Future Martial Arts Training Network

Chapter 368 - Core battle

“Brother Haoran, is that senior deacon the strong of your warlord city? Just why he stared at me and laughed?” After leaving the hall, Ling Xiao asked the warlord Haoran.

“Oh, that is the head of the twelve deacons, and it is also one of my uncles. By the way, his name is Zhuanghuang Lingtian, you should know why he is interested in you?” Zhanhuang Haoran Answer with a smile.

“It turns out that he is the predecessor of Emperor Lingtian. Will he be annoyed that I broke his record?” Ling Xiao suddenly suddenly asked immediately.

“Of course not. Uncle Wang is the pinnacle of Wuwang, and he is only one step away from the realm of Wuhuang. How can he bother you because of this little thing? I think he appreciates you a bit.

By the way, my cousin and the emperor have seen you before, this is the uncle’s daughter, if you are interested, I am willing to take a line to you to ensure that Uncle Lingtian will be very satisfied with your son-in-law. “Zhan Huang Hao Ran actually made a joke about Ling Xiao.”

“Thank you Haoran for your kindness, but I already have someone in my heart and can no longer hold on to others.” Ling Xiao shook his head, knowing that he was only kidding, but he still explained seriously.

Zhanhuang Haoran didn’t go on. He also knew that the warrior was determined to be strong, and many people were not willing to have too many obstacles, including like he was in his 40s and had no idea of ​​getting married for the time being.

Soon after, Ling Xiao followed the three people to leave the Sapphire Palace, and found a secluded place. The Emperor Wong Wuji took out a palace artifact with a wave of his hand and fell into a medium-sized palace on a hilltop.

After the four of them entered the palace, the Emperor Dongwu waved his hand and closed the gate of the palace. The main reason was to prevent the things they discussed from being perceived by others, because the palace came with a variety of magic circles, including the magic circle to isolate the mind and explore.

Of course, with the current strength status of these four invincible powerhouses, no one from the surrounding human race powerhouses will come to detect them, just in case, the emperor Wuji did so.

In fact, the powers of the three minds of Donghuang Wuji are all about to break through to the realm of King Wu, but they suppressed Xiu Wei from breaking through, so Shennian failed to break through.

Ling Xiao is a freak. His cultivation practice is at a level that can be broken through at the same time as the three. However, his mental strength has long reached the level of the junior martial king, just like his physical body.

“Brother Ling Xiao, we know that you must have a lot of questions about the core battlefield. Now you can ask them. As long as we know, we can tell you.” When the four people sat down, the emperor was free to ask. Ling Xiao nodded and said that the other two also nodded one after another.

“The territory battlefield is projected from the four adjacent small worlds. Only the powerful new race martial arts can enter the battle. This is what I heard before entering the territory battlefield, but now I find that it is not only the warlord realm. The strong can enter, and even the elders of the Wuhuang realm can enter, so why hasn’t there been a battle of the strongmen above the realm of Wuwang?” Ling Xiao thought and asked.

“Donghua Realm and neighboring Husha Realm, Blue Ocean Realm, and Hessian Realm jointly projected to form the domain battlefield. At the same time, the wills of these four small worlds enveloped the domain battlefield. The rules formulated by them are to achieve The strong in the realm of King Wu is not allowed to shoot, otherwise it will be destroyed by the will of the world.” Wu Huang Zhantian said solemnly.

“Can even the powerful of the Emperor Wu Realm destroy the will of the world?” Ling Xiao asked.

“Yes, I heard that three hundred years ago, an invincible strongman of the Hai clan died in the hands of the dark elf clan, causing a war between the two martial warriors and strongmen, and finally even a pair of martial warriors and strongmen. The will will be suppressed together, and two martial arts strongmen and more than ten martial arts strongmen will be killed on the spot.” Zhanhuang Haoran said solemnly.

“I think the cultivation of the three brothers has reached a time when they can break through at any time. Is the reason not to break through now, for this reason?” Ling Xiao nodded.

“We are not breaking through now, but we will break through as soon as we enter the core battlefield. The core battlefield is actually the part where the four small worlds project together, that is, the part where the projections of the four small worlds intersect, forming a special domain, King Wu. The strong above the realm cannot enter, but after the invincible strong enters, it can break through to the Wuwang realm.” Donghuang Wuji explained.

