Future Martial Arts Training Network

Chapter 360 - Scheming tiger

Ling Xiaoming knew that there would definitely be more tigers and strong guards at the Tiger’s Needy Origin Monument, knowing that there would definitely be a fierce battle and huge danger waiting for them, but he chose to go.

Not only Ling Xiao, but also forty-seven human clan strongmen, among which twelve super strong men and thirty-five pinnacle strong men also knew these, but they chose to go with Ling Xiao without hesitation.

The warriors must fight, and the destruction of the Tiger’s Needy Origin Monument is an opportunity to fight for chance. If they can succeed and survive, then the benefits they can get are unimaginable.

Of course, it is also possible to die in this battle, but which battle will not kill people, die on the martial road, and die at any time. Maybe this battle will die, but they can let them be known in East China. Because for centuries, the human race has never destroyed the supernatural origin monument of the alien race.

However, Ling Xiao did not take them directly to death. Since these people believed him, he should try to take them back to the human area safely after reaching his goal.

“It’s about 80 kilometers away from the Tiger’s Needy Origin Stone Monument. We will rest here for one night. Everyone strives to adjust their state to the best and prepare for the destruction of the Tiger People’s Monument in the future.”

After three days of driving, dozens of tigers were killed along the way, and Ling Xiao and his party finally came to a place not far from the Tiger’s Needy Origin Monument. He stopped everyone to rest.

“Thunder and Lightning, you go to this location to check the situation separately.” After everyone settled down to practice and adjust, Ling Xiao quietly ordered his spiritual pet to go to Tianbei to investigate the situation.

Now, after refining a large number of native spars, Ling Xiao’s five spirit pets have already reached the strength of being close to the super powerhouse, and the Thunder is fast and flying high, even the super powerhouse cannot catch it in the air. And will never doubt that it is a spiritual pet.

The lightning is small, faster than ordinary super powers on the ground, and can hide its own breath, and can monitor the situation from the ground close to the sky monument.

More importantly, after the enhancement of Ling Xiao’s mind, he can already scan to a range of seventy miles, and with the help of the connection of spiritual pets, then he can detect a farther distance, and it is not easy to be discovered by tigers. .

“Ling Xiao, do you think the Tigers will ambush a large number of strong men at the Need for the Origin?” Donglai came over to sit next to Ling Xiao. Only he in the entire team still called Ling Xiao’s name.

“We destroyed so many Tianren monuments and killed so many strong men during this time. It is estimated that they will send a strong guy to come and deal with us. And to deal with us, this superb origin Tianbei is the best position. Ling Xiao nodded and said.

“What if we don’t go? Wouldn’t they be able to deal with us?” Dong Lai asked doubtfully.

“This is Yangmou. Anyway, they want to protect the Need for Origin Stele, let us know that they have a lot of strong people there, and we will not go.”

“But I think the Tigers might not know how strong we are? Since this time, all the Tigers we met have been killed. Although the Tigers can guess that we have superpowers, I don’t necessarily know how many superpowers we have.” Donglai’s eyes lit up.

“Therefore, the Xeons arranged by the Tigers are either truly invincible or close to invincibles, and they will have this confidence to be able to deal with us and protect the ultimate origin monument.” Ling Xiao Laughed.

“What? The Tigers might send a real invincible strong to deal with us? Then shall we go to die? Or do you say you have…” Donglai was very shocked, but then he suddenly thought of something, staring at Ling with his eyes wide open. Xiao.

“You can rest assured, even if the Tigers sent the invincible strong, we have a chance, as long as they are not all invincible strong.” Ling Xiao did not admit anything, but patted his shoulder and said.

“Hahaha, although Donglai is not as good as them in the tribe, but knowing you in this life is the most correct thing.” Donglai haha ​​laughed.

After Donglai came back to practice with excitement, Ling Xiao sat on a mountain stone, away from other strong men of the human race, and continued to increase the control of the field, and beside him, the wind and thunder sword appeared and disappeared, and the sword The phantom of the world flashed from time to time on the tip.

Occasionally, Ling Xiao will swing his arms to make a boxing palm posture, and in his fists and palms, there are also world phantoms flashing, he is trying to integrate the field into the wind and thunder sword trick and fist magic.

Ling Xiao found that the field can not only be used to suppress the void and suppress the opponent, but also increase the power of various supernatural powers, so that various supernatural powers can be increased several times to a more powerful level.

Soon, Thunder and Lightning were close to the position of the sky stele. Thunder flies above the tens of thousands of meters, but with a pair of giant eyes, you can clearly see the mountains and rivers on the ground, as well as the tens of feet of the highest-quality origin stele. The figure of the tiger crossed his knees at the top of Tianbei.

Lightning, with the help of various terrains, trees, and rocks around Tianbei, quietly approached within five miles of the Tianbei, and circled around the Tianbei, allowing Ling Xiao to see the surrounding environment and the ambush tiger with his sight. The situation of strong people.

