

“These two are handed over to me, and the others are handed over to you.” After the three escaped for nearly ten miles, Ling Xiao suddenly yelled at the two, and then turned to pounce on the two top strong men of the Tiger tribe. Chased two miles away.



Ling Xiao turned around and threw up. The two powerful tigers grinned horribly. One of them suddenly turned into a claw and grabbed at Ling Xiao. The other swung with a huge fist and wanted to join forces. Hit Ling Xiao hard.

However, to their surprise, Ling Xiao’s left fist and right palm met two people at the same time. Two huge fist seals and one palm seal crashed into their attack, which directly collapsed their attack. The force of them struck them, causing their bodies to fly back a few steps while spitting out a bit of blood.

“No, this person is extremely powerful.”

“Be careful, the strength of this human race is not weaker than that of Tyrant Tiger.”

The two top powers of the Tiger Clan changed their faces~www.mtlnovel.com~ shouted at the same time, but Ling Xiao did not give them more opportunities, and they flew past and circled the two into the battlefield at the same time.


After a few breaths, the other six tigers also rushed to the scene, and Donglai and the wild king looked at each other, and at the same time roared at the tigers and launched fierce fighting with them.



Suddenly, a fierce battle broke out, and in the palace of the Tiger people in the distance, a strong tiger man jumped up instantly: “No, there are strong people beyond the peak of the human race, and several of them are in danger. I will rescue them.”

“Master Tiger, do you want to send a signal?” And there were a few tigers beside him, one of them asked loudly.

“Wait for my news, I will send it as soon as I let the signal go.” The tiger man responded, and the figure quickly went away.

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