“In this way, the competition in the core battlefield will be even more fierce, so what do we have to fight for after entering? Can’t we just fight for the pure race?” Ling Xiao asked again.

“Since the core battlefield is the common projection part of the four small worlds, there will be more kinds of treasures in the material, but we are invincible strong or Wu Wang strong fight, mainly Wang Jingyuan and Huang Yuanyuan crystal.

Among them, Wang-level source crystal is the thing required for the training of the powerful king of the Wuwang realm, and it also helps the Wusheng strongman to break through to the Wuwang realm; and the imperial source crystal is the important item required for the Wuwang strong to break through the Wuhuang realm. “Zhan Huang Haoran said in a deep voice.

“Of course, competing for resources is the main thing, but killing aliens is also important. It is important to know that only the pinnacle strong can enter the core battlefield, and each pinnacle strong is a new force that each clan hopes to break into the realm of Wuwang, super strong Not to mention the strong and the invincible strong.

If you can kill enough strong aliens in the core battlefield, you can greatly weaken the strength of the aliens and reduce the number of martial arts strongmen in the future, especially killing the strongmen above the alien superpowers, you can also capture the aliens. The power of luck. “Wuhuang Zhantian added.”

“So, what is the basic situation in the core battlefield?” Ling Xiao asked carefully.

“The core battlefield is formed by the projection of the four small worlds, so the rules inside are staggered, and they have a great suppression on Xiuwei and Shennian. Even the destructive power of the Wu Wang strong inside is not as good as the destruction we are outside now. force.

Second, the gravity of the core battlefield is greater than the outside. Some places even have hundreds of times of gravity, and some places even have chaos due to the influence of different world projections.

Third, the core battlefield is only 100,000 square kilometers in size, but only the super strong can fly, and the flight speed is a hundred times slower than the outside world. Even if we or the strong of the Wuwang realm, the flight speed is greatly reduced, so the movement speed is fast. Can’t get up.

Fourth, there are king-level fierce beasts in the core battlefield, and they are bloodthirsty and mad beasts. They like killing very much. It is said that every time the strong people of various races enter the core battlefield, nearly half of them are killed by various beasts. Only about half of the strong men killed by killing each other among all ethnic groups.

In addition, after entering the core battlefield, everyone’s luck dragon will automatically appear, and the colors of the luck dragons of different races are different. When encountering alien race luck dragons, even the dragon battle will actively take place, so in addition to the same race In addition, there will be scuffles between the various races. “

Donghuang Wuji slowly introduced Ling Xiao to the details of the core battlefield one by one. Of course, they also learned from the information provided by the Donghuajie Conference Hall, but they have already read these materials and are very familiar with them. .

“Should all races have a map of the core battlefield?” Ling Xiao asked.

“According to the map drawn by the strong man who returned from the core battlefield every time, the terrain of the core battlefield will change every time, except for the position of the most central domain boundary mountain, the surrounding terrain environment will change every time.

More importantly, after entering the core battlefield, the strong positions of all races are random, and may even appear beside aliens or fierce beasts, so from entering the core battlefield, everything is chaotic and has the highest mortality rate. when. “Warlord Haoran shook his head and said.

“In this way, only the strong who survived the initial chaos and survived will be eligible to go to the most central Yujie Mountain. Then the king-level source crystal and the emperor-level source crystal we are fighting for should both be on Yujie Mountain. Right?” Ling Xiao’s face also dignified, if this is the case, I am afraid that the strong people of all races will be seriously injured as soon as they enter.

“This is the case, but some people may have very good luck, and they will come near Yujie Mountain when they enter. As long as they avoid the surrounding beasts and aliens, they can quickly enter Yujie Mountain and look for opportunities.” Wuhuang Zhantian Nodded.

“That’s useless. Even if you first get into the Yujie Mountain and get a lot of resources, you might still be robbed or even killed by other powerful people, so the most important thing is the strength and luck.”

Ling Xiao understands the rules of the core battlefield. In addition to fighting against the same clan, there is no advantage. There is a competitive relationship between the various clan. This can also avoid the other clan to unite against the clan strong.

“According to our understanding, the Tigers have three invincible strongmen, and the Dark Elves also have three invincible strongmen, but the sea clan has five branches: fish, shark, jellyfish, Jiao, and turtle. Invincible strong, so they have the greatest advantage.