“Sure enough, it is only close to the invincible strong. It seems that the Tigers do not pay much attention to themselves. And there are only six super strongs, more than 20 peak strongs, and more than 100 ordinary strongs. Do Tigers think that they rely on Will this strength be able to deal with us?”

After roughly figuring out the number and strength of the tigers guarding the Need for Origin Monument, Ling Xiao was a little suspicious, and he allowed Thunder to continue to investigate around, but no other Tigers were found.

“Thunder, come back and fly over to the human race area to see it.” Ling Xiao’s heart moved, letting Lightning stay five miles away from Tianbei to monitor the movement there, and let Thunder return to check the situation.

“I didn’t expect the Tigers to lay a line of defense on the way back. Is this just a strong one? Isn’t it right? This should be used to intercept the few minority strongs who have escaped. It seems that the Tigers are planning to be in the best of origin. Most of us were besieged at the monument, and then these defensive lines were used to intercept the escape, and we wanted to leave us all in the Tigers area.”

It didn’t take long for Thunder to return and show Ling Xiao the situation within tens of miles of the future road, and after thinking about Ling Xiao, he finally understood the plan of the Tiger Clan.

“In this way, the Tigers are very confident in this near-invincible powerhouse. I believe that he can not only protect the Tianbei, but also be able to deal with me? Could this person be the fourth fairy tiger among the ten masters?”

An odd smile appeared on Ling Xiao’s face. It seemed that the Tigers didn’t know their true situation, but only determined their strength by killing several of the ten masters.

Moreover, Ling Xiao also roughly guessed the identity of the other party. It should be the fairy tiger among the ten invincible tigers after the three invincible strongmen. Only this infinitely close invincible strongman will make the tigers have such great confidence. .

However, although there is only a difference between near invincibility and true invincibility, the strength is far from the world. The Tiger Clan thinks that it can deal with the strong human clan, but it does not know that the metamorphosis of Ling Xiao has been transformed.

“I don’t know if the Tiger Clan loses another strong man who is close to invincibility, will he regret it?” Ling Xiao thought secretly, as long as he had the opportunity, he would not only destroy the Tiger Man’s Celestial Monument, but also to kill this immortal tiger close to invincibility. It is believed that the power of luck gained by killing the fairy tiger will not be less.

Speaking of Ling Xiao, he is the nemesis of the Tigers. Four of the ten masters have been killed by him. If he kills the fairy tiger again, it will kill half of the young Tianjiao, and other strong humans may kill some more. Maybe this time the territory battlefield opens, there will not be a few of the top ten tigers.

Of course, I am afraid that there are not only these ten strong young tigers. Among them, there must be some talents who are not weaker than the ten heroes, and who have gained great opportunities in the battlefield of the territory.

After Ling Xiao cleared the plan of the Tiger Clan, he no longer thought much, but closed his eyes to adjust his state until he returned to the peak state, and the night passed.

“Several of you hide the breath first, and then look for the opportunity to kill the Tigers’ super powers, and then siege the other Tigers’ powers. When I kill the tigers’ powers, we will destroy the Tianbei.” Ling Xiao Let Donglai wait for the five super powerhouses to hide their breath and mix in with the top powerhouses to act.

Afterwards, a team of dozens of people quickly moved towards the Tiger’s Needy Origin Monument, although they were separated by eighty miles, but for a group of people who were all above the peak powerhouse, it was only about ten minutes away.


When a group of people entered the forty-mile range, the fairy tiger sitting on the sky monument suddenly opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the people flying, and then gave a low roar.

“Master Xianhu, but the strong human race is coming?” A super strong tiger who guarded not far away immediately flew over and asked.

“There are more than forty human clan strong people, and the speed is extremely fast. It will arrive here in about five minutes. The order will continue, and everyone will be ready to fight.” Xianhu shouted coldly.


Suddenly, the Tigers and strong men took action. Six super powers were in the front, more than 20 peak powers were in the back, and more than 100 ordinary powers were distributed in the Sifang, about five miles from the Tianbei.


The fairy tiger thought for a while, and suddenly left the sky above the sky stele, screaming through the space, and rushed towards the direction of the human race. He wanted to place the decisive battlefield away from the sky stele.

“Several of you stayed nearby, if there is danger, you will immediately be alerted, and others will kill the enemy with Master Xianhu.” Immediately, several super powerfuls rushed forward, leaving only a dozen ordinary powerfuls in the sky. Alert near the stele.

“Everyone should pay attention that the Tiger Clan has taken the initiative to kill us. According to the previous plan, the Tiger Clan super power will be calculated first, and then the main force to kill the other party will be the main force. The strong poisoned.”

When the fairy tiger flew into the sky and flew towards the human race, Ling Xiao sensed it, and he immediately made arrangements, the crowd of strong people immediately split up, seven super powers and five hidden super powers Rushing to the front, the other top powerhouses follow closely behind.


At the speed of Ling Xiao and the fairy tiger, they soon met in front of everyone. The fairy tiger gave a roar and immediately hit with a claw, and Ling Xiao also wanted to test the strength of the other party, punching out with 30% strength.