However, the sea clan and the dark elf clan are dead enemies, and our human clan and the tiger clan are dead enemies. Although we also have battles with the sea clan and the dark elf clan, we generally don’t deliberately target it unless we are fighting for some natural materials and treasures. . Donghuang Wuji continued.

“So, after the few of us enter the core battlefield, the most important thing is not to go to Yujie Mountain to compete for resources, but to gather the surrounding human powers first, kill the alien powers, and then lead them to Yujie Mountain?” Ling Xiao thought about it and asked.

“It’s right to gather the strong men of the same race first, but you don’t have to take them all to Yujie Mountain. Anyone who doesn’t break through to Wuwang Realm will be dangerous even if they go to Yujie Mountain. Instead, they will involve us, so they can be accompanied by the outside. Looking for opportunities.” Zhan Huang Haoran shook his head.

“Then we have a way to get in touch immediately after entering the core battlefield? If everyone can contact each other, then the time for us to gather the same clan will be greatly reduced, and the loss of the human clan will be less.” Ling Xiao asked.

“The same race can only sense each other through the dragon of luck. The more powerful the dragon of luck, the greater the range it can sense, and it can attract the dragon of luck of the same race, and guide the direction of the strong human race.” Dong Huang Wuji said.

“In this way, I am afraid that only the top strong people who are close to the super strong people will have a way to live. The probability that ordinary peak strong people will enter the core battlefield will not be too high.” Ling Xiao said with exclamation.

“Yes, so at least all the races entering the core battlefield will be the pinnacles that are close to the super powers. The general pinnacles will not let them in, but every time the entered strongs lose one, it is for all races. It’s all a huge loss.” Wu Huang Zhantian also sighed.

“So how many strong people of our human race are going to enter the core battlefield? What is the survival probability of entering the core battlefield every time in the past?” Ling Xiao asked.

“According to statistics, according to voluntary principles, there are a total of 386 human race strongmen who are eligible to enter the core battlefield this time, of which 72 are super strongmen, and 310 are close to the peak of the super strongmen. .

According to the statistics of the past five hundred years, every time the human race strongman who comes back alive after entering the core battlefield, the invincible strongman has no loss, the super strongman has 20% death, and the peak strongman has nearly 50% death. . “Emperor Dong said with impunity.”

Ling Xiao was silent after hearing this, with such a high casualty rate, and all of them are hopeful to become Wu Wang strong in the future. I am afraid no matter what kind of people they can’t afford to lose.

However, the resources of all circles are limited, and the struggle of all races is endless. Whether it is the strong king of the Wuwang realm, or the strongmen of other realms, there will be countless deaths and injuries in the battle. Only the last one can become the strongest.

“Brother Ling Xiao, you don’t have to worry about them. I heard from the grandfather that the human race is a weak race among the worlds, and the competition with the races is very fierce and brutal. Every day, there are countless strong people in the race. Sacrifice in battle.

Even if we are people, although we can survive this time, there are countless battles waiting for us in the future. Whether we die in this battle or die in the future, we are fighting for the prosperity of the human race. , Is better than living for hundreds of years. “

When Emperor Wutian saw Ling Xiao’s face a little somber~ www.mtlnovel.com~ patted him on the shoulder and said that the pride and ambition immediately infected Ling Xiao, remembering the experience of fighting with many aliens on the earth, He understands that if the human race is to be strong, it must continue to fight, and the battle will inevitably have sacrifices.

“I can figure it out, but if possible, we still try to help as many human race strongmen survive. I have some life spirits here, which can allow the human race strongmen who are preparing to enter the core battlefield to exchange the original spar, Each person is limited to two drops. Of course, a few brothers don’t need it. I gave it to everyone.”

Ling Xiao thought about it, and suddenly said to the three people, and this is the greatest help he can do for the strong people of the human race. Two drops of life spirit per person on the body are equivalent to two more lives, as long as it is not instantly After killing and swallowing, you can quickly return to the peak state.

Ling Xiao said while taking out three jade bottles, and flicked to three people. Each jade bottle contained five drops of gold life spirit, which allowed them to return to their peak state five times in battle.

Of course, Ling Xiao estimated that the three of them should also have other celestial potions, some of which are not even worse than life spirits, but this is his attitude. After all, the three are very enthusiastic about him, especially for the core battlefield. There is nothing to hide.

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