Above 10,000 meters above sea level, the two figures were separated by kilometers, but the attacks from both sides collided together, and then there was a loud noise, and the huge aftermath of energy swept the Quartet, causing the two to step back a few steps.

Although Ling Xiao only used 30% of his strength, he also surpassed the attacking power of the super powerhouse, and the opponent’s fairy tiger did not do his best, but 70% of his strength was still used, so the two sides were somewhat equal.

“Only 50% of the strength is needed, which is enough to crush the other party. It seems that the gap between the real invincible strong and the invincible strong is still very large.” Ling Xiao felt enlightened in his heart and tested the strength of the other. , He didn’t panic anymore.

“Who are you? Which force from the human race?”

And thousands of kilometers away from Ling Xiao, the fairy tiger was also shocked. The other party could easily take his 70% strength blow. It seems that the real strength is not weaker than himself. This is a powerful enemy, but the tiger There is no news of this person in the human race’s intelligence, so he frowned and asked.

“Under Ling Xiao, a tribe from Donghua Realm, I am afraid that you Tigers don’t have my information?” At this level, Ling Xiao naturally no longer needs to hide his name, so frankly, of course, hide his own Tribal information.

“It seems that we have been careless, but your courage is not small, and you dared to run to our Tiger Terran area to destroy multiple Origin Stones? Are you so confident in your strength?”

Xianhu looked at the bottom while talking, he has found that the human race, although there is one more super strong than the tiger race, but the number is much smaller, so as long as he can drag or beat Ling Xiao, the tiger race has Hope to leave these strong human race.

Seven super powers, more than 30 peak powers, such a human power, let them grow up, enough to build a few royal cities, if you can kill all of these human powers here, then you can greatly Weakened the power of the human race.

“I have long heard that the Tigers have ten masters, but it’s a pity that it’s not good? To be honest, it’s not a lot of effort to kill those few, I don’t know if you can make me more effort?” Ling Xiao some Lazily speaking, he is also paying attention to the following movements, the strong of the human race and the tiger race are close.


Soon, the Terran Powerhouse and the Tiger Terran Powerhouse collided. Two of the Terran Seven Super Powerhouses, two of them rushed to the same Tiger Terrane Powerhouse, and the other five faced one Tiger Terrane Powerhouse.


However, just after the battle began, when the other human powerhouses rushed to the tiger powerhouses, the five pinnacle powerhouses rushed to the battlefield of the superpowerhouses, and they sneaked into the tigerland superpowerhouses in an instant. Out of the strength of the super strong.


Continuous screams sounded, at least three tiger super powers were attacked and hit hard, the other two tiger super powers were also slightly injured, only one tiger power was suppressed by two human powers. Can’t resist because of parry.


Ling Xiao’s plan succeeded, and the Human Super Power, who seriously injured the Tiger Super Power, did not continue to fight, but immediately pulled out and pounced on the Tiger Power’s peak power, allowing more Human Power’s peak power to free up Come to attack the ordinary strong of the Tigers.


The strong Tigers roared and turned into giant tigers, fighting with many strong humans, but the number of super strongs differed too much, and soon the Tigers continued to be killed.

“Everyone pay attention, don’t push forward, fight steadily.” Dong Lai shouted, punching the ordinary Tigers around him with a punch, and then slammed a peak Tigers.

Because there are too many Tigers, in order to avoid someone rushing to the Tigers and besieged behind them, the human race strongman has long planned to entangle the tiger superpower first, but after stabilizing the front, kill the tiger people with superior strength While helping each other to avoid casualties.


Of course, after the Tiger Clan found that the situation was wrong, they immediately rushed to adopt the same endless play. Some people who were severely hit and unable to withdraw, chose to explode to hurt the Clan.


A human race peak power was rushed back more than two hundred meters by the tiger power of the tiger power, and he spit out a blood. The killing of the tiger power caused him to be hit hard, and the body was bloody.

But he didn’t panic. He suddenly took out a jade bottle from his body, then drank the life spirit in the jade bottle, and suddenly a huge vital force merged into his body, quickly repairing his injury, just a few After a breath, he recovered.

In the entire battlefield, the strong human races dare to rush to kill ~www.mtlnovel.com~ There are even some people who specialize in dealing with the tigers to replace the injured, pay a certain price to kill the other party, and wait until the injury is serious , Then retreated to the rear to drink life spirits to recover the injury, and then re-entered the war with the peak strength.


The powerful tigers continued to suffer casualties, making the fairy tiger’s face gloomy in the air, and suddenly roared to launch an attack. The rolling sound was like overturning the void, and it continued to shake in the ears of Ling Xiao.


Ling Xiao was naturally fearless. He shouted, just like the coming of Thor, a sonic wave also turned into a tornado and attacked the fairy tiger. The sky was trembling, and it spread to dozens of miles away.


The fairy tiger spreads all his strength, and the blood and smoke on his body stand like a pillar in the sky, with a powerful field prototype, and the mountains and the sea are generally crushed in the direction of Ling Xiao. This is except for his real body. The full strength of the erupted.

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